Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (40 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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“Jesus, Joe. Steady on mate.” She
placed her palms flat against his chest. She was struck again at the definition
of his physique and hard plains of his torso.


He leaned back into the booth and
Rachel could see his obvious arousal as the crotch of his jeans strained to
contain his rock hard erection. He made no move to hide it from her and Rachel
was taken aback by how much this man wanted her.


“You’ve gone from hurling insults
at me in your office to seducing me with delicious food, wine and smooth moves
in a very short space of time, Joe. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.”


“Definitely coming, I hope.”


“And then you make remarks like
that and it’s getting on my fucking nerves. Are you having me on?”


“Rachel, you talk in riddles. I’m
no poet, but I say things as I see them. You see this?” he grabbed his crotch,
“I’d say it speaks for itself. You’re a beautiful woman; you have a brain, and
a truly impressive vocabulary, much of which I’ve never heard before. The fact
that you curse like a truck driver when you’re mad or stressed is so hot, and
your tits are incredible. Is that having you on, whatever the fuck that means?”


“Fuck me, Joe!” she cursed in
response to his remarks.


“That’s the plan Rachel. Just not


“Oh god this is mad…everything I
say you twist to your own advantage. What are we doing?”


“I’m taking you home.”


“Oh” Rachel looked and sounded
distinctly disappointed and more than a little pissed off.


Joe chuckled. “My home sweetheart.
My bed, my hot tub, my shower, my fucking balcony for all I care. Just come
home with me, please.”


Rachel smiled at him, looking
relieved and decidedly happier. “Get the bill, bossman. Now.”




“Do you ever get confused driving on the left?” Rachel asked
Joe watching him so at ease behind the wheel of his Bugatti.


“Not really – it would be different if the car was a left
hand drive but it all feels quite natural. The roads are very small –
that’s more frustrating. And New York City is set out like a grid so you can’t
really get lost. London is a bloody maze!”


“You seem to know where you’re going though.”


“Yeah, well. I have a good memory and the Range Rover has a
G…sorry Sat Nav, so I use that a lot.”


Rachel smiled as Joe switched from the more popular American
term of GPS to the English use of Sat Nav. She vaguely recalled having
mentioned it to him previously and was quite pleased he’d remembered. She felt
quite relaxed in his company tonight and as he eased the Veyron into a parking
space next to the Range Rover in the underground garage of his apartment block,
Rachel found herself eagerly anticipating the rest of the evening.


Pausing before getting out the car, Joe placed a hand on
Rachel’s arm indicating she should also wait a minute. Clearing his throat he
obviously had something to say, but to Rachel’s amusement was having a hard
time getting the words out.


“I, um, just want to make sure you’re ok with this…”


“This?” she probed.


“Yes, us.”


“I’m ok Joe. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”


Joe was quiet for a moment, clearly not comfortable with the
next part of the conversation.


“It’s just; well I know you were married for a long time.
Happily, from what I can gather; and we’ve been moving a little fast…I just
wanted to be sure you were over Nate before we, you know…take things all the
way.” Joe looked at her then, searching her face for any doubts; hoping to god
she wouldn’t change her mind. There was something between them of that he was
sure and it wasn’t just sex. No one was more surprised than he was to find that
he was nervous at the prospect of a relationship and it made him feel
vulnerable; not something Joe could ever remember feeling before. It intrigued
and scared him in equal measures.


Rachel was losing her self in the depths of Joe’s penetrating
look. His grey eyes shone with hope and desire and Rachel was melting under the
scrutiny but something greater was niggling at her. Joe was under the
impression that he was going to be her first after Nate; she’s not sure why he
thought that; perhaps because she hadn’t given him any reason to suspect she’d
already been with anyone else. She knew now was the time to tell him about Luc;
honesty was the best policy after all, but she didn’t know Joe well enough to
predict how he would react. What she’d had with Luc was precious but she was
fairly certain Joe would find it hard to understand the age difference thing
and she didn’t want to be put in the position for having to justify sleeping
with Luc. Rachel had her own reasons for keeping it secret from her girls, and
she didn’t want to tarnish the memory of something she valued deeply.


On the other hand, she knew Joe well enough to suspect that if
he found out she’d lied to him, he wouldn’t take it at all well. Yet she wasn’t
really lying; just omitting information that was actually none of his business.
Rachel would tell him in her own time when she thought it was relevant or
appropriate, meanwhile she was keen to put his mind at rest.


“I said I was ok with it Joe, now please can we go inside.” She
leaned over and brushed her lips over his leaving him in no doubt of what she
wanted. Tugging his lower lip with her teeth she felt his lips curl under hers
in to a big grin. “Come on smug boy – lead me to the Lion’s Den!”


Joe laughed and gracefully raised himself out from the low seat
of his Veyron whilst Rachel was struggling somewhat in her heels and tight
jeans. Huffing, she allowed Joe to help her out giving him free rein to grab
her arse in the process. Smacking his hands away she rummaged around in her bag
for her iPhone. “Just need to call the girls and let them know where I am.”


“You may want to warn them not to expect you home.”


“Oh, like that’s not awkward! This is so not a conversation I
ever thought I’d be having.”


“Do it now Rachel, or I’ll call them myself.” Joe was getting
impatient and growly. Rachel was quite excited by Growly Joe, but she wasn’t
getting any signal in the basement parking area. Once they’d reached his home
she excused her self to the guest loo by the front door and called home.


“Mum!” Jess picked up on the first ring.


“Hi Jess. Is Lucy there too?”


“Yup – just putting you on speaker phone. Why are you


“I’m at Joe’s”


“Oh my god!” they both cried in unison.


“Listen, I know this is a bit awkward but…”


“You’re not coming home.” Lucy finished Rachel’s sentence for


“Er, no; maybe not until tomorrow. I’m not sure yet. Oh god,
I’m cringing having this conversation with you, but I didn’t want you to


“Mummy, are you sure this is what you want?” Lucy asked
quietly. Rachel’s heart swelled with love for her children. The fact that they
were concerned for her feelings rather than upset that she was going to be with
someone who was not their Dad was such a gracious gesture, Rachel felt
immediately guilty about Luc all over again. But Joe was different; he could
potentially be relationship material and she wanted to be very clear from the
off so the girls understood.


“I am.” Rachel stated with no need for elaboration at this
point. She had to sound certain in order for her girls not to worry.


Jess continued. “Well, no one wants to think about their mother
having sex. But; oh; my; god Mum, if you’re going to do it I can’t think of
anyone more fuckable than Joe!”


“Jess!” Rachel hissed and turned beetroot red. She could hear
Lucy smacking her sister followed by peals of laughter.


“Have a fabulous night Mother dear and please, please spare us
the details Euww!” Lucy teased. Rachel smiled shaking her head as they rung
off. Despite Lucy’s warning, she knew they’d question her relentlessly for all
but the most intimate information.


Walking down the hallway of Joe’s home, Rachel reached the open
living room. Joe was standing with his back to her looking out the wall length
window over Regent’s Park. He had removed his jacket and gotten himself a drink
while she had been gone. Rachel was transfixed by the play of the muscles in
his back as he twirled the amber liquid of his drink. The clink of the ice
against the sides of the crystal glass tumbler in his left hand sounded


“Got a drink for me Joe?” she enquired her tones soft in the
quiet of the night. The room was dimly from a table lamp and the street lights
outside creating a sultry atmosphere. Joe held out his hand to her and she
joined him by the window. He held his glass to her lips and she sipped at his
drink. It was a strangely intimate and sexy gesture enhanced by the taste of
the honey coloured alcohol.


“Hmm, what is that?”


“Jack Daniels. Bourbon.”


Rachel licked her lips as Joe placed an arm around her waist
and pulled her close. She stood like that her back to his front sharing his
drink. It was relaxing and Rachel appreciated Joe’s attempt to make her feel
comfortable in his home and not pressured at all.


“I like your flat.”


“Flat what?”


Rachel giggled. “Are you being serious?”


A low rumble from Joe’s chest vibrated deliciously against her


“If you mean my apartment, then thank you.”


“Why did you choose Regent’s Park; it’s not the first location
I’d have thought of. Kensington; Richmond; even nearer the City?”


“I like it here. It’s really central and they close the park at
midnight so it’s quiet at night. I can sometimes hear the animals in the zoo
over the road.”


“And your Embassy is just around the bend up there.”


“Yeah – although I haven’t been invited over yet!”


Now Rachel really was unsure if he was being serious or not?


“The ambassador is a family friend as it so happens – my
father represented him many years ago and they remained close.” Rachel was
impressed. Joe tightened his hold on her and she felt his head dip to kiss the
side of her neck. She sighed as he licked and nipped at the sensitive skin
there and his hand opened to splay warmly against her stomach. Rachel pushed
back into him appreciating the feel of his rigid length against her bottom.


“That feels so nice.”


“Again with the nice. Nice wasn’t really what I was going for
Rachel.” Joe muttered still into the crook of her neck.


“Then you’ll have to try harder mate.”


Knowing Joe was never one to back down from a challenge, Rachel
risked taunting him a little bit. He dropped his hand and took a step back
leaving her slightly unbalanced on her heels. The affect of the alcohol relaxed
her but a subtle tension had crept into the room as Joe still hadn’t responded
to her remark. Turning towards him, Rachel detected a shift in his mood. His
grey eyes were dark and predatory and his body language suggested she was going
to very much regret describing anything to do with Joe as ‘nice.” Despite the
threat rolling off him, Rachel’s breathing sped up and her thong dampened as her
lower half throbbed with desire. A flush crept up from her toes and she braced
herself for Menacing Joe.




“Nice? What kind of bullshit comment was that?” Joe yelled. She
was completely exasperating – wanting to go slow
with Rachel was proving challenging to
say the least when all he really wanted to do was slam her up against a wall
and ram into her until she screamed his name coming around his fucking cock.
“Nice; god damn it. I Am. Not. Nice” and he was about to prove it.


Reaching out he fisted the front of her blouse and yanked her
forward into his chest. He heard a loud ‘oof’ escape her lips but feeling her
hands grip his shoulders only confirmed to him that she was willing to take
whatever he had in mind. He slammed his mouth on to hers and thrust his tongue
deep; she tasted delectably of bourbon and something else uniquely Rachel and
his dick swelled with every sweep of his tongue. He pulled back slightly
tugging her bottom lip between his teeth and she dug her nails into his
shoulders protesting the halt of his kiss.


Rachel jibed grinding her hips into his crotch. Joe growled and laced his
fingers through hers practically dragging them across the room to one of the
two low square tan leather couches. They complemented the oak wood floor and
natural coloured décor creating a neat and comfortable space. So far the only
personal touches were photos of his kids and family scattered over much of a
huge oak wood coffee table and fire mantelpiece. Rachel made all these observations
in the few short seconds it took for Joe to have her flat on her back on one of
the couches towering over her. He slowly undid his shirt revealing his
magnificent upper body that never failed to turn Rachel’s insides to mush. She
lifted her hand to run it over his abs but he batted it away before she could
connect with his skin, the movement made all the muscles in his torso ripple
and Rachel sighed with pure joy.

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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