Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (41 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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“Getting nicer all the time bossman.”


One side of Joe’s mouth lifted in amusement as he shrugged out
of his shirt. He moved closer as he undid his fly button by button and kicked
off his loafers followed swiftly by the jeans. He pulled off his socks until
all that was left was a pair of tight black Calvin Kleins that did nothing to
conceal the huge bulge at his crotch. With one knee he nudged Rachel’s legs
open and knelt between her thighs; he could smell her arousal and it was all
the motivation he needed. Placing his right hand under her left knee Joe lifted
her leg so he could settle in close and resume his assault on her mouth.
Plunging his tongue in her mouth
mimicking the grinding of his groin against the crotch of her jeans soon had
Rachel moaning and clawing her hands through Joe’s hair causing him to grunt at
the sharp spikes of pain she inflicted. It only enhanced his excitement and he
desperately needed to be inside of her soon or he was in dire danger of coming
in his shorts and ruining the whole fucking experience. Literally.


“Bedroom” Joe announced before scooping Rachel into his arms
and striding through the apartment with her clutching his back whispering
‘hurry’ into his ear, her warm breath spurring him on.


“Jesus” he hissed depositing Rachel on to his king size bed and
climbing on over her, he’d never been so turned on in his life.


“Clothes off!” he commanded trying to negotiate the buttons on
her shirt but his big fingers weren’t deft enough and his patience was fast
depleting. Clutching the flimsy fabric in both hands he pulled the blouse apart
sending the little cold buttons scattering over his bed covers. Rachel gasped
then laughed as she lifted her back to unclasp her bra. Joe took a moment to
appreciate how sexy she looked as her tits sprang free begging for his
attention. Naturally, he obliged immediately by running his thumbs over her
dark nipples. Feeling them harden under his touch and watching the expression
of bliss cross Rachel’s features, he rolled them and pinched them until she was
writhing beneath him tugging his underwear down his thighs.


As he struggled to get her jeans off Rachel slipped a hand
between their two bodies and cupped his balls. Joe jerked and groaned pausing
in his task of relieving her of the rest of her clothes to enjoy her touch. He
rested his forehead on her shoulder and sighed deeply as she caressed, tugged
and stroked causing his cock to jerk and swell. Rachel wasn’t hesitant in her
touch, which surprised yet excited Joe.


“Feels so
he teased her.


“You seriously want to wind me up while I have my hand around
your bollocks, Mr Mason?”


“I love it when you talk dirty, Mrs Renton!”


Rachel squeezed a little too hard and Joe grunted in protest.
Rachel let out a snort but continued to hold on to him as she wriggled out of
her jeans and underwear using one leg to push the other one down. She toed off
her shoes hearing them thump to the floor. Joe kicked off his briefs careful
not to cause himself any more damage in Rachel’s grasp. She tugged him again
and felt his rigid shaft prod her in the stomach and Joe’s hand cover hers.


“That’s enough of that now sweetheart. Lie back and let me look
at you.” Joe kneeled up on the bed and placed Rachel’s arms above her head.
Instructing her to leave them there he took an ankle in each hand and spread
them about a foot apart.


“I don’t want you to move, or speak unless I say you can.”
Joe’s voice was quiet yet stern and Rachel’s eyes widened at the request. Her
breathing quickened and she was so wet she could feel her juices run down her
thighs. She nodded her acquiescence feeling a little like one of the fictional
characters in one of her erotic novels. A giggle escaped her before she could
stop it, partially from nerves but also from the reality of her situation. Here
she was lying in Joe Mason’s bed being told what to do by the man himself sporting
the biggest erection she’d ever seen. The giggle turned swiftly into a loud
gasp as Joe slipped a finger into her with no warning.


“Fuck!” Rachel clamped her hand over her mouth.


“You’re not very good at this game are you Rachel? That was
both speaking and moving.”


Rachel pressed her lips together tightly and tensed her body
trying to make a good impression and play by Joe’s rules. All the while the
incessant throbbing in her clit was driving her to distraction. Joe removed his
fingers from her pussy. “So wet for me,” he murmured inhaling the scent of her
deeply then shocking her by sucking on his glistening hand and humming his
pleasure. Rachel had never seen anything so erotic in her life and her skin
prickled in anticipation of what was next on Joe’s list of most tormenting
moments in sex ever.


Having Rachel in his bed, spread out like his next meal was
Joe’s idea of heaven. She had no idea how fucking sexy she looked all flushed
with arousal and wide eyed with anticipation. His instinct was to climb on top
of her and fuck her hard and fast giving them both some much needed relief, but
his alpha male had kicked in and he needed to prove his credentials in bed were
just as impressive as his skills in the board room. He had known Rachel wasn’t
very good with authority and having her take instruction from him in bed was
costing her dearly. He was hoping all the pent up frustration would work in his
benefit once he let her have her way. Now though he was enjoying playing with


Joe sucked the last of Rachel’s juices off his fingers and
smiled as he laid himself on top of her. He settled his mouth over hers making
her taste herself on him. It didn’t seem to faze her as her tongue darted out
to meet his in a frenzy of licking, swiping and thrusting leaving him in no
doubt as to her desire. He licked his way down her neck to her throat and then
the valley between her breasts where he could feel her rapid heart beat. Their
fingers were entwined above Rachel’s head leaving only Joe’s mouth to explore her
skin and he soon learnt where she was most sensitive when her hips jerked in
protest. He tormented those spots a few times just so she would push against
him savouring the feel of her soft warm skin against his straining cock.


Untangling their hands Joe brushed his fingertips down the
insides of her arms across her armpits and down her ribcage. Rachel couldn’t
help sighing with pleasure as Joe started back on her breasts, cupping and
kneading them but staying away from her taut nipples until she whimpered aching
for his touch. Arching her back into him she whispered ‘please’ over and over
until Joe lowered his mouth over one breast laving the sensitive tip, then
moving to do the same to the other one. Rachel instinctively spread her legs a
little wider and bucked her hips into Joe’s groin.


“I need to feel you inside me Joe.” The words were not a
request or a plea just a statement of fact.


“Patience and shush. No talking.” Joe bit down on her nipple to
stress his point, and then added, “Screaming my name is an exception.”


Rachel rolled her eyes at him; still an arrogant son of a bitch
even in the throes of passion. It caused her to want him more and make her even
wetter. Her clit was engorged and throbbing to the point of pain but she
discovered every time she encouraged him to hurry up, he did just the opposite
and it was clawing at her sanity. Fisting the sheets either side of her she
tried to relax and enjoy his adoration of her body mildly distressed by the
knowledge he was going to hit her stretch marks any minute and probably run a


Joe wondered why Rachel had closed her eyes and gone all placid
on him and he suspected it was something to do with what she perceived as her
less than perfect body. Why did women think men gave a shit about stretch
marks? The fact that her incredibly lush tits were an endless source of
pleasure to him and her sweet cunt was drenched overshadowed a few little lines
that bore testament to her giving birth to two incredible daughters.


“Open your eyes and look at me Rachel.”


Rachel reluctantly lifted her eyelids expecting Joe to make
some sort of arsehole comment but what she was gifted with was the man on his
knees straddling her holding his rock hard cock in his hand. Lazily stroking
himself she could see the pre-cum oozing tantalisingly from the tip and her
mouth watered with the sheer need to taste him again.


“This is what you do to me Rachel. You are hot baby and I’m
hard for you all the time. From the minute I get a waft of your perfume in the
office, or catch a glimpse of your arse in those ridiculously tight skirts of
yours to the moment I finally got you naked in the steam room, I have wanted
you. Feel me.” Joe picked up Rachel’s hand and placed it over his cock. There
was no question he was as hard as an iron rod. Rachel tightened her grip and
Joe dropped to the mattress in deference to her touch.


Rachel leaned over and held his head in her hands. She kissed
one cheek then the other then nuzzled his beard breathing in the scent of him.
She kissed him full on the mouth loving the feel of his soft lips on hers,
before she spoke.


“Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say those words, and now
no more waiting Joe. Condom?”


Wordlessly, Joe turned towards his bedside cupboard and fished
around for the box he kept there. He passed her a foil packet, which Rachel
tore open. Placing the condom on the tip of his penis, Rachel slowly sheathed
the length of him loving the bob and swell of his shaft as she worked the latex
over him. Joe had his eyes squeezed shut and was holding his breath scared he
was going to blow in her hand. His legendary control was nearing its peak and
he had to use every bit of restraint as he felt Rachel lower herself on to him.


Joe grasped Rachel’s hips slowing her descent. He could feel
her pussy walls hot and tight around him and because she was so wet he went in
easy. Still he knew he was big and she would be sore if he wasn’t careful.
Apparently, Rachel didn’t share his concern and impaled herself quite swiftly
twisting handfuls of his chest hair as she placed her hands on his pecs for


“Fuck me hard Joe.”


“Jesus Rachel; I want to baby but are you sure?” Rachel lifted
up then slammed back down to literally ram her point home. They both grunted in


“Hard, Joe!” she wasn’t begging, she was demanding and Joe was
happy to comply. Flipping her on to her back, Joe thrust into her. He felt her
legs circle his waist drawing him in and her hands drop to his behind as she
dug in her nails and pulled him closer.


“Yes Joe yes, harder, fuck me.” Rachel couldn’t stop the
expletives as Joe rammed into her. The first signs of her climax threatened as
warmth coiled in her belly and her womb clenched. As Joe rocked into her back
and forth his abs brushed her clit sending sparks of light and heat around her
body. She felt him swell inside of her and knew he was also close so she
clenched her pussy walls around his cock and pushed out a little until she
heard him gasp and wildly buck into her. The tension was overwhelming and
Rachel sobbed desperately for him to go harder, faster, deeper and when he
reached between them and slipped his fingers over her clit rubbing frantically,
she finally unravelled. Her orgasm exploded in a rush of sensation that turned
her limbs to jelly and her insides into liquid heat. Joe’s thrusting was urgent
as his own climax tingled its way from his lower spine to his balls. He yelled
her name as his whole body went rigid then spasmed as he came groaning loudly
into her neck.


Rachel roughly grabbed Joe’s hair and lifted his head away from
her. She wanted to see his face and know that he was as affected by what just
happened between them as much as she was.


“Don’t hide from me Joe,” she whispered tenderly. He was still
looming over her although she could feel his arms shaking with the pressure of
holding himself away from her. She pushed him indicating for him to get off and
he fell back into the pillows looking spent but perturbed.


“What’s up bossman?”


“That was fucking ridiculous.”


“Oh, lovely. I take that as a compliment.”


“Take it any way you fucking like, but we’re definitely doing
that again soon.”


Rachel smacked him on the chest with the palm of her hand. He
didn’t flinch but he did raise an eyebrow in question of her actions.


“You are rude.” She watched in fascination as he removed the
condom; tied the end up and wrapped it in a tissue before launching it at the
bin on the other side of the room. Men were gross.


“I’m rude? What about you?” and he proceeded to mimic her
‘harder, faster, deeper’ requests from only moments before. Rachel was


“Piss. Off!” she shrieked at him as she launched herself in
full attack mode prodding and pinching him whenever she made contact with his
skin. Joe batted her hands away easily getting in a couple of retaliatory
tickles causing her to kick out at him. Finally he turned her on her stomach
and lay on top of her whilst making sure she could actually breathe. His dick
was hard again and he nestled it in the crevice of her bum cheeks, which she
wriggled enough just to torment him.

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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