Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (43 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Wriggling a little to try and loosen his hold on her so she
could go to the loo and message the twins, Rachel heard Joe huff softly in his
sleep. He flopped on to his back releasing her and she slid out of bed. Looking
back over her shoulder as she entered the bathroom Rachel’s breath hitched in
her throat; Joe was awake. His grey eyes bore into her and a half grin spread
over his face. “Mornin’” Joe’s voice was raspy with sleep still.


“Hey” Rachel tried not to feel self conscious standing there
completely naked. She grabbed his sheet from the end of the bed to cover
herself, but his hand darted out to hold it firm. He shook his head.


“It’s a little late for modesty don’t you think?”


Rachel blushed even though she had to agree after the things
he’d done to her last night. Somehow, in the early morning light, she felt less
sure of her appearance. Joe was used to young, taut bodies with perky tits and firm
thighs. Although Rachel was in fabulous shape for her age, she had carried and
given birth to 2 babies and was not nearly as pert as she was 10 years ago.


“I have no idea what’s going on in that head of yours” Joe
complained, “but if you don’t get your butt back here in 5 minutes I’ll give
you something to think about.” With that he threw off the covers to reveal a
rock hard morning erection. Looking quite proud of himself, he clasped his
hands behind his head and gestured for her to hurry up.


“Not shy are we?” Rachel smirked as she headed to the loo.


“Babe, you have no idea.” Joe growled and Rachel stomach


“Is it alright to use your shower?” she called from the loo.




“No? Really?”


“Not without me in it.” And there he was – all 6 foot 3
of him standing in the doorway of the bathroom while she perched on the loo.
Whilst Rachel was quite taken with his enormous morning glory pointing her way,
she was not amused at having been disturbed on the toilet.


“Fucking hell Joe. Give me a minute.”




“Again with the no? What’s wrong with you?”


“I don’t like wasting time. Anyhow, I’ve already seen just
about every inch of you up close, what’s the point in hiding from me now?”


“Some things, like taking a wee, are supposed to be private.”
Rachel groaned and put her head in her hands. “You’re not going to make this
easy for me are you?”


“I have no idea why you think I could care less seeing you on
the john, but if it bothers you that much, I’ll knock next time.”


Rachel smiled at the ‘next time’ comment feeling quite ecstatic
at the prospect but she couldn’t deny that something stronger than sexual
chemistry nagged at her. Joe was so different to any man she had ever known; he
was complex; uncompromising; serious and intense leaving her trying to catch
her breath half the time she was around him. But he also made her feel
cherished and protected; not just due to his imposing physical presence but his
absolute conviction in everything he did. Rachel wanted to explore more of the
man’s character and get him to shake some of that iron control he exerted over
his emotions. Some fun times were in order for sure and she made a mental note
to enlist Karen’s help in forming a plan.


Standing at the sink to wash her hands, she could hear Joe
growling her name from inside the shower cubicle and it didn’t sound like he
was very keen on waiting for her much longer. He was so sexy when he went all
caveman on her and she idly wondered what would happen if she did indeed stall
on joining him. Rachel didn’t get much further with that thought as a dripping
wet Joe emerged. She nearly had a heart attack he looked so fuckable.


“Are you fucking with me Rachel?” he demanded, water pooling at
his feet. Rachel’s nipples hardened at the coarseness of his question and the
menace laced into his words. She was seriously turned on by Drenched Joe. He
pushed his hair back off his face and his grey eyes were darkening the longer
she looked at him. His arousal was rampantly evident and he wasted no time in
closing the distance between them.


“You’re making me wet Joe” she remarked raising her eyebrows at
him as he dripped all over her. Rachel laughed at the change in Joe’s
expression as he processed her double entendre; he went from cross to shocked
to smug all in the space of a few seconds and then he slid his wet body against
her heated skin and holding her head in his hands kissed her hungrily.




Rachel tasted like sweet honey; he could kiss her all day and
still it wouldn’t be enough. She turned Joe’s insides into knots. The night
with Rachel had been the stuff of his dreams and he never wanted it to end.
Even now, just a short time later he was rock hard for her again and desperate
to be inside of her. He had broken his golden rule by letting her stay the
night – it didn’t even occur to him to ask her to leave and they had
fallen asleep together like it was the most natural thing in the world. He’d
sensed when she was awake and faked sleep just to relish the feel of her in his
bed under his body. When Rachel had tenderly brushed his hair out of his face
it took all his restraint not to react and it puzzled him as to why his
emotions were off kilter. Somehow Rachel Renton had gotten under his skin and
made him wish for things he had long since buried. It unnerved him.


Joe had never been in love – his marriage was a living
hell and all his relationships since had been based on sex and convenience. It
suited a man like him; he had been convinced of it until Rachel barrelled into
his life unexpectedly. She was like no one he had ever met before and she
intrigued and amused him. She was intelligent and funny and very direct in that
unique British way Americans would never truly grasp. It made her unpredictable
and challenging. And then there was the sexual chemistry between them, which
Joe found extraordinary considering he had had his fair share of the most
elegant and beautiful girls in the world. Rachel though had a proper woman’s
figure built for loving. Her curvy hips and heart shaped ass made his mouth
water and her full rack was designed to drive him to distraction. Even her long
silky hair turned him on – perfect for holding her head where he wanted
it during sex, but also to feel it drape over his skin unexpectedly making his
nerve endings sing.


As he continued to kiss her in the bathroom, Joe’s head swum
trying to cope with the overload of joy at the possibility of having found
someone he could be with properly as an equal. His heart swelled at the
prospect of curbing some of the loneliness that was ever present in his life,
however, he was cautious not to be too obvious to Rachel until he was certain
she felt the same way. The last thing Joe wanted to do was to be humiliated if
she rejected him. The thought made him panic and he reflexively grasped her


“Joe; too tight; too tight!” he realised Rachel was pounding
his chest with her fists and relaxed his hold irritated with himself for
succumbing to a moment of weakness. Joe was all about the control he exerted
over every facet of his life and it disconcerted him to discover Rachel was
capable of distracting him so easily.


Cupping his hands under her bum cheeks he lifted her up to his
chest and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He could feel her damp pussy
brush against his cock and it swelled in reaction to her heat. They stayed that
way for a moment catching their breath with their foreheads touching, and then
Joe carried her slowly to his walk in shower and stood them under the spray
locked together in his embrace. Rachel had her head in the crook of his neck
and slowly began to suck on the tender skin sending sparks of pleasure straight
to his balls making them ache for her touch.


“Baby that feels so good” Joe groaned increasing his grip on
her but leaning back into the wall for support.


“Do you have a condom in here bossman?” Rachel mumbled against
his skin.


“Fuck, no!”


Rachel sighed her disapproval at the same time as she pushed
down on him invoking an immediate jerk of his iron erection against her inner


“That’s disappointing Joe.”


Joe grunted and dropped her to her feet.


“Gimme a minute – don’t fucking move!” and he was out of
the bathroom in a shot leaving Rachel giggling at him sliding across the
bathroom floor like a man on a mission.


Flying across his room to grab several foil packets from his
bedside cabinet, Joe made it back to the shower within seconds. His heart
lurched in his chest at the sight that greeted him and he fumbled like a
teenager to sheath himself. Rachel had lathered up and was rubbing soap all
over her body in slow languid movements. Her hands went to her breasts as she
swirled the suds over her peaked nipples moaning quietly. It was all Joe could
take. In one swift movement he had his hands around her waist as he lifted her
up and then lowered her onto his steel like shaft.


“Oh God Joe, yes. “ Rachel cried as he pumped into her hard.
She grabbed his shoulders fighting the slippery effects of the soap and finally
looped her arms around his neck for leverage. Joe held a firm grip on her waist
as she bucked against him water splashing off them as their skin slapped
against each other.


Joe could feel Rachel’s inner walls clamp around him as the
first signs of her building climax took hold. “Don’t come yet baby. Wait for
me, Rachel” Joe forced the words out between gasps as she grasped his hair in
her fists sending jolts of pain around his scalp. It added to the pleasure and
he reared his head back further causing her to pull harder.


“Harder Joe” Rachel commanded tugging his hair simultaneously.
“Fuck me harder Joe.”


Hearing Rachel curse was the tipping point and Joe rammed into
her with everything he had as they both exploded within seconds of each other
shouting their release and panting in relief.


“I’m impressed,” Rachel announced unexpectedly and Joe was
quite flattered at the compliment. She was still wrapped round his waist but
had leaned back so she could look at him. He inadvertently puffed his chest out
a little bit.


“Well, thank you, I do have a certain amount of skill.”


“That you do bossman – but I was referring to the fact
that your hot water hasn’t run out yet!”


Joe’s expression was priceless and Rachel started laughing so
hard he nearly dropped her. “Oh my god – the look on your face!” she
shrieked at him as she slapped his chest practically crying. Joe had never seen
anything more adorable in his whole life and he slowly began to crack as she
just carried on laughing at him. Finally unable to contain it any more Joe
Mason threw his head back and roared with laughter.




Having snuck back into bed exhausted after their session in the
shower, Rachel and Joe dozed on and off for another hour or so but now it was
definitely time for Rachel to get up and move on with the day.


“Joe, I have to go home. The twins are leaving for Thailand
tonight and I have to help them get their stuff sorted. They’re bloody hopeless
when it comes to packing.” Rachel was tugging at his ends of his hair worried
that he’d dozed off.


“Breakfast first, then I’ll take you home.” Joe planted a kiss
in the deep valley between her breasts, breathed in deep and reluctantly rose
from the bed pulling the covers with him. Rachel was beyond caring about her
modesty, and Joe obviously thought it was a hilarious game to keep pulling the
sheets away, so she just lay there not rising to the bait. Joe chuckled as he
sauntered off to get dressed. He surprised Rachel by pulling on a pair of loose
black sweats that hung low on his hips in much the same way as Luc favoured. It
must be a man thing.


“What are those?” Rachel had propped herself up on her elbows
and used her right big toe to point to the V-muscles framing his hips.


Joe snorted. “Why do girls always ask that?”


“Firstly, I’m hardly a girl and secondly because they make us
drool! So; do those hip dip thingys have a name?”


“Umm obliques I think.” Joe stood there with his hands on his
hips definitely showing off. Rachel was not complaining; the man’s body was a
work of art. Although he was naturally tall and broad, he had obviously worked
out to achieve such magnificence and Rachel wondered if he was just a tiny bit
vain. At his age, it had to require dedicated hours of refined exercise to
maintain the physique of a much younger man.


“Why so hunky, Joe?”


“You think I’m hunky?”


Rachel tutted. She had one leg crossed over the other and was
dangling it back and forward at him He seemed mesmerised by the movement and
totally fixated on the view she was giving him; so much so that he didn’t raise
his head when he spoke. A one sided grin crossed his face as he replied matter
of factly, “I like to push myself to the absolute limit in everything I do. I
suppose a shrink would say that it’s tangible evidence that I can be the best
in whatever I set my mind to, just to prove to my Dad and brother that I’m my
own person. By being hunky, as you put it – I stand out. I stand alone.”

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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