Music of the Heart (26 page)

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Authors: Harper Brooks

BOOK: Music of the Heart
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              The ceremony goes perfect and we all head to the reception area.  I can’t even get near Ashleigh without somebody blocking me off.  Everyone is watching out for her tonight so I am basically shit out of luck. 


              Dixon is always the one I talk to about stuff like this but it’s his big day and I doubt he or Ava would be very happy with me manipulating his time at their wedding reception.  I’m standing up at the bar getting a beer when my brother walks up.


              “What’s up little brother?  You look like you could use a friend right now.”


              “Shit Gaines.  Everything sucks tonight man.  All I want to do is talk to Ashleigh but she has every person watching out for her tonight and no one will let me near her.  I really need her to hear me out.”


              “Look Cross.  It’s only been a week since the shit hit the fans.  This isn’t something little like you forgot an anniversary or you hurt her feelings.  Man, you messed with her career.  And before you put up a fight with me, I know why you did it and I agree, she needed a break.  Unfortunately, I think you went about it in a shitty way.”


              “How could I fuck this up Gaines?  The first woman to ever make me feel this way. I just go and fuck it up.  I thought we had a future together.  Dude, I actually saw us married and having kids together one day.  Now, she acts like I’m dead to her.  I’ve lost her forever.”


              I glance up to look at Gaines and see my dad has joined us.  From the look on his face, he overheard what I just said.


              “Son, can I interrupt you for a moment?”


              I look at him and just nod my head.


              “You haven’t lost her.  I know you think you have with the way she’s acting right now but you need to give her time and give her space.  It’s pretty evident you both love each other and that’s not something that can be broken.  Cross, you’ve changed since you met her but unfortunately, you still have that alpha personality and you like to be in charge.  Unfortunately, her career is not something you get to be in charge of.  That is her life.”


              “I know dad but I honestly wasn’t trying to be all alpha on her.  I thought I was doing the right thing but we all know that it wasn’t now.  What the fuck am I supposed to do?”


              “Win her back.  Do whatever you have to do and get her back.  She loves you and I know you love her.  Do what it takes to get her back but don’t screw it up this time.  Okay?”


              My dad doesn’t wait for a response.  He just grabs his drink and walks back to my mom and their friends.


              I spend the next hour mingling and talking with friends while I try to stay distracted from Ashleigh.  All was going well until I heard that sweet voice coming from the stage.










Chapter Thirty




              “Hey everyone!  I want to first ask you to join me in a round of applause of our beautiful couple, Ava & Dixon!”


              Everyone claps or whistles and yells out which makes me smile. I’m getting nervous though because what I’m about to do next is going to make a few people mad.


              “Now, to celebrate this amazing couple who means the absolute world to me, I promised them months ago that I would sing at their wedding.  I was not about to back out of a promise.”


              I start to sing as they dance their first dance as husband and wife.  They asked me the minute after they got engaged and I would never say no.  I did some groveling last week and got permission from my label as well as Dr. Whitley to sing two songs at their wedding but that was my limit.  We decided I would sing the songs for their first dance as well as the father-daughter dance.


              After both songs are done, I step off the stage to find Merritt waiting on me with a bottle of water.  I hear her mutter ‘oh shit’ which makes me look up to a very pissed off Cross headed my way.  Merritt immediately cuts him off before he can make a scene in the reception area.  She drags him outside to the balcony as I follow along with all our friends. 


              “Cross Hamilton, don’t you dare even think about making a scene at this wedding.  If you have an issue with something, the least you can do is act civil about it and not cause a scene.  Do you understand?!”


              “Look Merritt.  I wasn’t going to make a scene.  I just needed to talk to…”


              “The hell you do, Cross.  There is nothing that needs to be said between us.  I know what you were coming over to say to me and let me remind you, it’s none of your goddamn business.  I think you’ve done enough with this situation already, don’t you?”


              I look up at him and he is grinding his teeth together and he looks pissed. 


              “What in the hell were you thinking?  You aren’t supposed to be singing and you know that.  You know when the Jamie and your doctor hear about this, they will be so mad.”


              I rear my hand back and slap him hard across his face.  I’ve about had enough and I couldn’t take anything else he had to say.


              “You son of a bitch.  Do you really think I would get up there after everything that has happened in the last week without calling the label or my doctor first?”


              I see the shocked expression on his face and love that I can rub in to him that he was wrong about something for once.


              “By the look on your face, you must not have thought I was smart enough for that.  Well guess what?  I called both of them and they are the ones who told me I could sing two songs but no more.  So there, you asshole.  I’m not in the wrong and for once you can’t go tattle on me to anyone.”


              I storm off and go grab a glass of wine.  This reception cannot get over fast enough for me.  Unfortunately, I know how Merritt plans weddings and there is still plenty left to do – first toast, cutting the cake, wedding party dance, speeches, garter toss and ugh, of course, the bouquet toss.  We’re going to be here forever.


              “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.  I was wondering if you would please have this next dance with me.”


              I look up to see Preston standing in front of me with his hand extended.  A smile forms on my face and I take his hand as he leads me to the dance floor.  A beautiful slow song comes on and we begin moving across the floor.


              “Ashleigh, I’m sorry my son is such an idiot.  He needs to get his head out of his ass and understand he doesn’t rule he world.  I warned him that interfering with your life was a bad idea.  But what do I know?  I’ve only been happily married for almost forty years.”


              I laugh and we continue our dance.  When the song comes to an end, he excuses himself to find Elizabeth and I go to grab another glass of wine.  While I stand at the bar, Dixon walks toward me.  Leaning down, he gives me a kiss on the cheek.


              “Hey Ash.  How’s your night going?”


              “Well, honestly Dixon?  It could be a little better but for the most part, it’s been amazing.  The wedding was beautiful and this reception is just perfect.”


              “Thank you for singing for us.  I know with everything that’s gone on, it was a pretty big deal.  I’m just glad the label okayed it for one night.”


              I give him a hug and send him back to find his bride.  As the night goes on, I mingle with friends, watch the cutting of the cake, drink more wine and watch my four best friends crazy in love with the most amazing men I know.  I catch myself getting teary eyed because for the first time, I really want that and I thought I had that up until a week ago.






              As creepy as it may sound, I’ve been watching Ashleigh all night long.  She won’t give me the time of day and when she got up on the stage and sang, I lost it.  Of course, she quickly let me know after she slapped me that she had cleared it with the doctor and the label. 


              The reception is coming to an end and all that is left is the garter and bouquet toss and the send off for the bride and groom.  All of a sudden, I hear Merritt’s voice.


              “Okay everyone… it’s almost time to say good-bye to the bride and groom.  Bur first, I need all you single ladies to come to the middle of the dance floor so Ava can toss her bouquet!”


              I turn towards the dance floor and see about 10 girls walk to the middle.  Noticeably, Ashleigh is not amongst them.  It doesn’t take long before Ellis and Laken are practically dragging Ashleigh out there.  Between all five of the girls, Ashleigh is the only single one.  Well, I say single but she’s mine and I will make sure we are back together very soon.


              Ava walks up to the front and tossing the flowers behind her.  It’s hard to tell who catches the bouquet at first but when the girls part, I see Ashleigh standing there with flowers in her hand.  The look on her face says it all – she’s not too thrilled.  I can’t help but laugh to myself.

              “Okay, it’s the guys turn.  All you single guys come on and let’s see who’s skilled enough to catch the garter.”


              Dixon makes quite the show of removing Ava’s garter and then he flings it through the air.  I throw my hand up in the air and easily grab it before anyone else.  I immediately glance towards Ashleigh and her eyes get huge when she sees me holding the garter.  


              “All right, Ashleigh and Cross, would you please take your spot on the dance floor?”


              I’m already there and as I look over at Ashleigh, she is very slowly headed my way.  I know dancing with me is the last thing she wants to do right now but it’s a wedding tradition and Merritt would never let us skip the dance.


              “Look Cross, the last thing I want to do is dance with you but I don’t want to ruin their reception or hurt their feelings.  Let’s just get this over with, please.”


              “Ashleigh, I…”


              “Please Cross. Just dancing.  No talking.”


              I honored her request and didn’t say anything else.  We did our duty of dancing and took our picture and then she couldn’t get away from me fast enough.  I go to the bar for another beer and my brothers are both there as well.


              “So, have you two made up yet?”


              I look at Elliott and just give him an eat shit look.  I love my little brother but would like to smack him sometimes.


              “No, asswipe.  We haven’t made up yet.  She won’t fucking talk to me.  Basically told me to shut up while we danced.”


              “That sucks man.  You two really were good together.  You better kiss a lot of ass and find a way to win her back.”


              Elliott is right.  I’ve got a lot of ass kissing to do but before I can do that I’ve got to give her time and space to clear her mind.  Yes, I need to win her back but I want her to want me also.


































              “Wake up sleepy head.  It’s time to go to the hospital and wait on your new baby brother to arrive!”

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