Music of the Heart (11 page)

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Authors: Harper Brooks

BOOK: Music of the Heart
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              “What’s this Barbara?  Did you order me lunch today?”


              “You know I would have but I didn’t do it this time.  One of the girls from the café delivered it and said it had already been paid for.”


              With that she walks out and closes my door.  I open the bag and find all of my favorites – a bowl of our steaming hot Corn Chowder, a large Muffaletta sandwich with house cut chips, a large sweet tea and a small red velvet cake with one candle in it.  In the bottom of a bag, I also find a note:

Cross –

                            I wish you had told me it was your birthday this weekend.  We could have celebrated together at the party.  I called Dixon and he told me some of your favorites at the Sweet Peach.  Sorry I could not deliver it myself and wish you happy birthday in person but I ended up leaving for the tour a day early as they scheduled some additional appearances in New Orleans tomorrow.  Enjoy your birthday and don’t work too hard.  Good luck on your business trip as well and be safe!


P.S. Thank you for my gift but it was too much for you to give me.  You and I can discuss that when I get back from my tour.



              Well, hell.  She’s already gone on tour.  I can’t believe her.  This was very sweet of her.  I have never dated a girl that did this for me before on my birthday, not even Lindsey.  But then again, Lindsey was only using me for fame and money.


              We continue working on throughout the day and finally at 5:00, we have everything how we need it.  I make sure Neal and Blake know what time to be at the airport as we are flying out on my private plane.


I spend the rest of the night at my parents house celebrating my birthday with all of my family.  By the way the conversation is going, I am going to guess that Merritt hasn’t said anything to my mom about Ashleigh and I getting along now.  If she had, my mother would be all over me playing twenty questions right now.


              After I get back to my condo, I shoot Dixon a text asking for Ashleigh’s number.  I get an immediate response from him:


Dixon: What do you want her number for?  You’re not texting her and be mean, are you?


Cross: No, you asshole.  She had a special birthday lunch and dessert delivered to my office

             today and I want to thank her.  I wanted to thank her in person but she sent a note

            also that said she ended up leaving a day early for her tour.  Did you tell her it was my



Dixon:  Oh. Well, I guess that’s okay. No, I didn’t tell her it was your birthday.  Merritt must

              Have.  Look man, you’re my best friend but she is also like a sister to me so you better

              not hurt her.  No offense, but I know your track record with women.  Not so great man.


Cross:  Look, I have no intention of hurting her.  Right now, I just want to get to know her.


Dixon:  Okay.  Her number is 903-6565.  Remember… be nice.




I head to my room to finish packing.  When I get done, I grab a beer and head to my balcony to sit for while.  I’m sitting there trying to decide about whether or not to call or text Ashleigh. 


              As I sit there, trying to decide how she will react with me reaching out to her, I can’t help but wonder what the hell has gotten into me.  Any other given night like this and I would be with some girl, who I could care less about, pleasuring her and receiving it back all night long.  Instead, I’m sitting here alone, drinking a beer and thinking about Ashleigh.  And the biggest thought that keeps popping up in my head is that she just might be the girl to change me for the better and I actually like the sound of that.



































Chapter Twelve




              We arrived in New Orleans a few hours ago and our crew went out for some delicious Cajun cuisine.  Allie and I head to our rooms right after dinner since I have to be up bright and early for a special fan breakfast.  I pour myself a glass of wine and run a nice hot bubble bath.  As I am sitting there soaking, my phone dings with a text.  I grab it and see it is from an unknown number.  Normally, I ignore anything from someone I don’t know but I find myself checking it out this time.


Unknown: Hey pretty lady.  How is New Orleans treating you so far?


              Well, obviously whoever it is knows I’m New Orleans.  I’m pretty sure there is no way any crazy fans could have gotten my cell phone number so I decide to ask who they are.


Ashleigh:  I’m sorry, I’m don’t recognize this number.  Who is this?


Unknown: I’ll give you a hint.  Thank you for my lunch today.


Ashleigh: Cross?  Is that you?


Unknown: It is me.  I have finally slowed down for the day and I wanted to thank you.  I wish

                      I could do it in person but you’re there and I’m here.


Ashleigh: Hold on a minute.  I need to save your number in my phone so I can stop

                    looking at unknown instead of your name.


Ashleigh: Okay, that’s better.


Cross: You just couldn’t resist seeing my name, could you?


Ashleigh: Ha, Ha!  You wish.  So, have you had a good birthday?


Cross: It was okay.  Most of it was spent at the office unfortunately.  I was very thankful for the

              interruption of your surprise though.  It was a well needed break at the right time.

              Then my mom cooked all my favorites for dinner.


Ashleigh: Aw, I miss your sweet mom.  Please tell her I said hello.  So, what would all of your

                   favorites be? 




Cross: Well, she couldn’t make all of my favorites or we would still be there eating.  Tonight,

              she made me Country Fried Steak, collard greens, mashed potatoes, fried okra, biscuits

              and an Apple Pie.


Ashleigh: Oh my God!  I think I just gained 10 pounds reading that.  I would definitely eat all of

                    it though.


              We continued texting back and forth for a good while.  I was turning pruny in the tub so I let him know to give me about five minutes to get out of the tub and I would be right back.


Ashleigh: Okay, I’m back. 


Cross: All we’ve done is talk about me.  Obviously if you’ve been in the tub this whole time, you

              aren’t out living it up in New Orleans.  Nothing fun going on tonight?


Ashleigh: I took the whole crew out to Mother’s Restaurant to eat.  It was delicious!                 

                   Now, I’m getting ready for bed.  I have an early breakfast with fans in the morning.


Cross: Sounds like fun.  I better let you go so you can get some rest.  I’ve enjoyed talking to you



Ashleigh: Me, too.  I look forward to it again.  Good night Cross.


Cross: ‘Night Ashleigh.


              Well, that was unexpected and nothing like any of our other conversations have been.  Maybe I was wrong about Cross.  Maybe he is someone I could see myself spending more time with.  That’s if I ever got any spare time from the tour.


              I went to bed with a smile on my face and there is only one reason why that could be.  Cross Hamilton.





              The next three weeks go by pretty quickly.  I’ve stayed so busy with work and haven’t had much time for anything else.  The trip to Canada went awesome and we landed the development deal.


              I’ve also spent the past three weeks having some amazing conversations with Ashleigh via text.  We never pick up the phone to call each other.  We always just text, which works for now.  I would love to see her in person but I know her life is as crazy and hectic as mine. 


              Thanksgiving is fast approaching and my mom and Victoria go all out as we celebrate with the St. James family every year.  I remember Ashleigh mentioning something about a “Friendsgiving” celebration.  That means I’ll finally get to see her this week sometime. 


              It’s the day before Thanksgiving and I always close my office the entire week so my staff can have a nice long break.  I’m actually meeting Merritt for lunch today.  She said she needed to talk to me and it was important.


              I walk into Carrington’s and find Merritt.  “Hey Mer.  How are you today?”  I lean down and kiss her cheek.


              “I’m great, how are you?”


              Before I can even answer, she keeps on talking.


              “So, spill it Cross.  What’s going on with you and Ashleigh?  Look, I’m just going to say it once.  You better now screw her over and break her heart.  If you hurt my best friend, I’ll never forgive you.  And I will choose her over you if it came to that.”


              We’re interrupted by the waitress bringing our drinks and some bread.  We quickly order and get back to this conversation.


“Fuck, Merritt.  You act like I’ve already messed with her heart and screwed her over. All I’m doing is texting her.  It’s not like I have these big plans to hurt her.  Do you really think that low of me?”


              “Cross, I’m sorry.  You know you’re like a brother to me but you also know you have a reputation with the ladies.  Not to sound crude, you like to fuck them and leave them.  Ashleigh is not like that.”


              “Look, I know what everyone thinks about me.  I’m not proud of it either.  But I’ll have you know that I have not had sex with anyone since September.”


              With that admission, Merritt starts to choke on her tea.  As she catches her breath, I just start laughing.  I had a feeling that would be her reaction.


              “Are you shitting me right now?  You haven’t had sex in almost three months?  What is wrong with you?  Is it broken?”


              “What the hell Merritt?  Of course it’s not broken.  I have chosen not to have sex.  Maybe my priorities are changing.  Maybe I’m finally ready to settle down more.”


              Merritt pulls out her phone and starts to look something up on it.  What in the hell is she doing?  So I just ask her, “Merritt, what the fuck are you looking at on your phone?”


              “Oh, I’m sorry.  I was just checking to see if hell had frozen over yet.  You’re ready to settle down?  And just who in the hell has made you decide that?”


              She just stares at me when realization hits her.  Her eyes get huge and her mouth hangs open.


              “Oh. My. God.  It’s Ashleigh, isn’t it?  You really like her.  You’re just not messing with her head or her heart.  Does she know how you feel?”


              “Merritt, I don’t even know how I feel yet.  It’s not like I’ve made some huge declaration to her.  Right now, I’m just enjoying texting with her.  It gives me something to look forward to all day.  Please don’t say anything to her.  I don’t want you to freak her out.”


              “I won’t but you have to promise to keep me in the loop.  I will help you out in any way I can.  Maybe put in a few good words for you.  I like the thought of you two as a couple.  I have been waiting for the day when you both met the right person.  I actually never imagined it would be each other but I could not be happier.”


              We finish up and I head to the wine store to grab a few nice bottles for the ladies for Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow afternoon.  Then I head to the gourmet grocery store to get some specialty beers for the guys.  I decide after that to go home and just relax for the rest of the night.               


              I order a pizza and after it is delivered, I sit with a beer and see what’s on TV.  As I go to grab another beer, my phone dings with an incoming text.


Ashleigh: Hey there handsome!  What are you up to tonight?  Please tell me you aren’t still



Cross: No, I’m not still working.  I actually shut my office down the whole week so my

              employees can enjoy the holiday.  You think I’m handsome?


Ashleigh: Don’t get a big head.  You’re know you’re hot. 


Cross: Aw, thanks Ash.  Where are you?  Still on the road?


Ashleigh: No, I’m already in Birmingham.  I’m sitting at my house drinking a glass of wine. 


Cross: Nice.  So what are you plans for the holidays?


Ashleigh: Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow at my parents and then football time and a nap.

                    I’ll either head back over to Atlanta tomorrow night or early the next morning.  Of

                  course, I’ll have to rent a car since I flew in to Birmingham.


Cross: I’m looking forward to seeing you in person again.


Ashleigh: Me, too.  Look, I hate to cut this short but I am so tired right now.  I need to go to



Cross: Sure thing sweet girl.  Good night.


Ashleigh: Good night Cross.


              I’ll admit as I lay down in the bed, I am excited to see Ashleigh Kennedy on Friday.





































Chapter Thirteen





              I spend the morning and afternoon at my parents helping fix lunch and then visiting with the family.  I stuff my face full and then head back to my house to rest a bit.  I have decided to leave tonight to head back to Atlanta so I could spend more time with the girls tomorrow.  I dread having to tell them my voice has been bothering me again the past three weeks.  But they will be happy that I won’t be going back on the road again until January 1
.  My voice just needs to rest some more.


              I pack up all my stuff and was about to call my brother-in-law to run me to the car rental place when I hear my door bell ring.  Having no idea who would be at my house, I glance out the peep hole and instantly open the door.


              “Thomas, right?  What are you doing here?”


              “Cross asked me to drive over and pick you up.  He didn’t want you to have to rent a car or drive this late at night.”


              “Are you kidding?  He’s doing it again.  Did you even get to celebrate Thanksgiving today?”


“Ms. Kennedy, I assure you I spent the day with my family.  And can I just add that yes, he sent me without asking you but Cross means well.  He said he knew you were tired from the tour and thought you would be safer in the car with me rather than driving.”


“Oh, please call me Ashleigh.  I know he means well.  I’ll let it slide this time.  Let me grab my bags and we can leave.”


Thomas helps me with my bags and I slide into the back seat of the Escalade.  I pull out my phone and open my texts.  I didn’t hear it ding earlier and had a text message waiting.


Cross: Don’t be mad at me.


              I automatically laugh.  He knew after sticking Thomas on me at the benefit that I wouldn‘t be happy with him doing it again.


Ashleigh: Just two words… Thank you.


Cross: Wow, no yelling at me?


Ashleigh: Nah, I’m too tired and I’ll just wait to do that in person.


Cross:  LOL!  I’m sure you will. Close your eyes and get some rest on the drive over.  I’ll see you

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