My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) (6 page)

Read My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: My Beautiful (The Beautiful Series)
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Kyle smiled. “Yes, for now.”

I noted the underlying meaning in his statement.

Not wanting to explain it to my cousins, Jane, or Ted, I decided to steer clear to a safer subject. “So, Jane, I see that you guys have done some redecorating. It looks so welcoming, and the colors are so vibrant. I love it.”

My efforts didn’t go unnoticed by Kyle when he smirked in my direction. I winked back at him, stifling my amusement.

Jane’s face lit up as she smiled. “Yes, we did. This old place was getting too dull, so I finally talked Ted into adding some color to liven it up a bit.”

Ted grunted. “And what started as a few gallons of paint turned into new curtains, new cushion tops, new picture frames.”

Jane teasingly patted his arm. “Oh stop,” she chided jokingly. “I went out and bought a bunch of those decorating magazines to get ideas. I saw this style in one of those country ones and thought it fit us just right.”

“That’s great, Jane. It’s perfect, and you’re right. It really does liven it up. I love the colors in the new seat cushions.”

“Jane did a great job with the place.” Ted reached for Jane’s hand. “I’ll give her that.”

Jane leaned forward and kissed his cheek affectionately. “Thank you, sweetie.”

Appetizers were brought to the table, and everyone dug in. I went for the mozzarella sticks as Kyle dipped into the spinach artichoke dip.

“So, are you thinking of moving back, Lily?” Jane asked out of the blue.

I half-choked on the mozzarella stick in my mouth. Kyle patted me on the back, but I thought it was more out of sympathy than actually thinking I was choking.

Jason and Damon glanced up at me, awaiting my response, even though I was pretty sure they knew the answer.

“Um…no.” I swallowed. “I’m just visiting.”

“Well, we are very glad you came by to see us. Your parents were dear friends of ours.” Her voice softened. “We miss them and sweet Annie every day. I didn’t get to see you before you left. I wanted to tell you how very sorry I am for your loss.”

My blood felt like it froze in my veins momentarily, only to make a forceful pump when it started again. I thought of those memories and why they had not gotten a chance to say good-bye.

I had already left. I’d left them all without hesitation.

Kyle placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed in compassion and understanding. He knew I did not want to have this conversation. If only I hadn’t left so many loose ends, this reunion would have been easier.

“Thank you, Jane. I’m sorry I didn’t say good-bye to everyone, but I needed time to process.”

Jane and Ted nodded in consideration. Jason and Damon sat quietly with their gazes fixated on me. They each had sad expressions on their faces, and I couldn’t help but feel responsible for putting it there.

Jane broke the silence. “I understand, dear. Just know that we are here if you need us, and we always will be.”

“So, how are Meg and A.J.?” I asked, needing to change the subject.

“Meg is still away at college. She’s taking summer classes to finish up her master’s degree in education. A.J. has earned his business degree, but he wanted to take a year off to travel. Right now, he comes and goes as he pleases. We are hoping he settles down and finds a job by the end of summer.”

“That’s great, Jane. Tell them both I said hello.”

“I will, dear. Maybe we can get together one night and have dinner before you go?”

“I’m not sure how long we will be here, but we will certainly try,” I replied.

Ted smiled at me. “You are always welcome in our home, kiddo. Just let us know if you have the time.” He stood up. “Well, Jane, let’s leave these kids alone to eat. It was good seeing you, Lily, and we hope to see you again soon.”

I took that as a clear sign to make sure I would stop over again. Kyle stood and stepped out of the booth, and I followed. I thanked Ted and Jane for the meal as I hugged each of them, and we said our good-byes.

I really did hope to visit with them again in the future. They were great people, and they had all been such a huge part of my life for so long. I had really missed them.

Jane smiled softly and walked off with her husband.

Jason wasted no time. “I’m damn near starving. Let’s order the whole menu and eat.”

Kyle laughed out loud as he sat down. “Me, too. Let’s do it.”

After taking a seat, I shook my head at both of them and picked up the menu. The waitress walked back over and took our orders promptly. Jason and Kyle ordered enough food for an army. The place was fairly empty, so hopefully, our food would come quickly.

Jason turned to look at me. “Are you coming back to the house tonight?”

I blinked at Jason, caught off guard, as all eyes turned to me. I honestly had not really thought about it. Going back hadn’t occurred to me, yet staying at my parents’ house again hadn’t either.

“Um, I’m not sure.” I paused, feeling uncomfortable. “I haven’t thought that far ahead,” I answered truthfully.

Jason looked surprised. “That far ahead? It’s tonight, Lily, not next month.”

Kyle and Damon both glared at Jason, but to me, he was addressing the big elephant in the room. I had to respect that my family just wanted some answers, and I could handle Jason’s forthcoming persona. It was almost easier because he kept his emotions in check.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts and shook off my lingering nerves. “Well, considering all the facts, no, I haven’t
planned that far ahead. My first plan went to crap, and my emotions are a little strung out right now.”

“It’s alright, Lil. No one is expecting anything right now. We were just hoping to spend more time with you,” Damon cut in, trying to keep the peace as he tapped Jason on the back. “That’s all big bear over here is trying to say.”

I sighed. “I know, but I’m not ready to talk to Aunt Lucie yet. I know she’s your mom, but I’m really upset with her right now. Well, not so much upset…but hurt,” I whispered out the last part, reeling in my feelings.

Jason put his hand on my forearm. “I know what she did was wrong. Hell, we were all wrong. Any one of us could have told you. But you just looked so…broken. We were scared you would shatter if we told you.” He sighed. “And she really has tried to tell you over the years. It has been eating her alive. I almost flew out to you several times to just get it over with, but my mom told us she wanted to be the one to tell you, that it was her responsibility. She really had the best intentions, Lil. She didn’t know how to hurt you…more than you were already hurting.”

My mouth dropped as I stared at Jason.
I had never heard him open up so much or even talk
so much without even one curse. He was usually brutally honest and straightforward without emotion and depth.

Jason looked back at me with sincere eyes. “Will you at least
to talk to her?” He hesitated a moment. “Tomorrow maybe?” His eyes were so hopeful.

How can I say no with a speech like that?
I had seriously underestimated the power of Jason.

“Okay,” I nodded in agreement. “I’m not sure which day, but I will talk to her soon,” I offered.

Jason tilted his head in acceptance. “Okay, that’s all I ask.”

“So, Jason, what do you do for a living?” Kyle asked, effectively saving me from more interrogation.

Jason turned to look at Kyle. “I work construction.”

“Oh really? Doing what?” Kyle asked, genuinely interested.

“Building custom homes mainly, but I can do it all, repairs, remodeling, and additions. New construction is my favorite though. Do you build as well?” Jason said.

“Not right now. I mainly buy, fix up, and sell. I built my house recently, and I really enjoyed it. I’ve thought about expanding into that territory. Do you only build locally?”

Jason nodded. “Yes, for now at least. I’ve thought about broadening my horizons, but it takes a lot of manpower, and insurance gets pretty crazy, too.”

“That it does.” Kyle turned to Damon. “What about you?”

“I’m the architect.” Damon grinned.

“He’s the brains behind it. He even has a fancy degree to go with it,” Jason added.

Kyle looked surprised. “So, you both work together? All the time?”

“Unfortunately,” Damon joked, earning a punch in the arm from Jason.

“Mostly,” Jason added. “Damon does all the plans for my buildings, but he also does other side projects on his own.”

The waitress arrived with our food, and all three men’s gazes zoned in on her large tray as she lowered it and then passed us each our plates. It all smelled delicious.

Jason, Damon, and Kyle all dug in without delay, and we ate in silence. Four-wheeling was a pretty vigorous sport mixed with plenty of fresh air to wipe anyone out.

The waitress returned a few times to replenish our drinks and make sure we didn’t need anything else.

After we all finished our plates, we sat back to relax. The waitress came back with our bill, and then she cleared the table. Kyle and Jason argued over who would pay, but the bill was closer to Jason’s reach, so he won.

I huffed, exasperated by the two of them. I could tell they were going to get along very well when they weren’t arguing like teenagers. I laughed silently at the thought.

I glanced around to see if Ted and Jane were nearby to say good-bye one more time before we headed out back to the trails. After I spotted them, I turned back as Jason and Kyle continued talking about real estate.

“I haven’t decided if I want to make the big move or not. A larger city would allow for more growth, but I’m not sure which side of construction I want to stay with. I like residential as much as commercial,” Jason said to Kyle.

Kyle nodded in understanding. “I’m having trouble with drawing that line myself. It’s not an easy decision.”

I rose to my feet, eager to get back outdoors. They all looked up at me with questioning eyes.

“Well, gentlemen, I would love to stay and chat with you, but a certain four-wheeler is calling my name.”

All three of them stood in a heartbeat, ready to go. I chuckled.

“Well then, we can’t bore you on your first trip home.” Jason dropped cash on the table.

On our way to the front of the restaurant, I located Ted and Jane to thank them again.

“Where to, Lil?” Jason asked.

“We still have enough time to make the loop down by the water before circling back. That way we are home in plenty of time before dark.”

Everyone agreed on the path as we all hopped onto the four-wheelers. When I got situated, I noticed a large puddle had formed from a running hose coming from the back of the restaurant. I thought it was odd that someone had left it on. I was about to mention it to Damon, but he had started his four-wheeler, so he wouldn’t be able to hear my warning. I saw his plan a split second before it happened. Kyle was far enough out of the path, and I barely had enough time to get down and duck behind my ATV for cover.

Damon revved up his motor, popped the clutch, and covered Jason in mud from head to toe. A string of curse words came out of Jason’s mouth as Kyle and I laughed uncontrollably. Jason shook his head in exasperation before he let out a small laugh.

Damon took off, and we all followed. He eventually slowed and let us catch up, but he was smart enough to stay a good distance in front of Jason.

Damon stayed in the lead as Jason brought up the rear. The closer we got to the water, the muddier the trails were, but we didn’t seem to mind. My cousins had always told Annie and me that we had no business being on an ATV if we were afraid of mud.

When the trail made a big bend right in front of the water, we started curving back toward home. We weaved in between trees, went up and down hills, and flew around each bend, all in a single line. It was great to let loose and not think about anything except the trail in front of me.

We crossed a small bridge that went over a little creek. When we were younger, my cousins had begged my uncle to help them make a bridge, so they could go up and down a large hill. That large hill was coming up, and the area was especially muddy. I grinned, knowing that Kyle was behind me.

Hehe, it’s my turn.

Damon started to go up the hill, and I stood and quickly picked a spot to go up the steep incline a few feet out of Damon’s path. I sat back on my seat, hit the gas, and gunned it, leaning all my weight forward to keep the front wheels on the ground while I let my rear tires spin, kicking up the soggy mud. With how loud my motor revved, I knew I was effectively covering anyone in my direct line of fire.

With a huge grin plastered on my face, I braced my legs against the metal sides as I kept my finger steady on the throttle. I watched the top of the hill getting closer and closer.

Can’t stop on a hill. That’s bad news.

I got to the top and stopped behind Damon, waiting for Kyle and Jason to follow. I couldn’t see the bottom of the hill because the tree branches were overgrown, and I couldn’t get close to the edge, knowing more people were coming up.

I stepped off the left side of the four-wheeler and shook out my stiff legs. Kyle took a moment to come up the hill. When he made it, I saw he was covered in mud, but he looked hot with how comfortably he maneuvered his machine. My eyes roamed back to his body, and I couldn’t contain my laughter when I saw the mud on the front of his shirt and legs. When I glanced back up, I saw his face and even his hair were soaked in mud.

Jason pulled up alongside Kyle. He was laughing his ass off. “That was fucking priceless, Lily.” He continued to laugh uncontrollably. “You stopped him dead in his tracks at the bottom of the hill…and covered his ass in mud from your burnout!”

I laughed and glanced back to Kyle once again. He was already off his ATV and stalking toward me. His eyes were dark with—

Oh shit! I know that look!

My instincts begged me to take a step back, but I held myself firmly in my place.

Kyle unleashed his devilish grin. Combining that with the mud dripping down the side of his face made him look sexy as hell, but add in the view of him on the four-wheeler, and it was enough to make me shiver with need. It was a lethal combination. He was stalking closer, and I held my breath as my body hummed, the feeling getting stronger with each step he took.

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