My Calendar Men Boxed Set (17 page)

BOOK: My Calendar Men Boxed Set
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“Harder, faster, I need more!”

“Shit, you’re so fucking hot right now.” The words were said between gritted teeth.

Cierra could tell he was just as excited at her response. She felt him use two fingers, sliding them deeper, faster, and her head fell back in ecstasy. She could feel the excitement build inside her like a pot going from simmer to boil. She spread her legs wider, taking more of his fingers. With every breath she took in, a moan of pure primal pleasure was released. Her fingers clutched at the arms of the chair she was tied to as she strived to reach the pinnacle of pleasure.

“You’re going to come for me now, aren’t you?” Steven voice filled her ears. “Say it.”

“I’m going to come for you.” Cierra was almost crying from the gut-wrenching pleasure that held her in its grasp.

Her hips were pushed against his fingers when her body reached the summit. She fell off the peak with a scream. Cierra slumped back against the chair, trying to catch her breath.  She felt as if she was holding on for dear life in the midst of a tornado and only now did the wind stop so she could find the ground. Steven untied her hands and walked over to the bed. He stripped out of his shorts before sitting on the mattress. She came back down from the sexual high, knowing he was far from done with her.

Moving like a sleek cat, she slid to the floor and moved in his direction until it was she who was now between his legs.  Cierra took his hard cock in her grasp and stroked the length of him.  He never took his eyes off her as she licked the tip and then stroked her tongue down his entire shaft. She ran her tongue back up to the tip before enclosing him in her mouth, stroking him with a tight fist while she tasted his rod.

“Ahhh yes, suck my cock. You do that so bloody good. Show me how much you want me.” He moaned.

She could feel his body tighten and the strong muscles of his thighs flexed as she drove him crazy with her mouth. His groans of pleasure drove her to quicken the pace of her lips around his manhood. He tangled his hands in her hair to keep her head still and began to fuck her mouth, pumping his cock between her lips.  Cierra swirled her tongue around his shaft each time he pushed between her luscious lips. His groans turned to a low grunt and she had the first taste of his come on her tongue.

Steven pulled away not giving her the satisfaction of making him come with her mouth. He lifted her and she came willing into his arms. While they kissed, they shimmied their bodies up the bed until she could straddle his thighs. Cierra grabbed his cock and positioned it so she could take him in one easy downward thrust of her hips. She arched, feeling the thickness of him stretch her inner walls. His hands were at her breasts, playing with the tight peaks, before he lifted his head and took one deep into his mouth.

The suction of his lips caused her to cry out and she rode his cock with reckless abandon.
I want more!
The thought flashed through her mind and she pushed her hips down hard against him and felt her own pussy gush its essence in response. 

“Ah, Jesus, ride me Cierra!” He arched under her with his hand on her hips and pulled her against him faster.

She grabbed the headboard and used that to help piston her hips against him. She could hear the sexual sounds their bodies made each time they connected.  She could feel her wetness trickle down her thighs and run down his shaft.  He slapped her on the ass and it elicited a cry from her lips. “More!” she screamed and was rewarded with three more slaps in quick succession on her rear. They were moving,  striving toward such primal need that when she came, she whimpered and then wailed as it crested and bowed her body.

“Ah fuck!” Steven’s harsh cry filled her ears and his hips pumped as he sent his seed deep into her core.

They collapsed in a mass of tangled legs and sweaty torsos. She could hear her breathing mingled with his own and she felt as if she couldn’t even open her eyes to look at him. A deep languidness passed over her body and Cierra could not remember being so completely sated in her life. They lay there for long minutes and he traced idle patterns on her shoulder.

“We should go in before the NYPD boards us thinking we’re injured or too drunk to pilot the boat,” she whispered.

“Let them come. They can bask in my happiness and thoroughly wet cock,” Steven said theatrically before turning a serious gaze on her. “I don’t want this to ever end.”

She giggled. “It doesn’t have to end, you madman. Come back to my place or I’ll be in your bed tonight.”

“This going back and forth to different apartments is going to get old quickly. You’ll have to live with me,” he said firmly.

“One thing at a time, cowboy. Let’s get past today first.” She grinned, but hearing that told her he was thinking in the long term when it came to their blooming relationship.”

“Oh cowboy, huh? Do I get to wear chaps?”  He leaned over and nipped her neck, sending delicious shivers through her body.

“I think we can mange that.”

“Okay, so it’s July now and by September, we’ll be heading home to the UK so I can show you off.”

“Home?” she asked.

“Well, yeah. I see it as I spent two years and some months here waiting to have you. You can now return the favor and come see my world.”

She looked at him. “You spent two years here for me?”

“Love, I renewed with the hospital three times so I could be close to you,” he said with a sheepish grin. “Call me a fool, but I wanted you from the first moment I set eyes on you.”

His admission thrilled her to no end and she pressed kisses all over his chest and face. “England it is. I think I can get to love four o’clock tea and rainy nights in your arms.”

Steven grinned and pulled her into his arms and she was lost once more as their lips met in a kiss. She’d come out to see the colorful show that Macy’s threw every year for the nation’s Independence Day and she was heading home with new plans that she could never have expected, but loved immediately. No matter if they were in New York or England, when she was with Steven, Cierra knew she could always expect fireworks.


August Rush



The call went out across the bar and the rest of soldiers took up the chant. Stacey rolled her eyes and poured an eight shot set of tequila for one of her waitresses. She was taking it to one of the full to overflowing tables of marines that had come into Gator Row. Her bar. She had the honor of saying she owned the best bar in Georgia. Since it was rush week, it was filled to capacity with newest rangers who had just finished their training. The young men who were still wearing their muddy uniforms from their last test were young, dumb, and full of cum, her dad would say. But in her father’s era, when he owned the bar, the army was in a time of peace. He passed the torch to her before nine-eleven and after that day, things had changed.

Stacey knew a lot of these guys were going to be shipped out to Afghanistan to serve their country in the middle of a war. She shook her head with a small smile on her face
. Let them have their fun.
Reality wouldn’t be too far away and for now, they should be happy. She liked the fact that she got emails from guys overseas saying one of their last good thoughts of home was spending rush weekend in her bar.

The ambiance of her bar had stayed the same over the years. From the fishnet that hung over the pool table with a plastic mermaid caught inside to the real alligator’s head that her dad had stuffed after he shot it in the swamp that was right over the bar. There were pictures of her father and even her on the wall with other recruits over the years, and her dad’s pride and joy before he died was the photo of him and Elvira from years back when she’d visited the bar.  Nothing much changed at Gator Row except the people who came through it. Even the gator tenders were fresh off the boats that came in every day at the docks.

“They are completely and utterly insane.”  Carly, one of her waitresses set her tray on the bar with a loud thump. “So far, I’ve had three proposals to marriage and sixteen phone numbers.”

“Bet the tips are great thought.” Stacey laughed. “Give ‘em a break. They are full of adrenaline right now. Just don’t marry any of ‘em.”

“You’re telling me.” She huffed out a breath. “Okay, I need seven whiskey sours, three beers with tequila backs, and a cosmopolitan.” At Stacey’s skeptical look, the waitress shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe it’s a dare drink. Don’t ask me; I just take the orders.”

Stacey shrugged. “Okay, I’ll get that cosmopolitan first.”

She went around the bar pulling different bottles of alcohol down to get Carly’s drink order ready. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the door open to the bar, and two men looking crisp and pristine in their uniforms came inside. She’d seen them both before, either alone or together as the years went by. Those two men taught most of the boys who were there drinking and celebrating the end of training. True to form, as soon as one of the celebrating soldiers caught sight of the men in the doorway, he stood and saluted. The chair he was in scraped the floor in his haste to get up and stand at attention. When the rest of them saw this action, to Stacy it was a simultaneous action of all of them standing completely straight and erect, even though they had to be drunk. As customary, she cut the music and one of the men closest to the door called out.

“Major Bradley and Sergeant Stone ready for inspection, sirs!”

Each and everyone raised their hands in a simultaneous salute. It was impressive to watch, but looking at their dirty, wrinkled clothes, none of them was passing inspection. They did it to respect their leaders. Stacy had no doubt that if the Major and Sergeant asked them to drop and start pushups, each of them would do it without hesitation.

“At ease, boys. Go back to enjoying yourselves. We’re here for a drink and some downtime, same as you.” Major Bradley spoke up.

That was the go ahead to start the music again and the new rangers could go back to their celebration. They weren’t lying. She knew that both men would make their way to the bar and order a drink.  But even so, they would keep an eye out for any fights and that there was no damage to her bar in case things got out of hand. She was glad for that in the least because even though she had bouncers, Stacey would prefer for the army to take care of their people.

The two men never ceased to make her mouth water in the years they’d come in. Both were tall, even though Sergeant Stone was at least six-one.  He had rich, dark hair that just called for fingers to be combed through it while Major Bradley’s was a sandy brown. The both kept the sides low, as per military rules, but Stacey wouldn’t mind running her fingers through the top. Just to feel the texture between her fingers.

Major Bradley had blue-green eyes that reminded her of the sea. Sergeant Stone’s were gray and strangely sexy. When he looked at her, it felt as if he could see into her soul. The both had rugged faces that would look great with a few days worth of growth, but was just as sexy clean shaven. And kissable mouths, which could probably devastate a woman on every area of the body that was touched. Stacey admitted to herself long ago that, given the chance, she didn’t know who she would pick, and most of her fantasies included them both. They only came into her bar on rush week, but she’d seen them around Fort Gordon and the surrounding area a few times. They could both fill out a pair of jeans really well and she wondered how it would feel to wrap her legs around those thick, muscled hips and ride….

“Ma’am, we asked for a drink.” Sergeant Stone tapped the bar.

She was so caught up in her musing that she didn’t notice them walk up and sit on the stools. She felt heat flame her checks, and thank God they couldn’t see what she was thinking. Or could they? Major Bradley looked at her and raised his eyebrow, which made her want to flush all the more.  The music system began playing the Jace Everett song, “I Wanna Do Bad things With You.” The pairs of eyes watching her seem to go right along with the song and her sex felt heavy between her legs.
Been too long since you got laid, girl
, she thought.

She walked over to them and gave both soldiers a wide smile. “What can I get for you, Major Bradley and Sergeant Stone?”

“I’ll take you in a heartbeat,” Major Bradley replied. “Wouldn’t you, Gavin?”

“Without a second thought,” his counterpart replied smoothly. “You know you can use out first names. I’m Gavin, as you heard, and his is James.”

“Each year you guys come in here and call me ma’am and I called you guys by your ranks” She put her hands on her hips. “What’s going on?”

“Maybe we think that it’s best we all be on a first name basis,” James replied. He’d taken his beret off and folded it neatly before putting it on the bar. “You never know what the night might bring. So we’ll call you Stacey and you’ll be calling our names very frequently.”

Stacey felt a slow smile curving her face. “Since I’m not on the menu, why don’t you guys give a drink order a try?”

“I’ll have a whiskey sour,” Gavin said.

“Gin and tonic, please.”  James added in his order.

Stacey made both drink easily and put two napkins on the bar before she placed their drinks in front of them.

“Very appealing shirt,” James commented.

“Thanks.” She looked down at her tight t-shirt.

She’d cut the sleeves and neck out and given it a slit by the neck and then one down at the bottom so she could tie it in a knot. Across the hot pink color written in black was the slogan.
I like to shuck ‘em and suck ‘em
. It was in reference to the oysters that were served raw on the half shells, fried or in stew. But when they looked at her, Stacey doubted they were thinking about the seafood.

Shouting came from in the far corner of the bar and she saw fists begin to fly.
Fight one,
she thought. Stacey didn’t have to say a world. Gavin and James stood up and strode briskly into the fight. In seconds, they had the two offenders hooked by their collars and dragged them out the door. She knew the routine. The men called the MPs on duty on base and then they would escort the men back to their barracks to dry out.  Gavin and James would do that a few more times before the night was though. It was a certainty in rush week.

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