My Calendar Men Boxed Set (14 page)

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She slipped her hands between their bodies. Sandi wrapped her fingers around his manhood and it throbbed in her hand. She stroked him in a way that took her grasp from the tip to the base of his cock. Donovan moaned and his body shuddered under the touch. With a groan, he pulled away and lifted her to the bed. He laid her in the center of the mattress and climbed in next to her.

“Make love to me, Donovan,” she whispered.

Their touches and kisses heated, and she reveled in the feel of his body against hers.  His lips made their way down her body until his lips reached her moist center. She was already slick with arousal when his tongue pressed against her pussy.

“Oh yes,” she cried out.

Her body rose up as the pleasure hit like an arrow of pure energy. Cries of pleasure filled her ears and she realized that they all came from her.  Donovan‘s tongue to sank into her pussy, tasting her, fucking her, loving her in an intimate way. Her body writhed and she clutched the sheets beneath her.  She felt the pressure building the ache that would send her gasping over the edge. The pleasure was so sweet it seemed almost unbearable, yet she would have it no other way. To feel this was magic. His tongue was not the ferocious lashing that she’d had before. The slow, deliberate movements made it even more heightened.  She moaned and called his name as she came. With each flick of his tongue, he just fueled the fire instead of easing it. Her last cry was like a wail to her own ears.

“Oh hell, you make me so damn hard when you come like that,” he muttered. “I want to sink myself inside you until we’re fused together.”

“Do it, baby, fuck me.” She kissed him fiercely.

“Not yet, not yet,” Donovan said. “I need you to come for me again.”

“Please, Donovan, please,”  she begged.

Her reply turned to a moan because he was already exploring her body again. His long fingers took over where his lips left off and played with her sensitive flesh. Slowly, he circled the wet flesh of her clit with his thumb. She tried to press against his fingers, wanting to feel them inside her. He sent them deep with one smooth insertion. His name was wrenched out of her as she was rocked by pleasure once again. Her body was not even finished with wave after wave of sweet pleasure before he was between her smooth legs. He slipped inside her pussy with infinite tenderness and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Her lids were heavy when she opened her eyes and met his loving gaze that had darkened with excitement. From the concentration on his face, Sandi could tell he was holding on to the last of his control. He wanted to show her it was not always about the sexual passion. It was about something deeper they shared. It was an unspoken act of love, this thing he was doing to please her, yet she longed for the fierceness of his touch. She lifted her hips against him, taking his cock deeper and then releasing it again. She repeated the action until he groaned and bit her gently.

“I need you. Please don’t hold back,” she whispered. She lifted her hands above her head and grabbed the wooden rails of her bed. “Now, Donovan.”

He growled deep in his chest and unleashed the hold he’d put on himself. He drove himself deep into her pussy and she arched up to meet him.  Her neck arched with every thrust, and she called his name. Being beneath him was like the bliss of heaven and the heat of hell all at once. She opened her eyes and found his eyes were set on her, watching. Sandi’s body bucked and writhed beneath his and she was thrown into swirls of rapture.

“I’m coming, oh yes, now!” She cried out.

Sandi climaxed until she could hardly breathe. She brought her vision back to his face and she watched as Donovan leapt off that cliff into the bliss of his own orgasm. His eyes became heavy and his body tensed as he pumped into her. Each muscle tensed and stretched with his release and he emptied himself inside her. In the aftermath, those little growling sounds he made sent shivers though her. His face buried in her neck and his body was hard on hers. She didn’t want him to move from where he was, still buried inside her.

Sandi made a noise of disappointment when he finally rolled away from her and gathered her up close to him.  For a moment, he held her tight until she rolled away and turned to face him. They lay on separate pillows, but their faces were inches apart.  Donovan reached out and cupped her cheek, rubbing his thumb gently over the soft skin.

“I love you, you know,” Donovan said. “I think I did from the first time I saw you and you looked away and almost ran down the street. I knew it for sure when your boat was on fire and you stuck your tongue out at me.”

Sandi laughed. “You made me mad that day, but it was worth it. To have you in my life was worth a fire and a ruined dinner. More than that, in fact. I love you too, Donovan.”

“Good, because when the summer ends and the nights get cold, I plan to spend each night in front of a warm fire holding you,” Donovan replied and kissed her gently. “I’m holding onto you forever.”

“Then hold me tight. I want to fall asleep in the arms of the man I love,” Sandi whispered, and gave him a sweet kiss.

Donovan gathered her up into his arms and held her close. The warm breeze blew through the wide open window. It carried the smell of the sea and smell of the beginning of summer. June brought more than the tourists to the island of Nantucket. It also brought love.


Mr. July


“We’ve got two more ambulances coming in the bay, Cierra! Make sure trauma two and three are clear!”  the dispatcher at the desk yelled.

“Jesus, two more? When will this day end,” she muttered under her breath before yelling back, “Got it, I’ll get the docs out of the on call room.”

“Holy shit, what’s going on?” the dispatcher cried out

They practically heard the pop and then the drone of the lights as everything powered by electricity went down to zilch.

“Do not just tell me we lost power!” the head nurse yelled. “Get maintenance on the phone and get these generators up, stat. We’ve got people in ICU that are on ventilators….”

She didn’t get to finish the words before the generator kicked in and the lights flickered. Con Edison better get on the ball, Cierra thought, because the hospital couldn’t stay on generator power for an extended period of time. It was July third and, of course, New York in the middle of summer and a heat wave was pure hell. Literally, it felt like hell outside with the stifling heat, and inside the hospital ER was pure mayhem. 

Cierra had moved from a small country hospital in Merry, North Carolina to the big city.
Why? Why?
She asked herself
. Don’t ask that question
Because you wanted excitement and longed for the
wonder of
New York.
She chastised herself because on days like this, she missed Merry’s little community hospital.

She pulled of the latex gloves with a snap and pounded on the on call room door.  She didn’t wait for answer, just stuck her head in to wake the two doctors trying to catch a few minutes of sleep. “Two traumas coming in, four minutes out; up and at ‘em, boys!”  It wasn’t going to happen, of course, because she was supposed to have one twelve hour shift and it was heading into hour seventeen.

“Kill me. Kill me now,” Dr. Tavish moaned.

“Aw, give us a break, love. We’ve just closed out eyes!” Dr. Kendrick said.

His voice always made her smile, a sexy English accent that made even a curse word sound good.  “No rest for the wicked, so come on, don’t make me have to come in and get you.”

“I’d lay back just to see if she’d bloody do it,” Dr. Kendrick said to his fellow doctor on call.

She closed the door with a grin.  Cierra grabbed a new pair of sterile gloves on her way to the sliding doors of the ER that had seen a never ending amount of patients in the last few hours. Dr. Steven Kendrick, hot shot trauma doctor and a transplant from London, made coming to work worthwhile. They had formed some kind of teasing, flirtatious thing that had her giggling like a school girl one second and the next wanting to lock him in the on call room and wrap her lips around his….
Whoa, not the time, Cierra.
Right now there was a definite problem with an ER that had only generator’s worth of power and more traumas coming in. If something wasn’t fixed in the next couple of hours, they would have to begin diverting new cases to other hospitals. 

He came out to stand beside her, pulling on a new sterile gown, and she stepped behind him to tie the strings so it would be secure. The ambulance siren could be heard in the distance and she gauged in about two minutes the vehicles  would be pulling up..

“Cierra, could I have a word with you later when it slows down a bit?” he asked.

She gave the string a final tug to make sure the bow was not going anywhere. “Steven, I’ve been here for almost twenty-four hours straight and haven’t even had time to eat a thing. I don’t think it’s slowing down anytime soon.”

“Ah, love, it will and when it does, find me so we can have that chat.” He smiled at her and her heart fluttered.

“What’s this conversation about? Is it serious?” 

“Could be, or maybe not. You’ll have to be a patient girl and come find out, won’t you?” Steven said smoothly.

Steven Kendrick was an exceptionally handsome man. When he had first come, it had made rounds through the nurses that he was a military doctor in Iraq. He’d gone back at least five separate times all on his own because he felt it was his duty.  He’d received a medal from the queen herself for his bravery in the field. That explained why he kept his sandy brown hair cut neat and trim. No one had to guess he was buff under his scrubs. He rode a bicycle to work and in the summer, his riding clothes showed off tight legs and abs through the material. His eyes were green and his lips, well, there was more than once nurse who wanted to sample them. But unlike other doctors who could make the rounds through nurses like they did with patients,  Steven never dallied, which made it all the more surprising when he started flirting with her.

The ambulances pulled up and she had no time to respond. Now it was about the patients and their needs. As a doctor, Steven worked with fluid ease. She never had to wonder about what he was thinking because he explained everything even to the patients while he was working on them. She literally saw people relax while he was speaking to them and under his professional touch. Cierra admitted to herself long ago she wanted to feel those hands on her body.  But she was not a girl who liked to make the first move. She liked a man to come to her and, so far, he hadn’t yet.

The victims had been in a car accident and soon he had the mom and the sixteen-year-old heading up to surgery while the father who had been driving the car was in orthopedics waiting to have his broken arm set. So far, there had been no loss of life since she was on duty. They had a saying in the ER—any day with no time of deaths recorded on the board was a good day. No one said it out loud, though. Not until the shift was over.  It was seen as bad luck and she was not about to turn the tide by repeating it.

Finally, it all had become quiet, quiet enough that when the generator kicked off and the actual lights came on, the staff cheered. Cool air started through the vents again and  she wanted to stand in front of the jets and hold up her shirt so she could cool her skin.  The next day would be the fourth of July and she had two more hours to go before her shift was over. Then three days of complete freedom. There was no way she was braving the crowds or the heat to see the fireworks show over the river. She didn’t want to shop or even read at an outdoor coffee shop. Cierra planned to lie in bed and sleep for at least thirty-six hours straight and then sit in the coolness of her apartment until it was time for work again.  She absolutely wished she was scheduled for vacation because she would drive to North Carolina and see her family and go to the beach.

Remembering what Steven had asked, she walked down the hallway looking in various rooms to see if he was with a patient.  She didn’t see him and stuck her head in the on call room and found only Dr. Tavish snoring loudly.
Where the heck did he go?
Cierra felt her irritation begin to rise. Why would he ask her to find him if he would be nowhere around?
I don’t like games and if
The rest of her thought was cut off when a hand snaked out and dragged her into the darkness. She heard the door close.

“What the hell?” She opened her mouth to scream but stopped when she heard Seven’s voice.

“Sshh, love, we don’t want to call attention to us being in the supply closet now, do we?”

“Why are we in the supply closet?” Cierra asked. “Somehow, when you said talk, I thought you meant let’s go down to the cafeteria and grab some coffee.”

“The coffee sucks down there and, well, this is much more clandestine, isn’t it?”  He flicked on a small tap light that was on the wall and she saw his wide smile.

“Uh huh, you are nuts. Are you suffering from sleep deprivation?” she said.

“Yes, but that’s not what going on right now. I wanted to get you alone.”

“In the supply closet?”

“Uh huh.” His yes searched her face. “God, you are beautiful.”

Her heart gave a jump. “Thanks. You’re not bad yourself.”

Steven cupped her cheeks and kissed her.
Oh heavens,
she thought before she closed her eyes and sucked into his kiss. The man tasted better than chocolate and melted her body like the summer sun. She never knew bones could turn to liquid, but as his lips parted hers and he buried his tongue into her mouth, she felt just as such. She’s waited a long time for him to make the first move. Their tongues mated and with a muffled groan, he pulled her tight against him so she could feel the hardness between his legs.

Cierra wrenched her mouth away from his, panting hard. “Okay, wait…whew…come on, brain. Kick in.”

He looked at her, amused. “Do you always talk to yourself? It’s cute.”

“Exactly what are you saying here? I miss the kiss…jeez, Steven, explain yourself.”

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