My Cup Runs Over: The Ultimate and Final Deception (9 page)

BOOK: My Cup Runs Over: The Ultimate and Final Deception
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“Hello everybody, this is DJ Rob, your man of the hour with that love power, coming to you live, with these two new groups that just arrived in the city. I’m out of my mind sitting here with these ladies. Not only can they sing, but they're gorgeous too. They call themselves
. And for all the ladies out there, we’re not leaving you hanging. We also have a group of handsome brothers for you that have made a name for themselves known as

DJ Rob opened the phone lines, giving listeners an opportunity to call in and ask each group questions. Before ending the interviews, he invited listeners to come to the concert that evening.

On the other side of town, Andre was gathering everyone to head to the stadium. By the time the sound check was complete, it was 6:30 and they were running behind schedule, as everyone tried to get a last minute meal backstage.

As soon as Little Joe walked out on stage, Darnell called. Still with no time to spare, T-Bird decided to walk out the door, staying abreast of what was going on and waiting for Andre’s instructions. Just as they did in Chicago, the people were coming into the stadium from every direction. The show was late, starting at 8p.m., almost costing Andre an additional $4,000 to pay the city.

With the microphone in hand, Little Joe was fired up and ready to open the show after practicing his new jokes. When the concert ended, the audience stood begging for more. However, they had no choice but stay in compliance with the city in order to avoid being sited for breaking the contract. Tired and packing down their gear, Andre walked up to his team of performers.

“Hey guys, I’ve got a treat for you. We’ve just been offered the use of the hospitality suit on the top floor of the hotel, compliments of the manager. How about that? But let me warn you, there’s going to be radio personalities and other media up there, so be careful what you do. You know how the media is... they’re always waiting for an opportunity to find some dirt on anybody they can,” he elaborated.

When they arrived, all the DJ’s and artists from the area were there to congratulate them on their performances and trying to schedule another date before the year ended. While Andre talked to promoters and handled all the public relations for the groups, T-Bird slipped away and went back to her suite. She was still trying to digest the letter Vivian had read to her for the foundation. Nothing meant as much as preparing for her shows back home and in NY. Everyone else continued to mingle, having drinks in the hospitality suit while networking until almost 6 o’clock in the morning.

The minute Andre woke up that afternoon, he remembered the conversation he'd shared with T-Bird about Shaun and gave him a call. He was excited to learn he had just received $20,000.00 from a business associate he worked with in the past. All the chaos during the divorce with T-Bird made him forgot the money was owed to him. Nevertheless, $20,000.00 was looking real good at that moment. 

"Look Shaun... just put the money away my brother. Can you promise me you’ll do that? Andre asked.

“Come on man. I’m okay. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. I won’t do anything to jeopardize where I am right now. Having this money means everything. No casinos for me... I promise"

“Great!Cause when I get back home, we’ll sit down and put together an investment plan so you can make some real money! I have a few things already lined up that will blow your mind. So we’ll talk about it later. Other than that, how are things? Is there anything you need?”

“Naw bruh, I’m cool... but thanks for asking. I’m just gonna continue taking one day at a time. You know what I’m saying? I’ll see you when you get back to hear about this deal you’re cooking up. I sure hope it’s something good. I could really use a good break.”

“You just take care of yourself. I got your back...”


The next morning when T-Bird got up, the sun had already begun to dominate.
Another heat wave
she frowned as the rays penetrated her bedroom windows. However, being on the 46
floor and looking out from her balcony was just what she needed to help her gather her thoughts. The breeze circulating between the tall buildings surrounding the waters off the flats was perfect, as she realized she hadn't returned Darnell’s call. She couldn’t help but think about arriving in Atlanta to surprise him as she called his number only to receive no answer. There was no way she was going to experience another repeat of what was already a concern. She called again, allowing the phone to ring several times, until his voice-mail picked up. Once again, she allowed her thoughts to frustrate her as she prepared to leave a message.  

“Hello Darnell, it’s me. I’m trying to catch up with you. I’m sorry we’re playing phone tag and that I wasn’t able to talk last night. I was about to go on stage the very minute you called. I just wanted to hear your voice before we prepared to return to Jersey. I’m actually standing here on the balcony while looking into the bay and thinking of you. Call me please... I’d like to talk to you.  Hear how things are going and if you’ve received any more assignments from Desiree. Q should be here any minute, so please call me when you get this message.”

Ten minutes later the phone rang. It was Darnell returning her call.

“Hey baby. What’s going on? I got your message; but I was in the shower and I couldn’t get to the phone in time so I called as soon as I was able to wipe myself dry.”

“I’m doing fine,” she replied. “Quite honestly, I miss you.”

“Do you really baby? You know I miss you too. I thought I’d just wait a few days and try to catch you in between shows.”

“It’s been five days since we last talked. Don’t you think that’s just too much time to not hear from each another?” She was feeling a bit emotional.

Darnell heard it and reacted. “You know, I’m starting to feel like I can’t win for losing. I just thought you wanted a little space. You know I wish I was holding you right now. I guess I’ll just have to reminisce about last time we were together. I can’t handle another phone sex encounter."

“Um…You always seem to have the right words. Now what other excuses do you have for me? Do you love me? Tell me the truth. I’d rather know now instead of getting on a merry go round. I can handle getting off before it’s too late. It just seems you’ve changed since you came back from Miami.” 

“You know what I think? I believe you’re overreacting and need to take it easy. Now what’s the problem? My feelings haven’t changed at all. This is just as hard for me as it is for you. I don’t know what I have to do or say to prove my love. I care about you isn’t that enough?  Listen in a few weeks you’ll be here in Atlanta and we’ll have all the time we need to be together and we can talk it all out... Okay?” This side of T-Bird was a bit more than Darnell wanted to deal with. The constant need for reassurance was becoming tedious.

“I hear you. But, you still didn’t answer my question. You know something, I’m going to trust what you’re saying for now. But honestly speaking, something is telling me things are different and I don’t like it,” she expressed while pacing the floor until she heard a knock at the door.

“Can you hold on just a minute? There’s someone at the door.

When she opened it, standing there was Q and Andre.  

“Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise? Come in fellas. I’m on the phone with Darnell and was just about to hang up.

“Baby guess who’s here? It’s Q and Andre. I would imagine they want to rush me off the phone so if you’d like, I can call you when I get back home.. I would like to finish our conversation.”

“Okay baby, go ahead and pack for your return. We’ll talk when you get back.”

After hanging up, T-Bird realized she hadn't had the opportunity to tell Darnell about the progress of the foundation...








What’s Goin On?


Without hesitation, she walked over to Q, giving him a big hug while telling him about the concerts and the comedian Little Joe.

“Come on girl, let’s get ready and we’ll talk on the way back home. I heard about Little Joe from JJ and I can’t wait to meet him.”

Continuing to talk about the shows with Q, she still had thoughts about Darnell as she listened to the radio play
(If Your Heart Isn’t In It)
and pondered the conversation. Regardless of his proclamations, she was determined to find out what was really going on. She needed to talk to Desiree again.

On the way back to the plane, she was torn between talking to Q about Darnell or waiting to talk to Desiree. She finally decided to seek his opinion on the sudden changes in Darnell’s behavior and how uncomfortable she felt about it. She needed a man's perspective at this point.

Q was surprised she'd discuss anything about Darnell with him but he had her back.

“Look, I’m going to play devil’s advocate right now. T, this is the very outcome that JJ was afraid of in the first place. Now you know you can trust me...if this relationship is going to cause you some headache, let it go while you can still feel good about it. There’s no need in hurting yourself. It was because of me that everyone backed off...I asked the guys to think about their own experiences that haven’t resulted in a bed of roses.  So they agreed and decided to support your decision to keep seeing him. I even talked with Desiree and she agreed with me. She wanted everyone to give you a chance to prove that you got your shit together and don’t need nobody’s input. Now if you’re gonna be a diva... be a diva...” The bluntness of Q's words was exactly what -Bird needed to put this situation in proper perspective. He continued.

”Now, what you need to do is talk to Desiree. I know this much, she's just as suspicious as you are right now and believe me, if there is something going on, you better believe she’ll find out. She loves you and already vowed she would never let anything happen to you, especially knowing she introduced you to Darnell. So whatever it is you need to know, for peace sake, you will know and soon enough. I’d just say pray about it. The truth will come to the light and if he’s messing up, it’s just going to be over that’s all. You ain’t got no time for losers and to really keep it real that ain’t even the attribute of true playa. Now a real playa tells it how it is, if he’s got control of his women. You know what I’m saying?”

If anyone could give it to her straight, it was Q. Realistically, he had a whole lot to deal with not knowing when Vita was going to run her mouth and blow the lid off this mess up!  

After talking to Q, T-Bird felt like a burden had been lifted off her shoulders. The time had already slipped away to 9 o’clock by the time they finished talking.

“Hey, I still have to go back to the office to check on the operation so I’ll check you later.”

She then took the time to go through her wardrobe to put together a few new outfits for the shows the next night downtown and in the city. Afterwards, she called Trey and JJ to let them know she was back home and would meet them at 11o’clock that night at the Tea Pot. There was a lot to discuss with all the details for the new transition at the foundation. The last call she wanted to make was to Desiree to share all that had happened with Darnell and also that she had talked to Q about it.

Once she finished giving Desiree all the details, Desiree agreed with the recommendation that Q had given her... to wait and see what happened next and let time reveal the truth about his real motives. The one thing Desiree wasn’t going to reveal was her plans to have him followed and find out for herself what he was doing that could possibly compromise his relationship T-Bird.

It was 11:30 by the time everyone arrived at the club and headed for their favorite booth. The place was packed with a party that was still going on for the second night as they ordered drinks. The guys wanted to meet Little Joe so she called Andre to have them come to the club when they arrived on the bus. Based on the time they'd left Cleveland, they would be getting back around one in the morning. The DJ continued to rock the house, pumping the music. It was late August and the summer was almost over as Trey, T-Bird, Q, JJ, Vivian and Carlotta all sat around the table talking about the foundation’s destiny. There was so much money coming in and a new building donated by the city and state grant programs.

JJ had all the paperwork in his briefcase and pulled it out for them to see what he had his associate lawyers review. There were no words that could express the emotion everyone was feeling at that moment. First of all, it was T-Bird's baby...her idea to even start the foundation. Most of all, they had her back and made a conscious effort to participate in a good cause that helped do something positive for their community. By the time Andre arrived with Little Joe, he'd invited the entire entourage to the club. It must have been more than 50 people with him when he showed up.

Immediately they all joined the party, occupying the VIP area and talking about the tour.

“JJ, this is Little Joe.. the comedian I was telling you about,” T-Bird said with a huge smile.

“So you’re Little Joe?” JJ asked while turning up his drink. 

“Yeah, that’s what they call me. But I don’t know if I want anybody else to know about that right now. There may be a warrant out for me with the cops looking for me. Shit! You know what I’m saying?”

The chemistry was automatic as they all laugh and he continued to make jokes. After trying to calm down, they began talk about the obstacles in the entertainment industry. 

“Man, I’m tired of struggling out here. I’ve been working the Chicago circuit for a while now and I have to tell you, I’m glad that DJ recommended me to Andre and I can finally feel like I’m feeding my family by making some real stacks being on this tour.” 

“I believe you’re right,” JJ added. “You’re going to do just fine. I tell you what, why don’t you take a walk with me and let me show you the rest of the club?”

As they made their way to the restaurant where the dinner shows were hosted, JJ asked,

“So do you think you can give the people a few laughs? I’m going to launch your career to the next level, if you’re ready. I want these folks to hear what you have to offer.” 

Little Joe stopped in his tracks and looked at JJ. 

“Hey any friend of T-Bird's is a friend of mine and like I said, I’m tired of struggling out here.” 

JJ immediately went to the stage and grabbed the microphone to introduce Little Joe to the people sitting in the lounge and told them what they were about to experience. While everyone looked on with anticipation, Little Joe took the mic and had them laughing to the point of tears in mere seconds. JJ just shook his head as he watched. He knew from that very moment he was going to do everything he could to get him signed with someone. Andre just folded his hands and stuck out his chest. 

“I told you, didn’t I?”

“Yes you did and I’m sure glad he joined you guys on the tour.” 

As soon as Little Joe finished, Shaun walked in and over to the table.

“Come man.. sit down,” Andre said.  “Man you just missed it. This guy is off the chain!” 

“What guy? Shaun asked.

“Little Joe. He’s from Chicago. We just added him to the tour.” 

“I’m proud of you Andre. I see you’re learning fast..." Shawn gave him some dap before turning to T-Bird.

“How you doing T-bird? I thought you would be somewhere relaxing. Andre told me you guys were on your way back but I didn’t expect to see you here. Are you okay?” 

“I’m fine. I arrived this afternoon but had to meet with the guys. While I was in Chicago, I receive some exciting news from Vivian about the foundation. I’ve got to make some important decisions before I go out and perform tomorrow night and then its on to NY.”

JJ couldn’t believe how generous T-Bird was acting towards Shaun. All he could think about was their last encounter weeks before when he tried to apologize to her during breakfast. He really didn’t think they'd resolved their differences and were working towards being friends.

Dressed comfortably in velvet sports jacket, an open collar shirt and a pair of designer jeans, he took a seat right next to her. Andre immediately reached over to slap him five to celebrate seeing him again. That alone gave him enough courage to maintain his composure as he sat with everyone.

“Shaun whatever you’re drinking, it’s on me,” JJ shouted out. “You know you’re still my boy and I must say you looking good.” 

“Thanks JJ. You sure know how to make a brother feel at home. I’ll have my usual and hold the ice... Thank you,” he told the waitress.

As the DJ slowed down the night, he looked T-Bird right in the eye while admiring her.

“Excuse me, but may I have the honor of this dance with you?”

Before she could answer, he pulled her onto the dance floor and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Immediately JJ wrapped his arms around Vivian’s shoulder before commenting. “Look at those two. I still see love in those two. I just don’t understand why they can’t work things out and get back together.”

Vivian looked at JJ. “Well, some things just take time. Rome wasn't built in a day you know.” 

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. 

T-Bird had her head resting on Shaun’s shoulder. “It’s nice to see you again” Shaun said to her, holding her tight and looking into her green eyes. 

“It’s nice to see you too Shaun,” she replied, as they continued to dance.

Realizing there was still business to take care of and enjoying his embracing just a bit more than she was willing to admit, she grabbed him by the hand.

“Come on. Why don’t you join us back at the booth?” 

“I don’t know. Maybe I shouldn’t. I don’t want to do anything to ruin your night. I just wanted to see you, that's all. Maybe some other time.” 

“You take care of yourself and I’ll be in touch. Okay?” She said while letting go of his hand.

Shaun just smiled. “You know I will. I just received a nice check from a past debt and I invested it in the stock market.” Everyone witnessing that moment wished Darnell right out the picture.

“Hey, where you think you’re going? You’re not leaving until you have another drink and this time with me.” Andre said.  Just having that minute with T-Bird to dance was enough.

“I think I’m going upstairs,” Trey said, grabbing Carlotta by the hand to take her to the cigar cafe so she could experience smoking a stogie. She chose to light an Arturo Fuente Hemingway and could barely catch her breath after inhaling. She then told him she remembered her father smoking cigars as a child and would sneak a smoke after he would leave one in the ashtray. 

Downstairs, Andre and Shaun continued drinking.

“Shaun, look man, JJ is going to give me a chance to become partner of the Club Tea Pot in London. Do you know what this means? I need you.” 

“Yeah, I feel you Andre. I’m getting it together. I’m not letting another dime go to gambling...”


Sunday arrived sooner than expected for the next stop on the tour; downtown Newark. For T-Bird, it was going to be a piece of cake because this was her city. Everyone was full of anticipation after the world premiere of her music on the air and her album release party. All weekend long the radio stations promoted the show and her new single
(Can’t Wait Another Minute),
while playing exerts from her interviews.

When the show began, Little Joe didn’t waste any time getting into the audiences' face with his latest jokes, making them laugh hysterically. The place was so packed, you could barely move without stepping on someone's shoes and in Newark, that was a big no no. The brothers and sisters in the city had a fetish for dressing and looking good. So, when you put on the threads, you knew you were fly and stepping on someone’s shoes was out of the question unless you wanted to get punched in the face.

Everyone was having a great time enjoying all the acts. The groups learned so much from watching T-Bird and her performances since they were all still practically new to the game. The next show was scheduled for Thursday in White Plains. The last show was on Friday at Madison Square Garden. It would be the last big concert summer event going into the Labor Day weekend, signifying the end of summer in N.Y. To perform at Madison Square Garden was a milestone in music. The fans didn’t waste any time filling seats and charging the atmosphere with excitement. Even DJ Lock Down, from WBBS, would be there. He was one of the first radio announcers promoting the show.

The show schedule was hectic and time moved with the speed of light. Before anyone realized, it was Friday night and Madison Square Garden was slammed people and media of all types. It was one of the most defining moments in T-Bird's career, as well as the other performers and a huge success. Backstage there was nothing but excitement, as all of T-Bird's closest music and business associates came out to support her. Carlotta was even able to get her girlfriends Jessica and Amelia backstage passes thanks to Trey...


Meanwhile, back in Atlanta, Desiree was meeting with Gary, the private investigator she'd hired to keep an eye on Darnell.

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