My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2) (26 page)

BOOK: My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2)
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Sometimes the things that make the hairs on our skin stand on end are the things that also bring butterflies to our heart. Sometimes, however, it’s the most painful thoughts that the one’s we love are at risk and our hearts are going to shatter at any moment.

The blood has started pouring from the hole the bullet has left.
The bullet?
Yeah, that little metal piece that fits into a gun. The thing that I’ve used many times to do what’s been done here.

Life is a fucked up word or definition for something that can die in any second. Like a flower that thrives in the sunlight and in the dark wilts into nothing.

The life that I see withering away in front of me is lost.

I shake my head because there isn’t a fucking thing that I can do to stop it. It’s over and I know it
. What the fuck can I do?

What’s happened here within the last thirty minutes has rocked my fucking world. When we think we have control of our fate, it shifts taking us on a ride making sure that we know whose boss. Fate… yeah, that’s a word to remember.

I feel responsible for bringing her into my dark and twisted world. I knew where this would leave her. I knew that she’d be hurt in some way. I knew that the end would come in some form, even if it wasn’t with her blood spilled. I knew that the day would come that I would question everything I’ve done in my life. Everything that I do is just a method to the fucked-up madness that runs loose in my head.

Sometimes we look for doors that can take us to a quiet place to chill. I’ve never had that. I think most people go into their own heads for that peace. I don’t have peace in my head. I have memories of torture and abuse followed by murder and self-sadistic determination to hurt another person.

My father created a monster. I like to pretend that I’m a good person. When I’m with Abby, I feel better, worthy even. Now I feel empty and lifeless stuck in a place I’m not sure I can escape.





What would you do if the love of your life was in your arms? What would you do if you had the chance for eternal love and happiness? What would you do to keep the one that sets fire to your soul?

I ask you this because the chance to love is within us all, and this moment that’s in front of me is so full of the possibility of everything and nothing I could’ve never have imagined on my own.


If you or someone that you know has been a victim of sexual abuse, please call National Sexual Assault Hotline - 1.800.656.HOPE


There are so many people that I would like to thank for everything they have done in helping with the release of
My Demons
. I would first and foremost like to say that without each one of you, readers, family, friends, and bloggers, there would not be an Angel Trilogy. I absolutely cannot do this without you. I’m touched by the love and encouragement that I receive every day from all of you. I appreciate each of you more than you will ever know, but only because I don’t know how to fully explain it.

My husband, Chad, and children have to be the most patient people I have ever met. They deal with everything that comes from having a mommy and wife attempting to make her writing dreams come true. I love you to the moon for that support, but I’d love you anyway *wink*.

To Misty Simmons- without you in my life it would all fall apart. Misty you are my best friend and the best PA a girl could have! You are one of the sweetest people I have ever met and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to not only work with you every single day— yes, you are very dedicated!- but I’m thankful that we have become such amazing friends along the way.

My managers and friends, Crystal, Robin, and Heather, are the kind of girls everyone should have in their life! They work alongside Misty and myself in assuring every day to day detail is taken care of and are amazing in everything that they do and you are all such wonderful friends. I hope that you know how special you all are and how each of your friendships mean the absolute world to me.

I would like to send some special love to my Street team! Leigh Ann, Qing (Victoria), Carrie, Christy Joy, Bellamy, Beckie, Jennifer, Joanna, Lisa, Rhiannon, Rohina, Shelly, April, Julie, Kimberly, Stacey, Zion, and Courtney, you ladies make me smile every day. I adore you and I am so thankful for you.

To the blogs that go out of their way to help the indie author community, you are amazing. I am so thankful for you and your dedication. I would like to also say that your kindness is heartwarming. You are all a pleasure to work with every day.

I would like to say thank you to the following blog for their continued support of The Angel Trilogy and of myself as a writer:

Abby and Lisa’s Book Blog – Abby, you are such an amazing friend; I love and adore you! I always need my fix of our sleepless nights hard at work on the computer- you make me laugh so hard. Thank you for all of your support and friendship. Lisa, you are an amazing person who always makes me smile and I am so grateful to know you. I love and adore you!

I would like to thank the following blogs for always sharing and reviewing my books. Your support is extremely appreciated. New Chicks On The Blog, Mafia Book Chicks, FMR Book Grind, Amazeballs Book Addiction, Beautiful Book Blog, Who Picked This, Bex ‘n’ Books, Sarah & Kirsty’s Book Blog, Beautiful Book Blog, Belle’s Book Belfry, EscapeNBooks, The Power Of Three Readers, Soul of The Single Lady Book Club, A Risqué Affair, Cecily’s Book Review, Till The Last Page Book Blog, Butterflies and Angels Book Obsession, Twin Sisters Rockin’ Book Reviews, Indi Author Books, , Book Nook Nuts, Pixies Book Review Blog, Smutty Book Friends, Little shop of Readers, Cheeky Chicks Book Hangover, One Book Boyfriend At A Time, Isalovesbooks, Read Review Repeat, The Jazzy world of E’s Bookshelf, Rusty’s Reading, Pimp & Whore your Book/Blog/Page/Group/Author/Writer, Alice’s Book Wonderland, Beauties With Brains Book Blog, Two Sassy Chicks, Drama Queens Book Blog, A Dirty Book Affair, Author Groupies, Spreading the Word, and Bookalicious Babes Blog. To my editor Kaylene from Swish editing, you are such a life saver. I came to you with a deadline and you made sure that you were able to help. You’re always available and answer my questions freely and I want to thank you for that. I am so happy that I met you.

I am going to take a moment to say thank you to my Mom, Dad, and friends that support me every day. Without you I wouldn’t be able to do what I do, I love you. I always dreamt that one day I would write something that someone would want to read and for me to actually have accomplished that is an absolute dream come true. My “day” job is being a hospice nurse and I see how quickly our lives can end. Knowing that and being able to follow my dreams in this life means more than I can possibly explain.



Thank you so much for reading this story!

Kimberly, xoxo

About the Author



Kimberly Blalock has been writing since she was a young girl growing up in Kansas City, Mo. Reading and writing has always been a big part of her life. She enjoys a world she can get lost in while reading a good book. A wife and mother to four beautiful children she decided she wasn’t busy enough. She spent some time chasing down fugitives as a bounty hunter then laid down her hand cuffs and finished her college degree in nursing.

Kimberly loves discovering new music to jam out to and loves anything that’s different. Her many interests include Google, you heard it! Google. If you need to know any unusual or interesting fact she has searched it and can recite it. Her motto is: Why be the same as everyone else when you can stand out?

When Kimberly isn’t writing or playing superhero for her children, she takes care of her patients as a Registered nurse in the field of hospice.



His Angel
- Book One in The Angel Trilogy

My Demons
- Book Two

Our Sins
- Book Three release TBA

a Novella
- Evan’s POV Of the years before he meets Abby

Almost to LOVE
- A stand-alone Angel novel in Amy’s POV

Hard Limits
- A Stand-alone Angel novel in Natalia’s POV


Race To My HEART
- Releasing Summer 2015

Co-Writing with Abby P. Cook

Pieces To Love
- Releasing 2016

Co-Writing with Misty Simmons


Amazon author page:



The Angel Trilogy Group on Facebook:



His Angel
playlist on Spotify

My Demons
Playlist on Spotify


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Table of Contents

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