My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2) (20 page)

BOOK: My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2)
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“Making a point.” Michael laughs again. He gets a bit amused over her actions.

“Brent,” I hear the big guy in front growl to the guy in the back seat. As he does, Brent grabs me and pulls me down and straps the seatbelt around my body.

“I’m pretty sure it isn’t a car accident we need to worry about at this point,” I spit out sarcastically rolling my eyes.

The door swings open and Natalia jumps in. “Let’s roll,” she says calmly. I lean over toward the window as we pull away, but I haven’t figured out what she was doing out there. “Clear,” I hear Natalia say and then I hear the loudest boom I’ve ever heard. The lights are so bright that I’m blinded for a few seconds.

When my body jumps, Brent grabs me in his arms. My entire body is shaking uncontrollably as I figure out what she’d been doing.

“Abby! Abby!” She shakes me. “Just a little C-4, it’s no biggie.” She winks and curves her lip up into a smile.

I think I must’ve left my body because I snap at everyone. Have you ever had a moment in your life when all you know is gone? Everything I know to be real is gone.

I know that I’m yelling and screaming, but when Brent smacks me, probably to get me to calm down I punch him in the face. Like I said, I snapped. “Holy shit!” he growls. Everyone in the truck erupts in laughter.

“Look at that Nat, you have a clone,” Michael grunts amused.

“Damn right I do.” She beams proudly.

“That fucking
,” he whines.

Natalia leans over Brent shoving his chin up to examine the damage. “Dude, you’re gonna live.” And then sits back in her seat. “This one better come with us when we get there, he’s a pussy. I need one of your other men with Abby,” she says reloading her gun.

“She’s the boss.” Michael tilts his head.

When Brent starts to say something the guy in the front seat speaks, “A girl hit you and you’re crying. Man the fuck up.” Brent sags in his seat and doesn’t say another word.

“We’re about twenty minutes out,” Michael says after we’ve been back on the road for a few minutes.

“Who were those people?” Natalia shot them all.

She doesn’t answer right away, but finally looks at me. “Abby, if you could imagine seeing every bad thing in your life happening at the same time…” she pauses, “that would be what it would look like.” I see her look up in the silence of the truck. Her eyes meet Michael’s in the rear view mirror.

My head falls and reaches the window next to me. The trees are rushing by in a hurry to get away from us, I’m sure. Destruction seems to be following me lately and if I were them I wouldn’t want to be around me either.

They said Evan could be alive and while I haven’t let myself fully believe that, I also haven’t fully let myself believe that he’s dead either. If I give into the idea that I will have a happily ever after then, I’m going to be completely ruined when that never comes. I want to have that, but the likelihood that my life is ever going to be normal is very unlikely.

My sister dying in a freak accident kind of ruined that for me. Until Evan hijacked my life. I love him more than I ever knew was possible, more than I ever thought it was possible to love another human being.

I close my eyes tightly wanting so badly to see him on the other end of this disaster we’ve clearly gotten ourselves into.

Chapter Twenty-Three


All of the things he’d said were bullshit and I knew they were. Having me kill his father had nothing to do with Abby. Control is the only thing he desires. Control of the power his dad had in
hands. His dad had resisted his wanting to take over. I’m sure for good reason. Marco is sick and twisted.

Way more sick and twisted than I’d ever known. I expected some shit to go down. I knew everything I’d been brought into was a lie, and nothing that he tried to tell me I believed. But the second I snapped his neck taking him out for Marco, he had me exactly where he wanted me.

I have to give it to him though, he’s smarter than I ever gave him credit for. He knew I could do what he couldn’t or at least didn’t have the balls to. Either way this dark room doesn’t get any brighter.

I’ve been in here for a while, three days to be exact. Every morning a tall skinny guard comes in and brings food that I refuse, every time. I only needed one thing from that guard and I got it.

I grabbed the cell phone from his pocket when I jumped up and knocked him out. He hadn’t realized how close he was to me. Bam, I had him.

I placed a call to an untraceable number that I’m fucking hoping Natalia got. I don’t want to consider that I’ll die in here, but I’m starting to wonder.

The only thing that’s getting me through each day is knowing somehow I have to get back to Abby. I know she’s probably on the edge and I hope to God she’s been safe while I’ve been gone. I can guarantee that even though I’m losing hope, one way or another I will get out of here and pull her into my arms once again.

I have to, end of.

I’m leaning against the concrete wall and sitting on a dirt floor. I see the rats sneaking in through a hole in the concrete. I kick the tray toward the other side of the room with my foot. I don’t know what they're putting in the food, but the rats keep dying pretty quickly after they eat what’s brought in
. I honestly wonder why they don’t just kill me, shoot me, something?
Why keep me here?

I hear muffled voices outside the room I’m in every few minutes or so. I know that I’m not alone here and again I wonder why he’s keeping me here.

I haven’t seen Marco since they dragged me here. That’s what scares me the most. I know he’s going to go after Abby. I don’t know what he’ll do honestly, but he’s a monster so I know it’ll be bad.


For the first time since I’ve been here I hear the troops getting their feathers ruffled. Loud voices erupt through the door. My body jumps when the key turns and the door handle starts to move. The door opens to the same ugly bastard that’s been bringing in the food. My guess is he hasn’t said anything to his dear ole boss, about getting his ass knocked out because he’s still alive.

I couldn’t get out then. The guards don’t carry keys for the chains I’m imprisoned by. That’s not how Marco operates. He doesn’t trust anyone, but himself. He has the key, so that’s who I’ll have to kill.

When the guard opens the door further, the light from the outside room shines in blinding me for a moment. A shadow enters the room and I know instantly by the sounds of his footsteps that it’s Marco.

He’s come to die…

The door is abruptly closed behind him as he takes a seat in a chair that the guard had brought in for him.

“I see you're refusing my kindness.” He kicks the tray away causing the rats to scatter.

I don’t speak. I want to know why he’s really here.

“I wanted to come and uh…” he pauses whipping his jacket off. “Give you my condolences.”

What’s he playing at?

I hold a flat expression on my face because I know he’s trying to get a rise out of me and I’m not going to give him the chance.

“Aren’t you even just a bit curious as to who I’m talking about Evan?” My body goes cold, and if he says Abby… “Oh, I see you’re a little curious then. Am I correct?” He knows the answer, it’s on my face, and I’m not hiding it well. “It seems that she
is weak...” he pauses to adjust his fucking shirt. “Get on with it asshole.” I’m going to snap his neck.

He laughs. “Oh, don’t act like you didn’t know it was going to happen. You were locked in here all alone. She was alone too. Until I was ther
e and she liked it, she begged for it
. I want to thank you though. Give you the applause of the year. I hate to admit it, but without you I wouldn’t be on top right now and damn it Evan, it feels great being there just like when I was on top of

“You killed her?”

“Who, your precious Abby?” He crosses his legs.

“Did you hurt her?” I spit.

“Hurt her?” He tilts his head side to side. “Something like that. Now, let’s get down to business.” He claps his hands together. “I’ve let you stay in these fine accommodations…” he dusts off his dress shirt, “for long enough. I thought I’d be a nice guy and let you feel the pain of knowing your precious little angel was… well, first of all, amazing in bed and second of all beautiful when she’s been sucked dry of all life.” He grins.

I have no chance to fucking recover from this shit. The vomit rises and expels onto the floor and I watch as the rats scurry their way over to it.

Are you fucking kidding me? I thought she’d be safe because he loved her. Turns out he never loved her and any safety from that idea was shit. I knew that though, I just hoped better for her sake.
Or mine…

“Yeah, well…” He shakes his head adjusting his cuffs. “She got what she got because you did what you did. So, I guess you could say it’s really all your fault.” He smiles.

“A helpless girl? You hurt a helpless girl? You fucking left her. You cheated on her and you fucking left her. And because of me you took her life?” I’m a man, but this is bringing me to an empty place that leaves only pain.

“Yep, that’s exactly what I’ve done.” He stands. “It’s been fun, but it’s time for me to go.” He smiles as he throws his jacket over his shoulder. “Wow, this place really stinks Evan. I’d do something about it if I were you.” He turns to the door. “Oh, wait you won’t be doing anything soon.” He turns around. “Open up.” He yells for the men on the other side to open the door.

I’m standing in this shit hole wishing that I could reach him, but the chains I’m attached to won’t reach him.

“See you in hell, Evan.” The door closes and the lock is turned.

I yell.

I hope Nat got my message because it’s all in her hands now.

Chapter Twenty-Four


The building that everyone’s watching is about half a mile from where we are. There are bright lights shining, but that’s all I see.

I sit on my knees next to Nat as she watches with a scope. “What’re you going to do?”

She pulls her head away from the gun she’s holding. “I’m gonna save your man, so you two can live happily ever after.” She winks.

There are seven of us, but we’re divided into two groups. Michael had said that if one group got caught the other would have a better chance to do a rescue than if we’re all together.

“Are you going to go in there in a blaze of glory?” I’m nervous that she’s gonna get herself killed.

“Yeah, she is. That’s the only way Nat enters a room.”

“Oh God.” My head falls.

“Don’t worry little one, I’ve got her back. Always.” Dom’s deep voice reassures me.

Nat’s facing the building when a small smile curves onto her lips. When she sees I’m watching her from the corner of her eye she loses the smile and I quickly turn my head.

Does she like him?

“Unless you have a death wish I suggest you use that gun to kill them all,” I whisper.

“Oh? Huh, I hadn’t thought of that,” she teases, winking at me. “Don’t worry I’ve… we’ve got this.” She laughs.

“What did he say in the coded message? Is he hurt?”

“Nothing was said.” Her stare is on the dirt below her.

“Five in the front. One on the left. Two in the back,” Michael whispers holding his fingers out as he speaks.

“What does that mean?” My eye flutter rapidly with worry.

“It means I only have eight to kill.” She locks and loads the massive gun under her control.

Seriously? I know that there’re people that do this every day protecting our country, and for their sacrifice I’m so grateful, their courage is something that I will never have or forget, my heart swells for the brave men and woman as well as their families, but, I never thought I’d be in a situation that would lead me to a place like this one.

I’m not brave, and I’m damn sure no heroic soldier fighting for my country. I am, however, a woman determined to get her man back in her arms and for that I will lay down my life in a second. Evan’s in trouble, if it were me I’m convinced he’d do the same in a heartbeat.

“Time for you to get inside the truck, Abby.” She doesn’t look at me.

I’m desperate to help. I admit I’m not brave, I’m no one special. I’m just an average girl, but I love him. “No, I want to help,” I demand.

“Listen to me very carefully, Abby. You
get in the truck and you
do as you’re told. If we get him back and you're dead, he won’t want to live anymore that I know for a
. So get your pretty little ass in the truck,” she demands not really nice about it either.

“Geez,” I get up sweeping the dust from my pants. “I’m going, I’m going.” I won’t stay there, but for now I’m going.

The night is warm and dark and I wonder if there are any animals out here watching and stalking us like we are the people near that building.

“Stay down, don’t move for anything. We’ll see you in a few.”

“Isn’t someone staying here with me?” I raise my brows.

“Yeah, I’ll be right outside,” the man I know to be Skits says to me.

I nod my head. When I’m in the truck, I find a comfortable space on the floor and wrap my arm tight around myself. I’m scared. It’s so dark, I can barely see my own hand in front of my face. I wait listening for the gun shots that will inevitably take out the men Nat was watching, but I hear absolutely nothing.

I think I’ve been sitting here for a good thirty minutes and still I hear nothing. Raising up from the floor I support my weight on the seat peeking out the window. “Where are they?” I ask myself, not even seeing Skits. I sit back down as my heart starts that race it’s so damn good at. I slow my increased breathing by taking in slow deep breaths.

Fuck, this is getting real.

Michael had shown me the basics of gun control on the plane, but I realize that he didn’t leave me one. I’m convinced he was trying to keep me occupied. “Asshole.”

I lean forward looking for something, anything when I find a knife. “Oh my God, don’t you have to be close enough to use this. I don’t want to be close enough to use it.” I breathe out loud dropping it to the ground.

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