My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2) (5 page)

BOOK: My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2)
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“Baby girl? Alfred?” my mom yells.


“Oh, thank God Abigale, you scared me half to death.” I look up to see that she’s holding her hand to her chest.

“Mom, are you ok?” I jump from my position on the floor.

“Yes, I’m fine, it’s you I’m worried about silly girl. Why are you on the floor?”

I look down seeing the rug realizing what just happened to me in my sleep.

“He said, angel.”

“What? Oh my God, she’s delusional.” She holds her hand to her mouth.

“Mom, I’m fine. I was just taking a nap.”

“On the floor, Abigale Marie Hayes?”

In the dream he called me, angel. That’s the first time, but I know it’s the same man, except this time there were two of them. Then just one and
called me, angel.

“Abigale?” my father calls my name.

“Yeah?” I respond. “I’m sorry, I need to go.” I stand in front of my worried parents.

“You can’t drive!” My mom has a what-the-hell expression on her face.

I pick up my phone to text, Dom. He’ll take me where I need to go.

Can you take me somewhere?

Yeah, now?

As soon as you can?

An hour?

Perfect ty.

“Where are you going? Alfred!” My mom’s freaking out.

“It’s ok Mom, I just need to take care of something. If you’ll excuse me, I need to get ready.”

“No, I won’t have it. You’re not well, Abigale.” I’ve given in to everything that she’s asked of me including living here, but I’m not a child and she needs to know this. “Please don’t argue with me on this. I just need to take care of something. I’m an adult Mom and I need to be treated like one.”

“Abigale, you’re not well, honey. You need to stay close so we can look after you.” My mom runs her hand through my knotted hair.

“Seriously?” I huff, looking at my dad.

He shrugs, leaning against the wall.
‘Twilight Zone!’

I stand on my feet feeling the plush rug in between my toes. “Mom, it’s ok, I’m not a child.” I bat my lashes. “I’ve got this. The faster I start living my life the faster I get my memory back.”

“Mhmmm,” My mom stands from the rug assessing me. “Ok, what more can I say?” She folds her arms over her chest.

My dad walks forward placing his arms over my mom’s tiny body. “Call if you think you’ll be gone a while.” He winks knowing my mom hasn’t just seen that.

“Will do, I promise.”

“Will you at least tell us where you’re going?” She rolls her eyes knowing she’s being overbearing.

“Sure.” I give in. “I’m going to see Evan.”

“I guess dinner’s a waste.” She huffs, my dad and I can’t help the laughter that erupts. “What? I had it under control.” She smiles.

“How is that, dear? Sue kicked you out of the kitchen.”

“I can dial for a pizza like the best of them.” She winks at me.

“It’s getting late and Dom will be here soon.”

“Ok, ok we’re going.” My mom holds her hands up in surrender, walking out of my room. “Oh Abigale, make sure you’re careful with the seizures they could happen at any moment.” Her eyes hold a soft and gentle plea for me to take care of myself.

I smile because she
overbearing, but she loves me with her whole heart and soul. “Done.” I nod

“Let’s go order that pizza.” My dad smiles wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

It’s so strange how much he’s changed since before the accident. Before, he was so cold toward me. My mom seemed more the understanding parent and now we have a case of the body snatchers. I’m kind of happy about it though. I missed my dad. When we lost Addie, we lost him too. The day he thought he’d lost me too, he changed. At least that’s what I imagine happened. He came back and I’m grateful for that.

I sprint into the bathroom being appalled at the crappy sight in front of me. Frizzy hair, dark circles under my eyes, and pale coloring. I suppose this is what happens when you’re stuck in a hospital bed for so long. The few cuts that have left marks on my face are definitely not helping the hideous reflection, but the huge gash on the side of my head is why I’ve been pulling all of my hair to the left.

I know I shouldn’t be so vain and I don’t really think I am, I just want to look normal. As long as my make-up’s on and my hair is pulled to the left, it’s not so bad.

I shrug and exhale a breath.

I smear on the thick make-up that Amy found for me and finger smoothing serum through my crazy hair before I through it in a fish braid. “I guess this is it.” I roll my eyes and head toward the closet.

“Hmm, what should I wear?” I ask aloud realizing how excited I actually am when the butterflies take flight in my tummy. I reach for a pink wrap dress and then grab my pink flats. “This will do it.” I smile a cheesy grin.

“Abigale, Dominic is here,” Sue announces on the intercom.

I press the button. “On my way down.” Then grab my bag.

When you don’t know what you want, how do you choose? I want to give in and just do it. Here goes nothing.

Holding the railing, I see Dom at the bottom of the stairs. “Hey, wow, you have a hot date or something?” He smiles.

“You know it.” I wink.

“I’m leaving,” I shout trying to avoid my mom.

“Be careful, Abigale,” my mom yells.

My dad is probably holding her down, so she can’t attack me at the door.

“I will. Ready?” I walk toward the door with Dom following behind.

“Where we going?” he asks holding the door open for me.

“Don’t tell Amy you did that.”

“Huh?” His brows go up in question.

“I don’t know, I just remember her getting mad at you for not opening the door for her.” I shrug.

Dom walks around to the driver’s side and slides into the tiny Porsha. “Abby? Seriously?”


“The only time Amy’s ever been mad at me for that was on our double date. You remember that?”

“What double date?” I ask because I don’t think I can remember Marco going many places with Amy and me.

“With Evan.” His eyes are the size of saucers. “Abby, fucking shit, you remember?”

“No.” My eyes lift as I think. “Umm, I don’t know. I just remember her being mad about it, but…” I furrow my brows. “I don’t remember anything else.” I realize shaking my head.

“That’s awesome.” He takes a deep breath. “So, where are we going?”

“Well, that’s what I need you to tell me.” I laugh.


“I want you to take me to Evan’s house, but I don’t know where it is.”

He laughs with me now. “Ok, I’ve got this. Does he know you’re coming over?” He shifts the car into gear speeding out of the massive driveway.

“No, and I’m hoping he’s there,” I admit and then sigh.

“Call him and ask.” He shakes his head. He knows how I can be. I’ve rarely thought things through.

“Well, I was kinda hoping to surprise him,” I admit feeling a bit childish and sneaky.

“Awesome, so you’re giving it a chance, huh?” His voice raises with excitement.

I think about that question for a minute not really having an answer. I feel like I
to go to Evan, especially after that dream, but I don’t know what I’m going to say when I get there. “I’m not sure what I’m doing really.” I finally answer.

“Well, I’ll tell you this much Abby, he adores you. That dude has it bad.” He laughs.

Dom stays pretty neutral, so I’m surprised to hear him say that. “Did I love him?” He’ll give me an honest answer. I know for a fact if anyone will, it’s him.

He shakes his head and my stomach drops. “You didn’t love him, it was something else, Abby. I’ve seen love and you were way beyond that with him.”

I don’t even know how to respond to what he’s just said. “Really? I mean I know what Amy’s said and my parents, but…” I squeeze my bag. “I just don’t know what to do. It’s not my fault, right?” I ask.

“Dude, you were hit by a fucking car, there’s nothing about that, that’s your fault. Just take things slow and you’ll remember.” He shifts the sports car that, by the way, I don’t remember either.

“Hey, when did you get this?” I ask surprised that I didn’t realize I hadn’t seen this before.

“About a year ago.”

“Oh.” I suck in another breath. “I love it.”

“Did Amy tell you?” his tone drops.

“Tell me what?” My heart sinks as I turn to him a little nervous he’s going to say something about her eating disorder.

“I’m moving to New York for a few months,” he says in a hushed voice.

“What? No, she didn’t. Dom?” I need to tell him about her.

“Yeah?” He turns his head facing me and then looks back to the road.

“I think she’s relapsed,” I confess blurting out the words as I do.

His head hangs. “I know.”

“Why? She was doing so well.”

“She won’t talk to me about it.” He slams his hand on the steering wheel causing me to jump in my seat. “Sorry, it just pisses me off.” He offers an apology for scaring me. I can tell he’s upset about it.

I nod my head because I understand. Amy’s an independent woman and
been independent most of her life. She only ever really had my family to lean on, and fending for herself made her tough. Don’t get me wrong, she had a driver, someone to cook and clean for her, but no real love from her family.

She doesn’t open up easily and I think that’s what’s been preventing their relationship from moving beyond what it already is.

“I know, she won’t talk to me either.” I nod, looking out to the pink glow of the falling night sky.

Dom pulls in front of a building putting his car in park. “Here it is.”

“Umm, I guess I thought he lived in a house.” I laugh. “Do you know the apartment number?”

“Yeah, it’s the fifth floor.”

“The whole floor?

“Yeah, I think.” He nods.

“Well, thanks for the ride.” I lean over in his tiny car and press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re a lifesaver.”

“Anytime, Abbs.” He smiles.

I grip my bag and exit the car tripping on the curb. I stand and take a deep breath wondering if this whole thing was a bad idea. Now my heart’s pounding in my throat.

I slowly enter the building.

“Abby?” the middle-aged man at the door asks. “I haven’t seen you here in a while.” He leans on the counter.

“Yes, I’m Abby.” I walk to him extending my hand.

“I’m Sterling, one of the concierges. The last time I saw you was the night…” he pauses.

“Oh?” I’m sure he’s referring to the accident.

“Well anyway, it’s great seeing you again.”

“You too. Is Evan Young’s apartment on the fifth floor?” I fumble with my bag.

“Mr. Young? Yeah, sure, just take the elevator to the fifth floor.” He points across the lobby.

“Ok, thank you,” I provide a grateful smile while I turning in that direction.

I press the button and step into the large elevator when the doors open. I’m at a loss for words when I see the mantle. There aren’t any floor buttons only a keypad. The elevator doors close and I suddenly feel trapped. I press the button to open and step out.

“Sterling?” I say.

“Yes ma’am?”

“I don’t know how to operate this.”

His eyes meet mine as he comes to a conclusion. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize.”

“No, you’re fine, I… ” I don’t know what to say. I’m not real big on announcing to the world that I don’t remember the last year.

He winks. “Not a problem, we’ll get you up there in no time. He presses the code and I watch so I don’t forget it.”

We each smile as he steps out and the doors close behind him.

As the elevator comes to a stop my heart pounds in my chest and I think this is exactly what I want.

The doors open and I step out. I’m surprised to see that the only doors on this floor consist of the two in front of me and what looks like a stairwell door to my left.

I approach the double doors and as I knock on the two doors in front of me the one on the right pops open.

“Hello?” I press my hand to the right door stepping one foot inside. No one answers and I’m not sure he’s even here. “Hello?” I ask again. I enter through the foyer and follow the hardwood floor amazed by the beauty and perfection that’s Evan’s apartment.

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