My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2) (10 page)

BOOK: My Demons (The Angel Trilogy #2)
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I hear the crack of his neck in my hands as they wrap around his head. He didn’t feel anything, it was quick and painless and he had no idea what was happening.

Thomas’ bodyguards are near him at the front entrance so they don’t know what’s going on just yet, and the other douchebag Martin isn’t going to say a fucking word if he knows what’s good for him, and I happen to know that he does.

Drake’s body slides to the floor from my hold and I take three long strides to Abby raising my hands to hers taking possession of the metal.

Tears are streaming down her face and I know that she’s in pain. Pain I can never deliver her from. I will, however, make sure that the pain doesn’t follow her into the future. I want her to feel happiness and know that she deserves it.

“Shhh,” I whisper as I tuck the forty-five in the front lip of my jeans.

I reach up quickly wiping away her tears. “Excuse yourself to the bathroom, now,” I continue with my voice in a monotone whisper.

She runs her tiny hands through her hair and over her face. She pulls a smile from somewhere as she begins to speak, “If you excuse me I need to freshen up.” She turns on her heels.

I watch until she’s turned the corner into the hallway and I know she’s safe and out of harm’s way.

I turn and look down at the asshole Drake on the floor. That bastard had that shit coming for a long time.

“Did I miss something, Evan?” my father asks while adjusting his cufflinks. “Was this
necessary?” he continues.

“Yea it was. If you don’t like my actions, you should’ve considered that before you turned me into a trained killer, Thomas,” I sneer.

“Really Evan, I thought we’ve previously discussed you calling me that? I prefer it if you would call me Dad I’d even settle for, Sir.”
Is he serious?
He’s no father, never has been.

“Yeah, ok Dad,” I answer

“Boys get this mess cleaned up, I’m late.” He’s so cold.

Drake was his favorite and yet he shows no emotion with regards to his death. I’ve wondered what Thomas would do if I died or if he
I’ve died.

That does give me a few ideas.

“Martin, you and Corey stay behind and get this mess figured out. Aiden will see me to my next appointment.” Thomas demands of the two and then speaks to Aiden, his right-hand bitch.

“Yes sir,” Martin and Corey say in unison.

“Sir.” Aiden the next douchebag to go gestures for Thomas to exit the door.

Thomas nods his head turning toward the door. He stops and spins to his side glaring at me and then showing a slight smile on his evil face. “Evan, you have a very lovely woman there. It would, ah… be a shame if she had to go away don’t you think?” Aiden places my father’s suit jacket on. “You would be wise to consider what we’ve discussed, and I’ll be expecting your call accepting my offer no later than ten p.m. D.C. time tomorrow…” he pauses taking a deep breath. “As always Evan this was a pleasant visit,” he says and then walks out of the door.

This is the part where my mind wanders away and in my thoughts I rip Thomas’ fucking throat out leaving his blood to drip from my hands.

And I will… Soon! He thinks he can threaten Abby with no repercussions? Wrong. End of.

“Get this scum and get the fuck out,” I say to the idiots standing before me in their ridiculously overpriced suits.

They just look at each other taking off their suit jackets to roll up their sleeves. Corey takes his cell from his jacket pocket and dials a number. I don’t need to hear who he’s calling because I already know.
The cleanup crew.

I’ve used them many times. And this is where I once again need to be honest with Abby. I was definitely leaving this little secret to discuss at some other time. It’s one of those dirty secrets that you don’t ever want someone like Abby to know.

She makes me want to be a better man. A better man I am not, but… one day perhaps.

I head toward the hall to search for Abby. I run my hands through my hair.

This shit is so fucked up! She deserves so much better than this. Than me…

I head toward the bedroom glancing out of the glass wall that follows me down the hallway. It’s a bright, beautiful day. “Hmm,” I shake my head.

“Abby?” I call when I don’t see her.

I continue through the double doors to the bathroom, but no Abby. “Abby?” I growl as I swing open the closet doors next, finding her in the fetal position in the corner. “Angel what are you doing?” I kneel down and pick her up to cradle in my arms.

“I wanted to kill him. I still want to kill him,” she sobs into my chest.

“Me too… me too.” I kiss her gently on top of her head. She has no idea how badly I want to make Thomas pay for what he’s done to my mom, her, and every other fucked up thing that he’s been behind in one way or another.

I lay her tiny body on the large bed and position myself over hers. It’s not sexual I just want to shelter her, protect her, and love her. “He’s gonna pay, Abby, I promise you he’ll pay,” I whisper as I pull her body into mine.

“Evan, I wanted to shoot him. I’ve never wanted something so badly in my life. I could see his blood. I could smell it. I just don’t understand how he’s able to get away with something like that? Who is he that he can do that and not pay for it?” She wipes her nose.

She’s been crying and that breaks my fucking heart.

“He’s a very bad man with a very powerful source behind his madness. A source I can’t get to Abby.”

He is, and they are… very bad, evil really. You’ve probably heard rumors about a group that control and run things in the world,
‘The Haves.’
I don’t know very much about them because they don’t technically exist, but I know they do.

My father wants me to be just like him. He wants me to follow his leadership so I can join him in this so-called
Of course, he hasn’t actually said that, but I’m his only son and this is something that he would love. His son, a cruel man, just like him. But I’m not a cruel man, I have a soul. One that’s going to burn in the flames of hell for what I’ve already done in this life, but a soul nonetheless.

“Who are they?”

“Abby, I don’t want to lie to you so please don’t ask me.” I swore I’d never lie to her and I won’t.

“Evan, you’re scaring me.”

“Good, you should be scared, you should run the fuck outta here and never look back.” I’ll never let her go, but she
run. She

I close my eyes tight.

He’s threatening her now. He knows what she is to me. He could tell. I wish to God I would’ve thought to kick her damn shoes behind something because that’s how he knew she was there.

His little surprise visits come when I haven’t checked in with him regarding the latest job he’s endowed me with. I actually meant to call him, but I knew he would request that I fly out to D.C. so I opted to just forget that he existed.

I can’t leave her alone right now, not with some crazy fuck running around hitting her with their car. We have no idea who hit her that day.

In my heart, I know that it was definitely a purposeful hit. But again, I have no proof.

“What time is it, Evan?” she asks.

I thought she’d fallen asleep. “Four-forty,” I answer as I twist a loose strand of her hair around my finger.

“I need to go.” She takes a deep breath sitting up on the bed. “My parents are having company tonight, and it’s a
dinner night. She throws up air quotes. “Would you like to join me, and I don’t know… maybe save me from death by boredom?”

There’s actually nothing I’d love more, but I need to deal with a few things. “Rain check?” I ask with a smile on my lips.

“Of course… no, I totally understand. I just assumed you didn’t have plans.” She shakes her head.


“I’m sorry I have a few work related things to deal with or I’d be the first one there…” I pause. I’m holding her chin up with my right hand and I’m staring at her lips, eyes, back to her lips again as her tongue sweeps across her bottom lip. “I… ugh.”
She’s pure perfection to me. I couldn’t want her any more than I do right now. I want to take her body into my hands and lick, suck, and devour every single inch of softness.

“I… I have to go.” She fidgets wiggling her body loose from my hold.

I don’t want her to go. I want her with me twenty-four-seven, but I know that’s not possible.
Damn it!

“Can I see you soon?” I ask.

“Um yea, I’ll be around. Lord knows I can’t work because of this stupid brain damage thing…” she pauses. “I can’t leave.” She makes a revelation. “Amy brought me. I can’t drive yet. Brain damage.” She taps her temple.

“I can take you home.”

“Really? I can just call Amy and have her swing this way.”

“No problem, I’d be honored,” I say resting my hand on my heart.

“Shall we?” I gesture for the bedroom door.

I need to make sure the idiots are gone. “Hey, stay here for just a second.” I walk down the long hallway not hearing anything. We’ve been in my room for about an hour, so that should’ve been plenty of time for them to have cleared out.

I enter the living room through the dining area and it’s like they were never here.

“Angel, it’s good.” I wave her to follow. “So who’s coming to this dinner party?” I picture a bunch of doctors gawking at the miracle in front of them. My miracle, my Abby.

She shrugs. “I think Dr. Carlson and a few other people.”

“That young doctor that took care of you in the hospital?”
Oh, no.
That dude definitely wants Abby of that I am sure.

“Mhmmm.” She nods.

“Maybe I can get out of work. Does the offer still stand?”

“Absolutely, that would be awesome.” She smiles.

Ahh, her smile turns me to mush, no getting around it. I’m head-over-heels for this girl. She’s the
the only one for me.

Chapter Eleven


The fact that Abby’s agreed to let me drive her home, the fact that she’s asked me to dinner in the first place is huge, fucking huge and gives me a lot of hope.

I love watching her sitting there on the other side of my truck, so much so my heart’s pounding in my chest. I know that this girl’s the light my soul craves. If I’m ever to get out of the darkness, it’ll only be because of

She’s staring out the window with her hands in her lap and leg crossed, which she can easily do since the truck’s so big.

I wonder what she’s thinking about at this very moment.

Fire in The Water by Feist
is playing and it’s giving me chills which is so fucked up, but this is some emotional shit.

“What are you thinking over there?”

She turns her head in my direction as she flips her hair over her shoulder. I want to run my hands through her hair. She has a loose tendril and I lean over tucking it behind her ear and her cheeks turn red.

“What was your question?” she asks with her eyes flash that she was in a different place and time.

“I asked what you were thinking.”

As soon as I repeat the question her phone rings in her bag and she reaches for it. “Sorry.” She offers a smile. “Hello.” Silence. “I can’t talk right now, would it be all right if I called you back later?” Silence fills the Hummer. “Bye.” She doesn’t say anything else.

“I don’t mind if you talk,” I offer.

“I appreciate that, but I’m not in the mood to talk anyway, so you’re kinda my excuse. I hope you don’t mind.” Her hands grip the bag in her lap. Something’s bothering her, but I don’t know what.

“I’ll always be your excuse.” I want to reach over the console to touch her hand.

“I’m gonna get changed for dinner.” She smiles as we pull into the huge circle drive. “By the way you look great in a suit.” She licks her bottom lip and I can tell she has no idea she’s just done that.


“Thank you.” Maybe hope
a possibility, maybe she does want to be with me?

I park the Hummer and we head toward the front of the house when Abby’s mom Alison opens the front door.

“Abigale? Guests?”

“Mom,” she whispers in embarrassment.

“Don’t worry Evan, I’m thrilled you’re here. How have you been? Oh, and you look exceptional in your suit.” She smiles. “Seriously, how are you doing?” She takes me by the arm asking with curiosity burning in her eyes. “Abby get going, our guests will be here shortly.” She waves her away.

Abby rolls her eyes as she ascends the stairs to her room.

“Evan, nice surprise son, how are you?” Alfred roars to my left, but I’m watching Abby. Her hair flows down her back and her body dances in a sexy as sin rhythm up the stairs. She must know I’m staring because she turns and smiles as she continues up the stairs.

“Al,” Alison huffs and I hold back a laugh.

“Yes dear.” He smiles at his bride.

“Hey, how are you?” I respond. I really respect this man.

“Honestly, Alison’s keeping me busy lately. How about a drink?”

“Umm…” I really need to keep myself level-headed, especially since the visit from my dad hadn’t ended as peacefully as I would’ve liked. Yeah, he tries to threaten and intimidate me all the time, but his attitude this visit was different, strange almost.

“Trust me you’re going to need it,” he insists, lifting the bourbon toward me.

“Yes sir.” I accept the honey colored drink.

I think he’s right.

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