My Dream Man (11 page)

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Authors: Marie Solka

BOOK: My Dream Man
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Chapter 21

The next morning I woke up and stared at Greg as he slept. He was a glorious contradiction. A brilliant scientist
a sex god. I never would’ve guessed. Maybe my subconscious mind knew, and that’s why I dreamt of him in the first place. Or maybe we just had chemistry. I didn’t know. I just thanked God over and over.

He must’ve sensed me staring because he stirred. When he saw me he smiled and stretched. “Morning,” he said. “How’d you sleep?”

“Like a baby. Best night’s sleep I’ve ever gotten.”

He giggled. Even his giggle was high-pitched and peculiar, like his laugh. “My work is done then,” he said. “At least for one day.”

I gazed at him in awe.

“What?” he asked while smiling.

“Where’d you learn all that?”

He grabbed hold of my hand. “All what?”

“You know,” I said as I cuddled closer. “What you did last night. Are you some kind of super-experienced guy?”

He laughed. “No. I’m not super-experienced. I just read a lot.”

I found that hard to believe, but if it was true, then all men needed to focus on literacy.

“You hungry?” he asked.


“Why don’t you let me take you to breakfast then?”

“Okay. Let me get cleaned up first.”

I went to the bathroom and stuffed my hair into a shower cap, then I filled the tub and shaved my legs, and put on perfumed lotion. I applied some light make up, spritzed my hair back to life and slipped on my favorite jeans and a cute sweater.

When I finished Greg said he’d be right back. He went to the car and returned with a little overnight bag. “I keep this in the car in case we pull an all-nighter at work. It happens from time to time if we get jazzed about a project.”

I could see him doing that, giving up sleep to achieve a goal. “Bathroom’s free,” I said, stepping aside.

He kissed my forehead as he passed, then shut the door.

While he was getting ready my tummy growled so loud I felt like I was being scolded. Thankfully he was done in ten minutes.

“I’m glad that didn’t take long. I’m starved,” I said.

He smirked. “You did expend a significant amount of energy last night. Let’s go get you a big breakfast.” Then he put on his driving glasses, the ones that made him look even more irresistible.

I grabbed my purse and off we went. Once we were seated and the food came, I dug in like a savage. “Sorry,” I said. “I’m not usually like this. I tend to eat smaller meals.”

Greg grinned. “I like that I have that effect on you.” He added some sugar to his coffee after the waitress filled his cup, then began eating his meal like a civilized person. “I also like that thing you said right before you fell asleep.”

I remembered us telling each other I love you, but nothing else. “What thing?” I asked, while munching on a strip of bacon.

Greg eyed me. “You told me I was your dream man.”

“I said that?” I said, feigning ignorance.

“No. Your exact words were ‘you really are my dream man.”’ He popped some hash browns in his mouth and waited for me to reply.

I chewed my food slowly, wondering if I should tell him. This didn’t seem like the time or the place, but I gave in. “You really want to know?”

He shook his head.

“Okay,” I said. “It has to do with the secret I never told you.”

“Oh man. I almost forgot about that. Please tell me.”

I squirmed in my seat. Then I took another bite of food while I tried to figure out how to word it.

“You’re stalling. I thought I was your dream man,” Greg pouted.

I couldn’t resist his cute face. I told him how I’d been in a relationship before, but was never able to have an orgasm. I told him about how I dreamed of him the first night we met, the night of the supermoon, and how he made me come for the first time and exactly how it happened. Then I smiled brightly. “That’s how you became my dream man.”

Greg wore an expression of stupefied amazement. “You mean, the first time was in your sleep…doing
?” He scratched his head, dumbfounded. “Is that even possible?” He seemed to be considering it, then added, “Wait. Then that means last night was the first time when you were awake.”

“Uh huh.” I nodded, then took a sip of orange juice.

Greg sat up straighter and seemed to swell with pride as a smile spread across his face.

“I told you you’d never guess it,” I said.

Greg leaned in closer and whispered, “We never actually got to do that.”

I held his gaze and bit my lower lip. “I know.”

The poor guy almost leapt across the table. I knew this wasn’t the time or place to tell him, but he’d pressed and I didn’t want to leave him hanging. I was enjoying watching him overheat. “You going to be okay over there?”

“Eventually. I’m a bit indisposed right now.”

I glanced under the table. “I can see that.” Then I gave him a seductive smile in the hopes it would worsen his condition.

“Maybe we should try and recreate the dream,” he suggested. “You know, to see if it’s even possible in real life.”

I began twirling my hair and acting bashful. “Okay,” I said in a soft voice. “I’m not sure it can happen in real life, but I’m willing to try as many times as you want.”

Greg gripped his fork so tight he looked like he could crush it, then he scanned the restaurant for the waitress. Once he found her he motioned for her to come over. “We’re ready for the check,” he said in a hurried tone.

I was almost done eating, but Greg hadn’t finished his meal. After he handed the woman his credit card, he scarfed down the rest of his eggs and bacon. When she returned with the receipt, he threw his napkin down; he couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

We drove back to my place, and on the way there Greg’s driving took a decidedly more aggressive stance. He rounded corners a little too fast, and when a light turned from red to green, he was quick to stomp on the gas pedal.

Once we got home he rushed me inside. Then he pinned me against the wall and began kissing me. This time I had a chance to paw him, so I took the opportunity to grab his behind and pull him closer. When our bodies made contact he moaned.

“Do you want me to call you kitten like in the dream?” he asked, sounding short of breath.

“Yeah,” I said as he slipped his hand under my sweater.

I pulled my sweater over my head and threw it on the floor. He did the same with his shirt. I was finally able to admire his chest in the light of day instead of in a dimly lit room. It was muscular without being bulky, and I loved his pale skin.

I unzipped my jeans because they were a little too tight for what I was planning to do next. As I wiggled out of them I watched Greg’s eyes burn with desire. I couldn’t wait to please him the way he pleased me the night before. I didn’t care if I got excited like in the dream.

I felt sexy and confident standing there in my black lace bra and thong. I reached for his belt buckle while maintaining eye contact. Greg tried to help me with his belt but I swatted his hand away. “I can do it,” I purred.

I took my time removing his belt. Then I trailed hungry kisses down his chest and unzipped his pants. When they dropped to the ground I was greeted by an erection ready to burst out of his briefs. In one fluid motion, I slid his underwear off and lowered myself onto the carpet.

I gazed up one last time and found him watching me closely. Then I grabbed hold of him and took him in my mouth. I closed my eyes, completely absorbed in what I was doing. I focused on the way he tasted and listened to the satisfied sounds he made as I found my rhythm. Being close to him this way brought on an unexpected wave of contentment I couldn’t quite understand.

Within a short time he began panting faster and crying out. Then his breaths grew slower and he ran his fingers through my hair. I rose, and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. “That was amazing,” I told him.

He loosened his grip and looked in my eyes. “You mean? Did it happen?”

I gave him a warm smile. “No. It didn’t,” I said, then wrapped my arms around his neck. “Something better happened.”

Greg’s brow crinkled. “I’m confused. What happened?”

I hung from his neck and swayed back and forth like a happy drunk. “I don’t know. It’s kind of hard to explain.” Then I stopped, stood on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss. “All I know is I loved it and I can’t wait to do it again.”

Greg’s response was to scoop me in his arms and carry me off to the bedroom.

Chapter 22

When I woke up it was late afternoon. Greg lay next to me, sleeping. His sweet face rested against the pillow, looking peaceful. Blankets wrapped around his body in a tangled mess. I smiled, thinking of how I’d worn him out, then almost laughed remembering what he’d said after the third time, “Thank you Jesus.” I asked him if he was religious and he answered, “Not until just about a minute ago.”

I felt incredibly close to Greg even though we really didn’t know each other all that well. I could analyze it, or more likely over-analyze it, or I could accept that I had met my soul mate. I had never believed in stuff like that. I thought it was nonsense. But if I could make Greg consider the existence of God, he could certainly make me reevaluate my stance on sappy sayings.

When I told him about my old boyfriend it didn’t seem to faze him. Of course, I had made it abundantly clear he had nothing to worry about. That got me wondering about his old girlfriends. Before we ended up in bed together, I might have questioned his experience, considering his nerdish tendencies. But the things he knew – the way he made me feel? Despite his insistence, I knew you didn’t just learn that from books. I wondered how I compared to his exes. A little voice in the corner of my mind reminded me of how happy I just made him, and that it was irrelevant, so I let it go.

I got up to go pee and heard my phone beep in the kitchen. I grabbed it and checked voicemail. It was Tabby. She wanted to know how my date went with Greg. I grinned, wondering how I’d explain it to her. I’d have to give her a call when he left, not that I ever wanted him to.

I returned to the bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up a bit, then I went back to bed and cuddled up to him. His skin was so soft and he smelled good. The thought of him leaving made my heart hurt.

My touch must have waked him up because he yawned and stretched. Then he turned over and faced me. “I can’t believe I slept all day. I never do that,” he said.

I giggled. “You were tired. You needed your rest.”

Greg reached out and caressed my face. Then he looked into my eyes and said, “I’ve never had a day like today. Ever…”

He kissed me gently. “You’re so beautiful Sam. I’m so happy we met.”

“Me too.”

Greg looked at his watch. “Shit,” he said. “Today’s my day to cook. I’ll have to throw something simple together since I’m short on time. Do you want to come for dinner?”

I wanted to, but figured I should work on my charting and run some errands. “I’d love to, but I have some work to catch up on. Maybe tomorrow?”

He gave me a kiss on the forehead. “Tomorrow then,” he said, then climbed out of bed stark naked. He began searching for his clothes.

“They’re still on the floor in the other room,” I said. “Let me go get them.”

When I returned I watched Greg get dressed. It surprised me that I was already in the mood to fool around again. I couldn’t figure out what was happening to me. I worried I might be turning into a nymphomaniac.

The desire must’ve been obvious in my eyes because as he zipped his pants he said, “You’re in the mood again?”

I nodded shyly. I couldn’t lie. He came over and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a big hug and a kiss. “Tomorrow,” he said.

He gave me a knowing smile, and then I walked him to the door. As he hopped down the stairs I called out to him. “Greg.”

He turned back. “Yeah?”

“You’re my dream man times ten.”

He smiled again, beaming with pride. Then he waved and got in his car.

Within a half hour I already missed him. I was totally whipped. I was about to start working on charting when I remembered Tabby.

I reached for my phone and dialed. “Hey Tab. How’s it going?”

“Oh, you know. The usual. What’s new with you? How’d the date go?”

“Well Tab. How can I say it best? It was freaking mind-blowing.”

“What? What went down? Tell me everything.”

I sighed. “First let me give you a little backstory you haven’t been privy to. Prior to last night I’d never had an orgasm. Actually no. That’s a lie,” I said, filling her in on the original dream about Greg.

“That’s insane,” she said.

“I know. It’s wacked. But let me continue. So last night he came over and made it his mission to give me as many orgasms as possible. Let me tell you, it was exhausting in all the right ways. Then he slept over, we went to breakfast, came back here and…well, let’s just say I’m making up for lost time.”

“Dang! My big sis is turning porn star. Love it. That’s great news.”

“I know. I’ve been on cloud nine for two days. I could get used to this.”

“So when do you see him again?”

“Tomorrow night. Dinner at his place.”

“Nice,” Tabby said. “I’m so happy for you Sam. I wish I was there. We could celebrate with manicures.”

“I know. I wish you could be here too.” I paused, unsure if I should sour the moment and bring up Jack. “So how’s your love life?”

There was a pause. “You’re not gonna like this, but I’m hanging out with Jack again.”

“I thought you didn’t think he was right for you?” I asked, trying to remind her of her own words.

“I still feel that way. It’s just he came over and helped me hang some pictures, and then he invited me to a cool party he was DJing. My focus is on school, but it will be nice to have someone to chill with when I have free time.”

“Well I guess it’s fine as long as you’re having fun. Just don’t do stuff you don’t want to do.”

“Don’t worry Sam. There’s no chance we’re going to have sex. I’m holding out for someone better,” she joked.

“Smart girl.” I hoped she would stick to that statement. “Just study hard, take care of yourself, and before you know it your dream guy will show up when you’re not looking.”

“That’s what they say.”

“Well I’ve got some work to do before tomorrow, so I gotta run. I’ll give you a call later in the week.”

“Cool. Talk to you soon,” she said. “Love ya.”

After I hung up, I sighed. I wished Tabby would meet a great guy. Someone that was good enough for her.

My phone rang again. It was Greg. “Are your ears burning?” I asked.

“No. Should they be?” he asked.

I got up and walked to the bedroom so I could lie down and talk to him. “Yep,” I said, snuggling up to my pillow. “I just got off the phone with my sister. Usually I don’t tell her stuff that’s really personal, but I made an exception this time.”

“You told her about how adept I am at pleasing you?” he teased.

“Not in those words, but…yeah.” I paused. “She asked if you were a player, and I said no, that you just read a lot. She wants to know what books you’re reading.”

“Hah!” he said. “That’s esoteric knowledge. I’ll never give it up.”

“Not even to your best guy friend? What if he needed to know?”

“My best guy friend is a buffoon. How he ever got married and had a kid I’ll never know. Great scientist though. Maybe she just wants him for his brain.”

I laughed. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

“Crazy about you,” he whispered.

“I wish it was tomorrow already.”

“Me too.”

“See you then. Night-night,” he said.


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