My Dream Man (12 page)

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Authors: Marie Solka

BOOK: My Dream Man
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Chapter 23

The next day I sprung from bed when the alarm went off instead of cursing its incessant beeping. I couldn’t wait to have dinner at Greg’s house. After seeing a few patients and having a small lunch, I headed to Mrs. Myszkowski’s place. I had been surprised to see her on Monday’s schedule.

She looked a little sad when she answered the door. “How are you doing today?” I asked, then grabbed the handles to her wheelchair and rolled her into the family room.

“Not so great,” she said. “Today’s the anniversary of my husband’s death. It’s been ten years.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” I said. “If you’d like to talk about him I’d love to listen.” I was truly curious about the man who’d captured this spunky woman’s heart.

She couldn’t quite manage a smile. “What can I say,” she said while looking into the distance. “He was a wonderful husband. Honest, faithful, and a great father to our kids. I miss him.”

I rubbed her shoulder and tried to comfort her. She’d lost her husband ten years ago and her daughter five years ago. I couldn’t imagine what that was like. “Tell me more about your son,” I said, trying to change the subject to something more positive.

That grabbed her attention. “Alex is a lot like his father. Works hard. He’s a good husband, good parent. Goes to church and still finds time to visit me once a week.”

“Do you have a lot of friends? Any gentleman friends?” I asked.

She laughed. “Fat chance. Look at me,” she said, pointing to the wheelchair. “I’m all washed up.”

“I wouldn’t say that. I think you’re sex on wheels.”

She burst out laughing. “You’re funny Sam. Thanks. That made my day.”

I smiled at her, then looked at her leg. I noticed it was a bit swollen. “How’s your breathing been lately? Any shortness of breath?”

“Yes. My breathing is horseshit. And my leg is puffed up. How’s that for sexy?”

I grinned at her, hiding my concern. Both were signs of congestive heart failure. “I’m going to put a call in to the doctor to have that checked. I don’t like it.”

“Don’t bother. I’ve already got an appointment tomorrow,” she said.

Anna put on a brave face and cracked a lot of jokes. She didn’t let on that she was concerned or worried about dying. Every elderly patient was different. But there is never a good age to die. People always say “he lived a good life,” or “she was eighty-five,” but that doesn’t mean anything. Each one of them has friends and family, places they’d like to go, things they’d like to do. I was getting emotional just thinking about it. I had grown attached to this particular old lady and didn’t want anything to happen to her.

“What’s new with that boy you’re crazy about?” she asked, interrupting my reverie.

I lit up at the mention of him. “Things are good. We spent the weekend together, and I’m going to see him again tonight.”

This news improved her mood. “That’s my girl,” she said. “Now just make sure you’re not available every time he wants to see you.”

“What do you mean? Play games? I’m not into that,” I said.

“No, silly. I don’t mean lie, I just mean spend time with your girlfriends and your family. Have other stuff to do. If you give him all of you all the time he’s got no incentive to move forward. Plus, it’s important to stay close to family and friends. If this guy is the real deal, he’ll appreciate those commitments. And if not? Well, you’ll still have your support system.”

“Okay,” I said. I always made time for friends and family, so I didn’t have to worry, but I had no intention of telling Greg I wasn’t available if I wanted to see him and I was free. I finished checking all her weekly vitals and logged them in the computer. “You get better tomorrow, okay? I can’t be without my love guru.”

“You say that now, but after another decade of me asking you for cigarettes you’ll probably wish I was dead. Speaking of which…”

I laughed. “No. I didn’t bring you any cigarettes. How about I bring a pack to your grave someday? Instead of flowers I can lean them against your headstone?”

Anna laughed and slapped her hand on the armrest of her wheelchair. “I’ll bet you’d do that just to spite me. Or you’d glue them together and turn it into a wreath.”

“Wow! That’s a great idea for the holidays. Thanks.” I grinned. “Seriously, though. Get better. I’m going to follow up with your doctor afterward. I’ve got to run,” I said.

“Will do. Have fun on your date tonight.”

After I left I thought of all the fun I’d already had with Greg. Back in Anna’s day I probably would’ve been called a hussy. Hussy, porn star, nympho – whatever it was called, I was having the time of my life.

Mr. Varo answered the door wearing a sportcoat and tie. “Wow. You’re looking dapper. What’s the occasion?” I asked.

“Going to dinner and a movie with a friend,” he said. He didn’t look too enthused about it.

I stepped in the foyer and took off my shoes. “Is it a lady friend?”

“Yes, but she’s just a friend. I’m trying to get out more.”

“I’m sure it will be fun,” I said. I didn’t see Greg’s car in the driveway but it could’ve been in the garage. “Is Greg home yet?”

“Yeah. He’s in his room.”

“Do you mind if I sneak up on him?”

“Sure. Go for it.”

I tiptoed down the hall and peeked in his room. He was sitting at his desk staring at papers. When he saw me he quickly stuffed them in a folder. “There you are. Weird. I didn’t even hear the doorbell.”

“I rang it,” I said. “What’s all that?” I asked.

He stood and gave me a kiss. “Work stuff. Apparently when I get immersed I lose my ability to hear.”

I glanced at the folder. “Geeky stuff?” I purred.

“Yeah,” he said, looking intrigued. “Why? Does that do something for you?”

“You’re my boyfriend, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” he grinned, then grabbed my behind and pulled me close. “I made pot roast in the crockpot. You hungry?”


We went to the kitchen and I noticed Mr. Varo had slipped out without saying goodbye. Greg turned off the crockpot and scooped two servings onto plates and set them on the table. All of a sudden I felt a little guilty. He’d cooked twice for me and had taken me out to dinner and breakfast. It was well past my turn to prepare a meal.

“You’re smart. You’re sexy. You cook,” I said before taking a bite. Once I tasted it I made a sound of approval.

Greg smiled appreciatively. “My mom taught me,” he said.

“You got a lot from your mom, huh?”

“Yep. I even look like her. My dad has always wondered what part of him is in me.” He chuckled, then added, “Mom would be setting up projects for the kids at school and I’d always be hanging around asking questions. But when my dad tried to show me how to play ball or do something manly, like woodworking or car stuff, I’d get bored.”

“You look pretty manly from where I’m sitting,” I said, eyeing him like he was dessert. “But then again, you do walk around in a pink robe.”

Greg cackled and almost spit out his soda. “There’s a funny story behind that.” He regained composure and cleared his throat. “We had this grab bag gift exchange at work for the holidays. It was supposed to be unisex, but somehow I ended up getting a pink robe. Everyone laughed and the guy who bought it fessed up. He said he thought it was beige. Apparently he was color blind. At least, that’s the excuse he gave. I told him not to worry; I’d still wear it and pretend it was beige in his honor.”

“That’s awesome.” I took his hand in mine. “I happen to like the pink robe. I think it makes you look hot.”

“I can wear it later if you like.”

“I was hoping you would.”

I set my fork on top of my empty plate and rose to take it to the sink. Greg got up too and took it from me. “I got it,” he said, then popped them into the dishwasher. “You can go in my room if you like.”

I nodded.

He joined me there a couple minutes later, and as we sat next to each other, a framed photo caught my attention. “Is this you and your mom?” I asked. He must’ve been around ten in the picture.

“Yeah. We were on vacation in the Caribbean. Such a fun trip.”

“Do you have any pictures of you and your dad?” I asked.

He got up and opened the closet, then began digging through his things. “Let me grab some albums,” he said. Then he came back and sat next to me. He opened one up and set it on his lap. “I have a lot of these. They’re organized by age. This one is from birth to year two.”

I wasn’t surprised. I could use his help organizing my old photos, which were all thrown together haphazardly in a plastic tub. Maybe he could help me digitize them. “Aww. There’s your baby picture. So sweet,” I cooed.

“I look pretty much the same, don’t you think? Just with a little facial hair.”

I swatted him, then turned the page. There were photos of him and his parents that looked professional, like they’d had them done at a studio, but most were candid shots. He closed the first album and opened another. “Years eleven and twelve,” he said.

“What’s this?” I asked, as a big smile spread across my face.

“That’s my dad and I at a Star Trek convention.” Greg let out a sigh. “My poor dad. He would’ve loved to take me fishing or to a baseball game. I mean, we tried, but he could tell it wasn’t my thing.”

“But look at what a good sport he is. He makes a decent Captain Kirk,” I said. I thought it was nice that his dad went along with him and dressed up. “You could be Spock’s child in this shot, if he had a kid with light hair.”

“I had the plastic ears at least, and my mom did my eyebrows,” he said.

I heard his stomach make a bubbling sound. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know. It’s been twisting a little since we ate. How do you feel?”

“I feel fine,” I said.

It made another twisting sound, and this time it caused him to jump up and leave the room.

While he was gone I flipped through the albums. When he came back a while later he looked awful.

“God. This sucks. I had planned a romantic evening and now it’s ruined,” he said. He looked a little embarrassed too.

I put the albums on the bed. “Let me check in my purse and see if I have something for your tummy.”

“Thanks,” he said, “but I already took something.” He sat down next to me and frowned. “I swear. This wasn’t what I had in mind tonight.”

I took hold of his hand. “I still had fun. Why don’t you come over one night this week and I’ll make you dinner. You can bring your pink robe.”

His breath caught when I said that. “Which night?”


“Sounds perfect,” he said.

Chapter 24

I decided to make a light meal on Thursday night. I didn’t want to take a chance and cook something too heavy because I had a little something special planned for later that I thought he might like.

“How did you like the fish?” I asked when we finished eating.

“It was delicious. Thank you.” He leaned over and gave me a kiss. “I saved just enough room for dessert.”

“I got fresh fruit this time instead of cookies.” I started to stand but he stopped me.

“I didn’t mean that,” he said, pulling me onto his lap. Then he buried his face into my neck and held me close. “I’ve ached for you Sam. These last few days have felt like an eternity.”

The feel of his hot breath on my skin made me weak. “I’ve ached for you too,” I said, nuzzling him.

We began kissing, and I could feel him growing hard beneath me. But this time things weren’t rushed or frantic. His touch was slower, more deliberate, like he was memorizing my body’s response to every skillful caress.

“I have a surprise for you,” I said in between heavy breaths.

He glanced up at me. “You do? What is it?”

“I can’t tell you. I have to show you.” I got off his lap and headed to the bedroom. “I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

Once the door was closed I changed into the outfit I bought the day before. It was a sexy white nurse costume with a little red cross on the chest and matching red thong. I slipped on a pair of heels, ran my fingers through my hair, then I got nervous all of a sudden. I wasn’t sure if it was too soon to live out a fantasy with him. I hoped he wouldn’t think I was weird.

“Can I come in yet?” I heard him ask.

I took a deep breath and dimmed the light. “All set,” I said.

Greg opened the door, then his eyes grew wide and his jaw simultaneously dropped. “Oh God,” he groaned. “You look so hot.”

Relieved, I playfully said, “Are you ready for your exam then?”

He looked like he was going to break through his pants he was so hard. He nodded and took a seat on the bed. Then I walked toward him, sashaying in a fashion that showed off my assets.

I leaned forward so my breasts spilled over the top of the costume. “Now why don’t you start by telling me your symptoms,” I said in a throaty whisper.

Greg looked eager to play along. “Let me see,” he said, pretending to think. “I’m in love with this incredible girl. And when I’m near her she makes my heart race.”

“I see,” I said. Then I bent over and reached for the stethoscope I’d pulled out of my bag earlier. I heard Greg gulp. I stood in front of him and secured the rubber earpieces in my ear and put the device against his chest. “Oh my,” I said in an exaggerated tone. “Your heart is beating very hard, I mean fast.”

I began unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it off him. Then I paused, held his gaze and said, “This is more serious than I thought. I’m going to have to remove your pants.”

As soon as I got his jeans off I was barely able to set my medical equipment aside before he threw me on the bed. In an instant, he’d gone from lingering touches to behaving like a panther.

He ripped my panties off and buried his face between my legs. I wasn’t sure what he was doing differently than he did last time, but it felt ten times better. Maybe it was his excitement level. Maybe the first time he was calculating how to please me, and he definitely had, but today he was like a savage.

I began screaming so loud I was sure my neighbors were going to find a way to have me evicted if this continued. And it did, again and again. Finally Greg stopped. “Can I give it to you from behind?” he asked.

“By ‘from behind,’ do you mean…”

He blushed. “I just mean from behind. I’m not into…um…that.” He hesitated. “I mean, unless you are…”

“No, not even a little,” I said. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well, now that we’ve dispensed with that awkward moment…”

He climbed up behind me and eased himself inside. Then he grabbed my hips and started thrusting, slowly at first, then faster and deeper as I began to pant and moan. Soon he was moaning as loud as I was. Then, after a final, groaning thrust, he collapsed onto the bed, spent and exhausted.

“Is it wrong that I’m hungry again?” he asked just a couple minutes later.

I snuggled up to him. “No. You’ve just used up a lot of energy, and you had a light dinner. You want chocolate chip cookies?”

“Mmm. Those do sound good right about now. Do you have milk?”

“Yep,” I said, getting up. I reached for my clothes and put them back on. Greg dressed too and we headed to the kitchen.

I set the cookies on a plate and poured two glasses of milk. We sat side by side, munching contentedly.

I grinned at Greg. “You’re lucky you live in a house,” I told him.

“Why’s that?”

“Because,” I said, “Think of how loud we just were. My neighbors are going to hate me soon if that continues.”

Greg shrugged. “Then we’ll do it at my house next time. No worries.”

I dunked another cookie into my glass of milk. “But what about your dad? His chart doesn’t say he suffers from hearing loss.”

“Don’t worry about him. He adores you, and wants to give us some privacy. He finds things to do out of the house on nights when you come around.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed that. But I don’t know if I like it. I don’t want him to have to leave his own house just because I’m stopping by.”

Greg reached for my hand. “We’ll mix it up then. Some nights we come here, some nights we go to my house. We’ll just have to learn how to be a little quieter. And by ‘we,’ I mean you.”

I slapped his arm playfully. “Hey, you weren’t particularly quiet that last time.”

He began tapping his fingers on the table, then looked my way. “How do you feel about going on a business trip with me?”

“Where to?” I asked. I’d go anywhere he wanted to take me.

“There’s a big robotics conference in Seattle. I took my dad to the last one, but I’d love it if you came along this time.”

I lit up at the idea. “I’d love to,” I said.

“Great. I’ll book the tickets then. I usually stay at a cheap hotel, but I think splurging is in order this time.” He placed his hand on my knee and gave me a kiss.

I climbed back on his lap and started kissing his forehead, his eyelids, his cheeks. “You make me so happy Greg. I can’t wait to go.”

He was beginning to get happy again too. And it was back to the bedroom for the rest of the night.

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