My Dream Man (9 page)

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Authors: Marie Solka

BOOK: My Dream Man
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Chapter 17

That night I ached for Greg more than I ever had. I couldn’t stop thinking of my lips touching his. The sensations that went through me were just like in my dream, only better. And this time it was for real.

I thought about him admitting he wanted to have sex with me. I hadn’t expected him to blurt out something like that. He was right – it was rather inappropriate. Coming from anyone else, I might have responded with a slap to the face. But it’s not like I wasn’t thinking the same thing. I thought it was only fair to spill my secret. I didn’t know which was better: the kiss, his surprising admission, or the look on his face when I told him I felt the same way.

I’d never forget it no matter how long I lived. It was priceless.

I grinned as I curled into my blankets. Then I spent the next hour remembering every detail of the evening. Despite the intensity of my desire for him, or maybe because of it, I was so proud I’d passed up the opportunity to fool around, which was damn near impossible to do.

Eventually I fell asleep. When I woke the next morning I noticed I’d received a text from Greg. He wrote:
Remember that sweater I lent you? It smells like you. I slept with it last night. Does that make me a pervert?

I smiled, then wrote back:
When I had that sweater I slept in it naked. What does that make me?

The phone rang. It was Greg. “Hey. What are you doing today?” he asked.

“I have something with my mom today,” I lied. Mrs. Myszkowski would be proud, but I felt bad for pretending to be busy. Still, I was pretty sure she was right. I had to make him work for it.

“Oh,” he replied, sounding deflated.

He was silent for a while. “Well when can I see you again?”

“I’m gonna be at your place on Wednesday. I could make it my last stop if you’d like.”

“Please do,” he said. “And Sam…”

“Yes,” I answered.

“Do you happen to have any more secrets like the one you told me last night?”

I thought of the supermoon and burst into laughter. “Boy do I ever,” I said.

“Really? What is it? Tell me,” he pressed.

“I’ll tell you someday. I promise,” I said. “Have a good day Greg. See you Wednesday.”

“I can’t believe you’re gonna leave me hanging.”

“Sorry,” I said. “Gotta go.” Then I gave him a phone kiss and hung up.

I stretched and got up to take a shower. Before I stepped into the hot water, I gazed at myself in the mirror. I didn’t just see a decent body, I saw happiness and confidence. I couldn’t wait to tell Mrs. Myszkowski how things were going.

On Tuesday’s visit I got the chance to give her the run down. When I finished, she looked at me in awe.

“What a minute. Did you just say you pulled a Myszkowski?” She started laughing hard and began coughing. “I like that,” she choked. “That’s good.”

“Oh my goodness,” I said. “Look at you. You’re getting congested.”

“Don’t worry,” she said, clearing her throat. “I’m okay.” She wiped her eyes so the tears wouldn’t ruin her mascara. “I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Reminds me of my daughter.”

“I didn’t know you had a daughter. You’ve only mentioned your son. What’s her name?” I asked.

“Her name was Dorota. She died of breast cancer five years ago.”

“I’m sorry,” I said.

She smiled briefly through a pained grimace. “Thanks. She and I were close. Her first husband was a prick – excuse my French – but the second one was wonderful. She followed my advice in nabbing him. It’s a shame they had so little time together.”

“That’s sad,” I said. “You must miss her very much.”

“I do.” She sighed as I finished taking her blood pressure. “But enough about me. What’s your plan going forward with this fellow?”

“I don’t know,” I grinned. “You tell me.”

Mrs. Myszkowski’s heavily-wrinkled brow furrowed. “Just continue being yourself, keep him interested and make him work for it. That doesn’t mean you never jump in the sack. It just means you don’t do it too soon. I mean, you do want to sleep with him, right?”

I cracked up. “I’m surprised you’re not suggesting we wait until our wedding night.”

Anna rolled her eyes. “I’m old, not stupid. I know how the world works.”

“I stand corrected.” I logged her results and put my equipment away. “Anything else I should be aware of on this visit?” I asked, getting back to business.


“Can I get anything else for you before I go?”

“Is that a trick question?”

I smirked. “Yes.”

She shooed me. “Go on. Get out of my house,” she teased.

I left Mrs. Myszkowski’s, smiling on my way out the door.

Later on my phone rang. “Hey Mom. What’s up?”

“Oh nothing. I just wanted to see how you are.” She had a distant sound in her voice again, like something was wrong.

“I’m fine. How about you? Is everything okay?”

“Me? Sure. Everything’s great,” she said.

I knew she was lying. I hated it when she hid stuff from me. My parents had been like that all our lives. Any relational issues were always dealt with behind the scenes.

“I called to hear about your date,” she said. “Tabby told me about it. How come you didn’t mention it? Was it supposed to be a secret?”

Funny how she could be tight-lipped but I wasn’t allowed to be. “No. No secret. I just wanted to make sure things went well before telling you. But yeah, we had a great time. I’m seeing him again tomorrow.”

“Oh, good,” she said. “Seeing him again so soon sounds promising.”

“I thought so too.” I smiled, thinking how badly he wanted to see me.

“Well I don’t want to take up your whole night. You must be tired from work.” She paused, then added, “Let me know how things are more often. Okay?”

She must be missing Tabby. She usually didn’t act this needy.

“I will. Hey, speaking of keeping in touch, how about I take you and Dad to dinner this Friday night? Are you guys free?”

“Your father’s out of town on business this week, but I’m free,” she said brightly.

I’d hoped to get them out together so I could be nosy. Guess I’d have to try again another time. “How about I stop by the house after work and we’ll go wherever you want?”

“Sounds good honey. See you then.”

I hung up, worried. I needed to stop by their place more often. I’d been working so much lately I hadn’t been making it a priority. That would change as of today.

I popped leftovers into the microwave and was about to dial Tabby when I got a text from Greg:
My mind is working overtime trying to figure out your secret. It’s killing me.

I texted back:
You’d never guess it in your wildest dreams. . . See you tomorrow.

Chapter 18

I couldn’t wait to get to Mr. Varo’s house. I left a gap in between appointments so I could once again steal some time to freshen up at home first. Afterward I changed out of my jeans and into a casual knee-length dress with flats. And though I had no plans to sleep with Greg yet, I wore one of my new bra and panties sets. They made me feel sexy, and sexiness seemed to be an integral part of my newfound confidence.

I smiled non-stop the whole way there. I hadn’t been so excited about anything in recent memory. It was without a doubt the most excited I had been as an adult. All because of a man.

I rang the doorbell and Mr. Varo answered. “Boy. Don’t you look pretty,” he said.

“Thanks.” I stepped in and looked around.

“Greg’s not here. He ran out to rent some movies.”

I raised an eyebrow. “I thought he doesn’t watch TV?”

“He doesn’t. I suggested it. Told him you’re a normal person and would probably like to do something normal like that.”

I smiled. “Cool. What are we going to watch?”

aren’t going to watch anything. I’m headed to a neighbor’s card game. You and Greg will have the house to yourself.”

I panicked. I wasn’t prepared to control myself sitting next to my dream man on the sofa. That was a whole other matter. It would take will of steel. “Oh, okay,” I said. “Well let’s get started then. How’s the foot?” I asked, easing into my professional role.

“Getting better. I’ve washed it and applied the medicated dressing you left as directed. And I even followed a proper diet.”

We got situated in our usual spot, then I took off his sock and removed the bandage. The wound had definitely improved. I cleaned it up again and re-applied new gauze, then went about checking his blood pressure. I wanted to focus my complete attention on him and not goof anything up even though I was a bundle of nerves.

I heard Greg come in and my heart fluttered in my chest. I took a breath and did my best to remain outwardly composed. He snuck up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned, his face was close to mine. He grinned, looking mischievous. “Hey,” he said in a soft voice.

“Hey,” I said back. My self-confidence disappeared in an instant. Just like that. His soft lips combined with that smile and amazing scent was intoxicating.

He lingered for a few moments, noticing my reaction, and seemed pleased. “I’ll get out of your way so you can work,” he said. “I’m just going to put these groceries away.”

He sauntered off with his two bags, and when he was gone Mr. Varo looked at me and winked. I don’t blush easily, but my face turned bright red. “He’s been all happy like that for days,” he whispered. “He’s acting like a real live human being.”

I laughed. Greg began whistling in the background.

“See what I mean,” Mr. Varo chuckled.

I nodded, and as I did Greg walked past and ogled my bare legs on the way to his room. This would be tough, I thought, because I was easy prey that
to be captured.

When I finished Mr. Varo’s weekly tests, he rose and said, “Well, if we’re all done I’d better get going. I’m planning on winning money tonight.”

I didn’t want him to leave. He was my security blanket. Protector of my virtue. “You sure you want to go?” I asked. “You’re welcome to hang out with us.”

“That sounds tempting Sam. I appreciate the offer, but I’m about to take these guys for their social security checks. I can’t pass that up.”

I smiled. “Have fun then.”

My vulnerability increased with every step he took. He waved goodbye and shut the door. A moment later Greg appeared. “That’s a pretty dress,” he said.

He was observing me like a specimen again. I’d bet some women would find it creepy, but I found it titillating. “Thanks,” I said in an unsteady voice.

“Would you like something to drink?” he asked. “We’ve got beer, wine, soda…”

“I’ll stick with water tonight,” I said. He looked slightly disappointed. Perhaps he was counting on me being a little tipsy.

I followed him to the kitchen. He was wearing slim-fitting jeans that showed off his cute butt. I wondered if I’d found the only nanotechnologist nerd who was as concerned about fitness as he was about his robots. “I got us a bunch of snacks. Mini pizzas, veggies and dip, and I picked up some movies if you’re interested. I make great popcorn too, so save room for that.”

I smiled at him. “I’ll take a little bite of everything.”

He eyed me. His mind obviously went somewhere other than food. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll heat up the oven then. You sure you don’t want a glass of wine? I’ve got a bunch of decent bottles to choose from.”

“I’m sure. I don’t want to get too tipsy and be unable to drive home.”

Greg handed me a glass of water. “Yeah. Then you’d have to spend the night. You’ve figured out my evil plan.”

I giggled, then walked to the table to see which movies he’d chosen. They were all chick flicks. Evil plan indeed.

“Relax Sam. Take a seat on the couch. I’ll be over in a few.”

I nodded, my gaze lingering longer than usual, then tried to get comfortable. While I waited, I closed my eyes and considered my circumstance. Should I just go with whatever happens, with what I desperately wanted, or should I wait?

Greg set the veggies and dip on the coffee table. He lifted a glass of water as if acknowledging he’d decided to copy me. “Tired?” he asked.

“No. Just thinking.”

He looked like he was going to ask me what I was thinking about but decided against it. “So…what’s your movie of choice?” he asked.

“You pick one.”

He jumped up and grabbed the first one his hand landed on, then put it in the DVD player and pressed play. He lowered the lights and sat next to me, so close that his body touched mine. I felt his hip against my hip, his leg against my leg. My heart began racing as the previews played, and I caught him stealing glances at me out of the corner of my eye. I pretended not to notice.

When the movie started he feigned interest, but within a few minutes his hand found mine. My reaction to such a simple gesture was powerful. My breathing grew heavy and I found it impossible to concentrate. Greg responded by snuggling even closer and putting his arm around me. Then he began gently caressing my shoulder.

The bra I’d worn was thin, without padding, and I couldn’t hide my reaction. I turned to him and saw a look I’d always dreamed of seeing on his face: unbridled desire for me.

Within seconds our lips connected and his tongue found mine. I gave no thought to how things would turn out. I wanted to feel, not think, so I let go.

His hand dropped to my breast and cupped it. A delighted moan escaped my lungs, which only encouraged him to grope me more. Then his kisses grew more fervent. They traveled to my neck, and as he focused there I lost my mind. I was panting and ready and I couldn’t say no if I tried. I was his.

The sound of an alarm blaring startled us. Greg jumped up. “The pizza!” he said.

He rushed to the kitchen and turned off the oven. Then he hopped on a stepladder and poked the mounted device with a wooden stick so it would stop beeping. Once the room was silent he grabbed oven mitts and pulled the pizzas out. “Shit,” he said.

I came up beside him. “We could always order out,” I said. The pizzas in front of us resembled blackened hubcaps.

“How romantic would it have been if the fire department showed up?” he said, shaking his head. “That would’ve been memorable.” Then he reached into the drawer where he kept the menus and placed a call.

I smiled. I was thankful for the interruption. If the smoke alarm hadn’t gone off I might have been having sex with him right now. It wasn’t time. Not yet. I shook my head and thought of Mrs. Myszkowski.

“Tell me about your mom,” I said while we waited. I didn’t want to relapse into another make out session.

Greg sat down in a kitchen chair. “She was amazing,” he said. “A great mom. Smart, too. She was a high school science teacher.”

I took a seat opposite him. “Is that where you got your love for science?”

He nodded.

“How about your dad? Has he ever dated since your mom passed away?”

“Nah,” he said. “He’s too much of a romantic. I suppose that could sound contradictory, but it’s not. His romance was for one woman only. He also claims he’s old and doesn’t care, but sometimes I see a faraway look in his eyes and I suspect he’s not just missing Mom, but having someone to share life with in general.”

“He’s not old,” I said.

“No, he’s not.”

I began to wonder how often Greg dated, and if he was a romantic like his dad. Of course I’d seen hints of it in his awkward charm. But I suspected he was more pragmatic than anything else.

We talked about our jobs for a while until the pizza came. Then we ate heartily. Afterward I patted my belly and said, “I’m stuffed.”

“Me too,” he agreed. “You wanna start the movie over and actually watch it this time?”

“Sure.” I think he knew we wouldn’t go back to where we left off, and he seemed okay with that.

For the next hour and a half Greg and I sat next to each other on the sofa watching the movie. We held hands, and for me it was almost as exciting as what went on before, just in a different way.

I felt content, like I’d known him all my life.

After the credits rolled I checked my watch. It was late and we both had to work in the morning. I turned to him. “I guess I should be going home.”

He pouted. It was the most adorable expression I’d seen him make yet. “This was fun,” he said. “You sure you don’t want to have a sleepover?”

“You know I want to,” I said seductively, then leaned over and kissed his lips. “But not tonight.”

I stood and smoothed my dress that had managed to hike its way up to my thigh. Greg stood too, and we walked to the door.

“What are you doing this weekend?” he asked.

I tried to remember. “Friday night I’m taking my mom to dinner. The rest of the weekend I’m free.” I hesitated. “Do you want to come to my place Saturday night?”

He perked up again. “Yeah,” he said. “And Sam…”


“You still haven’t told me that secret.”

I blushed. “I know. I’ll tell you soon.”

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