My Married Boyfriend (12 page)

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Authors: Cydney Rax

BOOK: My Married Boyfriend
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“It seems that you hate the father enough to hurt him, and that's one thing. But do you really want to hurt Myles, too?” Nicole asked. “How can a woman that calls herself a mother do things to hurt a child? He's never going to forget this, Kiara. Never!”
“My God! Okay, you win. I'll let him go. This time.” Kiara barely said bye to her son before she returned inside the house.
* * *
Kiara rocked back and forth as Eddison held her.
He kissed her every few seconds.
“Go ahead, my love. Get it all out.”
She blubbered away in his arms, wetting up his shirt as they sat together that evening on his sofa.
“She plays dirty, Eddy,” Kiara sobbed. “She uses people and says crazy things to get what she wants. A master manipulator.”
“It'll be all right. In fact, look at it this way. Myles gets to spend time with Rashad and I have you all to myself.”
She nodded but felt miserable.
“Wait one second, dear.”
Eddison excused himself. When he returned five minutes later he was holding a coffee mug. The sweet aroma of black English tea, lemon, and honey steamed from the cup.
“Give it a few minutes and I want you to sip on this. It'll make you feel better.”
She smiled, nodded. “You make me feel better. Every single time.”
“Get used to it.”
“I want it. I need it, Eddison.”
“And you're going to have it.”
She was holding a tissue in her hands and dabbed at her eyes.
“I feel so foolish.”
“You're not foolish, Kiara. You are human. God gave you tear ducts for a reason.”
“Sure, but I doubt he wants me to use them every single damned time.”
“You're entitled.” Eddison chuckled. “For some strange reason you keep forgetting you're fat. I mean you're pregnant.”
She burst out laughing and balled her fist. “Oh, God. What would I do without you?”
He said nothing. When the tea finished steeping, he picked up the cup and pressed it against Kiara's lips. She drank, taking tiny delicious sips. She placed her head against his shoulder and within ten minutes she fell asleep.
Snoring, at peace, and with Eddison protectively by her side.
* * *
Even though the New Year started out promising, Rashad's world had gotten so complicated. Three weeks into January, Kiara's attorney filed some motions that required Rashad to have to meet with Lily Tangaro, pay her more money, plus it caused him to be away from his job due to legal battles. To make matters worse, Nicole became grouchier whenever she got sick from her pregnancy. He tried to be supportive but at times he felt the pressure.
By the beginning of February, the only woman he felt he could be around that halfway understood him was Alexis. He hated how things had gone down the last time she popped up at their house; he wanted to make sure that she was all right. He wanted a face-to-face. So he took a chance and drove to her spot.
He got out of the car and went to stand outside Alexis's front door. His underarms were damp. He mopped his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt. He rang the doorbell and knocked. He felt excited to get to see Alexis, his original baby mama.
When the door opened, the smile that was on his face vanished.
“What do you want?”
“Hello, ma'am,” he said to Mona Hooker, Alexis's mother. “I'm here to see Skillet.”
“Skillet?” Mona Hooker frowned. “Is that what you call my daughter or my granddaughter?”
“Oops, my bad. I'm here to see your daughter so she can let me see my daughter. Are they here?”
“You, young man, will learn how to respect my household or you won't set one foot inside this house. Wait out here.”
Mona slammed the door in his face and left him alone. Ten whole minutes passed and he began to pound on the door with his fist.
Seconds later, the door swung open.
Alexis emerged. “Have you lost your mind? Don't make my mama pull out her rifle.”
“Oh, it's hunting season for Rashad now. All I want to do is hang out with Hayley and I wanted to talk to you, too. Why is everybody treating me like I'm some damned criminal?”
Alexis's voice softened. She studied him. He looked a hot mess, like he hadn't shaved. “Sorry about that, Rashad. I feel for you and what Kiara is putting you through.”
“Does this mean you're on my side now instead of my ex's?”
“Y'all divorced?”
“Not yet.”
“But you may as well be, huh?”
“She treats me like I work for ISIS or something. It's starting to piss me off.”
Alexis smiled. “I just think your ego is a little bruised. You're used to women throwing themselves at you like you're Michael B. Jordan. But now you're getting treated like you're Columbus Short.”
“Wow! That ain't funny. Stop laughing at me.”
“Okay, my bad. Um, give me a sec. I'll go get Little Bit, then we can go somewhere.”
“I appreciate that.”
Alexis smelled good and looked even better. She always knew how to apply just the right amount of makeup. Less was more. Her hair was swept up in a ponytail. She looked five years younger. To him it never seemed like she had any drama in her life, which amazed Rashad. It made him think she had a lot of strength. And that's the type of woman he needed in his life.
Alexis got Hayley quickly dressed in some knit leggings, a cotton-polyester long-sleeved top, and a cute purple hoodie jacket. Rashad insisted that they drive in his vehicle. Instead of arguing, Alexis said okay. While he jabbered away, she discreetly texted Kiara to let her know that Rashad was hanging out with Hayley, and she had agreed to join them. They wouldn't be with each other long.
“Where are we going?” Alexis asked Rashad.
“You got some place to be?”
“I want to be available in case Varnell calls.”
“Okay, no problem. We'll just ride around. I just want to be near my daughter.”
Rashad drove until they ended up downtown. He turned on Bagby Street. He parked in a big lot.
“What are we doing?” Alexis protested.
“We are here. We are going to have fun. We are going to think about Hayley for a change.”
“Rashad! I feel like I've been kidnapped.”
He coaxed Alexis out of the car and laughed as he followed behind her. They were at the ticket window for Downtown Aquarium, a six-acre entertainment and dining complex.
“This is nice,” Alexis said, “but it's wack at the same time. I'm not prepared.”
“I'm disappointed in you. Back in the day, you would've been game to do something spontaneous like this.”
“Things have changed.”
Rashad allowed Alexis to bitch and moan. He didn't mind. He loved it. He felt happy to spend some time with her and his daughter.
Alexis quieted down once she learned that they'd be seeing some big-ass sharks while they rode a train.
“I've never seen a shark up close,” she said. “Except for you.”
“Good one, Skillet.”
“Why you keep calling me that?”
“You don't want to know why.”
Soon they boarded their wooden bench seats. Rashad sat on the left, Alexis on the right, and Hayley squeezed in the middle. A bell began clanging.
“All aboard,” said the loud audio recording that described the tour. And they were off.
“Choo choo train,” Hayley happily declared.
They passed by tiny ponds and loads of green, exotic looking plants and shrubbery. As soon as they entered the tunnel they were shrouded in darkness. The lit-up two-hundred-thousand-gallon aquarium was filled with all kinds of fish that swam over their heads and in two tanks on either side of the train. Hayley squirmed in her seat and excitedly pointed at the fish.
Alexis shivered in awe. She felt like she was sitting in the middle of the ocean. The light shone on her face. Rashad knew she loved the adventure. While she whispered to their daughter and described the big fish, Rashad discreetly placed his arm around the back of her seat. Then he squeezed Alexis's shoulder.
“What do you think you're doing?”
He smiled innocently, then ignored her.
They watched as Pacific white sharks, swordfish, sand tiger sharks swam through the blue water.
Before she knew it, Rashad grabbed her hand. She let him hold it for a second. Then she snatched it back. “Rashad, what the hell?”
“You're trying to be slick.”
“I thought you were Hayley.”
“No, the hell you did not.”
“Skillet, c'mon, now cut me some slack.”
* * *
Alexis felt the weight of her reality bear down on her. Some women sought the attention of a man, but the wrong type of attention from the wrong man just felt . . . wrong.
“I wish I were invisible,” she said to her friend Regina. They met at a Mexican restaurant where they were enjoying chicken enchiladas and drinks.
“Why would you wish to be invisible?”
“My ex keeps hounding me. Pressuring me.”
“Just tell him to fuck off.”
“I have. But he's like these big-ass Texas cockroaches. You can spray and watch 'em as they lay on the floor dying. But you know they're going to come back again one day.”
“Well, damn. If my man did that, it would make me think that he loves me.”
A few months ago, Regina had gotten rid of one married man, just to meet another dude who seemed promising at first, but she was starting to have doubts.
“He hasn't called, has he?” Alexis asked.
“Nah. And it pisses me off,” Regina said. “He can call me when he wants to beat up this pussy, but when my car breaks down, or when it's a three-day holiday weekend, I can't get him to pick up his phone. It sounds like he's married, too.”
“I wouldn't be surprised.”
“Why do I keep putting up with this?”
“You're dumb—”
“I'm dumb?”
“Yes, women who put up with things they don't like, clearly disrespectful things, are super stupid. And they lack self-esteem.”
“But I got self-esteem,” Regina protested. “I know I look hot!”
“If that were true, you could leave your man behind and concentrate on giving your hot self to someone that really deserves it, am I right?”
“I, um, well.”
“Girl, I was proud of you when you eliminated that other man. You had the strength to do what I couldn't even do back then. But I eventually got rid of no-good Rashad. And now?”
Alexis rose to her feet and twirled around in a circle. She stopped and hugged herself.
“I am free. I'm
empowered. I got me a real man. And I never would have had him if I had held onto Rashad and continued letting him do me wrong. I only deal with him because of Hayley. But I might have to get Varnell to have a little talk with him. In fact, I think I will.”
That night, after Alexis arrived home from the meeting with Regina, she called Varnell. He came right over to her house. They put Hayley in the backseat of his Chevy pickup and drove until they reached Nicole's house. On the way there, Alexis called Rashad and let him know she was stopping by.
“Let that female Shrek know. Tell her right now.”
Alexis didn't want any increased bad blood between herself and Nicole.
When they reached the house, Alexis emerged from the car. Varnell followed her with Hayley in tow.
She rang the doorbell and took a deep breath.
Rashad opened the door. He smiled when he saw her. But when she stepped aside and he took one look at Varnell, he came out onto the walkway.
“Why is he holding her?” Rashad demanded.
“Why not? He's with me.”
“I don't need another man to hold my daughter.”
“Grow up, Rashad. He's not a threat to you. He's my man and he's helping me out because I asked him to.”
Rashad clenched his fists.
Varnell didn't flinch.
Rashad jumped at him like he was about to punch Varnell, but the man stood perfectly still. Rashad reached out for Hayley. But she resisted her father and covered her face with her hands as she leaned against Varnell.
“What the fuck? Are you trying to turn my own daughter against me?”
“Rashad, what I'm trying to do is get you to leave me the fuck alone.”
Alexis winced. She hated to curse in front of a toddler.
“I'm not too good with these things. Varnell, can you handle this, please?”
“Sure can.” Varnell placed Hayley in Rashad's arms. He turned her face into her daddy's shoulder so she couldn't see. And Varnell pointed his finger at Rashad.
“Hey man. Let Alexis go. Do what you gotta do as this child's father but anything outside of that is stepping into my territory. You get what I'm saying?”
Rashad looked like he wanted to explode. But he couldn't. Not then.
He nodded and shot Alexis a hateful, hurt look.
When Alexis felt the message had sunk in, she gently removed Hayley from Rashad's arms.
They quietly got back in the pick-up and went on about their way.
And after Varnell made sure that she and Hayley were safely at her house, he told her he'd call her later. She said okay and gave him a kiss. She stood on the front porch after he left and she placed a call to Regina.
“This love thing is complicated sometimes, but slowly but surely I am finally figuring it out,” Alexis told her.

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