Natasha's Awakening (14 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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“What now?” She asked herself. It was so quiet without Eric there and Natasha didn’t like the idea of spending her day alone.

After a final glance at herself in the mirror, she left the bathroom and went through to the large walk in robe to get dressed. While she was staring at her clothes trying to decide what to wear, she couldn’t shake a feeling of rising frustration. Eric was going to be gone for the day and he expected her to do what? Was she supposed to just sit like some sort of dutiful wife or something and wait for him? Well to hell with him, she wasn’t his wife and she wasn’t the dutiful type. Natasha decided if it was good enough for Eric to go out for the day, even if it was business like he’d said, then it was good enough for her.

Rummaging through her clothes Natasha settled on a short creamy coloured sundress with tiny pink and purple flowers over it. She loved this dress. It was sleeveless and had a fairly modest neck line but the back of it was cut away to almost her waist with a few thin strips of fabric that spanned her bare back to help hold the dress in place. It was fitted to her waist before flowing out into a full skirt that ended mid thigh on her. She carefully pulled on a cream coloured lacy thong, slipped into a pair of flat cream coloured shoes so she would be comfortable for walking and she was ready.

Since it was probably going to be warm outside being summertime, Natasha ducked back into the bathroom, brushing her hair out again before pulling it all up into a high pony tail which ended between her shoulders. With a quick spray of perfume to her wrists and neck, she was ready for her first trip out of the hotel since she’d been there.

She grabbed her purse and a cream shawl and headed out the door, feeling slightly anxious as she stepped into the lift. Eric probably wouldn’t be expecting her to go out and she wasn’t sure how he’d react if he knew. She hadn’t bothered leaving a note for him, but she didn’t intend being out that long and was confident about beating him back to the hotel.

On the way down in the lift Natasha could feel her stomach fluttering with nervous anticipation which worked up to full on butterflies as she walked through the hotel lobby heading for the huge glass doors of the hotel’s main entrance. She pushed her way through the doors and stepped out into the brilliant sunshine of Sydney’s city centre.

She slowly turned, her eyes taking in all the sights of the towering buildings around her, the glimpse of Sydney Harbour before her and she couldn’t help the wide smile that lit up her face. The city was such a pretty place and she didn’t get into the CBD much at all, so for today she decided she was going to play tourist and explore it like this was her first time in it.

Natasha started walking down the road, stopping sometimes to look into shop fronts, slowly passing boutique after boutique with expensively clad mannequins in the windows, stopping when she saw a dress or something that got her attention.

As she approached the next shop she got an idea pop into her head. Perhaps she could buy something to hopefully drive Eric wild. With that idea in mind, she entered the small lingerie shop to have a look around. There were display mannequins set up around the shop dressed in various kinds of sexy attire.

Some of the clothing was sexy and beautiful whereas other things made Natasha’s cheeks heat at not only how revealing they were, but how little fabric went into them and in some cases fabric was missing completely. Panties with no crutch, thongs that had almost as little at the front as they had at the back, panties and bras so transparent they would leave nothing at all to the imagination. It was quite an eye opener for her.

Natasha walked through the shop, stopping to lift items down for a closer look, smiling at some, blushing and hastily pushing others back on their racks but there was so much to choose from and she had no idea what Eric might find sexy.

A young woman approached her, a smile on her attractive young face. Her name was Sara according to her name tag on the front of her white t-shirt. “Can I help you?” she asked Natasha.

Natasha smiled nervously at her. “I came in here because it seemed like a good idea, but now I have no idea what I should buy.” She said laughingly.

Sara grinned. “It can be a bit daunting if you don’t normally shop in a place like this. Perhaps you can give me an idea what sort of an occasion you’re wanting something for?”


Natasha thought for a moment, her brow creased with frown lines. “Well, I’m on a week away with my ‘friend’ and I want something to wear for bed maybe, some nice things to wear under my clothes, oh, I don’t know! Something he’ll find sexy I guess. If you know what I mean.” Natasha shrugged her shoulders.

“Come with me. You want to drive this man of yours wild? I can help you with that.” Sara said and she walked away towards the back of the shop with Natasha trailing after her.

Sara stopped at a rack of negligees of various colours and lengths. She scanned up and down Natasha, “You’re a size 8?” she asked. Natasha looked surprised until she realised that of course Sara would know something like that, it was her job after all.

Sara selected a silky short negligee in a beautiful emerald green which surprised Natasha some what as she probably would have gone with something obvious like black or red. She followed Sara around the shop as she picked more clothing for her to try on, and finally armed with all sorts of things in a vast selection of colours, including some delicate slip on shoes complete with the feathers which made her laugh, Natasha stepped into the change room to start trying on some of the lingerie.

She tried on the emerald green negligee first loving the feel of the satiny fabric as it slid down her body. It was a simple design but she loved it and the colour looked good against her skin and hair, accentuating her eyes. It had tiny shoe string straps over her shoulders and a plunging neckline which dipped low between her breasts, hugging the curve of them before the fabric fell freely, stopping just below the curve of her buttocks, it was split up the front, the two halves over lapping enough that it looked like one until she moved and the material parted showing off her flat stomach and the matching satin briefs with bows that tied up at the hips.

Natasha continued trying on clothes, loving the feel of some of them against her skin, others shocked her and some made her want to cover herself up as they revealed so much. One outfit in particular caused her to pause, asking herself if she would be game enough to buy it, not to mention whether she would be brave enough to wear it in front of Eric.

It was made from a satin material, blood red. The panties were barely there at the front, but looked like tiny shorts from the back. They were held together by ties at her hips. There was a narrow band of fabric that curved up from the back of the panties over her hips and met up with a gold ring where another strap, that was holding the panties up from the front, branched out into two, snaking their way up the front of her, widening as they went until they just covered her breasts before the fabric narrowed again as it went to the back of her neck where it tied up. It was a very sexy outfit, but not like anything Natasha had ever worn before and she wasn’t sure she could pull off the seductive look enough to wear it in front of Eric.

After spending almost an hour trying on various sexy lingerie, she made her choices and after getting dressed again, Natasha made her way to the counter to pay for her purchases. She decided she would be brave and buy the red sexy outfit, she got the emerald green negligee with the matching feathery high heeled slip on shoes, a lacy white push up bra and some thongs made from the most delicate sheer fabric. All that held them together was a gold chain. She even shocked herself a little when she picked a pair of ultra sheer black panties that were cut high at the sides, resting above her hip bones. Nothing too unusual to see at first glance, but the hidden surprise to them was, they were crutchless.

The shop assistant wrapped all of Natasha’s things in layers of tissue paper then slipped them into a bag with the shop’s name written on the sides. Once she’d paid for them, she walked back out into the sunshine and stood for a moment to work out what she was going to do next.

While she was thinking about it, a bus drove past and it gave her the idea on where to go. She was going to go to Bondi, have something to eat then get down to the beach and walk barefoot on the sand. It was a perfect day for it, so armed with her packages, she walked to Circular Quay to catch a bus that would take her to Bondi Junction and onto the beach.

After about a fifteen minute wait the bus pulled in at the stop, Natasha gathered up her bag and boarded it. She paid her fare and found herself a seat on the half filled bus. She hadn’t done this sort of thing in so long, catching public transport. Since she had her car and had moved out of Sydney to live on the Central Coast, she commuted to work each day. It was easier to drive down the freeway every day than deal with public transport to get to work.

It was nice to just sit on the bus, watching the city hustle and bustle as it made its way to Bondi. Once it pulled up at Bondi Junction, Natasha hopped off with the last of the other passengers and she started walking, her gaze travelling from side to side, taking in how much it had changed since she’d been here last. There were people everywhere, beautiful tanned people, people in skimpy clothing, people walking dogs and couples walking with their arms around one another.

Natasha couldn’t help but look at them enviously, wishing that could be her, walking like that with Eric, with their arms around one another, in public, not caring who saw them together. Much as she was loving her time with him in the hotel, it didn’t change the fact that she was starting to feel like their relationship was like their dirty little secret. She felt like his dirty little secret and she was. That was the reality of it all. Eric had wanted their time together kept quiet. Ok, he said it was because of people at work, him not wanting them to find out he was breaking his own rule about office romances, but a part of her wondered if it was simply a case of him wanting to keep her a secret because he was ashamed of her in some way.

Shaking her head to stop her thoughts from going down the path they were, Natasha stopped off at a beach side kiosk and bought herself some lunch, a hot dog, dripping tomato sauce, not even remotely good for her, but she didn’t care and a can of coke. Armed with her food and still carrying her bag of lingerie, Natasha walked past the large Bondi Pavilion and onto the beach.

She stopped, kicking her shoes off her feet before bending to retrieve them, then took her first step onto the soft warm sand that instantly squeezed up between her toes. She laughed softly at the feel of it, something she hadn’t experienced in a long time. With her face still lit up with her enjoyment of such a simple pleasure, Natasha headed down to where the waves lapped along the sand, teasing and wrapping their way around the legs of some people who stood in the water cooling off.

When she got to the water’s edge she stopped, taking a big bite out of her hot dog as she watched the waves dance their way towards her, just brushing over her toes, making her step back, so she was out of their reach. She quickly demolished the rest of her hot dog before taking a couple of steps forward until the waves were able to snake their way around her ankles. The shock of cold water made her squeal and the sand shifted under her feet as the waves surged back out to sea. Natasha staggered back, jumping free of the water until she was on dry sand again and began to walk along the beach, drinking her coke as she walked.

She watched people swimming, children chasing one another along the water line, screaming excitedly when the water swirled around their feet, there were groups of surfers heading out so they could try and catch that one good wave and other surfers riding in on the crest of a wave, while many other beach goers lay on their towels, bodies gleaming from their sunscreen as they soaked up the warmth of the sun’s rays.

After she’d been walking for a while, Natasha came to a rocky area where some people were fishing while others sat on the rocks eating lunch. There were groups of even more surfers, boards propped up against the rocks, while they drank and laughed amongst themselves. They watched Natasha approaching them and a couple of the young men smiled at her. They were the picture of what every Australian surfer should look like in her mind, over long hair, wet and tangled from possibly hours of exposure to the salt water and sand, their skin tanned, muscled bodies, defined abs, every young girl’s dream probably. Not hers though, Natasha’s heart belonged to Eric, he just didn’t know it and she was going to make damned sure he never did.

She carefully picked her way over the rocks, clutching her lingerie bag firmly so she didn’t drop it in any of the pools of water between the rocks. She kept going past the young surfers who were still watching her, their faces clearly showing their appreciation of her beauty. Finally after a bit more climbing, Natasha found an area of rocks that were shadowed by a rock wall behind them. After years of being slammed by waves, they had formed a fairly level shelf like nature’s version of a lounge and Natasha sat on the rock to finish her drink and to continue her people watching. She watched the group of young men get up, grabbing their surfboards before jogging down to the water’s edge and paddling their way out off shore so they could find that one perfect wave.

She watched them for a while, before leaning back against the rocky outcrop behind her, enjoying the coolness of the shadowed rock against her skin and closed her eyes. Natasha tucked her bag of lingerie in under her arm, listening to the sounds around her. The crash of the waves against the rocks as the tide started coming in, the screaming of children playing in the waves, the chatter of people as they walked past. She breathed deep of the sea air, smiling contentedly. She was so glad she’d chosen not to stay in the hotel room waiting all alone for Eric to come back. She was enjoying this time out so much. It was relaxing, maybe too relaxing as she started feeling quite weary, the days of little sleep starting to catch up with her and before she even knew it, she drifted off to sleep.

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