Natasha's Awakening (2 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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Natasha handed the porter a tip and once he left, she started exploring the room. Eric's clothes were already hanging in the robe, and she touched the row of shirts and pants hanging there. Bending forward, she pressed her nose into one of his shirts breathing deeply, smiling as the scent of him and the faint trace of his aftershave filled her senses.

She wandered into the ensuite next, gaping at the sheer luxury and size of it. The walls were pristine white, but the floor tiles were a gorgeous aqua colour, giving one the feeling of stepping into a tropical pool. The bath that dominated a large proportion of the room was white, as were the toilet and vanity. Gleaming gold taps adorned the spa bath and vanity.

Natasha glanced down at her watch and her heart leapt in her chest, damn, she had ten minutes and she had to meet Eric back downstairs in the restaurant. She rushed to the mirror over the vanity, studying her appearance. She had dressed as he had instructed her to do. Well, she hoped she had anyway. "Wear something sexy and accessible." He'd whispered to her, before he'd left work yesterday. She just hoped that what she wore would meet with Eric’s approval.

When Natasha looked in the mirror she saw her deep blue/green eyes staring back at her. They looked bright from the excitement chorusing through her body. Giving herself a mental shake as time was running out for her, she pulled a tube of lipstick out of her clutch purse and touched up her lips, adding a thicker layer to the full bottom lip. Then it was just a quick flick of a brush through her hair to tame the riot of auburn curls around her face, shaking her hair back off her shoulders so it cascaded down her back like a flame, to her waist, a quick spray of perfume to her throat and she was ready to go and meet Eric. She twirled in her dress hoping he would appreciate the effort she had made for him. Her dress was a deep emerald green, fitted to the waist, which pushed her breasts up, so they gave her good cleavage over the low neckline, the skirt was flowing to just above her knees and the surprise factor was the back of the dress. It barely had a back, plunging down, leaving her skin bare to her waist.

Just before Natasha stepped out the door, she remembered the final request of Eric's, and quickly removed her panties, slipping them into her cosmetics case, before heading for the elevator. She felt a little naked standing, waiting for the elevator without her panties, but for her, doing something so daring had her quivering with a mix of excitement and nerves. Just knowing that she would be walking into the restaurant of a very expensive, very exclusive hotel, naked under her dress kicked her heart rate up a few notches and caused her breathing to increase.

When Natasha entered the restaurant, she paused for a moment to look around. Like everything associated with the hotel so far, it was very elegant inside, the lighting was low to make it a more romantic setting and to offer a level of privacy since some of the hotel's guests were celebrities. The tables all around the walls of the restaurant were divided off, so they were like intimate, secluded booths. Yet another perfectly attired woman approached Natasha asking if she had a booking. Natasha told her she was meeting Eric Rothman and the woman raised her eyebrows briefly, then with a small smile, asked Natasha to follow her. They wound their way through the tables, heading for a booth right in one corner. As they got closer, Natasha noticed that each booth had drapes that were tied back leaving each one open. It was obvious that if some guests wanted total privacy, the drapes could be closed, effectively shutting them off from view to the other guests dining in the restaurant. Natasha couldn’t help but wonder if anything Eric had planned would require them to need those curtains closed to shield them from the rest of the diners.

The woman stopped in front of the booth that was the most secluded one of them and finally Natasha saw Eric for the first time since he'd left the office the day before. He rose as she stopped at the table and stepping past it, he came around to where she stood. She suddenly felt her nervous tension reach new heights now the reality of what she was doing was standing before her.

"Natasha, you made it, you look stunning." He told her, smiling, his eyes slowly moving down the length of her. He reached out, his long fingers cupping her cheek, and he leaned forward to kiss her softly next to her lips. She was so tempted to turn her head and kiss him properly, but she wasn’t quite brave enough to do that as she stood there before Eric, suddenly feeling quite shy.

When Eric stepped back to gesture for her to sit down, Natasha took those few moments to study his appearance. He looked gorgeous of course. The charcoal grey suit he wore fit his tall 6 foot 4 frame to perfection. His shirt was grey too, but lighter than his suit. He wore no tie, and the top two buttons of his shirt were open, giving her a glimpse of the light covering of hair that showed at the neck. She gazed up into his eyes, feeling herself being drawn into them as always. They were stunning eyes, a blue so bright, it didn't seem natural, and shown off to perfection by long dark lashes that would make any woman envious. His hair was a dark blonde colour and thick, with a lock that kept falling forward over his forehead all the time. Natasha longed to reach out and push it back, and her hand lifted a little of its own accord, before she grabbed it and reined it back in. Her eyes dropped to his mouth. Eric had lips that were just too beautifully shaped to be on a man. As she studied them, they suddenly lifted in a wide grin and Eric's white, straight teeth came into view. The look in his gaze darkened, a flicker of heat causing his eyes to blaze an even brighter blue. "He knows exactly what I'm thinking," Natasha mused to herself. Unable to stop herself, she smiled back at him. She could have stood there all night just staring at him as Eric was simply the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen in her life.

"Come Natasha." He gestured to the curved booth seat, obviously indicating that she should sit down. She stepped forward, lowering herself gracefully into the plush soft fabric of the seat. She started to slide along to make room for Eric and he dropped down into the seat alongside of her.

Natasha picked up the menu and pretended to study it, but in reality her body was starting to heat up. She inhaled deeply, the seductive scent of Eric's aftershave filling her nostrils. The man not only looked heavenly, he smelt heavenly too.

Suddenly he leaned in towards her, his lips finding her neck and he trailed a string of soft kisses up towards her ear. Each kiss set off sparks of sensation that seemed to radiate through her whole body. When he got to her ear, he whispered. "Do you have panties on?"

Those softly spoken words were all it took for Natasha's throat to tighten, so much so that she couldn't even manage to mumble something at him, settling for shaking her head at Eric as her reply.

At her response, she heard him inhale sharply. His hand dropped below the long white table cloth on the table, and she felt his warm fingers on her knee. Slowly he started working his way up her leg, over her thigh and as he neared the top, his hand slipped in towards her inner thigh. Natasha felt a tugging sensation low in her stomach in response to Eric's touch, on the more sensitive soft skin near the apex to her thighs. She couldn't help herself, she clamped her legs together, jamming his hand between her thighs. This just felt so wrong, but oh so naughty, to be sitting in a restaurant in a hotel as exclusive as this one and to be allowing Eric to do what he was doing here.

A waitress approached, well groomed of course, like everyone that worked in the hotel. Natasha tensed given she had no panties on and had a man's hand between her legs. Something that was not only alien to her, but not exactly a position she wished to be caught in, in a hotel of this elegance.

The waitress asked if they were ready to order and Eric asked Natasha if she was happy to let him order for them both. She nodded since her voice seemed to have deserted her tonight. He quickly ordered their meals, but Natasha didn't even pick up on what he said since her whole body and mind was focused on Eric's hand between her legs.

Once the waitress left, Eric turned his attention back to her. "Open your legs." He said quietly.

"But." She started to protest, looking anxiously around them. Suddenly Natasha wasn’t so sure about this and in the hotel’s restaurant at that.

"Don't worry, no one can see what I'm doing." He assured her. His hand pressed more firmly between her legs to encourage her to open them. She did slowly, feeling her knees shaking with anticipation and nerves. Without the menu to distract Natasha now, she picked up the glass of water on the table and took a sip.

Eric's hand continued on its journey, reaching the few curls she kept that marked the entrance to her sex. His fingers didn't stop and he tugged gently on the curls of her pubic hair. Natasha had never been willing to go for the Brazilian like so many women, so she did keep a narrow band of curls, often referred to as a landing strip by some. Eric's fingers were running through those few curls, then he suddenly parted her outer lips to gain better access and one finger grazed against her clitoris. Natasha jumped at the touch of his finger, nearly spilling her water. A jolt of pleasure shooting through her body and her fingers tightened around her glass, as she attempted to not show any outward response to what Eric was doing.

He continued to brush his finger back and forth over the pleasure point of her body. When he added a second finger, gradually increasing the pressure and speed of his wandering fingers, Natasha's mind left her and everything became centred on Eric's fingers. Her breathing started to increase and she could feel the tension building low in her body.

Suddenly he changed tactics, his hand shifted, moving beyond her clitoris, and he plunged two fingers inside her. Natasha leapt so suddenly, she spilled a few drops of her water on the tablecloth. She placed the glass down since her hand was shaking too much to hold it anyway. Eric pressed his fingers as deep inside her as he could, then twisted them, before dragging them slowly back out.

As his fingers grazed over her G spot, causing another burst of pleasure, Eric’s thumb brushed over her clitoris and the combined assault on her senses made her gasp. Natasha fell back in her seat, her legs opening wider, giving him even better access. He continued with the slow caressing of her body, his fingers delving deeply into her, his thumb grazing over the hidden nub that was starting to swell under his touch.

Natasha seriously didn't know how long she could take what Eric was doing to her. Her body was wound up tighter than a spring and there was a feeling of pressure building. "Eric." She attempted to beg him to stop, but her voice came out sounding husky, filled with tension.

"It's ok sweetheart." He whispered, not letting up on what he was doing to her. "God, you're so wet." His voice sounded hoarse, strained. "Let yourself go baby, stop fighting it." He said to her.

Eric started to increase the rhythm of his fingers, plunging them deep into her, then pulling them almost all the way back out, then plunging in again, each time he twisted his fingers, grazing her clitoris over and over again until it was so sensitive, she thought she was going to scream. She was shaking hard now, all pretence of trying to act like nothing was happening was gone, she couldn't focus anymore on anything or anyone, but what was happening to her, what Eric was doing to her.

Suddenly his hand stilled, Natasha struggled to focus, her body screaming in protest as he suddenly withdrew his fingers from her and his hand came back up onto the table. Just when Natasha had turned to him, confusion in her eyes, it registered as to why he had stopped, the waitress was approaching with their first course. She placed the two plates of food in her hands on the table, smiled at them, then turned to go. Eric stopped her before she got too far and asked her to close the drapes around their booth as they both wanted privacy to eat. The waitress looked at them, smiled slightly to herself, then did as he requested. The drapes fell across, closing them off to the rest of the restaurant.

Natasha glanced down at her plate, struggling to get her brain to register what the food was sitting on the plates. She finally managed to acknowledge that it was oysters, done about 3 different ways by the looks of things. Of course Eric would choose them, given their reputation.

He was studying her face carefully. "Do you like oysters?" He asked.

"Yes." She croaked out at him. Her body was tense, rigid with frustration from her denied release. Natasha wasn’t sure she could face up to her meal when her body teetered on the brink of orgasm. She might be a virgin still, but she was familiar with her body’s needs and did occasionally indulge in a little self pleasuring, especially after a long day at the office when being around Eric for too long left her feeling tense from constant exposure to his blatant sexuality.

He smiled suddenly his eyes not missing any emotion that crossed her face. He bent towards her again. "What do you want Natasha?" He asked her, whispering the question up close to her ear, so his warm breath teased her skin. "Do you want this?" He asked, trailing kisses up the side of her face. "Or perhaps this?" He said cupping her chin and turning her face to his. "Or maybe you just need this?" He whispered, just moments before his lips touched hers, lightly, before drawing back to study her features.

Natasha still couldn't say anything, her breathing had become jerky and harsh. She watched helplessly as Eric bent towards her, powerless to move. He kissed her again, running his tongue gently along her bottom lip, before deepening the kiss, parting her lips. She opened her mouth to him but he pulled back, his eyes moving over her face to gauge her response.

With a groan of frustration her arms came up, snaking around his neck, and she plunged her fingers into the soft, thick hair at the back of his head, dragging him forward and covering her mouth with his, kissing him with all the pent up emotion that was running riot through her body.

Eric groaned, a deep groan low in his throat, and his hands came up to either side of her face. He pulled back from her slightly, gazing into her eyes that had turned a deep aqua with her arousal, before he leaned forward, covering her quivering lips with his.

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