Natasha's Awakening (62 page)

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Authors: J. A Melville

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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Natasha sighed, watching him go. She hadn’t slept without Eric holding her for several months now and the bed felt so empty without him, but he’d said he wouldn’t be long and she knew that it was important to him to finish whatever he needed to finish before he took more time off work.

Still, it didn’t stop her wrapping her arms around Eric’s pillows, or her burying her face into them and inhaling the scent of him that lingered on them until her fatigue finally claimed her and she slept.

A few hours later Natasha woke briefly when Eric climbed into bed with her and with a tiny sigh of contentment, she tucked herself up against his warmth as his arms closed around her and with his lips against her neck, she drifted back off to sleep, a sleepy smile on her face when she heard Eric whisper that he loved her.


                                                                                 Chapter 27.

Mother Nature chose to be kind on the day of Natasha and Eric’s wedding. Natasha woke to brilliant sunshine after a restless sleep from well aimed kicks to her ribs from Erica and Nathaniel. The fact that Eric wasn’t in bed with her, also contributed to a restless night’s sleep. “Who would have thought he’d go all traditional on me.” She muttered.

Despite her loud protests Eric had chosen to stay the night in her old townhouse which she still hadn’t sold. He had insisted on doing the traditional thing of not seeing the bride before the wedding and Natasha had tried to argue with him, but he’d been unbending on his decision.

“I’m surprised you don’t want this baby. My first view of you in your wedding dress should be when you’re walking down the aisle.” Eric pointed out.

“I know what you’re saying Eric, but I’m going to miss you. I like sleeping in your arms. The bed’s going to feel so empty.” And Natasha almost winced at the whiny tone in her voice.

Eric’s eyes softened. “I love you baby and I’m going to miss you too, but it’s one night and then the next time we lie in bed together it will be as Mr and Mrs Rothman. I think you can survive one night.”

“What about the babies? What if I go into labour and you’re not here?” Natasha was playing dirty now, trying to make him stay.

To add to her frustration Eric simply laughed. “The doctor says you’re fine, Erica and Nathaniel are fine. They aren’t ready to make their appearance on our wedding day baby. The doctor assured us of that and anyway, like you’ve said before, you won’t be alone. Your Mother, Maggie and Alice will be here.” The look on Eric’s face told Natasha he knew exactly what she was trying to do.

“You’re really not going to be here are you?” She said resigned to her lonely night in bed and Eric pulled her into his arms, kissing her.

“No baby, I won’t. Stop sulking. It’s one night and then we’ll be together for the rest of our lives.”

Natasha snapped out of her daydreaming and crawled out of bed, stretching and walked over to the doors leading onto the balcony to step outside. She smiled ruefully at herself. Her walk had become a definite waddle these days, now she was almost eight months pregnant.

“Whose idea was it to get married before you guys are born?” She said patting her stomach. “I’m as big as a house now. You two are growing so fast.” She spoke softly to her babies. Her and Eric had taken to talking to her stomach often so their babies would be familiar with their voices when they were born. Eric would read the newspaper to them although Natasha argued that they always fell asleep on him when he’d read about the stock market.

There was a quiet knock at the door and Natasha called out for whoever it was to come in. Her Mother burst her way into the room smiling when she saw her daughter already up. “Oh good baby girl, you’re up. Come on downstairs, Alice said your breakfast is almost ready and I want you to see what everyone is doing. So many people here right now getting set up.” Kathryn hugged her. “It’s going to look so beautiful darling. It’s the perfect place for you and Eric to marry.”

Natasha smiled at her Mother’s enthusiasm, “I’ll be down in a minute.” She told her.

Kathryn studied her for a moment. “What’s wrong baby girl, why the sad face?”

“Oh it’s nothing Mum, just me being silly. Last night was the first night Eric and I haven’t shared a bed for a few months now. I missed him.” She said and her Mother hugged her again.

“Eric just wanted to stick with tradition baby girl. You know what the man’s like. Once he makes up his mind about something, there’s no changing it. You’ll be back in his arms tonight though Natasha, so stop with the long face now.”

As she stared at her Mother, she realised that what she was telling her was true. Eric just wanted to give their marriage the best chance and in his mind, sticking with tradition gave it the best chance. It was her that was being selfish.

“Thanks Mum.” Natasha hugged her Mother again. “Come on, show me what’s going on downstairs.” And together they rode down in the lift to have breakfast and to see what was taking place to transform the house into a suitable venue for their wedding.

It was a hive of activity when they got downstairs, people coming and going everywhere carrying white chairs all decorated with large satin ribbon and bows down one side. The double doors to the rear terrace were wide open and Natasha could see that the chairs were being arranged either side of a sea green carpet that had been rolled out from the double doors down the terrace stairs and finishing near the stairs that led to the private jetty.

The inside of the house was decorated with gorgeous floral arrangements everywhere and the house smelled strongly of their perfume. Natasha looked around slightly bemused by all the activity. For what was supposed to be a small, more intimate wedding, there sure was a lot going on.

After having to side step a couple of workers she figured she’d better get out of the way and she headed for the kitchen where Alice was just about to serve breakfast for everyone. Maggie was chatting with Alice as the two friends caught up with one another. They hadn’t seen each other for a while, so they had plenty to talk about by the sounds of things.

They greeted her when she walked into the kitchen though and Maggie got up to give her a hug. “Oh just look at you lass. Twins, who would have thought the lad had it in him.” She joked. Natasha blushed and Maggie laughed when she saw her reaction. “Oh I’m just messing with you lass. You know how happy I am for the pair of you. See, I told you that man was crazy for you. I spoke to Tom earlier and he said the poor lad is chomping at the bit. He can’t wait to see you lass.”

Maggie’s words warmed Natasha’s heart. She knew Maggie’s husband Thomas had stayed the night with Eric so he wouldn’t be alone but it was nice to hear that he was just as eager to get back to her as she was to see him.

“Come on pet eat up.” Alice set a plate of poached eggs on toast in front of Natasha with bacon and mushrooms to accompany it.

“I’m not really that hungry.” She tried to say but three sets of eyes all turned on her and a perfectly timed “Eat,” from them all rang out.

Natasha picked up her knife and fork and began to eat grumbling to herself about Eric having eyes everywhere. Even her Mother took his side when it came to his insistence that she eat properly. While she forced herself to eat as much as she could, Natasha listened to the chatter of the three women as everyone was quite obviously excited about the wedding and talked in detail about every tiny aspect of the preparations as if she wasn’t in the room with them.

Finally when she’d eaten enough to get the ladies off her back, Natasha wandered through the house and outside to watch all the activity in and around the marquee which had been set up at one end of the large rear terrace. The reception was going to be held in it so their entire wedding would be at the home.

Natasha walked around looking at all the decorations going up, none of which she’d been involved in. Eric had insisted she let him take care of everything. He’d hired a wedding planner who had mostly dealt with Eric and her Mother with very little communication between Natasha and Francine, the perfectly manicured and attired wedding planner. The woman was obviously very good at her job but Natasha hadn’t liked her much since she felt frumpy and unattractive alongside of the extremely well groomed woman. She knew she was being silly feeling like that but Francine was a beautiful woman and although she was professional at all times, Natasha had seen the gleam of interest in her eyes every time she’d looked at Eric. To be fair Eric had treated her professionally in return and not even once had he shown any form of interest in her as a woman, but it didn’t stop Natasha from feeling a little insecure given how huge she was now with their babies.

Her Mother joined her to watch as tables and chairs were being carried into the marquee. Natasha watched more floral arrangements being taken inside and numerous large pot plants. “Isn’t it exciting baby girl?” Her Mother asked.

“Yes Mum but I think Eric might have gone just a little overboard. It’s not supposed to be a big wedding but look at all this.” She said, watching more and more chairs and tables being carried into the marquee. Everything was white with some splashes of green and pale yellows to compliment the arrangements of orchids which Eric had insisted on because they were a flower that represented love. There were other flowers that were a symbol of love too, but Eric had wanted them to be orchids because he thought their elegant beauty complimented her. Natasha had melted of course when he’d explained why he wanted those particular flowers, but as she watched the mornings proceedings and caught sight of Francine giving orders to some of the hire hands doing all the setting up, she didn’t feel very elegant or beautiful compared to the perfectly presented, slim wedding planner.

“Why couldn’t Eric have hired a male wedding planner.” She said absently and her Mother snorted.

“Oh baby girl, you don’t seriously worry about that woman do you? You’re just feeling a little fragile while you’re pregnant but you have no need to worry. Eric loves you darling, that man doesn’t see anyone else when he looks at you. Even while you are heavily pregnant with his babies.” She added before Natasha could say anything in response.

“Thanks Mum.” She said giving her a hug. Her Mother was trying to help but Natasha couldn’t control the feelings of insecurity and jealousy that swamped her anytime she’d watched Eric and Francine discussing the wedding.

“Come on baby girl. You can’t stand around here all morning. Go and have your shower. The hair stylist and make up artist will be here soon.”

Natasha rolled her eyes at her Mother. “Is all that really necessary Mum? I could have done my hair and make up myself.” She said.

“Of course it’s necessary. Every bride needs to be the most beautiful woman on the day of her wedding baby girl and although you seem to be feeling a bit insecure right now, you’re still going to be stunning and Eric’s going to be the proudest man in the country, so stop with all this behaviour and go and get yourself in the shower.” She ordered.

“Yes Mum.” Natasha said, saluting and with the sound of her Mother’s laughter behind her, she headed back inside to go and have her shower.


Natasha stared at the image of the woman looking back at her in the mirrors. The hair and make up artists had worked their magic on her and she almost didn’t recognise herself. Her make up was so perfectly applied that it had an understated, natural look to it. Still her lashes had never looked longer or more defined, delicate colour followed her cheek bones and her eyes seemed even more intensely green than normal. Her lips had been painted a coral colour that complimented her skin tone and although it was a look she had never achieved herself, she loved the final effect.

Even her hair was a work of art. The hair stylist had curled it more than her own natural curl, forming it all into ringlets and then he’d pinned it all loosely, up high at the back of her head, with the curls from the front all pulled back and pinned too. From the pins, her hair cascaded down her back in a riot of gentle ringlets and a few long ringlets of hair had been left loose, framing her face and giving the style a soft, feminine look. Natasha loved it. The comb of pearls that were designed to look like baby’s breath was already in her hair, helping to hold back the hair from around her face and the veil would attach to it once she was dressed.

When Natasha looked over at her Mother, there were tears in her eyes. “Oh dammit Mum, don’t you dare cry.” She warned her. “You’ll make me cry and then my make up is ruined.”

“I can’t help it baby girl. You look so beautiful and your Father should be here. He should be here to give his little girl away.” She sobbed.

Natasha felt tears pricking her eyes and she blinked frantically to hold them back. “Oh Mum, I know. I miss Dad too but I’m sure he’s here in spirit. Please don’t be sad and stop crying because you’re going to make me cry.”

She watched her Mother struggle to get her emotions under control and she’d just managed to stop the tears when Maggie and Alice walked in to see how things were going. They were very enthusiastic with their compliments, telling Natasha how beautiful she looked and how they couldn’t wait to see her in her wedding dress to get the full effect.

Kathryn looked at her watch. “It’s almost time to get dressed baby girl. Eric and Thomas will be here in two hours and Eric’s hired a car for you so you get driven around while he arrives so there’s no risk of you two seeing each other before you walk down the aisle.”

Natasha rolled her eyes at the mention of the car. There wasn’t any need for her to go anywhere since the entire wedding and reception was being held at the house, but Eric wanted her to be driven around and to arrive by car like most brides would. She wasn’t sure whether he was just incredibly thoughtful or over reacting in his desire to be as traditional as possible.

“I think Eric’s been a little over the top Mum about the car. I can stay up here, he wouldn’t see me anyway. I don’t know why I have to be driven around to kill time and act like I’m being driven to my wedding when it’s here and I’m already here.” Natasha couldn’t help protesting.

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