Natural Law (12 page)

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Authors: Joey W. Hill

BOOK: Natural Law
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“Take your place, Violet. Any place you wish except the head of the table. I reserve the pleasure of that view. Leila has an incredibly responsive pussy. She gets wet if I simply tell her to do so.”

“You’re fortunate to have such a lovely, obedient slave,” Violet murmured, overwhelmed to hushed response. In the presence of Tyler’s Mastery, reverent tones always seemed most appropriate.

“And the perfect centerpiece. But we need candlelight.” The other Mistresses were assembled already. The twins had taken the plates Leila was desperately balancing, of course, and Lisbeth was at the foot of the table. Violet took a moment to meet the unreadable but not unfriendly gaze of the woman who had been Mac’s first Mistress. She was older than Violet had expected, possibly early fifties, but a well-cared for fifty, with blonde hair pulled back in a sleek bun, her expertly applied make-up accentuating high cheek bones, vivid green eyes that had a powerful charisma emanating from them, and a lush mouth. None of it appeared to be the result of a surgeon’s knife, as she had the bone structure of a woman who had enjoyed good looks all her life and obviously knew how to maintain them. She wore black slacks and a soft turtleneck that emphasized a pair of generous breasts. Her hand rested on the shoulder of a naked man, about the same age as herself and in impressive physical shape. He rested in submissive kneeling posture at the arm of her chair, his head bowed.

The twins had their sub on his hands and knees beneath the glass table. Violet could not determine his features, because his chin rested between Tamara’s splayed thighs, his face buried, unmoving, in her crotch, as she had apparently commanded. His body and his shoulder-length streaked blonde hair suggested the sleek lines of a thirty-something pretty boy, hung like a Texas longhorn, with a tight, slender ass that Kiera idly brushed with her heel, occasionally teasing his anus with the spike tip.

“Oh, Violet, you’ve outdone yourself,” Tamara said admiringly.

Violet turned to see Mac standing at the door, his eyelids lowered, waiting for her to be seated. Seeing him through their eyes, her breath caught in her throat. The broad gleaming shoulders, furred chest, tapered hips. Long, powerful arms and thighs.

Impressive cock. All completely exposed to their appreciation.

There was an arrogant set to his expression, despite his observation of the requirement not to meet the eyes of any Master or Mistress present, including her. He was still semi-erect, and as his eyes carefully coursed over Leila without the lids rising inappropriately, taking in her predicament and the submissive posture of the other men present, it grew even stiffer.

Violet took a seat to Tamara’s right and gestured. “Come here, Mackenzie. Kneel by me.”


Joey W. Hill

“If that cock was mine, I’d keep it in a chastity belt when he was away from me,” Tamara observed. “Keep that bad boy from misbehaving with his hand…or anyone else.”

“I don’t cheat on my Mistress,” Mac said coldly, going to one knee at Violet’s side.

“In any way.”

His words seemed to startle Lisbeth, Violet noted. The woman’s eyes widened slightly, then she covered her surprise by lifting her wine to her lips.

“I think we need candlelight,” Tyler interjected. “Mac, please remember not to speak unless spoken to. We will forgive two infractions, but the third will likely incur punishment from your Mistress.” He picked up a tapered candle from the sidebar, flicked on his lighter. “David,” he nodded toward the man at Lisbeth’s feet, “with your Mistress’s permission, please lower the lights. “ He passed an amused glance over T&K’s young man under the table. “Since Collin is somewhat occupied at the moment.” At her murmured command, Lisbeth’s sub rose and complied, so the illumination was limited to the light of the early evening coming through the bay window, creating shadows and a rose and gold hue over the room and all the people in it.

Tyler stepped to Leila’s side, between Violet and his seat, and used the lighter to heat the base of the candle. Leila’s brown eyes were on his hands, and she drew in a sharp breath as the hot wax dripped onto her stomach, over and around her navel, her arms trembling at the initial moment of excruciating heat and then continuing to quiver at the lingering, tingling sensation Violet knew it roused in the nervous system. When enough drops fell, Tyler seated the candle in the cooling puddle of wax he’d created, adhering it to her body. As the candle burned, it would drip more wax down its length, adding to the puddle, continuing to stimulate her skin with its heated touch.

“If the rest of you would oblige me, there is a candle and a lighter by each of your settings,” he instructed. “Feel free to place the candle where you’d like.” Violet felt Mackenzie’s attention on her as she stood to imitate Tyler’s actions. She chose the shallow indentation between the hip bone and the navel for the short taper.

Leila tried to quell her movements, though her breath gasped out of her, and her arousal could be smelled plainly. Sweat stood out in a sheen on her shoulders, slicked her breasts. As Kiera dripped wax on her nipples, Leila cried out, her tongue caressing her own lips. She closed her eyes and turned her head this way and that, trying to hold the rest of her body still so as not to unseat the candles, but incapable of not moving.

“Last one,” Tyler said softly.

“Master, I cannot bear it,” Leila said plaintively. “I’ll come, and shame you.”

“You will not come, for you only come on my command,” he reproved sternly. “Do you wish to please me?”

“More than anything.”

“Then be still. And I will permit you to come if you must, but you cannot unseat Kiera and Tamara’s plates, or any of the candles. That would be very rude and would displease me greatly.”


Natural Law

“Yes, Master.”

He flicked his lighter again, and Violet watched, mesmerized, as he positioned the taper just over her swollen and glistening clit. Mackenzie’s hand stole around her ankle, caressing her, and she almost gasped as Leila did at the intense pleasure of his lightest touch, magnified by the visual stimulation Leila was providing.

“They are all entranced by you, love,” Tyler said quietly. Leila screamed, a soft cry, as the first drop fell, but she did not move. She whimpered; soft, staccato noises of need as each drip came, slid around and over her. When she was coated, Tyler placed the base of the candle amidst the petals of her sex, just below the piercing, gently working it into place in the cooling wax so he stroked her clit, made her teeth grit in concentration.

Mackenzie’s hand eased up Violet’s calf, tickled the back of her knee, but he could go no further where her leg met the chair without the aggressive move of taking his fingers to the top of her thigh. Not surprisingly, he tried it, but she put her hand over his, staying him with a light touch, keeping her eyes on Leila though she was hyperaware of him there, so close beside her.

“I think we need to make sure you have something to focus on throughout dinner,” Tyler commented, his voice catching, revealing how the response of his lover was affecting him. Leila’s eyes widened as he produced a vibrator from inside a velvet cloth bag by his plate.

“Oh, Master, I’ll come too hard.”

“There’s no such thing,” Lisbeth observed. “The harder the better.” She shifted her focus to Mac’s bowed head. “And I’ll bet he’s hard as a rock now.” Harder than rock. Mac felt he could give diamond ore a challenge. Leila’s soft gasps and moans, her struggle to hold her straining spread-eagle position without any visible straps or bindings, would have been riveting by themselves. But Violet’s rapt attention and the fact those lovely thighs pressed together at the knees could not hide the unique smell of her own arousal, so close to his nose, were driving him crazy.

Leila began to come the moment the broad head of the dildo stretched her pussy lips, pushed carefully into the wetness below the candle’s sensitive saddle and began to disappear. Her whole body shuddered hard, enough to make the glassware tremble on the table, but she did not move at first, only cried out repeatedly as her fluids ran down the pink sides of the vibrator where they could see, her labia rippling over its thick sides, milking it as a flush raced from her chest to her face.

“Oh, God,” she murmured. “I can’t. Master—”

In sync, Tamara and Kiera closed their grip on her arms from elbow to wrist and Tyler laid his hands on her thighs to steady her as the orgasm swept over her. Her body convulsed, tried to arch against them and dislodge the candles and lose her balance of the plates.

Violet closed her hand around the taper at Leila’s hip and belly, holding it secure while the girl thrashed and her moan became a long, keening cry of release that vibrated the glass in the bay window, making it sparkle with the sun’s fading light.


Joey W. Hill

Mac’s fingers crept up to her hip, his need and desire communicating itself through his touch, a desperate desire for relief.

Not yet. She was incredibly aroused herself, but he was going to earn her attention tonight. He was testing her still, she could tell, for his hand had made free to steal to her hip by caressing its way up her thigh while her hands were occupied, though she had prohibited him from going that route only a moment before. She allowed it, for the moment.

“That’s my girl,” Tyler dropped a soft kiss on Leila’s cheeks, her mouth, holding her jaw so she did not get too greedy with the kiss. Watching her was like seeing a woman parched with thirst try to take a swallow, when a sip was all that was permitted, a hummingbird pulling from a feeder.

“These Mistresses are so impressed with you,” Tyler said. “I can hardly wait to take you to my bed tonight and fuck you until you scream for me again.”

“Take me now, Master,” Leila begged in a whisper. The Mistresses had retaken their seats, but Violet saw that, like her, every Dom at the table was hanging onto the hunger in that voice, absorbed in her want, responding to it.

Tyler smiled, the affectionate heat for her still raging in his eyes, in the arousal in his pants he did not bother to hide from this assembly, but he shook his head. “First, we eat, my love. We have guests. Don’t be rude and make me punish you. To keep you remembering your place…” He made an adjustment on the vibrator. “We’ll keep this on low setting, which will torment you without appeasement. That will be the job of my cock. We’ve games to play tonight, and I don’t want to tire you out.” He took his seat and summoned the domestic staff for the meal to begin. Violet’s salad was served by a familiar face, a six foot tall twenty-something with brown hair like silk and the face of a cover model for formal wear, aesthetically from the same mold of the sub that Tamara and Kiera had brought tonight. Despite her preferences for a more rugged-looking man, Violet had played with Mark before, as he was an amiable and willing sub on The Zone staff, and he was undeniably easy on the eyes. Tonight he wore only a pair of tightly fitted trousers and a sheen of fragrant oill on his impressive muscles. He set the small salad down in the center of her plate and smiled at her.

“Let me know if you need anything else, Mistress Violet. We’re here to serve.” He ran a light finger down her arm playfully, but with a deferential sweep of his lashes, to apologize if she took it as an inappropriate gesture.

“Touch her again, and I’ll break that fucking arm,” Mac murmured, never lifting his head.

Mark froze. Conversation around the table stilled, for though the threat had been delivered in a low voice, Mac had enunciated clearly. As Violet suspected he had intended to do.

Never mind that his words, blatantly expressing his desire to be sole provider of her wants and needs, ran frissons of pleasure through her vitals. On more than one occasion, Tyler had pointed out to her that she was more of a one-on-one Mistress 80

Natural Law

herself, which was another thing that she suspected had attracted her to Mac. Like called to like in the subconscious.

However, his words were a direct challenge she could not leave unanswered. She had known he would go too far, and he had done so early, bringing the issue to a head.

Proof of the point, he had raised his head now and was staring at her, hard, defiant, a clear “what are you going to do about it?” look. His position made it easy for her to follow through on her response. She slapped him across the face, using her full strength, careful to hit his jaw line instead of his eyes or the sensitive area of the ear. The strike was hard, strong, but not painful, and the psychological impact was effective.

Shock was replaced by fury, and something else, something that wrenched at her heart.

She masked her response to that and kept her tone cold. “It is not for you to say who touches me and who doesn’t, Mackenzie.”

“The hell it isn’t.”

She struck him again, opposite direction, using the back of her hand this time. “Put your lips to my foot, and ask for my forgiveness.” He stared at her, five charged seconds. The stillness at the table was palpable, the only sound Leila’s ragged breathing as the vibrator continued to stimulate her with a soft hum. Tyler gestured for more wine, casually, though his eyes were as intent as the other Doms on the struggle, and the nuances of control and trust that were working furiously below its surface.

Her willful sub lowered his head at last, and his shoulders curved forward, his hips rising from his heels, giving Tamara a view of his backside that Violet envied. She waited as he went lower, lower, and then she felt the press of his mouth come to rest on the toe of her shoe. “I won’t say I’m sorry,” he said, his voice muffled. “I want to be the only one who gives you pleasure.”

She couldn’t think of anyone more well-equipped to do a lifetime of that for her, but he wasn’t finished.

“And I
break his arm if he touches you again.” Unexpectedly, she felt herself stifling a smile at the sullen statement. She heard Tamara muffle a chuckle, and appreciated the other Dom’s understanding of the situation. “Stay in that position,” she demanded. “Spread your knees two feet apart, let Mistress Tamara see those oversized balls of yours that are always getting you into this kind of trouble with me.”

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