Bella stared at Brighid and Kink; she was silent for a moment before answering.
“I know that I'm an immortal, I can live for all time, and that my prince is denied me. But he is brave and courageous, and I must save him. Were I not the Fairy of Pure Heart, perhaps I could put aside the ache of not knowing where he is, how he is. But it surrounds me, consumes me, and I cannot ignore it, no matter what happens to me. Because of all that I am, because of all that he is, I have to save him.”
All three of them were quiet for a long moment. Silence rang through the house, until finally Brighid said, “I think that you are rightly named, Fairy of Pure Heart. Come, let's go to my chambers.”
Brighid walked along a corridor and turned into a room, Kink right at her heels. Bella followed. The room was completely different from the first that Bella had seen. It was cluttered, and it had an odd smell about it. A massive cauldron held court in the centre of the room and beneath it was a fire cradled by large logs.
The walls were covered with shelves holding an assortment of bottles and strange containers.
That looks like some really weird stuff,
thought Bella. She walked closer to get a better look.
The bottles were coated with layers of old dust that seemed to be growing. In one bottle gooey eyeballs floated, in another fat worms slithered about in a slimy liquid.
Beside the cauldron was a roughly-constructed workbench with another assortment of oddly-shaped jars and containers lined on it. Bella narrowed her eyes at one jar, which had fluorescent-green stringy goblin snot. Wrinkling her nose, Bella looked at Brighid, who gave a small knowing smile in return.
Brighid pushed a few bottles out of the way, leaving her handprint behind on one. She pulled an old, shabby book out from under the table, put it in the space she had cleared, and then opened it. She waved her hand, and the old pages crinkled as they turned. When Brighid found the page for which she had searched, she made another motion of her hand and the pages stopped.
“Ah, here it is,” and Brighid read out: “Kisses Shared.”
“What do kisses shared have to do with my quest to find a âRescued Kiss'? Why are shared kisses so important?” Bella asked in a loud whisper as she moved to look over Brighid's shoulder.
Brighid smiled, amused that Bella was staring at her book so intently. “I imagine for a variety of reasons,” she whispered back, choosing to answer only the second question at this point. She raised her eyes to look at Bella. “Think for a moment. What is the most powerful thing that can ever be shared?” she asked.
Bella just looked at her; she could think of many things, but none seemed to be more powerful than any other.
“It's not the kiss itself that's important as much as what it represents. It's a symbol of trust. Trustâit is very powerful,” said Brighid softly. “You would never share a kiss with someone you didn't trust. You cannot be friends with someone without wanting to give them your trust and receive theirs in return. Thinkâif you kiss your fairy sisters or your fairy pet goodnight, what is it telling them?”
Bella thought for a moment. “Well, I guess it would be that I love them. That I'll be there should they ever need me. That they can trust me. Oh, yes, I see,” she said slowly, blinking as if surprised that she had voiced that.
“But why would a kiss convince Nemesis to grant me an audience? And how can a kiss be rescued?” she tried again, locking her eyes with Brighid's.
“I don't think the kiss itself is important here. I think it is a symbol. It shows you understand that a kiss is not something to be shared lightly, that it should be given to someone you trust and who can trust you. And that you realise trust is a very powerful gift to give away. Do you see?”
Bella nodded hesitantly. Still puzzling it through, she asked, “So why are you giving me a kiss?”
“You saved me. You put yourself in danger when you could so easily have turned your back and walked away. You showed me that I could trust you. And then you gave me your trust when you came to my home, even though you know that witches and fairies are not always the best of friends. I'm going to share a kiss with you to show you how much I trust you, and how much I value the trust you have given me,” said Brighid, then added with a mischievous smile, “And, of course, by helping you gain a token for your quest, I am repaying the debt I owe you for saving my life.”
Bella was silent as she absorbed this. Brighid started to gather the ingredients that she needed. She reached for a blue bottle. Removing the lid, she pulled out a clump of blue troll's hair, and dropped it into the cauldron. Splash!
“Trolls don't like it when you take pinch snippets of their hair, they squeal like little babies,” she giggled.
She put the bottle down and reached for a green. Off went the lid and out came some green herbs. Plop! They also went into the cauldron. Brighid put the green bottle down and reached for a purple bottle with no lid. She pulled out some small snapdragons and tossed them in after the troll hair and the herbs.
The mixture in the cauldron slowly began to twirl in a clockwise direction. She put the purple bottle back onto the table and reached for a yellow. She uncapped it to reveal small sparkling lights.
“What are those?” asked Bella, coming out of her reverie and focusing on Brighid's actions.
“The magical spots of Manukies. They will bind the ingredients together,” the witch said as she dropped them into the cauldron.
She put the yellow bottle down before reaching for a pink bottle. Off came the lid, and out came something small and furry. Brighid kissed it, then it also went into the cauldron. The mixture now began to bubble and boil. Soft clouds of mist gathered together, rose, liquefied, then plopped back into the cauldron.
Brighid reached for a wooden spoon that was lying on the edge of the table. She stirred slowly in one direction, then removed the spoon and waited for the liquid to stop moving. She stirred slowly in the other direction, then again waited for the liquid to still. When the potion had come to rest, Brighid reached under the table and pulled out a small vial. She filled it with the misty liquid, and then reached her hand into the cauldron and pulled out a perfect pair of lips.
Bella couldn't believe her eyes. Brighid smiled and held the vial and the lips out to Bella. Bella reached out her hand and took them. The lips were plump, and oh so soft.
“I have shared a kiss with you. I am no longer in your debt.”
“But I still don't understand. How is this a rescued kiss?” Bella was almost in tears with the confusion of it all.
“This is not a rescued kissâyet,” Replied Brighid. “When you see Nemesis, give him the vial and the lips. He'll know how to rescue the magical kiss.”
“Thank you.” Bella raised her now shining eyes to Brighid, and grinned.
Bella. Good luck on your journey,” Brighid said. “Kink will show you out.”
Bella took one last look around her, before turning to follow Kink out of the room. She glanced over her shoulder, but Brighid was no longer in the room.
Kink opened the front door, and Bella thanked him for his help before stepping out into the sunshine. Her heart skipped a lively beat. There, at the end of the path, Teague was waiting for her.
She hugged him, saying through her smile: “My friend, I was beginning to think you would never arrive.”
Teague nuzzled his neck against her shoulder.
The Elfins
've just begun a great adventure, Teague,” she whispered as he nuzzled her.
Where are your wings?
he telepathed to her.
“I've so much to tell you,” she answered, and proceeded to relate all that had happened. Afternoon was well advanced by the time she finished her tale.
Teague was riveted as he absorbed her words.
Get on my back, Bella. Let's find the next token on your list. What is it again?
Bella thought for a moment before answering, “Life's Wind.”
Where does one get life's wind from?
“From the Elfins of course,” she replied. This token at least would be straightforward.
Bella climbed onto Teague's back. It was soft, like sitting on a giant squishy pillow. She leaned down closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Teague lifted off the ground, hovering for a second before starting for the sky. Bella felt the wind lift her hair. Joyous memories of her early times with Teague came flooding back. I have missed this since I learned to fly, she thought for a moment, then gave herself to the wonder of being airborne with her friend.
Where is the Elfin's Glen, Bella?
Teague's voice in her mind brought her back to the present.
“It's just across the border of the witches' dell; we should be there by nightfall.”
Teague raced in the direction of the Elfin's Glen, Bella securely on his back, each of them deep in their own thoughts.
As night approached Teague came to land on a high branch of an old oak tree. Bella climbed down from his back. Looking around for a place to spend the night, she spotted an opening in the tree trunk. She walked up to it and poked her head in, to see a hollow inside.
It's big enough for both of us,
she thought, before looking over her shoulder at Teague.
“Let's spend the night in the tree, it should be safe enough.”
Teague fluttered up to follow Bella, who had already moved into the trunk's haven. Bella lay down and Teague curled up around her. Bella lifted her head and rested it on Teague's warm body, even as her eyes started to close. In a few moments, both of them were fast asleep.
They woke to sunshine filtering into the hollow, leaves murmuring in the soft breeze, and the bubbling sounds of a nearby brook as it tripped over river pebbles and larger stones. They left their small shelter, and Teague flew them down to the ground.
They had started to walk towards the brook when a baby elfin came racing towards them, a female elfin running behind, anxiously calling for him to come back. Bella moved into the tiny elfin's path to intercept him and put an end to his obvious dash for freedom. Far from slowing, the toddler cannoned into her, knocking her over.
“I's sorry,” he said, although to go by the cheeky grin on his face, Bella was almost sure that he didn't mean it. She laughed out loud. In the next minute, his hurried, harassed mother was right beside them, grabbing the tiny mite before he had the chance to run again.
“Hello,” she said, “I hope you are okay.”
Then, seeing that the laughing Bella was on her feet and obviously unharmed, she continued without pausing for breath. “Thank you for stopping my impish son. I'm Glenna, mother of Paten, the elfin who just knocked you over,” she continued on although Bella had yet to say a word, “You must be new in this part of the glen, it's not often that we get beautiful fairies such as yourself wandering along our paths.”
Bella smiled up at Glennaâshe was slender and very tall, Bella had to crane her head back a very long way.
Bella had never seen a more beautiful Elfin. Glenna's long snow white hair was streaked with strands of silver, it hung straight down her back, the tips touching her bottom. Her face was a petite and perfect oval, eyes a clear ash-grey, small nose slightly uptilted, mouth a dewy rosebud. Delicate pointed ears peeked out from within the depths of her hair. Her hands were graceful, with long, slim fingers and neat, polished nails.
Glenna's cloak of deep purple edged with silver ribbon swirled down her body to end in whispers around her feet. Her only ornamentation was the clear crystal of the Elfins that complemented her graceful neck.
Bella looked at the smile on Glenna's face before replying, “I'm Bella, Fairy of Pure Heart. I'm looking for life's wind. Perhaps you've heard of it?”
The smile disappeared instantly from Glenna's face. “Why would you be seeking life's wind?” she asked in a serious tone.
Bella explained her quest to save Arthur from Nemesis the Dragon. As she spoke, Glenna began to move forward and so Bella joined her on the path. They entered the Elfin sanctuary together. The first thing that Bella noticed was several elfin children playing with oddly carved pieces of wood. As they blew into one side, splendid misty colours would dance from the other, then disappear as if they had never been.
When the elfins realised they had a visitor in their midst, they came to stand in front of her, some of them whispering, others just staring, fascinated by her face.
The inner light that shone so brightly was a telling sign that she was of pure heart and would do them no harm.
One elfin caught Bella's attention. He also had straight white hair tinged with silver strands. He had not joined the others, but was standing to one side, watching her intently. The other elfins sensed he was waiting for them to allow him access and they moved aside.
He stepped forward and introduced himself to Bella.
“My name is Pirogues. I am husband to wife Glenna and father to son Paten. Welcome to this our humble abode.”
Pirogues stared at Bella and then answered her question as if he could read her mind: “You saved us a lot of trouble, catching the son before he could go near to the water sprites. We owe you our thanks for that, which is why we have allowed you to enter our glen.”
Bella smiled at Pirogues. “Thank you Pirogues, It was a pleasure to help catch your son before he could find himself in trouble.”
Pirogues grinned at that, then became more serious.
“I sense that you seek something, Fairy,” he said softly looking directly at her.
“I do,” she acknowledged. “My name is Bella. I am the Fairy of Pure Heart, and I seek life's wind in my quest to complete the Great Dragon Hunt, as bid by Yarg, King of the Trolls. I need this magical token to gift to Nemesis the Dragon so that he might set my heart's desire free.”
The other elfins began to talk among themselves, mumbling to Pirogues in their own language. Pirogues frowned as he heard what they were saying, and then he looked sharply at Bella.
“They say that they have heard of a fairy who seeks to save one from the mortal realm. Are you this fairy?”
Bella slowly nodded her head.
“Then tell us more of this quest,” he said, and she began the tale of the adventures that had brought her to their glen.
The elfins sat completely stilled, riveted by her words. As her tale drew to a close, Pirogues said, “Come, Fairy of Pure Heart, celebrate with us this morning's glow, for I do believe that we may be of some assistance to you. For a fair exchange, of course,” and with those words he turned and began to walk towards a large building, the Elfin hall.
The walls of the hall were steeped in rich elfin history. Enclosed in magical transparent gold panes of glass were huge sheets of elfin writing that chronicled the exploits of their ancestors, and paintings and portraits hung upon every space in between.
In the centre of the hall were elfin-made tables, exquisitely carved from the heaviest, most lustrous of woods. As Bella drew nearer for a better look, she noted that each tabletop was carved with a unique story: here were the legends, deep-seated histories of generations past.
Pirogues raised his hand, indicating to all that they should be seated. Another gesture and the tables were suddenly laden with food. While a fairy usually ate very small meals, and could go for some weeks without needing food, the marvellous smells that drifted towards her made Bella realise that she was quite hungry, and the sight of so much food was very welcome.
The tabletops disappeared beneath the load of meats covered in rich sauces; plump, sugar-dusted cakes; scrumptious-smelling loafs of light honey bread; carafes of fresh sweet dew; flagons of elfin-made ale. Elfins took their places around the room, food was passed along by hands and glasses were magically refilled, everyone talked loudly, and laughter filled the air. A small part of Bella envied their closeness as she realised how much she missed her fairy brothers and sisters.
When all in the hall had finished eating, Pirogues waved his hand again. Tables cleared instantly, revealing once more the legends for all to see. Pirogues looked at Bella as he stood up from his seat. The other elfins quietened.
“Fairy of Pure Heart,” began Pirogues, “life's wind is made up of swirling mists of thousands of different dimensions of colours, but only Nemesis and the elfins have the magic to see or command it. We can gift you with one of our elfin charms, with which you might summon life's wind. But we require something in return.”
Pirogues watched as Bella absorbed his words. Then he began his tale:
“Across the river where the water sprites live there is a glen, not unlike our own. Eons ago we lived there, but it was stolen from us by the water sprites. They attacked in stealth, at night. As you know, immortals do not die from the effects of age, but our life force can be spent through harm. So we were forced to flee, with no time to gather our belongings, nor our treasures. Part of the essence of our elfin magic is a set of twelve light crystals. They are of great value to us, but of no use to any other magical realm. These also we were forced to leave; there was no time to recover them from their secret place.”
He paused a moment, and Bella glanced around, the absolute quiet, the bowed heads of the elfin folk showing that this ancient sorrow was still very much alive.
With a deep sigh, Pirogues continued: “The water sprites guard their stolen domain jealously from us. Should we try to return to our old home to regather the light crystals, I fear that we would lose many to our old enemy. Until you arrived, we despaired of ever seeing the crystals again. But you, Fairy of Pure Heart, they might allow to pass. So, in exchange for our light crystals, we will grant you life's wind.”
His words echoed through her head. She was frightened by the story, but she realised that she really had no choice. She nodded her head slowly in agreement. The hall had suddenly lost its cosiness and a small shiver trailed along her spine. Standing up, she made her way out into the sunlight.
Teague was there, waiting for her.
How did you go then?
he telepathed playfully as he swooped down towards her. He gently brushed his soft antennas across her face, teasing her.
Despite her misgivings at the new task before her, Bella could not help but respond to his light-heartedness, and felt her spirits lift.
“I have to go get something,” she said laughingly, pushing him away.
What do you have to do now?
he telepathed as he again tickled her face.
“Across the brook lies a glen similar to this one. I must go there and find some special crystals.”
Do you want me to fly you over?
“I think that would be lovely,” she laughed, hugging him closely.
“What would be lovely?” asked Pirogues, who had walked up to stand behind her.
“Teague will carry me to the glen across the way,” Bella replied.
“He cannot do that,” sighed Pirogues. “Since you cross the domain of the Water King, you must search him out and ask his permission. Your butterfly cannot breathe under the water.”
Bella stared at Pirogues in astonishment. “I have to go before the Water King?” she whispered, only now realising what she'd agreed to. Then as the rest of his words penetrated, “But I cannot breathe underwater either,” she said.
“Many ages ago, all immortals could breathe underwater, but most have not had the need to use it for thousands of years, and so the ability has passed from our consciousness. But when the moment comes, your body will know what to do,” Pirogues assured her.
Alarmed as he heard this exchange, Teague forgot about being playful.
Bella I don't think this is a very good idea,
he said urgently.
“You know how important this is to me,” Bella whispered. “I have to help Arthur.”
She sat down for a moment, her hand buried in Teague's soft fur as she thought about what lay before her.
“Teague don't worry, I'm going to be just fine,” she said, her confidence renewed as she wrapped Arthur's words around her again like a cloak. “Hey, you haven't given up on me beforeâso don't start now,” she laughed.
Bella turned to Pirogues and asked him exactly how to get to the glen and where to find the crystals. Reaching forward Pirogues offered Justice a tiny parchment. She raised her eyebrows to him.
“The ancient words that will allow you to retrieve the crystals,” he said simply as her hand closed over it.
“Be safe, Fairy,” said Pirogues as he moved to stand beside Teague.
“Wait for me Teague,” she whispered.
She removed her hand from his fur and touched the bag of enchantments around her neck for reassurance. Turning, she walked out of the glen.