Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)
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Chapter 20


knew this morning I would end up here to talk to Tommy. This is where I always
come to find answers. I believe I am closer to Tommy here. Dad told Ty and Zman
to hang back and give me my space, but they would have any way. They know when
I am here I need time alone. I always bring the same thing, a single Daisy, and
today I did the same. I finally see his headstone and I look around at all the
graves around him. He would like he is not alone.


Bubba. I miss you.” I always start out that way, that way he knows how is
always in my thoughts and I haven’t forgotten him. “Everyone is doing ok. Well,
as far as I know. Dad and Trent are. I haven’t talked to Blake for two weeks.
Dad and Blake still aren’t speaking. You know. Hard headed and all.” I know I
have to move this along. I am running out of time.


and I broke up. He cheated on me. I always said I would not be that person. The
one that was gullible enough to believe he will never do it again. Only weak
people cheat. I never wanted forever, I don’t even believe in forever. Never
forever. My saying since mom. I loved him so damn much. He broke me inside. I’m
numb. He made me believe and he made me dream for the first time in my life. I
dreamed about the perfect wedding and the perfect life and the perfect family.
Joke was on me. I said I wouldn’t do this. Anyway, we are done. I gave him my
heart and I’ll never get it back the same again. My heart will always belong to
Mason, but I don’t have to let him know that, or anyone else. Oh, I graduated.
Yep, I am done with high school. Imagine, I worked for this for thirteen years,
and it comes in second to having my heart broken. My priorities are screwed up
today.” I feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. I promised myself I was over
the tears. I really didn’t think I had any left. I wipe them away and hope I am
done with them for now. I don’t want anyone witnessing my weakness. I know I
still have one more thing to discuss.


can get them back for taking you away from me. Well, I can find out their names
and the Club will take care of them. Would you want me to? Never mind, I know
the answer to that. You always protected me. You would have locked me up if you
could have. I know revenge is wrong. I know it, but you always said if anything
happened to me you would go to the ends of the Earth to kill who ever hurt me.
You said that over and over. I love you, as much as you loved me.”


always talk out loud to Tommy. I consider it a conversation with him, just
between us. Then I feel like I have included him in my life decisions. This
decision is all but made. I have to talk to the attorney, but I know what I
need to do.


love you big brother and I don’t know when I will be back, but I love you.”

head back to my car and look around to make sure Zman and Ty are ready.


the ride back to the clubhouse I think of everything I need to talk over with
Cross. This will be one of the most important talks I will ever have, so I need
to have all my thoughts together. I may have only just turned eighteen, but
today I feel old. I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. I don’t want
to let anyone down. I know my life is changing.


I drive up to the clubhouse with Zman and Ty on my tail, I see an unfamiliar
car. I am guessing it belongs to Cross. I look at my watch and see he is a
little early. Oh well, I am here and ready to get this taken care of. I think I
could use some sleep and I need to turn my phone back on. I turned it off last
night and haven’t turned it back on. Fe and Sarah will be texting me soon but I
don’t want to speak with anyone else, unless it’s Hanna. Her mom probably won’t
let her see us again tonight. 


park and walk into the club. Dad and Cross are having a drink at the bar and a
couple of the other members are hanging around. Most are working out in the
shop. There’s a couple of the club girls cleaning up from the party last night,
and it looks like they have a lunch spread out over the bar. Pizza again. These
bikers live on pizza.

Cross, I believe you are here to speak with me. Did you receive your retainer?”
I walk up to him and put my hand out for him to shake. “You do understand this
is between you and I, that I am the one hiring you?”


Ms. Black, I understand you are my client. Do I have your permission to inform
your dad on the information like last time?”


look at dad and then back to Mr. Cross, “No. Not this time. Do you have a
problem with that?”


Ms. Black I don’t.” he finishes and I take my hand back. I trust Mr. Cross to
give me the information I need.


Cross, please call me Callie. Dad, can we use your office?” I look to dad for
an answer and he nods his head.


Cross, I believe you know the way.” I stop by dad and give him a hug and then
follow Mr. Cross into my dad’s office. When I get to the office I go behind my
dad’s desk and sit down and ask Mr. Cross to sit in the seat on the other side.


Callie, how can I help you today? I believe we have your brother’s insurance
policy handled and as you’ve turned
, you will get that check.” He goes into what
he thinks I could want from him. Is he in for a shock?


Cross this has nothing to do with Tommy. I have some questions to ask you about
marriage in Texas and laws concerning pre-nups.” He has a completely shocked
look on his face.


wasn’t aware you and Mason were getting married or thinking about marriage.” He
has a scowl on his face.


not.” I take a piece a paper out of my dad’s desk and write down all my
questions with Mr. Cross’ eyes on me. “I need these questions answered, please.
Can you help me with them?” he looks at my questions and then back at me.


think I know all the answers but I need you to confirm them and then I may need
you to do some paperwork for me. I also may need your help with getting some
court papers fudged just a little.”


put my hand up to stop him from talking so I could finish, “Mr. Cross, please,
don’t insult my intelligence by telling me you don’t do things like this. You
work for my dad. I know what you do. If the money is the issue, it won’t be.
So, will you help me or do I need to get someone who will?”


young lady, you are like your dad aren’t you? You don’t mince words do you?” He
looks taken aback but I know he’ll do it. “Let’s see exactly what this is going
to cost you.” I knew I had him, all he sees is dollar signs.


we set to work. He gives me the answers I need and gives me the dollar amount I
need to get it done. My mind is set and the decisions are made. Now I can relax
a little.


you Mr. Cross. I’ll walk you out.” We stand and walk out into the bar area and
I see my dad is still waiting for me.


did you help my girl get all the information she needs?” Dad asks Mr. Cross.


I can tell you that your daughter drives a hard bargain and she is you made
over.” Mr. Cross didn’t care for my decisions, but he is going to do his job.


will get those papers for you by tomorrow afternoon. Please, have my check
then. Later Chief. I have a lot of things to line up and paper work to do
before tomorrow afternoon. Callie is a slave driver.” He then gives dad a smile
and turns to leave. “Are you certain about this Callie?”


Mr. Cross very certain.” I hope he knows no one will sway me now I have made my
mind up.


club girls are hanging on the club members already. It’s still early but it is
Saturday. On the weekends the guys need to unwind, but I really thought after
last night dad would have everyone digging for information. My dad motions for
me to come and sit so I go and take the chair beside him. This is going to be a
conversation I really don’t want to have. Just as I sit down I remember to turn
my phone on and it just keeps going off. My message and text notices just keep on
coming. I look and I don’t recognize most of the numbers but I know they are
from Mason. I mute my phone.


like someone is trying to get in touch with you.” I know dad wants me to tell
him who is trying to reach me and maybe I should try to stall this


looks like the numbers Mason calls from and I won’t be answering or returning
them.” I tell dad but I look at the table instead of at him. I don’t know why I
feel like I did something wrong. He’s the one that cheated, not me. I still
feel like I failed though. How does that make sense?


let’s get this out of the way. What is Tom doing for you?” dad ask straight out
without beating around the bush.


like getting straight to the point. I really do take after you.” I laugh, I
have never noticed this before. “First thing, Devil will need to pay Mr. Cross
more money. How much, he will call and tell you in the morning. He will need to
bring it or a check tomorrow afternoon. I need the meeting moved up from six.
Again, Mr. Cross will say what time when he calls.” I look at dad to make sure
he is following me.


you positive about all this, baby girl?” I know Dad is concerned.


I am. But I am doing it my way and on my terms. I only want to go over this
once, so I will tell you when Mr. Cross gets here tomorrow afternoon and Devil
is here with Steel.” I know he is not going to like it but this is just the way
it is.


but be careful. Now, I have something to tell you and you’re not going to like
it.” He looks from Uncle Trent at the bar back to me, “we are going on lock
down until I can get some information on the shooting last night. I know you
won’t be able to keep your plans tonight, but I need to keep everyone safe and
I need your cooperation. I was waiting until after your meeting with Tom to
call everyone in. The girls have been getting everything ready all afternoon.
We brought in all the supplies we will need to get by for a while. Do you need
anything from the house?” Dad knows how being locked down makes me feel boxed
in and I hate it, but I know it is for everyone’s protection and I have to do
my part.


get it Dad you have to keep everyone safe.” I know he needs to hear this from
me. “Things are about to change for all of us. Will you be able to accept that
dad? I will always love you no matter what.” I grab his hand and give it a


reaches over and pulls me to him and gives me a big hug and I feel so safe.
This has always been my safe place, in my daddy’s arms. The only place I have
ever felt completely safe since Tommy has been gone. He holds on tight for a
few minutes and then kisses the top of my head and lets go as I sit back down.


girl all I have wanted to do since the day you were born is to protect you. The
day you were born I was the first to hold you in the hospital and I knew you
owned the best of my heart from the moment you were put in my arms. I had Ty
and I love him, but here you were, a little girl, and you wrapped me around
those cute little fingers of yours. Still to this day, I just want to wrap you
up and keep you close. I know you’re grown but I don’t have to like it and
until the day they lay me in the ground you will be my baby girl. I know things
are about to change, but I want you to know I am here no matter what or how old
you are. I have tried to give life lessons that will stick with you. I will
stand beside you whatever decisions you make. Now this is about as touchy feely
as you’re getting from me. I’ve said all I can say, so do what you have to.” My
dad always knows exactly what I need and when I need it. He’s said exactly what
I needed to hear.


dad, I get that, and I love you exactly the way you are. I hope I have learned
my lessons well. I hope my decisions are right. I love you and I will come to
you if I need anything. Let’s do this. Will you set it up for tomorrow
afternoon? Don’t forget to let Devil know he will be footing the bill. I am
going to let Fe and Sarah know we are cancelled, maybe take a nap. I didn’t get
much sleep.” I get up from my chair and wait for what he says.


problem, Callie. Did Cross give you any idea of the price? I’ll set it up.” He
wants to say more, ask more questions, but he’s giving me room to come to him.


idea what the price will be. Mr. Cross is going to call you later to let you
know. He had to talk to someone at the courthouse that owed him a favor and he
will let you know. I just don’t want to keep going over this
and I want to
think on it today
. Can I have that?” I look at him with
pleading eyes. I don’t want to feel guilty about not sharing yet, but I want
him to know I feel pressured.

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