New Title 7 (18 page)

Read New Title 7 Online

Authors: Emma Clark

Tags: #Kindle Store, #Kindle eBooks, #mystery, #Thriller & Suspense, #crime fiction, #erotic thriller, #suspense, #anti-hero, #bdsm, #Controversial, #psychological, #captive

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I thought he had to be back at the office within an hour?

"So tell me, Mia. What do you see in my brother?" Blowing out tufts of smoke, Tyler crushed his cigarette butt directly on the table surface and dropped the butt inside the beer bottle. A blackened spot marred the table and he scrubbed it with his forefinger.

?" I couldn't grasp or comprehend his question. He repeated it and I gaped, appalled that he could ask me such a thing.

"I don't think that's any of your business, Tyler."

His smile showed a mouthful of white, his biggest grin yet. He shook his head in patronizing fashion.

"I know it's none of my business but that's okay. You're allowed to tell me anyway." He tilted back, hands behind his head, looking as if he hadn't a single care.

Inexplicably, his face shifted in and out of focus.

"Are you feeling alright, Mia? You don't look well." Why the hell was he laughing?

The room around us drifted. And it drifted, drifted, drifted. I never drank any beer so I wasn't drunk. Why the hell was
the one experiencing dizziness?

The fridge slid as if it'd grown a pair of legs and learned to skate.

"Mia?" Brandon er—Tyler's voice echoed and his laughing smile traveled and glided. Traveling, traveling, traveling. Relaxing, relaxing,

"Mia... I have a confession to make. I spiked your drink while you were in the bathroom. I'm sorry, but hell I couldn't resist the temptation. You're a damn beautiful girl, the hottest piece of ass I've seen in a while and I'd like a taste of it. What else can I say? I'll make it up to you tonight, tomorrow night and the night after that. Sound like a plan?"

An ebony haze devoured the kitchen and blackened everything in sight. I fell but was caught. Strong arms carried me through the dark.

Wow. This is nice and I feel fantastic.

Thank you Brandon—er Tyler.


have a couple of fetishes, one is a pregnancy fetish, which means you're the best candidate for me to indulge my fantasies. Another thing I like is having sex with pretty teens, and that makes you absolutely


Every centimeter dragged due to sleepiness, even my heartbeat had slowed. Each limb weighed a ton and my brain registered nothing but fuzziness.

Someone spoke to me. Brandon?

No. Voice too different. If I forced my eyelids open maybe I could see who was here.

Took me forever to blink away remnants of sleep. When I did, Brandon was beside me.

Oh no. Not Brandon. That's

He's the one with the lighter hair.

"My mother said she left you here alone while she went to San Antonio. I couldn't turn down the opportunity to see you. Especially since no one's here to stop me from doing anything I want to you," he said. "Not my mother, not my father, and
not my asshole brother."

Oh right. Tyler had spiked my soda with some drug which made me quite euphoric. This weightless sensation lingered in my stomach. Nothing troubled me. Not a single ounce of trepidation. My inner alarm system had been disabled.

Tyler could do whatever the hell he wanted and I didn't give two shits.

Maybe he'd given me more. How much of this stuff did he have? Did he keep it inside his brief case?

Would he give me another dose if I asked?

"I'll tell you about my second fetish tomorrow. For now I want to focus on the first one. How lucky I am that you turned up pregnant and in your second trimester. It's perfect and the timing couldn't have been better."

I was too weak to keep my eyes open a substantial amount of time. The lids kept shutting no matter how hard I tried to prevent it. My mouth attempted to form words and it worked, though my speech came out slurred.

"Thank you for giving me—whatever it was you gave me."

"Oh, you're welcome." He sounded surprised.

those drugs?"

"Lorazepam. I crushed a few pills, made a powder and saved it in the pill bottle."

"What's it do?"

"It's an anti-anxiety drug. I have both the pill and injectable form used in the pre-operative phase. I got these from my father's clinic. No one asked questions since I'm his son, which is a good thing and makes it easier to steal."

"What's a pre—pre—pre—"

"A pre-operative phase is the time right before surgery. The patient gets injected with lorazepam to curb their anxiety. Plastic surgery patients don't deserve it, though, since they ask to be sliced open like stinking pigs in a slaughterhouse. It's blatant, nonsensical stupidity if you ask me."

"You steal from your dad's clinic?"

"Why wouldn't I? The opportunity's there so why not take advantage? Shit, I'd be crazy not to."

"I see what you mean."

Heavy silence.



"What have you been diagnosed with?"

"I don't understand the question. Can you rephrase it so it makes sense?"

"Brandon's diagnosis is narci—narcissistic disorder, bipolar I think, and he's a sociopath—er psychopath. I'm asking you what
diagnosis is."

"Oh, alright. I get it. Wait—my brother's a narcissistic

"Uh-huh. Are you one too?"

"Absolutely not. I have no issues and I don't see a psychiatrist. They're all quacks with bogus treatments."

"No, those treatments really do work. They worked for Brandon until he stopped taking his meds."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. How come you don't have a diagnosis?"

"Because I'm not crazy, Mia. Not yet anyway but if you keep asking me these—"

"You need a diagnosis because you shouldn't have sexual fetishes, you know."

"Having a fetish doesn't make someone crazy, Mia."

"It does in my opinion."

"Well your opinion doesn't mean shit to me. Alright?"

"Whatever. It means shit to

"And that's perfectly fine. Anyhow, this has been fun but now we need to get down to business. I only have three days to kill before having to return to the office. I want to make the best of it."

"You took three days off just to come here and violate me?"

"Basically." He cleared his throat and his feet shuffled.

"Am I naked? I can't tell and I'm too tired to look."

"Yes, you're naked."


"And I used belts to tie your wrists to the bed posts. Your feet are bound by two more belts and your legs are spread far apart for ease of access."

"So what are you gonna do to me?"

"It'll be more fun to show you."


"I, uh, I'm also recording this with a mini cam that's set up on the dresser. That way I'll have video for later. A nice little keepsake."

"Can I have a copy too?"

"Of course. I'm glad you asked." Brief pause. "Uh, then again maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea. I think I'd better pass on that."


I sensed the lowering of the mattress as he joined me. He squirmed into position.

I peeked as he glided his hands around the slope of my belly, groping in a weird sensual manner as though the bump
turned him on.

"You're very beautiful," he muttered. "Your pregnancy makes you that much more attractive. The way your body changes, the way your breasts fill out, the way your stomach swells as the baby inside you grows... thrives from the nourishment your body gives. The whole thing fascinates me."

I grimaced, for no buzz was strong enough to stop my disgust.

He tongued my navel, licked my tummy, tickling me. My baby punted Tyler's tongue and he reeled back to gape.

"I can't believe it. He fucking kicked me. Your baby actually kicked me."

"He does that sometimes. It lets me know he's still alive in there. Trust me, it's normal."

Tyler relaxed and continued fondling my belly. His hardened penis grated my thigh.

He began unbuttoning his shirt, eyeing me seductively. "My brother doesn't deserve to have you."

And you do?

He peeled off his shirt, unfastened his slacks and his erection bobbed forth. His cock displayed subtle differences from Brandon's. His and Brandon's were about the same size while erect, but Tyler's seemed chunkier. It wasn't bigger though and the color was a deeper violet.

His hands explored my breasts and thumbed my nipples. I arched in response to his stimulation.

"Beautiful," he muttered. "Gorgeous, firm, huge tits.
certainly don't need enhancements."

He swooped in to suck a nipple and I arched a second time, couldn't help it. My nipples were ultra-sensitive and the least amount of touching tensed my clit.

He moaned as he suckled.

"I'm glad you like me touching you, sucking you." He teased both nipples by alternating from one to the other. Sometimes he licked fast while other times he went easier, slower. Either way it took me near climax.

Brandon's going to kill you if he finds out. He's going to kill you, dear brother Tyler.

Hell, Brandon wanted to kill ME so I can only imagine what he'll do to you.

"Are your tits making milk yet?" he asked.

"I don't know."

"Let's see, easy enough to find out." He pinched a nipple and a yellow drop gathered. "Ah yeah. There it is." He licked it. "Tastes sweet. Not bad."

I closed my eyes and let him do whatever he wished. Perhaps I could take a nap until he finished.

Right. A nap would be impossible—for his cock drilled me without warning. His hips lurched and took me for a wild ride as he expressed gratification by whimpering and shouting.

Tyler was even louder and more obnoxious than Brandon.

Every time his pelvis thrust and pushed, the restraints on my ankles tightened painfully.

"Jesus, Mia, you feel better than Alicia," he groaned. "You're tighter, a lot tighter. Feels like the most amazing massage on my cock. You're gonna get me off soon.
Damn, baby

He rocked me with his motions, thrusting faster, faster,

"I taught Alicia all about sex," he said. "From the time she was fourteen when I took—her
virginity. Ah, oh, oh, oh. Feels so fuckin' good, baby

"You've been screwing your cousin since she was fourteen?"

Oh, oh, oh, fuuuuck me
I—popped—her—sweet—cherry. Oh, oh

His steady rocking put me to sleep and roused me when he climaxed.

Ah! Ah! Ah! Fuck yeah, baby!

His screaming could've woken the dead.

"Best fucking orgasm.
." He flopped beside me, blond hair disheveled. His cock aimed upright and twitched as cum dribbled.

"Thank you for letting me pay back my brother. Fucking his woman is the ultimate revenge."

Sometimes he sounded so much like Brandon. If I used my imagination I could pretend he
Brandon. But was Brandon really any better?

And did I really have to ask myself this?

With the exception of Doris—
the whole damn family was batshit crazy.


he Levine mansion had a sound system. It was wired so music from one room could be heard throughout the home. Most rooms had a speaker or two mounted on the wall.

Right now Tyler was listening to 50 Cent's P.I.M.P. He had the volume high and the beat vibrated the bed.

He burst through the door clutching a needle syringe. He flicked the reservoir, got an alcohol pad and scrubbed the center of my thigh. He stabbed me with the needle, plunging it straight and deep.

I flinched.

He withdrew and tossed the needle in a waste basket.

"I gave you more of the benzodiazepine to help you relax." He gently brushed the hair from my forehead.

what you've been giving me? Won't that hurt my baby?"

"I honestly don't think so. But it might cause him to withdrawal later, after he's born." No guilt in his eyes. None.

"I don't want my baby to go through withdrawal." I withheld tears.

"It'll only last a few days or so. He'll be fine, Mia. Don't worry."

But I
worried, you insensitive fucking asshole.

'I don't know what you heard about me,'
the song went as he began a dance, swaying his hips as he unbuttoned his shirt.

He actually performed a strip tease, though nothing about the Levines shocked me anymore.

As the meds kicked in, familiar waves calmed me and relaxed my muscles and eyelids. However I kept watching Tyler's performance.

'I'm a motherfucking P-I-M-P.'
He bucked the air, sliding a hand downward and slowly unzipped while dancing. He threw one arm behind his head,
getting into the music. He lowered his body, wriggling, twisting his torso and his pants fell to expose blond pubic hair.

His little enticing dance had me intrigued. His ridged stomach flexed with his moves and he gave me a big smile, stuck his tongue out and traced his mouth while gyrating.

Nude, he stepped from his heaped trousers and mounted me.

He showered kisses across my breasts, lips grazing the nipples along the way. He enclosed a taut swelling within his mouth, lightly sucked and tongued it.

When he pulled back, the nipple raised to an erect bud teeming with moisture, which his tongue trailed and licked. He took the nipple inside his mouth, drew out the milk and swallowed.

. Way to indulge my other fetish." He dipped to get another taste.

Tyler gave me a second dose of his sex while I focused on songs flowing from the speaker. On occasion I was snapped to reality by the bluntness of his cock as it drifted in, out, in.

My stomach shimmied, hurting as his hard abdomen squashed it.

"Hurry up and get off, please."

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