New Title 7 (14 page)

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Authors: Emma Clark

Tags: #Kindle Store, #Kindle eBooks, #mystery, #Thriller & Suspense, #crime fiction, #erotic thriller, #suspense, #anti-hero, #bdsm, #Controversial, #psychological, #captive

BOOK: New Title 7
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"I love you, my angel. Oh Jesus god, I love you so much baby. I can't live without you..." Brandon unleashed an explosive, stinging climax while vowing to love me forever.

His love—was

And we clung together, tenderly caressing each other's shoulders, arms.

"Have you been taking your pills?" I ventured to ask.

"Uh—well, I forgot the last couple of days."


"I know, I know. I promise I'll remember from now on."

"What about your anti-rejection meds? You haven't forgotten those have you?"

"No. I know better than to forget those."

"And you should know better than to forget the others."

"Who are you, my
?" he said.

Sinking despair confronted me.

"No Brandon, I'm not your mother, but I care about you and I'm going to be the mother of your baby."

"Right. I'm sorry, angel. Like I said I promise to remember from now on."

"Thank you."

He rolled to his backside and stared at the ceiling, muscular arms framing the pillow. "I don't like those pills. They cut back my sex drive."

I tensed in response but was too afraid to say anything.

Some day soon he and I would have to talk.

For now I'd let it slide. The past two days had been difficult enough and I was simply exhausted.


our days later Brandon's older brother visited. Soon their cousin Alicia would be arriving as well.

I wasn't in the mood for these visitors, but what could I do?

At seven fifteen in the evening, Tyler joined Brandon and me at the kitchen table. Alicia would arrive in an hour or two.

I couldn't help staring at Tyler because his looks resembled Brandon's
much. They could've been twins except for a few minor differences, such as Tyler's lighter hair. His wheat-toned streaks glittered and his eyes were
eyes—the same turquoise shades.

And secretive too.

Sitting across the table, Tyler and his hypnotic gaze shifted from Brandon to me as we chatted. He wore a navy-blue V-neck sweater and dark jeans. His hair was perfect, slick with a slight wave in front, not a wisp out of place as if he'd spent hours on it. His plump lips were almost crimson and he exhibited the same sun-kissed complexion as his brother. He looked younger than his true age and resembled a male model right off a European fashion runway.

Many times I'd caught myself staring and many times I'd caught him gazing at me.

Tyler rarely smiled but poised stiffly in his chair, composed and serious. Sometimes he spoke like a lawyer.

Robert was gone as always, staying somewhere in Dallas near his second plastic surgery clinic while neglecting the first. And neglecting his wife, who remained upstairs getting the guest bedrooms ready.

Ironically Tyler specialized in medical malpractice law, although Robert
wanted him to enter med school and become a surgeon too. 

"So you're giving my brother a son, eh?" Tyler asked, lips a firm unamused line. For a moment I was flustered by his direct attention and by those enigmatic eyes which reminded me of Brandon's.

"Yeah, it's a boy." Mind racing, I didn't know what else to say. Tyler's penetrating stare set me on edge and I wriggled in my seat, glanced this way and that.

I felt Brandon's eyes on me.

God. Brandon knows I'm (somewhat) attracted to his brother. He knows!

Stop. Just stop. No sense in panicking. It's ridiculous and silly, and normal to feel attracted to a boyfriend's sibling,
my other side argued.

Brandon held a somber expression, lips tightening as he kept an eye narrowed.

"When are you going to have kids?" he asked Tyler. Point-blank.

Tyler gave a quick smirk;
quick I wasn't sure it'd been there at all. And he didn't respond further.

Ensuing silence thickened.
Where's Doris? What's she doing up there?

Tyler brought out a pack of cigarettes, plucked one between his fingers and stuck it in his mouth. He lit it with a red lighter and smoke drifted to my side.

Brandon got pissed.

"Do you have to smoke in here?" Brandon waved his hands in the air and smoke dissipated. Glaring at Brandon, Tyler shrugged, blew out another puff and flicked the ashes in a dish.

"That's a nasty habit you have," Brandon sniped holding his brother's gaze.

"I've been trying to quit," Tyler said. "I've cut back to four a day." He exhaled a cloud of mist aimed for his brother.

Brandon grumbled as he abandoned his chair. Turning to me he said, "If you know what's good for you and the baby, you'll come with me."

He left me alone in the spotlight.

I couldn't make myself get up and follow.

"He's jealous." Tyler mumbled from the side of his mouth.

"Really?" I squirmed, scooted my chair backward.

"He's pissed because I didn't let our father bully me into med school. I chose my own path, not some shit trail Dad set up." He took a drag, tapped the ashes.

"Really," I repeated, feeling

"Yes. Really." Another drag. "I'm not interested in shoving silicone into someone's tits all day. I never
interested in doing that shit. Sounds boring and tedious."

"I don't blame you." Cigarette smoke seared my nostrils and caused my eyes to tear. And I was stunned at Tyler's candid remarks.

"Nope, I didn't want to be Daddy's clone."
Tap tap
went the nub as a tower of ashes fell. "That shit's
dream, not mine. Brandon couldn't stand that I had the balls to tell our father to his face. I never regretted becoming an attorney and I'm good at it. I make a quarter million per year, sometimes more depending on the case or doctor involved. It's nice."

Arrogant much?

He stamped out his cigarette, put his elbows on the table as he folded his arms. He wasn't one bit shy and his eyes burned into me.

"I can understand what Brandon sees in you."

My throat clenched, partly cutting off my breathing. I couldn't move my lips to speak.

"How long have you been seeing him?" Tyler dragged the tip of his tongue across his upper lip. I closed and opened my eyes, wishing he'd stop asking me personal things.

"About five months."

"Of course you have. I should've known since you're that far along. You got pregnant right away, didn't you? You must be pretty goddamn fertile." His brows lifted.

"Yeah." I glanced at him. "I gotta go. I uh, have to use the bathroom." I heaved myself upright and headed out.

"Sure thing. Maybe I'll see you later," he said.

Good god, was there a hint of seductiveness in his tone?


* * *

licia turned out to be attractive, just like her male cousins. She had chestnut hair that fell in waves and radiant azure eyes. A small nose accentuated her heart-shaped face and red lips highlighted her features.

She had a petite figure and stood inches shorter than me. She was dressed in snug jeans and a graphic T-shirt.

We stayed up late, gathered in the kitchen where Alicia sat next to Tyler with Doris on the other side. Brandon and I sat at the opposite end. He seemed more relaxed, though he avoided eye contact with his brother.

Alicia tossed several hot dogs in the microwave. As she heated them, Doris and Tyler chatted about the opening of his firm's second office.

Alicia removed the hot dogs and slapped the plate on a counter. Her gaze slid to Tyler.

As Doris continued talking to Tyler and Brandon, Alicia's behavior disturbed me. She raised a wiener, inserted it half-way in her mouth and glided the meaty thing in and out, expertly performing a simulated blow job as she eyed her cousin.

Tyler caught her splendid performance and his lips drew apart as a small smile flickered.

No one else noticed. Disbelief changed to disgust and my face warmed.

"Alicia," Brandon snapped. "
What the hell are you doing

Wiener dropped.

With big blue eyes, Alicia regarded Brandon. "What do you mean? I wasn't doing anything."

what you were doing." His lips curled in repulsion.

"I wasn't—"

"Why not tell us, Brandon? Tell us what Alicia was doing," Tyler challenged as Doris flicked her perusal between them.

"I think you already know. In fact you know
about it." Brandon nodded while Tyler chuckled, completely amused, smug and unfazed.

"What on earth are you two talking about?" Doris questioned.

"Forget it." Brandon glowered at Alicia, who grabbed the plate and plopped it on the table.

Doris frowned, clueless and puzzled by her sons' behaviors.

She and I could've joined a special club to discuss it.

After fetching a loaf of bread and mustard, Alicia sank to her seat and fixed a sandwich. She also made one for Tyler.

No one said much.

In spite of this family's strangeness, I found myself enjoying their eccentricities. They fascinated me and shed light on Brandon's

I couldn't wait to discover what may happen next.


didn't sleep well.

The digital clock read three fifteen in the middle of the damn night.

Though Brandon was
to sleep in the bedroom across the hall, he'd been sleeping with me.

If Doris found out she'd kill us.

He was reclined on his side with his backside facing me. Layers of his hair gleamed in the moonlight that beamed through the window.

I marveled at his masculine beauty. He drove me crazy a lot but there were things about him which kept me from leaving.

Let's go over the list...

1. his good looks
(yes it's #1, deal with it)

2. his wonderful second personality

3. his inherently sweet nature

4. he was an amazing lover

5. he was excited about having a child

6. he vowed to marry me
(though maybe not such a good thing)

7. I loved his mother

8. he was
to change

9. he was attentive to the point of being clingy
(though maybe not such a good thing)

10. his wealthy family could provide financial security for my son's future

And then a list of flaws...

1. he had a scary dark side (Mr. Hyde)

2. he was obsessed with sex

3. he had anger issues

4. he used to disrespect women

I couldn't think of anything else. My mind
to recall other murky secretive places, but my memory wouldn't allow it.

Probably for the best.

My stomach growled so I climbed out of bed and crept to the door. I descended the staircase to the first level and headed for the kitchen.

But wait—
a noise. Is someone up? Jeesh I hope not.

Alicia and Tyler were spending two nights but they'd retired to their rooms hours ago.

Paranoid, I backtracked to peek in the family room. A (weaving) sofa, loveseat and Persian rug were arranged by the fireplace and articles of clothing littered the floor.

A drawn-out sigh. And another and another and...

Oh, oh, oh. Give it to me good,
" Alicia begged.

," said someone else.

Cushions creaked as couch legs scooted. A pair of bare masculine legs were propped on the sofa arm, vibrating with sexual motions.

Visions of Alicia's 'blow job' confronted me. I couldn't force my brain to register what was happening—even as bile invaded my throat.

How could Doris
know what was going on? They weren't doing a good job of hiding it!

Cautiously I started back to the kitchen. Hopefully the two wouldn't notice or hear me making a sandwich.

Oh! Tyler
," Alicia squealed, startling me as I rummaged in the fridge. "
Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. Faster

I lost my appetite and let the refrigerator door swing shut.

I returned to bed where memories of Alicia's squeals continually interrupted my sleep.

Jesus Christ.

* * *

he following afternoon I observed photos in the family room.

I avoided looking at the sofa where Tyler screwed Alicia. Now that daylight permeated the room, everything seemed colorful.

No scattered clothes. No cousins engaged in sofa sex.

I found a portrait of Robert and finally got to see the man who sired Brandon. Robert had the same mocha-colored hair with golden highlights. I couldn't really tell his eye color, otherwise his features resembled Brandon's and Tyler's. In this photo he wore a black business suit and looked forty-something.

Robert was a good-looking man for his age. He had a rich head of hair which thickened in the front like Brandon's. Trim and athletic too.

For a fleeting second I entertained a naughty thought: If I didn't have Brandon or know his father was married, I'd let Robert fuck me in a NY minute.

Shame heated my face as I placed the photo on the mantel.

Brandon's graduation portrait stood in the center. A navy-blue cap was slanted on his head, golden tassel dangling and hiding one eye. His bright smile lit up the photo, fresh face glowing.

He was my age in the portrait.

How were you back then? Did you hurt anyone?

Did you, Brandon?

Did you hurt your girlfriends?

I went further, figuratively turning back the clock as I found pictures of Brandon at all ages. He was three or four in one portrait which displayed his name in the corner.

As a toddler, Brandon had mocha curls around his face while jade tinted his excited eyes. A button nose accented his cuteness as lip buds beamed a joyful smile, revealing the tiniest teeth. He hugged a teddy bear, his head against the toy's fuzzy ear.

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