Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two (22 page)

BOOK: Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two
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It was late by the time Rade and Dylan got back to the house. Rade showed her every inch of the grounds, including servant quarters, the nine hole golf course, horse stables, and personal gym. Not to mention his six-car garage, where every stall was occupied with either a sports car or motorcycle. Dylan had never seen anything so grand. Seeing the house alone was a treat, but with everything else, that was just icing on the cake. Dinner was already prepared and waiting for them in the dining area when they got back. The long table, which sat at least twelve, was set with fine china and silverware. Rade sat at the head of the table with Dylan to his right. A servant entered the room carrying a bottle of wine, which he opened for Rade, and poured a small portion in his wine glass to taste. Rade nodded in approval before the servant filled his glass and then filled Dylan’s glass. The meal was phenomenal, with rosemary garnished Cornish hens, baby carrots in a honey glaze, and garlic potatoes.

Rade’s mind was elsewhere as they enjoyed the meal. Dylan wondered if his change in mood had to do with the conversation he had with Richard earlier. She knew something was going on with him. He was keeping something from her. No way was she going to let this slide.

“Rade, I know something is on your mind. Does it have anything to do with your phone conversation with Richard earlier?” Dylan asked bluntly.

Rising from his seat, he walked over to the small bar. He needed something stronger than wine. Dylan got up from the table as well. Standing right behind him, she watched him pour a healthy portion of scotch into the crystal glass.

Placing her arms around his waist, she whispered, “What’s going on, Rade? Please tell me.”

Rade downed his drink and turned to Dylan. “It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with. It’s just business,” Rade assured her. “Let’s not talk about this and enjoy our evening.”

Rade took Dylan by the hand and lead her into the living room. The room was large, with cream-colored leather furniture and a large fireplace stretching almost as high as the vaulted ceiling. One side of the room there were floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the patio where they shared the most perfect breakfast. The house itself was enormous. Dylan couldn’t understand why Rade needed such a large home, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms, unless he planned on having a large family to fill the space.

As they settled on the couch, Rade gently pulled Dylan close to him. “I’m glad you came,” he whispered.

Sliding her hand around his waist, she cuddled deeper into his side. There were no words from her. Her reaction said it all. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours as they watched the sun slowly dip into the ocean. This was where they both needed to be. In each other’s arms, watching the sunset, with the quietness filling the room. That was, until a sudden humming from the vibration of Rade’s cell phone chimed in. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he looked to see who was interrupting this perfect moment.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.
This was the last person he wanted to hear from. Rising to his feet, he moved away from Dylan so he could take the call. What he had to say to the caller wasn’t something he wanted Dylan to hear.

“What the fuck do you want?” he snapped at the caller.

“Is that anyway to talk to your father?” Garrett hissed.

“You are not my father. Don’t expect me to think otherwise,” Rade interjected.

“Keep telling yourself that, Rade, but nothing you say will change that fact,” Garrett warned.

“Tell me what you want or this conversation is over.” Rade had enough. He didn’t want to exchange one more word with this man unless absolutely necessary.

“I have some information for you regarding your half-brother. Richard did some digging for me and found out he owns a small bar called
. Seems it was left to him when Lauren died,” Garrett confirmed.

Little did Garrett know that Rade already knew all this information from his own investigators. Lauren, better known as Lauren Riley, owned Riley’s Pub and Grill before leaving it to her son Evan Taylor. Lauren married Duke Taylor, who adopted Evan when he was five. Evan took his Duke’s last name. A few years later Duke Taylor took off, never to be found. Evan never had a father/son relationship with him, so Lauren thought it best not to find him. When Rade found out that his half-brother was Evan Taylor, he just about lost it. This was the same man who placed his hands on the woman belonging to him. He would never accept this man as his brother.

“You’re telling me things I already know, so I think you’re done wasting my time.” Rade hung up the phone before his dad could say another word. It didn’t upset him that his dad found Evan Taylor. It upset him that Richard’s loyalty to his father was more important than their friendship. The trust in his friend was lost.

Rade walked back into the living area, only to be consumed by Dylan’s beautiful body stretched out on the couch. She was perfect. Shoving his phone back in his pocket, he gently lifted her from the couch and carried her up the stairs to his room. Careful not to wake her, he undid the buttons of her sundress and slowly removed it from her body. Lowering her head onto the pillow, he covered her exposed body with the comforter and kissed her lightly on the lips. He debated on sliding in beside her, but decided it was better for him to make much needed calls and try to get some work done. It had been almost a week since he looked at his emails. He knew he needed to get back to reality.

When Rade turned on his computer he couldn’t believe the annoying sound that was coming from the device. Ping after ping resonated through the room, signaling the emails that were overloading his inbox. Fifteen minutes later the sound quit, only to show two hundred plus emails. Rade knew he would not be able to get through all of them, so he shot Gwen an email asking her if she could scan through them for him and let him know which emails needed his immediate attention.

The next item on his to-do list was to find out what was going on with Mr. Stewart. It was still early enough in the evening that he decided to dial Peter. As he waited for Peter to answer, another email popped up in his inbox. He was surprised to see it was from Gwen. Opening it, he began reading her message. She wrote that she would glad to look through his emails and let him know of anything important, and for him to have a good evening. Hiring Gwen was the best thing he could have ever done. Finally, after six rings Peter picked up.

“Hello,” Peter answered.

“Hewitt, Matheson here. I wanted to check on developments with Mr. Stewart,” Rade stated.

“Nothing new, Mr. Matheson. He’s pretty much locked himself in that hotel room. Even housekeeping has been sent away. It’s almost like he’s just waiting for something.” Peter replied. “Do you want me to drag him out of there?”

“No, not yet. Wait until he makes a move. Then follow him. I don’t want to close in on him yet,” Rade instructed.

“Yes, sir,” Peter acknowledged before ending the call.

It was close to one in the morning before Rade headed to his bedroom. When he got to the room, Dylan was no longer in bed. Removing his clothing he changed into his loungers and headed back downstairs. He checked the living room, kitchen, and the other five bedrooms and baths. No Dylan. He was beginning to worry when he saw her silhouette through the patio doors. He saw she was heading to the beach. Opening the doors, he crossed the patio and followed her. She was a few feet from the water when he noticed she was only dressed in her panties. Walking up to her he whispered. “What are you doing out here, sweetness?”

Dylan turned to face Rade with no word. The light from the moon was glistening on her body. The cool air made her nipples stand firm. Rade placed his hands on her breasts and tenderly began caressing the soft skin. He loved the feel of her flesh between his fingers. Moving his hands up her chest, he cupped her face and brought his lips to hers. Embracing her cool body to his, he gently lifted her from the sand, keeping his mouth glued to hers. Unable to wait, he lowered her body with ease onto the soft beach. Every nerve in his body pulsated as he took her in. Positioning his body between her legs, he could feel her heat as he slowly began thrusting his body into hers. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist and her hips began moving to the rhythm of his. Pushing his hand downward, he took hold of her panties and carefully lowered them down her hips. With her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, he knew he had no other option but to tear the fabric from her body. Gripping the lacy material with both hands, her panties were nothing more than a scrap of cloth by the time they came off.

Relieving himself of his own clothing, Rade began worshiping her body. His mouth fell to her pert nipples, licking and sucking softly as they hardened beneath his mouth. He watched as her body came to life as the cool air hit her wet breasts. Rade kissed his way down her body, aware of her arousal as her back began to arch. Everywhere his mouth touched his hands were soon to follow as he caressed and worshiped her. Her soft moans escaped as she begged him for more. “Please, Rade. I need you inside me.” It took everything he had not to plunge deep inside her. He wanted her to feel pleasure. Pleasure she would only experience with him. Gliding his hand down her torso, he moved his mouth to her mound, just above her clit. Biting and nipping the soft skin, he was thankful that after all this time she continued to keep herself bare for him. She was his. He lowered his mouth further until he could feel her hard nub between his teeth. Taking his time, he licked and sucked her clit. He knew she was close as her lower body rose from the sand. He wasn’t ready for her to come just yet. Pulling away, he crawled up her body and placed his lips over hers. Her moans of frustration vibrated from her mouth, making him want her even more. He moved his hand from her hip and squeezed the flesh on her inner thigh. Warning her. It wasn’t hard, but there was enough pressure that he felt her relax. It was his way of telling her
“You are not to come until I let you.”
Releasing his hold on her thigh, he worked his fingers between her soaked folds. Sliding his middle finger in, he curved it just right to touch her sweet spot. She was so wet for him. He knew at any moment she would explode. Adding another finger, he began thrusting them in and out, making sure that he hit her g-spot with every thrust. Her hip movements were becoming more and more erratic as he increased his movement. Just when he felt her tighten around his fingers, he pulled them from her.

Quickly turning her over, he took the juices from his fingers and began rubbing them against her puckered hole. Guiding his cock to her entrance, he began thrusting inside her wet passage, making sure to coat his cock with her juices while he continued his play with her tight hole. Moving slowly in and out of her with his shaft, he began using the same motion with his finger as he carefully penetrated her. He could feel her relax as he pushed his finger deeper inside her anus. She was so tight. He couldn’t wait until he would be able to fuck her with his cock there. Then she would be his completely. Not one place would be left that he hadn’t taken. Adding another finger, he increased his movements as his own release was knocking. Dylan’s body shuddered as she found her own release. Her orgasm caused her pussy to tighten beyond belief to take hold of him. He couldn’t hold out any longer. His seed exploded inside her with such force that his body collapsed on her. If he didn’t know better, he could have sworn he died and gone to heaven.

Rade wasn’t sure how long they laid together on the sand. All he knew was they couldn’t stay. Pushing up to his feet, he found his pants and pulled them on. Dylan wasn’t moving. Kneeling beside her, he could see her face was covered in tears. Worried that he may have hurt her, he pulled her to him and lifted her on his lap. “Dylan, talk to me. Did I hurt you?”

Dylan couldn’t tell what was really happening. She knew if she told him the truth, she might lose him forever. Looking up at his face, she said softly, “I’m fine. That was amazing,”

Rade didn’t believe her. There was more to it. Instead of pushing for an answer, he let it go. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her back to the house. “I think a nice hot bath is in order,” he said as she pulled herself closer to him.

Rade placed Dylan on the bathroom vanity as he filled the tub with water. Most of the sand that was on her body was left behind as a trail on the flooring. His servants were going to have a heyday when it came time to explain. The tub was almost full. Rade lifted Dylan from the vanity and gently placed her in the hot bath. Once she was settled, he slipped in behind her, bringing her body close to his. They were both lost in their thoughts as the water rippled around them. Rade was still concerned about what happened on the beach. He knew Dylan wasn’t fine like she claimed.

“Dylan, I know something happened on the beach. I know you don’t just cry because you’re fine. Please tell me what’s going on,” Rade pleaded.

“I can’t,” Dylan muttered, pulling herself from the tub.

Rade was out of the tub right behind Dylan needing answers. “Dylan, you can tell me anything. I thought you knew that by now.” Rade turned Dylan so that she was facing him. He needed to see her eyes. Something was definitely bothering her.

“I can’t, Rade. I just can’t,” Dylan cried as tears began falling.

“God dammit, Dylan, what is it?” Rade shouted tightening his hold on her arms.

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