Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two (20 page)

BOOK: Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two
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Handing the water to Dylan, Rade took a seat next to her. She looked so beautiful. Even with no make-up, she was absolutely breathtaking. The robe she was wearing was coming open, revealing her creamy breast. It took everything he had not to tear it off of her. Placing his hand on her cheek, he lowered his head to her ear and gently bit at her lobe. In a soft whisper, he said, “You shouldn’t wear something so revealing unless you want me to fuck you.”

Dylan looked down at her body. She clumsily pulled her robe closed, tightening the sash around her waist. She had no intention of having sex with Rade. He was there for one reason and one reason only.

“You could have made it easier on yourself, if you just said yes to my request instead of coming over,” Dylan declared.

“I had to make sure you weren’t under any duress when you asked. Because the Dylan I know would never want to step another foot near that place,” Rade confirmed.

“I need to go back there, Rade. It’s the only way I can…,” Dylan hesitated as she began to sober up, “So I can move on.”

“Sweetness, I don’t know exactly what happened to you, but I know it was bad. Why would you want to go back there and bring that all back?” Rade prodded her.

“That’s just it, Rade. Don’t you see, I have to go back. It is the only way to get over this. If I can face what happened, I can move on.” Dylan knew what was on Rade’s mind. The question she regretted finally came.

“What happened to you, Dylan? If I do decide to take you back there, I need to know,” Rade asked as he placed his hand on her cheek.

Taking a deep breath, Dylan began, “I knew something was wrong the minute I was led down those steps into the basement. The woman who led me wouldn’t say anything to me. I didn’t even know it was a woman until I saw her red nail polish. I knew I should have turned around.”

Rade took Dylan’s hand as he tried to reassure her it wasn’t her fault. “You couldn’t have known what was going to happen to you. For all you knew, you were going to a private room.”

With Rade holding her hands in his, Dylan continued, “When I walked in the room, I remember seeing so many things. A table full of sex toys, the bench in the middle of the room, a cross with restraints on each corner. I was ready to leave, but the woman turned me and then put a blindfold on me. I knew it was something you would do so I let her. Her only word to me was “Stay” before she left. So I did.”

Dylan took a deep breath. What she had to tell Rade was going to be hard for her to relive. “A few moments later he entered. I thought it was you. He restrained my hands and feet. When he lowered my cape and began kissing me on my shoulders, I knew it wasn’t you at all. He began tearing my clothing off. He told me that you were busy and he was sent in your place. I tried using my safe word, but he wouldn’t listen. He said it didn’t matter in that room. I was so scared.” Tears began to fall from Dylan’s eyes as she shook her head back and forth in disbelief that this could have happen to her.

“You don’t have to finish, Dylan,” Rade said, holding her close to him.

“I have to. I haven’t told anyone what happened to me,” Dylan refuted.

“Okay, baby, take your time,” Rade said as he looked deep into her eyes.

“I hated his hands on me. That’s when the pain began. He began striking me over and over. He only stopped for a moment to rip my panties off. Once they were removed, he began again. I thought he was done, but all he did was adjust my restraints so that my body was laying over the bench. I remember having a hard time breathing. The restraint around my neck got tighter every time I lowered my head. I thought I was going to pass out, but then his hands were on my ass, spanking me, first with his hand and then with something else. All I could do was feel the pain. He must have thought I was enjoying it because when his fingers slid between my folds I was wet. I felt dirty. How could I get aroused by what he was doing to me? Then he entered me. First it was one finger, then two. It hurt, but he didn’t care because he added a third. There was so much pain, but I came. I gave him the orgasm he was looking for. He was finally done, or so I thought. Then he said
“I can’t wait to fuck that tight pussy.”
His fingers were covered with my release. When he held them to my mouth and forced them in, all I could think of doing was hurting him. So I bit down as hard as I could. When I saw the blood, I knew it was a mistake. He hit me so hard across the face. The next thing I knew I was being untied and carried to one of the other rooms.” Dylan inhaled air as she tried to catch her breath. She cried so much through her explanation that her body began to shake.

Rade stood, taking the empty wine bottle sitting on the coffee table and flung it across the room. “Fuck, fuck,” he yelled as he planted his fist in the wall closest to where he stood. “It’s my fault. I should have never agreed to take you there. I’m going to kill that fucker.”

It took everything Dylan had to stop Rade from hurting himself any further. When his other hand went through the same wall, she knew she needed to step in front of him. Not only because he was destroying her apartment, but because if she let him continue, he could really hurt himself.

“Rade, you have to stop, please,” Dylan pleaded with him.

As she held onto both of his arms with all her might, Rade was finally able to focus on her. Taking her in his arms, he wanted to shield her from everything. He wasn’t going to let this go. After hearing what happened to her, he realized he was so far off in what he thought. A million years wouldn’t have prepared him for the malicious act she just confessed. The man who did this to Dylan had better pray that Rade never found him, because when Rade did, he would be a dead man.

Sitting back down on the sofa, Rade held on to Dylan. Lifting her chin so that her eyes connected to him, he could clearly see what Dylan was asking of him. Knowing how much she needed him to do this for her, he said in a soft voice, “I’ll take you.”














After leaving Dylan’s apartment, Rade drove and drove, not sure where he was going. He knew that he didn’t want to go back to the penthouse or his office. When Dylan requested that he go home instead of staying with her, he didn’t argue with her. All he could think about was what she went through and how so much of what happened to her was his fault. Knowing how badly she wanted to go to the private club, he should have taken her when there wasn’t a celebration happening.
was celebrating the new moon. It took place once a month. It was to celebrate rebirth or new beginnings. Had he taken her any other night, they would have never been separated, but with the new moon festivities the women were led to a designated room to await the appearance of their master. They were supposed to rise and fall together.

Rade took a sharp turn, heading to the Queens/Midtown tunnel. He knew exactly where he wanted to be. Even though he hadn’t visited his home in Hampton Bay for a while, it was the one place he could go to clear his head. Reaching the iron gate, he punched in the security code and waited as the gates opened. The long driveway was neatly manicured, with precisely cut hedges and beautiful flowers of various colors. Pulling up to the front, he was greeted by Richard and two members of his staff that took care of the property. After a lengthy conversation on the phone with Richard earlier, Rade finally agreed to meet him. The only reason Rade agreed was because Richard assured him that Peter would assign some of his men to watch over Dylan while he was away.

When he saw the expression on Richard’s face, he knew something was up. Rade didn’t have baggage to unload since his trip to Hampton Bay was a last-minute decision. He was more concerned about the information Richard had for him, especially when he insisted on meeting him at his Hampton home. “Richard, I hope what you have to tell me is important enough to take you away from your duties with Dylan,” Rade barked.

“It is, sir. We did some digging on Mr. Moreno, per your request. I think you’ll be very pleased by what we were able to find. Seems Mr. Moreno didn’t even exist until a few years ago. Before that there was no history on him. We also found out that Mr. Wu’s son dropped off from the face of the earth about the same time. It is my belief that Mr. Moreno and Mr. Wu may be one and the same. Somehow we need to get a DNA sample from him. If we can do that then we can compare it to the DNA evidence they retrieved from
The Castle.”
Richard hesitated for a moment. What he was about to ask was not what Rade wanted to hear. “Sir, I think the best way to obtain this is to get Ms. Adams to obtain it. Since Mr. Moreno was hired to work at BlackStone, she would be the best possible person to get close enough to him. Unfortunately, in order for her to do this, she would more than likely want to know why.”

“I will not involve Dylan in this, Richard. We need to find another way. The last thing I need is for something to go wrong and Dylan to end up hurt,” Rade snapped.

“Sir,” Richard began before he was cut off.

“No, Richard, This is not up for discussion, Find another way.” Rade walked away from Richard with no other words exchanged.

Richard placed his hands on his bald head, frustrated with Rade’s unwillingness to see it his way. Getting into the Bentley, he put the SUV into reverse and headed through the iron gates back to the city. He wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to get what he needed from Mr. Moreno, but however it was, he needed to be very careful.




Rade spent the next few days at Hampton Bay. He ignored the calls and texts he received from Dylan. He just couldn’t bring himself to answer them. He blamed himself for what happened to her. No matter what he did, he couldn’t get the image out of his head. What she confessed to him was unthinkable. In order to clear his head, he decided a couple of laps in the pool were needed. Rade ended up doing lap after lap. By the time he finished, his head was no clearer than when he started. The only thing he accomplished was pushing his body beyond exhaustion.

Rade’s hands pressed against the shower’s tiled wall as the warm water sprayed his aching body. The only thing he was clear about was that he couldn’t ignore Dylan any longer. Leaving the shower and getting dressed, he picked up his phone and began listening to her messages.

“Rade, I haven’t heard from you in two days. I’m really worried about you, please call me.”

It’s me again. I’m getting really scared now, Rade. Where are you? It’s been four days. Please call me so I know you’re okay.”

“Now I’m getting pissed. Whatever you’re thinking, what happened to me is not your fault. Richard finally told me where you are. I’m leaving this afternoon. If you won’t talk to me, I’m coming to you.”

No matter how much he wanted to have Dylan in his arms, he wasn’t sure he was ready to face her. Going to his contacts, he pulled up her number and pressed the phone icon. When his call went straight to voicemail, he knew either she was ignoring him or she was in the Queens/Midtown tunnel where she wouldn’t have a signal. After several attempts, he knew she was indeed ignoring his calls. His only choice was to face her. If he left now, it would only upset her, knowing he left after she made the two hour trip.

When Rade saw a black Audi pull up, he knew it was Dylan. He wasn’t sure how she got through the gate. His only conclusion was that Richard gave her the code. Opening the front door, he watched as Dylan exited her car. He was surprised that she took the Audi. When she gave the keys back to him, he was certain she would never be seated behind the wheel of that car again. Taking in her appearance, he still was in awe at her beauty. She was wearing a floral print sundress that accentuated each and every perfect curve of her body. As she got closer, he could see her face more clearly as the light breeze blew her hair from her face. Regret crossed his face when he saw the worry in her eyes. The last thing he wanted was her to be unhappy.

As she approached, his only choice was to take her in his arms. She felt so good and he missed having her near. Lifting her chin so he could look at her, he lowered his lips to hers and passionately kissed her. He could feel her need because it was as desperate as his own. Breaking their kiss, Dylan placed her hands on his cheeks. “Rade, I was so worried about you. Why didn’t you call me back?” Dylan pleaded.

“I couldn’t. The last thing I wanted to do was worry you. I needed time to think. I’ve been so…” Rade couldn’t bring himself to tell her what he was really feeling.

“It’s okay. I think I understand. This is not your fault,” Dylan said as she wrapped her arms around him.

Rade walked back into the house with Dylan’s hand in his. As soon as the front door closed, he had her in his arms. With his lips to hers, he coaxed her mouth open with his tongue. Once he had access to her warmth, it was a matter seconds before his tongue entwined with hers. He loved the way her soft lips molded to his. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her up the stairs to his bedroom. He could no longer wait to take what was his. He wanted to show her all the pleasure she deserved. She needed to know what it meant to be worshiped. Laying her on the bed with ease, his hands naturally went to her dress, lifting it above her hips. As he peeled her cute lacy thong from her body, the thickness in his pants began to take what little room he had. She was beautiful. He would never get enough of her, nor would he ever let her go. Placing his warm mouth on her stomach, he trailed kisses down her, stopping briefly between each kiss to take in her scent. “God, you’re beautiful. I will never get enough of you,” he muttered as he made his way to the soft sheen between her thighs.

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