Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two (28 page)

BOOK: Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two
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“You let me worry about Dylan,” Rade said.

“Okay. Where do you want to meet?” Chloe asked.

“I’ll pick you up. Say around seven,” Rade said.

“Okay, but just us. No one else,” Chloe demanded.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way. Tonight is about you.” Rade knew that would get her. He hated having to go the extra mile for her, but he knew he needed to do whatever it took to get her to confess.

Hanging up his phone, he lost it. Walking to the bar in the corner of his office, he poured himself a drink. Downing it in one gulp, he took the bottle of scotch and poured another. Normally he would wait until the end of the day to have a drink, but what he just put himself through was cause enough to drink even though it was only ten in the morning.

The rest of the day went by with Rade thinking about everything he was going to have to do with Chloe. He had to put his best acting face on and convince Chloe that he wanted her back. He began looking back to when he first met Chloe. She liked playing the dominatrix role. At the time she was with a younger man. Chloe approached Rade, wanting to change things up. She wanted to experience the other side, but she only wanted an experienced dominant to show her. Dane had introduced them. If Rade had known back then what he knew today, he would have said “
” to her and walked away, not ever knowing her. Instead, he found the excitement of training a dominatrix into a submissive world. In the beginning their time together was very fulfilling. That was, until she wanted more. Chloe would never be what Rade wanted. She was merely a means to satisfy his needs. The only time they were together was at
The Castle.

Rade stared out his office window as he finished his third glass of scotch. He wanted to make sure he was well on his way to feeling numb before he had to meet with Chloe. Checking his watch, he could see that the dreaded hour was approaching. Rade grabbed his jacket and headed out, letting Richard know to meet him with the car in the parking garage.

Rade had five minutes to spare when Richard pulled up to Chloe’s apartment building. There was a security guard manning the front as he stepped through the glass doors. Rade walked up to the security station and informed the heavy security guard that he was there to see Ms. Dupree. The guard was on the phone to Chloe within seconds. With a few accepting nods, Rade was on the elevator slated for Chloe’s apartment.

When Rade reached her door, he pushed the buzzer, signaling his arrival. Chloe opened the door and he bit is tongue at the sight of her. She was a very beautiful woman, but underneath that gorgeous exterior was a venomous devil woman. Her eyes were as dark as her inner self. She had her hair pulled into a chiffon bun. Her hair was black and very sexy. It used to be one of Rade’s favorite things about her. She was wearing a black halter dress that accentuated her curves. Rade couldn’t deny how beautiful she looked.

“Wow, you look gorgeous, Chloe,” Rade said with a little added vigor, hoping to suck her in.

“Thank you, darling. You are as handsome as ever,” Chloe confessed. “How about a drink before we go?”

“Sure, why not,” Rade agreed. One more drink wouldn’t hurt. It might make the evening more bearable.

It was close to eight by the time Rade and Chloe left her apartment. Rade assisted Chloe into the Mercedes while Richard waited on the curb until they were settled in. Once they were settled, Rade’s phone began to ring. Looking at his screen, he could see that Dylan was calling. He wanted nothing more than to answer her call, but he knew he couldn’t fuck up his night with Chloe. He declined the call, putting it on vibrate and slipping it into his suit pocket. Chloe was giving him an irritated looked. Rade wasn’t sure if she saw Dylan’s name appear on the screen before he was able to disconnect.

“I don’t want anything or anyone interrupting our evening,” Rade said as he took hold of her hand, leaning over to kiss her cheek. He hoped by speaking first it would appease her annoyance.

Rade continued to hold on to Chloe’s hand, even though he was uncomfortable with the contact. He was willing to do anything if it would get him closer to her spilling her guts to him. Chloe placed her hand on top of his. There was nothing he could do. He didn’t want her to think anything other than him wanting her back.

Rade was glad when the ride to the restaurant was over. This meant that he could break away from her hold. He knew he would need to excuse himself once he got inside and they were seated. It took everything he had not to lose his lunch. The hostess was waiting for them as they stepped inside. Rade had already made reservations ahead of time. He needed to make sure that they were hidden away from the other patrons. The last thing he wanted was to be seen with her. He was thankful that his friend, the owner of the restaurant, was able to arrange for the table on such short notice. The hostess walked them to their table with Chloe following her, and Rade a few steps behind. Rade assisted Chloe with her chair.

“I’ll be right back,” Rade whispered in her ear, kissing her temple as he left.

Rade knew there was a bathroom in the kitchen. He also knew that his friend had a liquor cabinet in his office, which was also through the kitchen doors. When Rade went through the swinging doors, he could smell the different flavors of the gourmet dishes being served on the menu. He also heard his friend speaking to one of the chefs in French. Rade waited for a moment to approach him. When his friend looked in his direction, he saw his friend smile with sheer happiness to see him.

“Rade, my old friend. It’s been too long,” he said.

“Jon Claude, it’s good to see you,” Rade said as he pulled his friend in for a half hug.

“Come, come, let’s go to my office,” Jon Claude said, gesturing for Rade to lead the way.

“I hope you still have liquor in there,” Rade asked.

“For you, my friend, only the best,” he confirmed.

Rade knew that he spent way too long away from Chloe. If he didn’t get back soon, she would be looking for him. Leaving the kitchen, he saw Chloe getting ready to leave. He hurried back to the table just in time to stop her. He could tell she was not happy about his disappearing act. He needed to make an excuse and fast.

“Where the hell have you been?” Chloe spat.

“I was talking to the chef; I wanted to make sure your meal would be perfect. Do you know how hard it is to give instructions to someone who only speaks French?” Rade knew his explanation must have calmed her. Chloe took her place back at the table. Rade was thankful that their meal came minutes later. He wasn’t ready to have any kind of meaningful conversation with her.

Most of their meal was eaten in silence. Chloe asked a question or made a comment on the meal, which only required “yes” and “no” responses from Rade. They finished their meal and Rade asked for the check. Jon Claude appeared while Rade was waiting for the check.

“I hope everything was satisfactory. I know how much you wanted the meal to be perfect,” Jon Claude stated, following Rade’s instructions from moments ago.

“Yes, everything was wonderful,” Chloe interjected. “You have an amazing chef.”

“Yes, well, sometimes he has a hard time understanding English, but I’m glad that you enjoyed it,” Jon Claude stated as he winked at Rade, with Chloe none the wiser.

The check came just in time. Jon Claude was still standing at the table. He took the check from the waiter. “This is on me, old friend. Don’t be a stranger. It was nice to meet you, Miss…”

“Dupree, but please call me Chloe,”

“Chloe, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman,” Jon Claude said as he took the hand she held out and brought it to his lips for a soft peck.

It was late when Rade dropped Chloe back to her apartment. She suggested they have a nightcap, but Rade convinced her he couldn’t. He had a busy day and needed to get some work done before tomorrow. He did the one thing he thought he would never do: he pulled her into his arms and lowered his lips to hers. The only thing that allowed him to kiss her was the thought of Dylan in his arms. Once he closed his eyes, it was only her that he saw. When the kiss broke, he gently glided his hand down her cheek. “I’d like to have lunch with you tomorrow. Can you meet me at
The Cove,
around one o’clock?” Rade asked, looking into her eyes, but seeing nothing.

“I’d like that,” Chloe said.

“Good, I’ll see you then,” Rade replied, giving Chloe a short kiss on the forehead.

Rade could finally breathe once he was back in the car. He made sure that Richard had a bottle of scotch waiting for him. Not using a glass, he poured the amber liquid down his throat. He was sick with what just happened. He needed to get home as quick as possible. He had to wash away the scent of that bitch from his body. It was midnight, which would only make it nine in California. Rade reached for his phone and dialed Dylan. She picked up on the first ring.

“Hello,” Dylan answered.

“Hey Sweetness. I see you called earlier. Sorry I missed your call. How was your flight?” Rade asked.

“It was good. Tomorrow we have plans to visit the former CEO of Spectrum. I know it was a good investment buying the company, but I feel bad for all the people who are going to lose their jobs,” Dylan confessed.

“You don’t need to worry about that, Sweetness. We’ll be keeping a lot of them on board. Others have been offered jobs working for me or given sizable severance packages,” Rade declared.

“That’s wonderful, Rade. We’re hoping to be done here in a couple of days. I already miss you,” Dylan said softly.

“I miss you too, Sweetness. I wish I could be there with you,” Rade replied.

Rade hung up the phone feeling shittier than before. He hated the fact that he had to keep things from Dylan. He knew it was for her own protection. Once all the threats were gone, he promised himself, he would come clean with her. If she ever found out what he was doing while she was gone, it would end their relationship forever.

Rade stepped into his penthouse totally drained from the drama of the day. His only goal was to take a shower as hot as he could stand and go to bed. Stripping off his clothes, he walked to his bedroom. He had Richard arrange for Dylan’s stuff to be sent to the penthouse. Maria was kind enough to make sure all her belongings were neatly put away. Rade couldn’t wait to have her back with him. It was too quiet without her here. He really did miss her. Just thinking about her made him hard. He needed relief. Stepping into the shower, Rade found ease as he stroked his shaft. He closed his eyes, picturing Dylan grasping his cock with her tiny hands. He pictured her mouth around his cock, moving it in and out between her soft lips. He could feel her hands cup his balls as her mouth continued to suck and lick him. He was so close. Her hand tightened around the base as she increased her pace. He was too large for her petite mouth, but she made him feel good with her hand on his base and the rest of him in her mouth.

Just the thought of her sucking him off brought him to climax. His cum shot against the tile wall. “Oh God, I need her,” he screamed. If he didn’t know better, he would think it was someone else saying those words. He felt something for her that he would never allow himself to feel. It was much more than just wanting to protect her. He needed her. He wanted to spend every moment with her. He could no longer deny what he felt. He loved her. He wasn’t sure if he could admit it to her. If he did, what would happen? Would she be taken away just like his brother? Would she always love him no matter what happened?

The morning came too early for Rade. It was a day he was going to dread. Staggering out of bed, he went to the bathroom to relieve himself and take a shower. Hopefully it would wake him up. Rade was dressed and ready to go by seven o’clock. He decided to drive himself to work. Jumping in his Aston Martin, he headed down Park Avenue. When he entered his office, Richard was sitting in the lobby waiting for him. It was still early, and Rade knew that Gwen wasn’t in yet. She had an early appointment and would be in later that morning.

Approaching Richard, Rade said, “I guess you’re here with some news for me.”

“Yes, sir,” Richard paused, trying to figure out the best way to tell him the bad news. “Mr. Stewart landed in LA about an hour ago. He took a red-eye. My guess is that he is after Ms. Adams.”

“Fuck,” Rade shouted as he turned, pacing the lobby, forking his hands through his thick dark hair. Walking back to Richard he tried to calm himself. “How could this happen? How did he know about Dylan’s trip to LA? I need extra men on her. I want them watching her 24/7.”

“Already done, sir. I had Peter arrange for the extra protection. No one will be able to get within ten feet of her without them knowing.” Richard could see the tension in Rade’s face. He knew this information would send him over the top. “Sir, if it’s any consolation, we have men watching Mr. Stewart as well. We will know his every move.”

“That’s just fucking perfect, Richard,” Rade sneered. “The minute they get close enough to him, I want him picked up. I’m done playing this game with him. I want his ass hauled back here.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll let Peter know.” Richard was about to wish him a good day, but thought it better to keep his mouth shut.




Dylan had a hard time getting out of bed. The difference in the time because of the change in time zones was taking a toll on her. When she looked at the alarm clock, she could see it was already eight o’clock. This only left her an hour to get ready. She was supposed to meet Keeve and Mason in the lobby at nine for breakfast. Gwen made the arrangements for their stay at the SLS Hotel in LA. Her room was over the top, with over 1900 square feet of luxurious bliss. It had everything she could possibly need and then some. Then again, Rade always went overboard. She would have been more than happy with a deluxe room.

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