Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two (31 page)

BOOK: Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two
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Dylan made it to the lobby before Keeve and Mason showed. When they showed up, they offered to take her around the corner to a well-known donut shop for a quick breakfast before they left. Dylan told them she wasn’t hungry. She went along anyway. She could use a cup of coffee.

The hotel car service had a car ready for them when they got back to the hotel. Keeve and Mason talked the whole time on their way to the Spectrum Building. Dylan didn’t have anything to say as the two men continued to talk. She wasn’t even sure what they were talking about. Most of her thoughts were on Rade.

“So, Dylan, what do you think?” Keeve asked. When she didn’t answer, he said again. “Dylan, did you hear me?” He placed his hand on her arm.

“Sorry, did you say something?” Dylan answered, disconnected from the conversation.

“I asked what you thought about waiting one more day to fly out so we could do a little sightseeing.” Keeve repeated.

“I’d really like to get back as soon as possible, if that’s okay with you.” Dylan requested softly.

“Is something going on, Dylan? You seem preoccupied today,” Keeve asked observantly.

“No, I’m fine. Just a little tired. Not used to the change in time,” Dylan admitted, knowing it didn’t sound very convincing.

It must have satisfied their concern because nothing more was said about her strange behavior. The sooner she got home the sooner she would be able to figure out what was going on with Rade.

The tour of the Spectrum’s facility ended quicker than they anticipated. Dylan was relieved when they finally left. Their first stop was at the hotel to check out and grab their luggage. After that they would be on their way back to New York. Dylan mulled over calling Richard before they took off or waiting until they landed. Certainly he would be waiting for them when they arrived. She hoped he would know what was going on with Rade’s change in attitude towards her.

The flight back to New York was long and nerve-racking. Dylan was so thankful when the jet finally landed at Teterboro. This meant they were only thirty minutes from Rade’s home, twenty if the traffic cooperated. Dylan was surprised to see that Richard didn’t pick them up; instead it was Josh who was driving the Mercedes.

Curiosity took over. “Where’s Richard?” Dylan asked as Josh began loading the luggage in the trunk.

Josh smiled at her. “He had another matter he needed to take care of.”

“I see,” Dylan replied.

Josh dropped Keeve and Mason at the BlackStone office. They both needed to finish a few things at the office before heading home. They both insisted that Dylan go home and relax after the long trip. She didn’t argue. Ten minutes later she was at Rade’s penthouse. Josh offered to help her with her luggage, but she insisted she could handle it herself. She needed some alone time. The way things were left with Rade, she wasn’t sure she should even be at his place. If nothing else, she could at least gather her things before heading back to her own home.

When she entered the penthouse sadness hit her. The place was quiet and empty. There was no sign that anyone had been there. Everything was in its place. Grabbing her phone from her bag, she dialed Richard. He was her only hope to find out what was going on. She was thankful that he answered on the third ring.

“Richard, it’s Dylan.”

“What can I do for you, Ms. Adams?” Richard asked.

“I really don’t know, but I have this awful feeling that something is terribly wrong. Rade sent me a text this morning telling me he was going overseas and that he didn’t want me to wait for him. He told me it was over. Then when I called him about the text, he was cold and distant. It just doesn’t make sense,” Dylan said as the panic began to sink in. “I was hoping you could tell me what was going on.

“Mr. Matheson didn’t indicate to me his plans to go abroad. Where are you at?” Richard asked.

“I’m at the penthouse.”

“Check his room. Let me know if any of his belongings are gone. Ms. Adams, while you’re there, check to see if his luggage is gone,” Richard requested.

Dylan hurried to Rade’s room. Checking his walk in closet, she couldn’t tell if anything was missing. There were no empty hangers. “He has so many suits and things, I’m not sure if anything is missing.” Dylan looked around the closet for luggage. She spotted two large suitcases with the Ralph Lauren logo. “Unless he has more than one set of luggage, his Ralph Lauren luggage is still here.”

“There should be a leather Tom Ford bag as well. Do you see it anywhere?” Richard asked.

Dylan looked around the closet some more. She saw a brown bag tucked away on one of the lower shelves. “It’s here, Richard. I don’t understand. What is going on?” Dylan cried.

“Don’t move. I’m on my way over,” Richard remarked.

Dylan was glad that Richard was on board with her. Even though he didn’t say whether or not there was a problem, she knew he felt the same way she did. Rade’s sudden change in attitude was definitely uncharacteristic of him.

Dylan was overcome by emotion. Her deep feelings for Rade caused her to drop to her knees. The tears began to pool. She could only think the worst for him.
What if he was lying somewhere dead? What if he was taken and being held hostage?
All sorts of thoughts began running through her mind, every thought worse than the one before. She finally rose to feet and walked back to the living area. Richard would be here soon. He would be able to figure it out.

It seemed like hours passed. Dylan must have walked miles, pacing back and forth from the living room to the front door. She heard the knob turn on the front door and sucked in a breath as Richard walked through the door. Unable to contain her emotions, she ran to Richard and put her arms around him. Richard didn’t resist her affection as he circled his arms around her petite frame.

“It will be okay, Dylan. We will figure this out,” Richard reassured her.

This was the first time he had called her by her first name. He held her close as he led her to the couch. Once she was settled, he went to the kitchen and grabbed her a bottle of water from the fridge. Handing it to her, he took his place in the chair closest to where she was sitting. He took her hand in his. He knew what he was about to tell her would be upsetting. He only wished he wasn’t the one telling her.

“I think you were right to be worried about Mr. Matheson. I called him to find out what was going on. He said something that was very disturbing, like he was trying to tell me something,” Richard stated.

“What did he say, Richard?” Dylan asked anxiously.

“He pretty much told me the same thing he told you. That he was out of the States and he wasn’t sure how long he would be. When I asked him where he was, he said he didn’t know, only he didn’t say it in English, he said it in French. It was like he thought our conversation was being monitored. The only time he ever spoke those words was when he was a child. He would say
Je ne sais pas
whenever he got into trouble. It isn’t like him to say it again after all these years. It was the only French he knew,” Richard explained. “There’s something else you need to know, Dylan. You may need something other than water to get through what I have to say.”

“Just tell me what it is, Richard,” Dylan demanded.

“While you’ve been away, Rade put a plan together to find out who assaulted you at
The Castle.
His plan was to seduce Chloe Dupree. He knew she had something to do with it; he just needed her to admit to it. He thought if he could get her to think he wanted her again, she would confide in him.”

Dylan’s stomach began to churn as she listened to what Richard was saying. “I think I’ll take that drink now.”

Richard walked to the liquor cabinet and poured her a shot of scotch in a crystal tumbler. Handing her the glass he said, “There’s more, Dylan,”

Dylan took the glass and drank the scotch in one gulp. “What is it, Richard?”

“We have evidence that proves David Wu was the man who assaulted you at
The Castle,”
Richard shared.

“I don’t understand why he would do that. I don’t even know who he is,” Dylan cried.

“Actually, you do, Dylan,” Richard explained, walking back to the liquor cabinet and grabbing the bottle of expensive scotch. Pouring her another shot, he continued, “We have suspicion to believe that David Wu is Alex Moreno. We just need to prove that Chen Wu is Alex Moreno’s father.”

Dylan couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She couldn’t believe her ears. More than that, she was hurt that Rade didn’t tell her of his plans. This would explain why he basically sent her away. He needed her gone while he seduced that woman whom she hated more than anyone in this world. “How could he not have told me all of this?” she asked as tears began to form in her eyes.

“I’m sure Mr. Matheson had his reasons, Dylan. I know that he cares deeply for you. I think he thought it best not to let you know to protect you,” Richard assured her.

“What do we do now, Richard?” Dylan asked.

“We’re not going to do anything. I can’t risk you getting hurt. I shouldn’t have told you,” Richard said, standing up and pacing the floor. “You need to carry on as usual, Dylan. You can’t let anyone know what I’ve shared with you. In the meantime, I will keep an eye on Ms. Dupree and Mr. Moreno. If I’m correct and they have something to do with Rade’s abrupt departure, maybe they will get sloppy and lead us to him. You will need to remain at the penthouse. I will have Peter stay close to you,”

“Can you at least let me know what you find out? I don’t know if I could stand not knowing what’s going. You have to promise me, Richard,” Dylan pleaded.

“I’ll let you know as soon as I have any information,” Richard said, taking her hand into his. “We will find him, Dylan. You can be assured of that.”

Dylan waited until Richard left the penthouse before she broke down. Nothing prepared her for what he shared. She knew Chloe was an evil person, but to think that Alex had anything to do with this just didn’t seem possible. When she first met Alex, he was so nice to her.
How could a guy more feminine than her do those unimaginable things to her? He was her friend.

After Dylan shed the last of her tears, she decided she couldn’t be in Rade’s penthouse feeling helpless. Even though Richard didn’t want her doing anything, she had to do something. She just couldn’t sit and wait for Richard to update her. Grabbing her purse, she headed out. Peter was getting off the elevator as she closed the door to the penthouse. Looking up at him, she said. “I needed to get out of here. Can you drop me off at my office?” Dylan asked.

“Sure thing, Dylan,” Peter replied.

Peter drove expertly in and out of traffic. As Dylan sat in the back seat of the Mercedes, a call came in on Peter’s cell.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he said as he turned right.

Dylan was pretty sure he was talking to Lilly. There had been so much going on, she had forgotten about her friend and how torn up she was with Peter leaving. They must have made up, based on what Dylan just heard.

“Yeah, I miss you too,” Peter said. “Dylan’s with me. Do you want to chat with her?”

Lilly must have said “yes” because before Dylan had time to say “no” Peter had his phone over his shoulder, handing it to her.

“Hey,” Dylan said into the phone.

“Don’t sound so thrilled to talk to your BFF,” Lilly said.

“It’s not that, Lilly. It’s just that it has been a long day. I just got back from LA and I’m feeling a little jet lag,” Dylan said unconvincingly.

“Yeah, well, okay. Peter and I are going to grab some dinner tomorrow. Do you want to join us?” Lilly asked.

“Can’t. I have some things to catch up on at work. Maybe another time,” Dylan said.

Dylan ended the call and handed Peter back his cell. Dylan did miss spending time with Lilly, but she knew if she saw her right now, she would lose it and spill everything to her. She couldn’t drag her friend into her problems, and Richard made it very clear not to let anyone know what was going on with Rade. She really didn’t know that much herself, other than she was really scared for him.

Peter pulled up to the BlackStone building parking garage and parked the Mercedes in her designated spot. The ride up was silent. Dylan wondered if Peter knew what was going on with Rade. Surely he must have known, being Rade’s top security guy.

Peter waited in the lobby while Dylan walked to her office. As she walked down the two rows of cubicles an idea popped in her head and she made a sharp left instead. She made sure Peter didn’t see her from where he was sitting. Reaching Alex’s work area, she took a seat at his desk. She was thankful that she was the only person at the office. This would give her the opportunity to rummage through his desk without having someone sneak up on her. Every drawer she pulled open revealed nothing. Then she came to the middle drawer, which was locked. She grabbed a letter opener from the pencil holder and tried to pry it open. With some effort she finally she got it open. She hoped that Peter didn’t hear her fumbling with the lock. She waited a moment and listened for footsteps. Once she felt sure Peter didn’t hear, she began rummaging through the drawer. Removing the black plastic drawer divider, she pulled out a manila envelope that was hidden underneath. Taking the envelope in her hand, Dylan replaced the divider and went to her office, making sure to close the door. She spilled the contents on her desk and began looking through the contents. She wasn’t sure what she was looking at, but there were pictures after pictures of her and Rade. Shots were taken at Central park. At
with them toasting. Even at Rade’s penthouse garage. There were over thirty pictures. The one that got Dylan’s attention was Rade kissing Chloe. She knew it was a forced kiss from Chloe, but looking at them embraced together, shot a painful arrow through her heart.

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