Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two (8 page)

BOOK: Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two
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Just as she was ready to pull away, her phone began to vibrate in her small black clutch. She didn’t recognize the number. With hesitation, she answered, “Hello… Yes, this is Dylan Adams.”

There was a small pause before Dylan dropped her phone and looked straight at Rade. Unable to stand, Dylan slowly began sinking to the ground. Rade had his arms around her in an instant.

“Dylan, what is it?” he said with utter concern. When she didn’t answer, he lifted her chin so that she was looking at him. “Dylan, tell me what’s wrong?”

With tears, she said, trembling, “There was an accident. It’s my dad.”

“Where, Dylan? Where is your dad?” Rade asked.

“Duke University Hospital,” Dylan said as she wrapped her arms around Rade.

“Come on, Sweetness. Let’s get you there.”

Rade helped Dylan to her feet. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his phone.

“Richard, have a car pick us up in front of the hotel. Please have the jet ready, we need to leave immediately.”

“You said ‘we,’ sir. Is everything all right?” Richard replied with curiosity.

“I’ll explain when you get here.”

Rade and Dylan made their way to the front of the hotel. Within seconds of walking out the front entrance the black Bentley SUV pulled in front. Richard immediately got out to assist Rade and his friend into the car. It was only when he got closer that he realized that Rade’s companion was Dylan. Without saying a word, Richard opened the back passenger door and waited for Rade and Dylan to get in. Shaking his head, Richard rounded the car and got behind the wheel. As Richard entered the car, Rade could see the perturbed look on his face.

“Not a word, Richard. Just drive,” Rade spat before Richard could speak his mind. The last thing he needed was to make Dylan more upset than she already was. She didn’t need the added drama.














The forty-five minutes it took to get to Teterboro seemed more like two hours. On the ride there only Dylan’s cries of affliction filled the small space. Rade did everything he could to comfort her. But the only thing it did was make matters worse for her. He was glad when the tarmac came into view. His Gulfstream was waiting for them, fueled and ready to go.

Richard pulled up to the jet. Rade quickly opened the passenger door and assisted Dylan out. Turning to Richard he confirmed that all his instructions were met, which included changes of clothing for both of them to last a couple of days and toiletry items. Rade wanted to make sure that Dylan was well taken care of. The last thing he wanted was for her to be worrying about trivial things.

Rade held on to Dylan as they walked to the stairs leading to the jet. He knew she was an emotional wreck. He could only imagine how she was feeling. He wasn’t sure what exactly happened to her dad, and unfortunately he wouldn’t be able to get the information he needed since he wasn’t family. Taking Dylan into his arms, he carried her up the steps and into the plane. His only thought at that moment was how much he missed holding her. Having her so close to him was unlike anything he ever felt. Dylan wrapped her arms around Rade’s shoulders and placed her head in the crook of his neck. He felt such comfort with her holding him this way.

Once inside the jet, Rade gently lowered Dylan on the tan leather couch. Making sure she was settled, he walked over to the kitchen area and pulled a bottle of water from the mini fridge hidden beneath the counter. He also took the time to pour himself a drink. A single shot of scotch was all he needed. Sitting beside her, he took her hand and placed the water bottle in it. “Here, drink this, Sweetness,” he said as he watched her take a small sip. As Rade looked at her, he could see the red in her eyes and the streaks of mascara her tears left. He didn’t care. To him, she was still the most gorgeous woman he ever saw.

“Once we take off, you can go to the back of the plane and change. There’s a bathroom if you need to freshen up. We should be in Raleigh in about two hours.” Rade took her trembling hand and brought it to his lips. “He will be okay, Dylan.”

Dylan tried to smile at his comment, but all she could do was shed more tears. Taking his advice, she stood and walked to the back of the plane. When she opened the door, a Gucci bag was sitting on the bed. Even though Dylan felt numb, she was still able to take in the room. It was like being in a hotel. The bed was covered with a beige comforter, along with several pillows of tan, brown, and orange, which were placed at the head of the bed. The bed itself was big. Dylan thought it might have been an oversized queen or possibly even a king-sized bed. There was another door in the room, which she assumed was the bathroom. Pulling a pair of jeans, a knit top, and pair of flats from the bag, she walked to the other door. She was amazed at what she saw. The bathroom was huge considering it was on a plane. There was a shower encased in glass which could have easily fit four people. The vanity had two sinks and was decorated with a beautiful arrangement of yellow and white roses. It was like nothing she had ever seen. She wondered who was responsible for making sure the flowers were fresh. Probably the same person who saw that the flowers were fresh in the foyer to Rade’s penthouse.

Dylan looked at herself in the mirror. “
What a sight
?” she thought to herself. Turning on the faucet, she cupped her hand under the stream and splashed the cold water on her face. Once she rid herself of the mess her tears had caused to her make-up, she slowly began undressing. With careful effort she began removing her dress. She wasn’t sure what to do with it, so she just let it pool on the floor. Dylan had forgotten that the dress she wore required no bra. Peeking out the door to make sure it was clear, she went to the bag and rummaged through it until she came across a demi bra on the bottom of the bag. Dylan had to laugh to herself. Only Rade would make sure that the sexiest, laciest bra would be packed for her. It was either this or none. She chose to wear the bra.

Fully dressed, Dylan stumbled back to the couch where she saw Rade sitting. Taking a seat next to him, she was unsure where to begin. This was not how she wanted things to go with him. Her plan was to contact him and let him know how she felt. She never dreamt that she would be sitting next to him on her way to North Carolina, in his private jet, to face what waited for her regarding her father. Unable to hold back her emotions, tears took over once again. Dylan felt Rade’s warm hand take hold of hers. Before she could pull away, Rade gently lifted her chin so that her eyes fell upon him. With a tender swipe of his thumb, he wiped away a stray tear and leaned in until their lips met. There was no resistance from her, only sweet softness as Rade deepened the kiss. As their tongues mingled in a dance of complete tranquility, it was clear that this was where they belonged. Together. Even the thought of having what they once shared sparked a feeling so extreme that Rade could feel the painful desire consume his core.

As quickly as it came, it was gone as Dylan pulled away. “
This can’t be happening
,” she thought. She was again unable to resist him. His effect on her took over any self restraint she had.

“Rade, we can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep doing this,” she whimpered.

“Dylan, please give me the chance to fix this,” Rade pleaded as he looked into her scornful eyes.

Rade gently cupped Dylan’s face as he tenderly kissed her again. “Please Sweetness, just give me one more chance.”

Rade occupied every thread of her being. The past weeks without him nearly destroyed her. Could she take the chance of being hurt again? Would it be worth it to have back what they shared?

Her heart was torn as she pulled away and looked deep into his soul. As she looked into his eyes, she could see the sadness and pain they held. She knew he had been suffering as much as she was. Cupping his cheek with her hand, she pulled him to her and returned the kiss he so tenderly gave her moments ago. Between heated breathes, she murmured, “Okay.”

They landed in Raleigh a short time later. The weather was less than cooperative, with rain pouring down. As they stepped off the plane, Rade was holding Dylan’s hand as he guided her to the SUV that waited for them on the tarmac.

“Mr. Matheson, my name is Frank. I’ll be your driver during your stay. It should take us about forty-five minutes to get to Duke University. Your hotel reservation has been made at the Washington Duke Inn,” Frank said as he opened the door for them to enter.

“Very good, Frank,” Rade said, “We would like to head over to the hospital before we check in at the hotel.”

Dylan wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible. She needed to know firsthand how her father was. The nurse that had contacted her only hours earlier had said that her father was in stable but critical condition. He sustained an injury to his head, which caused fluid to form in the brain. She did reassure Dylan that Duke University had the best neurosurgeons in North Carolina. Dylan wasn’t sure how the accident happened. The nurse had told her that he was brought in early that morning. She felt bad that it took them a while to locate her to let her know of his condition.

Before Frank could stop the SUV, Dylan was already reaching for the door handle. Rade held her back just long enough for the car to come to a complete stop. Once the SUV stopped, Dylan jumped out and ran to the front doors of the hospital and jogged directly to the front desk. She was so worried that she could barely catch her breath long enough to explain to the receptionist who she needed to see. Rade could see that she was struggling to get the words out.

“I believe Mr. Adams was brought in earlier today. He had an injury to his head. This is his daughter Dylan Adams. Someone recently contacted her to let her know he was here,” Rade explained to the receptionist.

The receptionist began typing away at her keyboard. “Can you tell me his first name?” Rade didn’t know Dylan’s father’s first name, so he waited for her to answer.

“Raymond. His name is Raymond Adams,” Dylan interjected as she finally calmed.

The receptionist typed in the name. Once information came up, she said. “Here he is. He’s in ICU on the fifth floor, unit C. You can take the elevator to your left.” Before the receptionist could ask if they needed anything else, they were on their way. Dylan never felt as helpless as she did that moment.

The elevator finally stopped on the fifth floor. The entire floor was dedicated to intensive care. Rade and Dylan walked to the check-in desk. The woman volunteer behind the desk took their names and pushed a button to allow them access though the wooden doors. Once inside, they walked to the nurses’ station, where they were directed to her dad’s room. Reaching his room, Dylan could feel her heart fall as she slid the glass door open. The man lying in the bed looked nothing like the man she knew. His face was bruised and scraped, making him unrecognizable. Dylan walked over to his bed and gently took his hand. There was a nurse on the other side of the bed checking the monitors and the IV bag hanging from a hook. He looked so peaceful.

“How is he doing?” Dylan asked the nurse hesitantly, afraid of what she might hear.

“All his vitals are good. He’s in a medically induced coma. We need to be able to control the brain waves. It’s very important that we protect the brain while giving it time to heal and allow the swelling to go down,” the nurse said.

“How long will he have to be in the coma?” Dylan asked.

“Well, it all depends on how quickly he is progressing. Our hope is to have him out as soon as possible. The doctor will be in shortly to answer any of your concerns. In the meantime, if you need anything, my name is Rebecca,” the nurse said as she placed her hand on Dylan shoulder. “He is in good hands. Dr. Chazan is the best neurosurgeon on staff.”

Rade reached over to Dylan and gently squeezed her shoulder. “I’m going to get us some coffee. Can I get you anything else?”

Dylan placed her hand over his. “No, coffee will be fine.” Just as Rade opened the sliding glass door, Dylan looked over to him. “Rade, thank you for being here with me. I don’t think I could have done this by myself.”

“I’ll always be here for you, Dylan,” Rade said as he left the room.

It was late by the time the doctor made his rounds. Dylan was still sitting near her dad, her hand holding his. Rade sat in a chair near the door and just watched her, amazed at how strong this woman before him was. Caught in a daze, he heard the glass door open. A tall, lean, older man wearing a white lab coat appeared. Rade stood as the man introduced himself.

“Ms. Adams, I’m Dr. Chazan. I will be taking care of your father.”

Dylan stood and held out her hand. “Glad to meet you, doctor.”

Rade stepped closer and introduced himself. “Dr. Chazan, I’m Rade Matheson. What can you tell us about Dylan’s father?”

“Well, as you know, there has been a significant amount of trauma to Mr. Adams’ brain. The occipital lobe, which controls his visual ability, and the temporal lobe, which controls his speech perception and memory, have been damaged. The fall he sustained has caused a coup-contrecoup to the brain, which essentially means that the impact of the fall not only caused a contusion at the site of impact, but it also caused the brain to shift, which basically caused the brain to slam into the opposite side of the skull. We’d like to perform surgery as soon as possible. Unfortunately, with the swelling and the bleeding on the brain, his condition is less than ideal at this point. This is why we have sedated him. We need the brain to heal enough so that we can go in and remove the damage.”

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