No Boundaries (22 page)

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Authors: Donna K. Ford

BOOK: No Boundaries
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Chapter Twenty-seven

Andi sat in the darkness of her bedroom, listening to the sounds of the night through her window. She longed to be outside so she could watch the starlight glisten off the water of the pool and listen to the unobstructed call of crickets and other nocturnal critters. Being cooped up inside was beginning to wear on her. She felt as if the air was growing stale and the walls were closing in around her.

She thought back on the sound of the heavy metal doors slamming shut behind her as she entered the prison. She knew what it must have been like for Kevin James to spend years in a cell locked behind prison walls. She pulled the small envelope from her pocket and held it to her face. There it was. Sandalwood. She had thought she had been mistaken, but now she had very little doubt who had sent the note.
Oh God, J.C. What have you done?

Gwen cleared her throat as she came into the room. “I left Melissa and Jimmy watching a movie. I hoped we could have some time to talk.” Gwen sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed her hands against her thighs. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on? You’ve been quiet all evening and I can tell something’s bothering you.”

Andi stuffed the envelope back into her pocket and watched Gwen. Andi pressed her head against the back of the chair and sighed. “I’m just going a little stir crazy. I can’t stand being shut up like this.”

Gwen nodded. “I know. I thought maybe there was something I could do to take your mind off things for a little while.” Gwen grinned mischievously at Andi and patted her hand on the bed.

Andi laughed. “That might work,” she said, letting her worry slip aside for a moment to breathe in the simple joy of having Gwen close. She stood and went to Gwen, pushing her down onto the bed. She stretched her body out along Gwen’s and wrapped her arms around her, nestling her face against Gwen’s neck.

Gwen wrapped her arms around Andi and pulled her tight against her. She stroked Andi’s face with the tips of her fingers. “The thought of someone out there wanting to hurt you is driving me crazy. I just want to do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

Andi could hear the worry and strain in Gwen’s voice, and she wanted to reassure her. She wanted to believe the nightmare was over, but she couldn’t dare share that with Gwen until she knew more. Andi brushed her fingers through Gwen’s hair and closed her eyes. “I know, baby. Me too.”




Andi saw Melissa jump when the phone attached to her hip began to vibrate. She grabbed the device, glancing at the screen before answering.

“Officer Stuart speaking.”

Jimmy muted the television and watched and listened, leaning on the edge of her seat.

“Yes, sir.” Melissa’s back was stiff as she listened intently to the voice on the other end of the line. “Has that been confirmed, sir?” Melissa began to pace the floor. “I understand, sir. We’ll be waiting.”

Melissa’s shoulders seemed to collapse in on her chest as she ended the call. She looked at Jimmy and then Andi in disbelief.

“What? Did they get James?” Andi asked. The anticipation and dread had been driving her crazy and she was desperate for news.

“Maybe.” Melissa looked up, her eyes wide. “You need to get Gwen.”

“I’m here—I heard the phone,” Gwen said, and she huddled with Andi in an oversized chair.

Melissa paced the floor and held on to her phone as if it were a lifeline. “The chief of police just called. They think they have James.”

“What do you mean they think they have him?” Jimmy said, standing and going to Melissa.

Andi sat unmoving. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest, and her palms were sweating. Dear God, let him be dead.

Gwen’s gaze was riveted on Melissa, the desperate gleam of hope making her brilliant blue eyes sparkle.

“They received an anonymous tip this afternoon. The caller claimed to know the location where Kevin James was supposed to be hiding. Evidently this place is deep in the backwoods and was difficult to locate. When they got there, they found a body. They think it’s James, but that isn’t clear. The chief didn’t go into detail, but he said he’d let us know as soon as something was confirmed.”

Jimmy slipped her arms around Melissa’s shoulders, drew her to her chest, and brushed a kiss to the top of her head. “Come on, sweetheart, you need to sit down, you’re shaking.”

Melissa met Andi’s eyes across the room. Andi held her gaze with understanding. They had come so far from where this had all started. She watched Jimmy stroke Mel’s hair, her arm wrapped protectively around her shoulder. She was happy to see her friend allowing herself to be comforted. Andi let her gaze shift from Melissa to Jimmy, and then to Gwen. Despite the fear, heartache, and pain, she was forever grateful for the women in this room. This was her family now, and no matter how things turned out, she knew they would be okay.

Andi closed her eyes to the gentle touch of Gwen’s fingers in her hair. She could hardly bear the waiting. It seemed her life had been filled with waiting. Her memory flashed to her childhood, to a time when she was a little girl standing outside the school watching the cars moving forward, picking up the other kids and whisking them away, until finally she was the only one left. No one had come for her. Her parents were gone. She thought of all the times she had packed her things into trash bags and waited to be escorted to yet another home, another place where no one understood her silence. Then she thought of the endless days she had spent in her apartment waiting for Curtis Boyd to come after her, the hours waiting for him and Kevin James to kill her, the endless days of the trial, and the timeless years waiting for James to get out of prison and come for her again.

All this time, and she was still waiting. But this time she was waiting for the news that would tell her she was free. It seemed that was what her life had added up to, waiting to be free to live her life, waiting to be happy.

In a hoarse whisper, Andi spoke, her words directed to Melissa. “Do you think it’s him?”

Melissa met her eyes and shrugged. “I don’t know. The chief wouldn’t give any details over the phone, but his voice sounded like he thought it was James.”

Andi nodded. She hiked her leg over Gwen’s lap and curled her body around Gwen’s. The rhythmic thud of Gwen’s heart was like a beacon keeping her on course, reassuring her that she was safe and loved. The faint memory of sandalwood tickled her thoughts, and she closed her eyes against what she thought she already knew. If she was right, Kevin James was dead, and she knew who was responsible. The question needling her now was what would she do about it.




It was the middle of the night before they received the news they were waiting for. Andi gripped Gwen’s hand waiting for the final word that it was over as she watched Melissa answer the phone.

Melissa put her phone on the table and faced Andi. Her expression was unreadable, as if she didn’t know how to feel. “They found him. The place had been torched and they found the body in the debris. It isn’t clear right now if the fire was intentionally set or accidental. There were items found at the location to suggest the cabin was used for the manufacture of methamphetamine. It’s possible James accidently set off some of the highly combustible chemicals. The important thing is that they confirmed it’s him.”

Jimmy grabbed Melissa in a hug. “Oh, thank God.”

Gwen was silent and Andi could feel her watching her.

Everything she learned just solidified her belief that someone had done her a grave favor. As much as she had wanted Kevin James dead, she always thought it would come down to a battle between James and herself. Killing Curtis Boyd had been an accident, a fluke, a one in a million shot, and she was still uncertain how she should feel about what she had done. She knew what it would cost her to take a life intentionally, and she couldn’t imagine anyone paying that price for her.

Jimmy was the one to ask the one lingering question. “Any leads on the person who helped him escape?”

“Nothing much. We’re lucky to have anything at all. The two officers that were injured in the crash can’t remember anything about the person who pulled them out of the van. Hell, they barely even remember being on the transport. They were given tox screens at the hospital and both tested positive to Rohypnol. It appears they were injected with the drug on the scene. If they saw anything, they don’t remember it.”

Andi’s body began to shake uncontrollably, tears fell from her eyes in streams, and the air seemed too thin to breathe. She thought she was going to be sick. “I need a break.” Andi stood, then turned to Gwen and held out her hand. She didn’t have to say anything. Gwen simply took her hand and followed her.

Andi heard the door to her room click shut as she climbed onto her bed. A moment later, she felt Gwen climb in bed next to her and wrap her arms around her. She sank into Gwen’s embrace. She turned to face Gwen, thankful for her patience. “I think I know who did this.”

Gwen studied her, confusion clouding her gaze. “What do you mean?”

“The other day when you brought in the mail, there was a note. I recognized a familiar scent on the paper.” Andi pulled the envelope from her pocket and handed it to Gwen.

Gwen frowned as she read the brief message. “So you think someone you know killed him?”

Andi stilled. “Yes,” she whispered. “I think it was J.C. I think she orchestrated the escape, kidnapped James, and then killed him.”

“I don’t understand. Why would she do something like this?”

“I think it was her way of making up for what she did and what she didn’t do in the beginning.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. I don’t really have any evidence of any of this. It’s really just my theory. But I believe she’s the one. And if I’m right, this whole nightmare really is over.”

Gwen brushed her fingers through Andi’s hair. “I don’t know who did this, or why, but I’m just happy you’re safe.”

Andi felt the weight of the world lift from her heart. Kevin James was gone. There would be no more hiding, no more fear, and most of all she had the most wonderful, beautiful woman in the world in her arms.

“I don’t know how to feel right now. I think part of me still doesn’t believe it’s real. Part of me is relieved. But mostly I feel hopeful.” Andi traced her finger along Gwen’s jaw. “For the first time I believe in the future. It feels amazing.” She smiled. “I don’t think I could have gotten through any of this without you. I never could have dreamed I could be this happy. Now that I know I can have a life, I can’t imagine a single day of it without you. I love you, Gwen.”

Gwen smiled and leaned close until their lips touched. Relief washed over her. She felt like she had been holding her breath for weeks, afraid she could lose Andi at any moment. To hear Andi say she wanted to be with her was like having her prayers answered.

“I feel like I’ve been waiting all my life to hear you say that.” She kissed Andi. After everything they had been through, she had no doubt that Andi loved her. And more than anything, she loved Andi. They had been through so much together in such a short amount of time. She knew there was nothing that could come between them now. And she couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life showing Andi just how much she was loved.

“I love you, Andi.”




“What do you think they’re up to?” Gwen asked, handing a cup of coffee to Jimmy.

“I don’t know. I’m sure they’ll let us know something soon.” Jimmy leaned back in the deck chair, stretched out her legs, and crossed her feet at the ankles. She laced her fingers together and wrapped her hands behind her head, giving the appearance of complete calm. She took a deep steadying breath and regarded Gwen quizzically.

“You know this isn’t over, even with James gone. I’ve seen what this has done to Melissa, and I know scars like that won’t heal just because that bastard is gone. Andi’s going to go through a lot. Think you can handle that?”

Gwen sat down opposite Jimmy and watched Andi through the glass door. “I can’t imagine what the three of you have been through. Just these last few weeks have been enough to drive me crazy. But I love her. No matter what it takes, I’m going to see to it that she gets through this.”

“Good. She’s tough, and it isn’t easy for her to accept help, but she loves you. Don’t let her run away from this.”

Gwen regarded Jimmy for a few moments before asking, “How do you do it? How have you gotten through all this?”

Jimmy smiled. “I didn’t really have a choice. I fell in love. Melissa is my life. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect her.”

There was something in Jimmy’s voice, or perhaps in her demeanor, that made the hairs stand up on the back of Gwen’s neck. She thought of the wild look of panic and pain she had seen in Andi’s eyes the day Kevin James had escaped. She remembered her own desperate desire to kill Kevin James herself if that was what it took to keep Andi safe. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

Jimmy broke eye contact, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

Gwen thought about what she had said and wondered if it was true. It was one thing to believe you were capable of the unthinkable, but it was another thing to go through with it. She hoped they would never have to find out.

Both Jimmy and Gwen looked up at the sound of the door opening. Gwen rubbed her hands nervously against her jeans as her eyes roamed every inch of Andi’s face and she tried to read what was happening through the lines around her eyes, in the curve of her lips, and from the easy gait in her step.

Laughter rang out as Andi and Melissa came through the door. Gwen reached for Andi, gently lacing their fingers together.

Melissa’s eyes were fixed on Jimmy as a faint smile began to lift the corners of her lips. “It’s all settled. New Year’s is at our house this year.”

Gwen brushed the hair back from Andi’s forehead and peered into her eyes. “You guys were in there for a long time. What kind of surprises did you two cook up?”

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