No Boundaries (14 page)

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Authors: Donna K. Ford

BOOK: No Boundaries
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“I don’t think I have ever experienced anything so beautiful,” Gwen murmured.

Andi nuzzled against Gwen, rubbing small circles along her abdomen with the tips of her fingers.

Gwen lay with Andi’s head on her chest. She could feel the brush of Andi’s breath skim across her skin. She cradled Andi in her arms, her fingers pressed lightly against her skin, feeling her heartbeat return to a more normal rhythm until her breathing deepened and she felt Andi drift into sleep.

Gwen lifted her hand and toyed with strands of Andi’s hair. Andi’s sudden aggression had taken her by surprise. As they’d made love Gwen felt something shift between them. It was like seeing another delicate layer of Andi for the first time, only this time Gwen thought Andi had dropped some of her defenses and allowed her inside. Andi had been so vulnerable to her, allowing Gwen to see her need, her want, and her tenderness. She had allowed Gwen to see her pleasure. Even now Andi seemed delicate in her arms, and Gwen felt a sense of protectiveness wash over her. This was so much more than a one-night stand, and she hoped Andi felt the same. She pressed a kiss to Andi’s head, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Seventeen

Bright shafts of sunlight streamed in through the window, beckoning Andi to wake. The birds singing joyously outside sounded like raucous laughter. A snuffling sound next to Andi’s ear was the final signal to her brain that roused her from sleep.

Andi slowly opened her eyes to find a cold, wet nose only inches from her face. Big brown eyes looked back at her imploringly. Andi slowly took in the information being telegraphed to her brain by her body. There was a giant dog staring at her. She felt warm and glowingly satisfied. And Gwen’s body was stretched out behind her, cradling her like a second skin. Gwen’s arm draped lovingly across her waist, her hand cupped her breast, and the warm breath against her back told her that Gwen’s face was nuzzled against her neck. The knowledge that she had just woken up in Gwen’s arms made her smile.

She had rested well and was grateful for the tenderness that had lulled her to a peaceful sleep. She let her mind draw up the images of the night before, and her body tingled with the memory of Gwen’s breast in her mouth, Gwen’s lips on her, the exquisite sounds Gwen had made at the moment of her orgasm.

The faintest movement and a light kiss on her shoulder told her Gwen was awake.

“Good morning,” Gwen said between kisses.

Andi rolled over to face her and cupped Gwen’s face in her hand. She kissed her lightly on the lips. “Good morning.”

“Umm…” Gwen murmured, rubbing her hand along Andi’s waist and down her thigh.

Andi pressed closer, sliding her leg between Gwen’s thighs and trailing her fingers down her bare chest. She lifted her face and kissed Gwen again. Now that she had made love to Gwen, the dam had been broken and she wanted more.

“I thought I dreamed you.”

Gwen brushed Andi’s hair away from her face and trailed her fingers down Andi’s jaw in a touch so gentle it was as if Gwen were reaching into her soul.

“This is very real, Andi.”

A whining noise began at the side of the bed and grew more insistent as they lay together, exploring each other. The sudden thump of two giant paws next to Gwen’s head finally got their attention.

Gwen moaned. “She needs to go out. I’ll be right back.” Gwen pulled away from Andi and got up.

Andi watched Gwen move across the room and studied her still-naked body. The sight of Gwen’s soft round breasts, flat stomach, and toned muscles sent a rush of arousal through her middle and a new surge of wetness slicked her thighs. After Gwen left the room, Andi got up and made her way to the bathroom. She had been swept up into a whirlwind. Being with Gwen was amazing and to her surprise the world hadn’t ended. Andi smiled to herself. She knew things were not that simple, but in that moment nothing could subjugate her happiness. She wouldn’t think of tomorrow. All she wanted was this perfect moment. Now that she was here, she wanted to savor each moment with Gwen.

When she returned, Gwen was waiting for her. She had put on a T-shirt and shorts and was holding a steaming hot cup of coffee, which she offered to Andi.

Andi took the mug and sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling the sheet up around herself.

Gwen tugged at the sheet. “Hmm…I liked you better without the covers.”

Andi laughed. “No fair. You got dressed.”

“That can easily be rectified.”

Gwen stood on her knees in the middle of the bed and grabbed the T-shirt in both hands, pulling it up over her stomach. She moved slowly, watching Andi’s response. She lifted it higher until her breasts were bare, then stretched her arms and pulled the shirt over her head.

Andi watched in rapt amazement as she studied Gwen’s body. She could see the firm muscles in Gwen’s stomach roll beneath the skin as Gwen’s ribcage thrust outward when her arms extended above her head. Andi gasped, unable to hold back her awe.

“God, you’re sexy.”

Gwen flashed a predatory smile at the sound and quickly slid out of her shorts. Fully naked, she fell to her hands and knees and crawled across the bed like a tiger stalking her prey and playfully pulled at the sheet. Andi watched Gwen’s breasts sway slightly with the movement. Every cell in her body craved Gwen.

Andi sat frozen, unable to move, barely able to breathe. The sight of Gwen captivated her. Her own body cried out to touch her, to feel the silky smoothness of her skin. Andi was suddenly ravenous in the deepest reaches of her being. She pulled her eyes away from Gwen long enough to put the mug down on the table next to the bed. With one movement of her hand, she let the sheet fall away as she reached for Gwen. As if released from a spell, she pressed her hands against Gwen’s chest, pushing her back onto the bed. She threw her left leg over Gwen’s hips and sat on top of her with her sex pressing into Gwen until she could feel the heat pouring from Gwen’s body like a warm breath.

She ran her hands up the length of Gwen’s torso and caressed her breasts as she rubbed herself rhythmically against Gwen.

“You are amazing,” Gwen murmured. “And God, you feel good.”

Gwen shifted beneath Andi, and Andi felt herself glide against Gwen’s skin. Gwen began to move her hips and Andi moaned at the building pleasure. Gwen was hot and tense beneath her, and the rhythmic buck of Gwen’s hips had her writhing in pleasure.

“Gwen. Oh, Gwen.”

Andi pinched Gwen’s nipple between her thumb and finger and felt it stiffen. She could feel Gwen’s hands on her thighs as Gwen pushed and pulled against her to increase the pressure between their bodies.

Gwen moaned. The deep throaty sound inspired Andi’s growing arousal making her swell with pleasure. Things were moving a little too fast. She wanted to slow this down and bask in the sounds, the feel, the taste of Gwen. Andi lifted and slid down Gwen’s thighs until her mouth pressed gently into the soft triangle of hair. She could smell the sweet fragrance of Gwen’s juices mingled with her own, and she knew how wet Gwen would be. She parted Gwen’s lips with her tongue and was met with a flood of sweet nectar. She moaned her pleasure into Gwen, felt her tremble at the vibration of sound. Gwen’s body seemed to echo with each stroke as Andi continued to lick and tease her with her tongue.

Andi pressed her hands against Gwen’s thighs opening her farther as she engulfed her clitoris with her mouth and thrust her tongue into her. Gwen’s hips began to move against her mouth. Andi wanted to devour Gwen. She wanted to discover all Gwen’s secrets and tease and tame them until Gwen cried out in surrender.

Gwen’s hand snaked down Andi’s face, placing gentle strokes of encouragement upon Andi’s cheek and into her hair. Andi reached for Gwen’s hand, entwining their fingers. She felt the tension building as Gwen’s thighs began to tremble, her grip tightened around her fingers, and the sounds of pleasure rose with each stroke of her tongue.

Andi was mesmerized by the joy she felt in pleasuring Gwen. With every stroke and every breath she melted into Gwen as if their very souls were joining. Andi felt Gwen’s body stiffen, heard her gasp in pleasure. Andi wanted to hold back, wanted to draw this moment out so it would never end. Gwen shuddered and collapsed against the bed. Andi continued her gentle explorations of Gwen’s body, savoring each current of orgasm that rippled through Gwen.

Gwen shifted away. “Please, Andi, let me feel you. I need to feel you inside me.”

Only then did Andi take her mouth from Gwen with a moan of pleasure. Andi kissed her way back up Gwen’s body, shifting to take Gwen in her arms. She met Gwen’s lips as her fingers slipped into the wet folds, and she felt the tender walls engulf her. Gwen thrust her hips in answer. She felt Gwen’s fingers cup her, then a finger parted her, gliding into her with eager strokes.

Andi gasped at the sudden fullness within her and sank hard against Gwen’s hand. The momentum became feverish until Andi felt Gwen’s muscles tighten around her fingers, and her own pleasure began to coil within her belly, filling her until she could feel the pressure behind her eyes, hear the pulse of her pleasure beating within her ears, rushing though her body until her skin tingled. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against the damp skin of Gwen’s neck, biting down on the tense muscle. Her breasts rocked gently against Gwen’s.

Gwen groaned and called out her name. Andi felt Gwen tremble and knew she was close.

“Come with me,” Andi purred against Gwen’s ear.

“Oh yes.”

The pleasure coiled throughout her body as she felt her own sudden rise to orgasm, the sensation spiraling through her, opening, unfolding like the petals of a flower. The pressure behind her eyes blinded her to anything but the beautiful sensations flooding her body in a kaleidoscope of cascading color.

“Gwen…oh, Gwen.”

At the sound of Andi’s voice, Gwen stiffened and her orgasm erupted and she exploded into a million little pieces of golden light. She felt the world fade away until there was nothing but the feel of Andi’s body against her and the fullness of Andi inside her. As if in answer to the pleasure surging though her, she felt Andi clamp down on her hand, holding her tightly within her, milking her fingers with shuddering jerks of her hips.

Andi cried out and Gwen felt Andi thrust deeper inside her, pushing her even higher. Gwen clutched at Andi’s back, pulling her tighter against her, sharing the last shudders of her orgasm. In that moment Gwen felt completely connected to Andi and wanted to hold on to the moment forever. Being with Andi was beyond anything she had imagined.

A sheen of sweat coated Andi’s back and tears ran from the corners of her eyes as she collapsed on top of Gwen.

“You are the most amazing woman,” Gwen whispered through ragged breaths. “I don’t think I have ever felt anything so wonderful in my life.”

“Shhh…” Andi whispered almost inaudibly. “Just hold me. I want to listen to the beat of your heart so I can believe this is real.”

“It is very real, Andi.”

“I just didn’t think I would ever feel this…”

Gwen held very still, not wanting to miss a single breath as she listened to Andi.

“You’ve made me feel things I’ve spent years pretending I didn’t need. Thank you.”

Gwen stroked Andi’s arm and closed her eyes. She knew so little about Andi’s past, but in this moment she didn’t want anything more than to hold her in her arms.

“You are quite possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever met. After what you just did, I should be thanking you.”

Gwen tightened her arms firmly around Andi and held her. Every moment she was with Andi she felt their connection grow. Could anything really be this perfect? Did she dare hope? She couldn’t shake the gnawing fear that her night with Andi would be just that—one night—and she hated her insecurity. But Andi’s admission went a long way in diminishing her fear that Andi saw their relationship as a superficial fling. Gwen felt like she and Andi were at a beginning of something powerful, something enduring. She closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of Andi’s hair, wanting to memorize every detail of her. She was falling for Andi and nothing had ever felt so right. And Andi obviously felt the same.




Andi smiled to herself. The night with Gwen had been amazing. It had been a long time since she had made love and she’d missed the soft feel of another woman’s body against hers. Had it really been almost four years?

She hadn’t expected Gwen to come along like a tropical storm that stirs the sand, rattles the rafters, and then quiets into a fresh new day. From the moment she had looked into those deep blue eyes, she had been captivated, no matter how she might have tried to convince herself otherwise. She found Gwen more than attractive—Gwen stirred something deep within her. Gwen was confident and strong willed, yet giving and tender. God, she was so tender. Andi laughed at herself. Just the thought of Gwen resulted in an immediate flash of heat that started at her core and spread like fire through her body.

Gwen rose and propped her elbow on the bed, her head resting in the palm of her hand. “What’s so funny?”

Andi looked up at Gwen, wondering how much she should reveal. “I was just thinking about you and how wonderful you are.”
How I could fall in love with you.
Andi knew she was standing on the edge of an emotional cliff and all she had to do was jump and her life would be transformed. She would have to tell Gwen the truth. It wouldn’t be fair to bring her into her life not knowing the risks. She wanted to believe she could have love, that she could share her life with someone. Maybe it was time to stop living in the past. Maybe her future would be different if she would allow it to be.

“Tell me something about yourself that I don’t know.”

Andi laughed. “Like what? What do you want to know?”

“I don’t know, anything. I want to know everything about you.” Gwen thought for a moment, absently stroking her fingers through Andi’s hair. “Tell me about your first love.”

Andi grimaced. “You don’t pick the easy stuff, do you?” This wasn’t exactly her favorite story, but it was cute that Gwen was asking, and Andi was touched that it was something Gwen would want to know.

“Okay. Her name was Sharon Aldi. She was a girl in my high school who had been out since middle school. She was on the debate team and the student council and I thought she was a goddess. I even wanted to take her to prom.”

“Why didn’t you?” Gwen asked, grinning.

“My foster mother made me go with the neighbor boy, David Guinness. He was a year older than me and had had a crush on me since moving in to the neighborhood when he was thirteen. My foster mom wouldn’t even hear of me going to prom with another girl.”

“That sucks. What did you do?”

Andi pulled Gwen’s hand between them, toying with her fingers as they talked.

“I went with David.” She grimaced. “It was a complete disaster. By the time we reached the community center where the prom was being held, I had already removed his hand from my knee, pushed him away when he tried to kiss me, and had to drape my wrap backward across my chest to cover my cleavage. He wasn’t able to keep his eyes off my breasts, and I was afraid he would drive the car off the road.”

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