No Remorse (14 page)

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Authors: Marylynn Bast

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Vampires

BOOK: No Remorse
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Quickly dismissing
the small woman as no
immediate threat, she
turned her attention to Adam instead. “I would ask how you’re feeling, Adam, but I think it’s obvious,” she said quietly kneeling down in front of him. Placing her hand on his arm, Amber heard a growl from beside her. Looking up, Blake stood stiff, an intent look on his face that was turning red.

“Don't. Touch. Him.” Blake growled with clenched teeth, his skin rippling. He stood rigid, staring straight ahead. His fist held tight in a ball while he fought to control the anger that gripped him and his wolf at even the thought of her touching another man.

There was an audible gasp from the crowd that watched from below. They could feel the aggressiveness pouring off of Blake. They waited in tense silence for the scene on the porch to play out.

Amber knew immediately that his wolf was being territorial and hers reacted with a seductive laugh, through her mental connection she reached out to sooth him. Dropping her hand from Adam’s arm, Amber turned her eyes up to look at Blake, slowly rising, her wolf reacting to his aggression. Her skin rippled in response.

Looking up into Blake's face, Amber could see his wolf fighting him for control. His eyes bore into hers, searching their depths. It didn't matter that Adam was his best friend. His wolf would kill him if she didn’t diffuse the situation and fast. Stepping closer, she lowered her eyelids and her head submissively, trailing her warm hand on his heaving, rippling chest, and gently scraping him with her fingernails.

Amber walked slowly around Blake, the muscles of his jaw line worked where he clenched and unclenched his teeth, fighting hard to control himself. His body remained rigid and perfectly still while she intently stared into his caramel eyes that sparked yellow with each seductive move she made.

Blake forced himself to remain rooted to the spot while his wolf fought for control. It paced restlessly, beating against him to be released, continually slamming himself against Blake's control. It seemed to calm only when Amber’s wolf touched his mind, calling his attention away from the other male that was still too close where he lay on the porch bench.

Blake’s wolf retreated slightly once it realized he had his mate’s full attention. Blake felt her fingers do a slow waltz across his skin. A slow delicious burn began wherever her fingers trailed, making his entire body feel like he was on fire. He was fully aware that the pack was staring, but he didn’t give a damn! This was his mate and they would all accept that or leave! The message was clearly announced to the pack members who stood watching.

No one but him was allowed to touch his mate and his wolf pushed against him to remind her that she should not touch any other man.

It took an eternity for Amber to make her way slowly around him. His muscles rippled throughout his whole body at the light touch of her fingertips. Reaching the front of him, her hand stopped, with palm flat against the heart pounding in his chest. She smiled seductively at him, her fingertips circling his hardening nipples. He realized she had strategically placed herself between the burning heat his body emanated and his broken and battered friend. The corner of his mouth lifted in a half smile.

With her wolf pushing at her, Amber was acting the seductress for her mate; she raised yellow eyes to stare into his passion-filled eyes that stared down into hers. She grabbed the front of his shirt with both hands, at the same time he grabbed her hips and roughly pulled one to the other. Their mouths met in a deep passionate kiss that lay claim to one another and set the men on the ground whooping at the display.

Amber felt the immediate acceptance, of her as their leader’s companion, from the male members of the pack. However, the women were not so accepting. She sensed mixed emotions from approval to outright hatred coming from the crowd of women. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end while she stood locked in Blake’s arms. Her swirling yellow eyes glared from the porch staring into the group of women. Amber was used to taking care of herself, and now that she had accepted Blake, the wolf and the woman would fight to protect what was hers.

Blake felt Amber tense, sensed her wolf pushing her to shift and take out anyone who dared challenge her. As the leader of the pack, he knew there would be tension in accepting an outsider. Now it was his turn to rid her of the pressure quickly building inside of her. He lowered his head close, his lips touching her ear and whispered softly. “Not now, love, we need to care for Adam and Ben. You’re my queen, that’s all that matters.”

Amber looked into Blake’s caramel eyes that still held a spark of yellow. She was flooded with the warmth of him filling her mind with memories of their lovemaking and what he wanted to do now. Blushing slightly she nodded her head in agreement that now was not the time to become territorial.

They both knew that the soft whisper was heard by the entire pack. Her wolf knew that the words were meant to comfort her, but also sent warnings to his pack that he would not tolerate any aggression towards his mate.

Everyone below them and even Adam and the woman standing in the corner on the porch lowered their heads in acknowledgment of their leader’s proclamation.





he man sat on the ground, looking around desperately for an escape route, but found none. They would hunt him down and kill him even if he had. So he stayed where he was, staring at the crowd of strangers while they watched the man and woman on the porch. He had no clue what was going on, but sensed that something dangerous had just happened, and now the attention of the crowd was back on him, which was not a good thing.

Clutching his finger tightly, he was thankful that it only seeped now and that he wasn’t going to die from blood loss. Watching the men part, Blake jumped easily from the porch and walked towards him with determination. He sat on the ground with his eyes closed and hoped like hell Blake killed him quickly.

Instead of killing him, Blake jerked the man to his feet by the front of his shirt demanding an answer. “Who sent you?”

When the man remained silent, Blake shook him, rattling the teeth in his head and repeated between clenched teeth. “Who sent you?”

Opening his eyes, he stared frighteningly at the giant of a man who towered over him. Blake could easily break him in two with his bare hands by the looks of him.

“I, if I, if I,” he stuttered, then stopped and straightened his shoulders, dropping his hands to his side. “If I tell you anything, they will kill my family,” he said in a resolved, but stronger voice.

Amber had followed and was standing behind Blake, touching his shoulder. “Blake, he’s telling the truth.” How she knew she didn’t know, but she did.

Blake glanced at her over his shoulder and nodded, dropping his hand from the man’s shirt and stepping back. Turning and directing an order to no one in particular “Take him inside and get the first aid kit. See if Seriana can fix him up.” Blake didn’t wait for a response and barked out more orders. “Someone stay with this bastard and get Adam inside”.

The crowd dispersed in a flurry of movement. A handful of men stayed with Blake. Amber moved quietly out of the way, watching Blake with his people. She felt the admiration and respect the pack held for him. Even though things were still tense, she relaxed somewhat. There were so man
y people around and she assumed that
everyone here was part of Blake’s pack. If
that were the case, then there was a
good twenty to thirty werewolf’s bustling around.

“Search the grounds for anyone lurking around. Let me know immediately if you find anything.” He looked directly at her
Remember, my love it’s our people, not just mine.

As if they had practiced this a thousand times, the group dispersed. Amber realized for the first time that they carried guns. The men quickly fanned out searching the surrounding woods.

Blake moved to her side, placing his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close while they walked back towards the porch. Amber saw that a couple of men were helping Adam to his feet and through the big double oak doors.

The moment Amber and Blake turned towards the front door, Amber again felt hatred rolling in waves from someone in the group of women. She half expected a knife to fly out of nowhere and stab her in the back. Fighting the urge to seek out the source, she instead, put her arm around Blake’s waist, sliding her hand into his back pocket where it rested on the swell of his bottom, communicating to the women that she was claiming Blake as hers. Blake smiled down at her, aware of what she was doing, and escorted her into the house.

Once inside, the gunman stared at Amber wide eyed while she glared back at him. He waited in anxious anticipation to see what was going to happen to him. This group of people was strange, like the ones he worked for, as he observed how the group worked in sync with one another without speaking. It wasn’t natural.

Amber leaned against the kitchen counter with a bottle of water in her hand, watching the young girl tending to the man’s wounded finger. Blake stood next to her, his arm around her shoulders. They spoke silently to each other, using their own personal path of communication.

I should feel bad for biting his finger off, but damn it, he shot that boy and tried to shoot you!
Amber exclaimed when Blake laughingly reminded her of what she had done.

You shouldn’t have stepped in front of me like that. I should be protecting you,
he said fiercely, but kept his emotions from his face when he realized the man was watching them.

Don’t try going macho on me. This goes both ways, buddy! If I’m your mate, then you’re mine. I protect what’s mine!

Blake couldn’t help but smile at her wanting to protect him and shook his head.
You, my love, are going to give me a heart attack!


Amber laughed and pulled him down to kiss him on the mouth.
She surprised herself at how easy it seemed to be for her to be with him and his pack.
OK, our pack,
she said before he could correct her, and they laughed together.




A woman came in and began looking over the shoulder of the girl who had started cle
aning the matted blood from the end of the severed finger. Amber recognized her as the woman from the porch the moment she walked in the door. Lightly sniffing the air, Amber found no scent of wolf, noting that she walked confidently among the pack and wondered who she was.

Amber continued watching when the woman turned from the girl, walked over to the sink and began washing her hands with the antibacterial soap that had been stored under the sink. Opening the drawer, she grabbed a fresh clean towel and dried her hands. It was very obvious to Amber that the woman knew her way around Blake's kitchen.

At the thought, Amber dared a look in Blake's direction to see what his reaction to the woman was and found that he was watching her instead.

He asked laughingly and was rewarded with an elbow to the side.

At least I didn't growl and begin to wolf out,
she responded, but turned her attention back to the middle of the room as the woman began speaking.

“Adam is sleeping now, but he’s pretty busted up. A couple cracked ribs, but he should be able to get around in no time. They got his arm pretty good though. It’ll possibly leave a scar, but I did what I could. Lucky for him the full moon is only days away and should help with the healing process. He was also lucky they didn't cut through the muscle.”

Amber listened intently while the woman described Adam’s wounds. Before the words left the woman’s mouth, Amber was already thinking, whoever did this was trying to send Blake a message. They were not trying to kill Adam.

“Blake, they weren’t trying to kill him or they would have gone for his heart.”
She said unnecessarily while staring at Blake and th
is woman who was apparently
his new mate.

“Thanks for getting back here so fast, Seriana. I know you’re a busy woman,” Blake told her, than nodded towards the man she’d been working on at the table, who was currently watching them wide apprehensive eyes.

Seriana turned back to him and pulled his hand out to inspect the damage to the finger. “Looks like a clean bite,” she murmured, glancing at Amber with a hint of reproach. Amber returned the look with an arched eyebrow, daring her to say something.

“I need to either stitch this up or try to reattach the finger,” breaking eye contact she looked to Blake for direction.

“Reattach if you can,” Blake instructed, glancing pointedly at the large man who stood by the door.

Amber realized for the first time that the mountain of a man had been there standing guard. With a nod in her direction, he turned silently and headed out the back door of the kitchen and jumped soundlessly from the back porch.

Seriana cleaned the open wound and poured iodine onto it, causing the man to begin squirming in his chair from the pain. His face went from bright red to pale and
sat limply in the chair, but he kept himself from crying out.

“I need to sedate him,” Seriana informed Blake when the guard returned and plopped the dirty severed finger down on the kitchen table. Seriana gave the large man a stern look while he backed away with a sheepish grin and his hands in the air.

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