No Simple Sacrifice (Secrets of Stone Book 5)

BOOK: No Simple Sacrifice (Secrets of Stone Book 5)
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No Simple Sacrifice

Secrets of Stone, Book 5

Angel Payne
Victoria Blue

No Simple Sacrifice

Secrets of Stone, Book 5

Copyright © 2016 by Fin Mint Publishing, LLP

All Rights Reserved

ISBN: 978-0-9904137-9-0

Kindle Edition

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Characters in this book are purely fictional, and are the product of the authors’ imaginations.

Edited By:

Melisande Scott

Cover Art:

Parajunkee Designs


BB eBooks

Marketing/Appearance Inquiries:

Shannon Hunt, Once Upon an Alpha


Talia, Drake, & Fletcher’s story…

If I could turn back time…

You know what they say about wishing for the impossible.

My name is Talia Perizkova, and time is usually my best friend. It’s been good to me in the months since I left the man who nearly killed me, and I’ve returned the favor by working hard at Stone Global Corp, even getting promoted to lead one of SGC’s key expansion projects.

There’s only one mar on that record. The night I told time to kiss my ass, during a business trip to Vegas with my bosses—yes, my
—and experienced a night for the record books with them both. But what happened in the City of Sin refuses to stay there for any of us, and time has joined forces with his pal, karma, to exact payback where it most matters. In my heart.

Fletcher Ford. Drake Newland. They’re two of the business world’s sexiest, most sought-after bachelors, and I’ve fallen for them both. Their passion is everything I crave, their protection is everything I need—and their love is everything my orthodox family will never let me accept.

The solution, according to them, is simple. One man steps down, so at least two of us are happy.

I could find a way…

But sacrifices are rarely simple, and one plus one doesn’t always equal happily-ever-after. That means all three of us have some huge, hard decisions to make. Take a chance on this rare love we’ve been given…or give in to fear, and lose each other forever?



“Not a cookie-cutter hero…I found Killian to be a combination of smexy and sweet. Blue and Payne have a style that is like smooth whiskey…goes down hot and lingers for a while.”

The Jeep Diva

“Completely sigh-worthy…the heat they generated could have caused fissures to erupt in the earth’s core. An enjoyable read that makes us believe fairy tales very well could come true.”

The Romance Reviews

“It’s romantic, it’s beautiful, and Mr. Stone is incredibly swoon-worthy. I devoured this book in one night.”

Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

“A whopper of a read. There’s everything in this book to keep the reader hooked, And the description of THAT kiss…ohh, la!”

Noble Book Reviews

“Killian…wow…that boy doesn’t mess around. I really enjoyed this book and

A Crazy Vermonter’s Reviews


“Exceeded my expectations. I was surprised at how emotional I became while reading the book. I was able to connect so much to these characters that I was concerned for their welfare. 5 bright and shining stars.”

A Thousand Lives Book Blog

“I absolutely loved this book. Suspenseful, nerve-wracking, and had me pulling my hair out! An excellent follow-up to a really great love story.”

The Romance Reviews

“An OMG page-turner that will blow your mind. I loved every minute!”

Paranormally Yours Reviews

“Payne and Blue have taken the traditional fairy tale romance and made it perfect for our generation to dream and strive for. Thank you for a Cinderella we can all be proud of and a prince to rival all princes!”

The Book Fairy

“WOW. This book. Part of me doesn’t have words. Claire is a strong heroine with undying love. Killian is the tortured man we all swoon for. I really enjoyed this.”

Twin Opinions Reviews


“The characters are exciting, and so much fun to read…and the storyline is off-the-charts hot! I have fallen in love with this series.”

Alpha Book Club

“My emotions were running wild…a fantastic read!”

Radical Reads

“Michael Pearson is hot-hot-hot—so very sexy, and right up there with my favorite book boyfriends. Margaux is cool, and I loved that we got to see her softer side. The cast of supporting characters is awesome! The love scenes nearly burned my Kindle out! These gals have given us a great book.”

Book Loving Pixies

“This writing duo took a seemingly ice-cold princess and showed her softer, human side without changing who she really is…and I also loved that Michael didn’t want to change her. He loved her for all her foibles while having his own issues to work through, with Margaux to inspire him. I will be thinking about this story long after I put it down.”

Sizzling Hot Books

“A can’t-put-it-down read…well-written with suspense, humor, and lots of dirty bedroom talk. It won’t let you go!”

DRC Blog

“Very well-written…great chemistry…a book that will leave you wanting more.”

Battery-Operated Book Blog

“Sweet. Funny. Quirky. Angsty. Sexy. A different change of pace…but easy to follow. Michael made the book for me…when he let his inner alpha come out—hello!”

Renee Entress Blog


“What a freaking story! I didn’t want it to end. This book had me laughing and crying…be prepared; your emotions are in for a ride. A MUST read.”

Radical Reads

“This book is FANTASTIC!”

Niki’s Book Addiction

“They’ve done it again! Our Captain America is sinking, and needs his princess more than he ever thought he would. This book is the pure definition of HEA.”

The Book Fairy

“Michael…he’s hot, sexy and will do anything for Margaux. But dangers lurk around the corner and actions have to be taken. Can these two sex-craved, emotional people with crazy life twists make it through it all? A great read and storyline!”

Book Boyfriend Hangover

“This wasn’t a story about some random misunderstanding that ended up separating them. This was their past catching up with them, and them dealing with it and learning to go on. It was inspiring and heart-wrenching…a real happy-ever-after.”

Paranormally Yours Reviews

“Another scorching hot, emotional romance that will have your head in the clouds and your heart in a vise. VERY well done. I’m looking forward to more of this series and more of these wonderful, complex characters.”

Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads



For Thomas: You are
my seasons of love…my other half, my soul.

I love you so much.

Victoria: My best friend, my incredibly talented partner…

you astound me anew, and fill me with so much gratitude. Thank you!

Melisande Scott: Your guidance and patience are so appreciated,

And your friendship is so valued!

Jenna Jacob: For all the ledges, for all the love…thank you!

Shayla Black: I have no idea where I’d be without your unwavering belief in me.

I am so grateful for you, each and every day.

A HUGE hug and incredible love to the readers on the fan pages and social feeds who continue to support and love this series: we are so damn grateful.

Thank you for loving the Stones and their antics as much as we do!

To every single one of you who writes, messages, and hollahs with the support and love: I am more thankful than you can every know!
I read every message, and hold each one of them as a special jewel in my heart.


For my various partners:

My partner in all things, David. In love, support, and friendship, my partner for life.

My amazing, talented, spirited, and beautiful writing partner.

I love you so dearly, Angel Payne.

And my partners in crime, laughter, sadness and food:

Anna and Elisa, my missing pieces, my component parts. My love for you goes beyond reason.

And as always: thank you, to our dedicated readers. Without you, all of our hard work would be for nothing! Much love and appreciation for your devotion.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

About the Book

Praise for The Secrets of Stone

Dedications / Acknowledgements












Thank You

Other Book in The Secrets of Stone Series

Additional Books by Angel Payne

About the Authors

Chapter One


hould auld acquaintance
be forgot…

My ass.

I repeated the sentiment beneath my breath while turning in my chair to stare over the San Diego skyline. The sun glinted brightly on the city’s more modern buildings, darkening along the terra cotta curves of the older structures, crafted like the classic California missions. Farther in the distance, the light sparkled across the gentle waves on Mission Bay.

Shiny, shiny, shiny. Everything and everybody was so happy. They all kept saying it, too.
Happy New Year. Happy New Year.
It was almost February 1
, and still everyone was going on and on about the Happy New Year.

“My ass.”

Saying it out loud didn’t help a damn thing—nor soften the memories taunting me again. It
been a happy new year—at first. I’d welcomed it in the best of ways: with my best friend, Drake Newland, and the woman of our dreams, wrapped in our arms at an intimate party for three. A night to remember. A woman to
forget. Talia Perizkova, with her huge brown eyes, her dark waterfall of hair, and her perfect temptress’s body, had completely captivated Drake and me during one unforgettable night in Vegas—but since then, neither of us could nail her down for an encore. She’d escaped us like a frantic kitten, stopping only long enough to gather traction and run even farther. Every time either of us reached out, she had an excuse at the ready. A late-night project at work. A preplanned event that simply “had” to be attended. Hell, even that she had to wash her damn hair. Fuck. Was that one still around?

Events and projects and dirty hair. All handled—
without us

That bullshit ended now.

I wheeled back around to the desk, picked up my phone, and texted Talia with a simple request. We weren’t taking no for an answer and, with Drake’s buy-in, I was running point on her track-down.

:: Where are you and when can we see you? ::

Straight to the point. That was my style. The woman should know that by now—as well as my expectation of an immediate answer. After a minute, I raised an impatient brow at the screen, willing her to reply. When the phone went completely dark, I mentally composed a follow-up—not so nice this time.

Other books

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Death on the Pont Noir by Adrian Magson
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