No Simple Sacrifice (Secrets of Stone Book 5) (7 page)

BOOK: No Simple Sacrifice (Secrets of Stone Book 5)
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“Outstanding.” Drake wasted no time proving his sanction of the idea. His finger slid right into my channel, meeting no resistance. As the musk of my arousal swirled through the air, he added a second finger, and began pumping them with gentle insistence. I breathed in, focused completely on the spot where his flesh entered mine, knowing exactly how much pressure to wield, working all the most sensitive nerves of my tight, wet walls. Everything else ceased to exist.
The world was nothing but the feelings he gave…then took away…then gave again…

Fletcher pushed the wand to my clit again.

I jolted hard.

“Ssshhhh. Just feel what we give you. Feel Drake fucking you.”

I focused again on the fingers inside of me, simulating the sex I really wanted to be having. Drake added a third finger. Increased the force of his thrusts.

When Fletch touched the wand to my clit again, I moaned hard. The stimulation was intense. My orgasm hovered like a demon with wings, daring me to catch it before flying just out of reach.


“We know, baby. We know. There we go. Let it happen. Let it wash over you.”

Fletcher’s sexy words encouraged me. I reached for the damn demon. Reached higher…higher…

“Oh my God! Please—stop! I’m going to come!”

“Then why would we stop? Let it go baby. Fly for us.”

Drake twisted his fingers up, rubbing that crazy spot he secretly knew of, and I lost all coherent thought. I burst into a million little pieces like confetti shot from a cannon—with tiny, sparkling shards thrown in. My muscles convulsed. My nerve endings tingled. My mind shattered. I was light and dark, matter and air, black and white and every color in between. I didn’t think I could stand another second. I wanted it to last forever.

Finally, I landed back on Earth—right back to the middle of the monster bed, between the two sex gods I secretly called mine. They were both stretched beside me again, stroking me and whispering praise. I was limp and drained, barely able to catch breath, unable to do anything but lie there, basking in the glow.

Drake rubbed my shoulder from front to back. “How are your arms? Are you getting stiff…or can we keep you in our web a bit longer?”

“Mmmm. I’m good.” I was getting to the dreamy part of the post-orgasm experience.

“Better than good, our sweet Tolly,” he replied. “I’d say you’re perfect.”

“Well, well, well. From drill sergeant to greeting card writer.” I smiled so he would know I was teasing, never opening my eyes to gauge his reaction.

Fletcher shifted, enough to let me feel the hot, heavy length of his erection. “Great.
can live in Hallmark land. Not going to work over here.”

I dragged my eyes open enough to gaze at him through my lashes. “How can I assist you, Mr. Ford?”

He suckled my other shoulder. “I need to be inside you, baby. I’ve been thinking about it all afternoon.”

inappropriate. At a child’s party? Tsk tsk!”

“I can’t help it when you’re near, love.” His use of the endearment started the sparkles in my blood again. “I thought of at least twenty ways to bury my cock in your beautiful honey.” He rolled in, lifting one of my nipples to his lips. My groan mingled with his. “Slide up a little so there’s some slack in the ropes on your wrists. And for fuck sake, try to hurry.”

I planted my free foot on the mattress and scooted up toward the headboard. The tether on my ankle only allowed me to go so far. It seemed to fit Fletch’s purpose, conveyed by his admiring grunt.

“Mmmm.” His drawl was joined by the crinkle of foil being opened, then the slide of latex against flesh. “Perfect. Now twist your hips so you’re on your side.”


“I’m going to fuck you from behind. I need to watch your pretty ass while I slide in and out of you.”

He said such flagrant things, though balanced them with a tone of such lush desire, swirled into a decadent mix beneath his musical voice. He made me feel sexy and wanted, not tawdry and cheap. Because of that, I felt safe, too—and now needy again, as I stuck my ass in his direction…an open invitation for him to do exactly what he wanted with me.

“Jesus Christ, woman.” Drake groaned it, now gazing hard at the view
was treated to.

“Like what you see, Mr. Newland?”

He reached a hand up, stroking his broad thumb across my face. “Like?” he countered. “I want to remember this forever.”

My heart turned over in my chest. “Me too.”

“Can I take your picture? All strung up and freshly satisfied. Goddammit.”

It took me a moment to realize he was serious. As in, hopeful Boy Scout serious. “Uh…”

“I swear it will never leave my possession.”

“I—I don’t know how I feel about that. Can I think about it and revisit?”

“Fair enough.”

Fletcher moved in tighter, pressing against my back, sandwiching his stiff length between our bodies. He kissed my shoulder, then traveled down my arm until reaching my elbow. As he trailed back up to my shoulder, his hand tickled the back of my knee, urging me to open my legs by sliding the free one forward. His fingers skated up my thigh, gliding inward to find the warm moisture between my legs.

“Dammit, sugar. You’re still so wet from that orgasm.”

I parted my legs a little more.

He pushed deeper in.


A moan spilled out. My thighs quivered. My nipples puckered. Amazing, that I was already this hot and needy after what they’d just done to me. Or perhaps it was just magic.

“Ohhhh, Fletcher…that feels so…” Superlatives weren’t going to cut it. Not without woefully missing the mark of what this really felt like.

“I know, baby.” And deep in my soul, I knew he did. “And just wait until my cock’s deep inside you. It’ll be even better.”

“Don’t want to wait,” I retorted. “Want you…
. Please!”

He pushed my hair off my neck in order to abrade me there with his stubble. “Do you have
idea what that begging does to me?”

“If it feels anything like what
do to
…then yes.”

He kissed the shell of my ear then licked into the crevice below my earlobe. “Say it again.”

Though it was a whisper, complete dominance marked it. Animalistic possession that drove a spike of response straight through my core. “Please, Fletcher?” I whispered into the sheets.

“Please what, baby?”

Do it
. Now. Please.”

“Do what?”


“Say it.” His fingers plunged in and out of my sex, ramping me back up to near the breaking point. When the man talked dirty like this, I went crazy with need. “
Say it,

“Please, Fletcher. Fuck me now!”

On the last word of my plea, he rammed his cock into my starving hole, filling me completely in one perfect stroke. His balls smacked my pussy; his body slammed hard against mine.

“Fuck,” he snarled.

“Fletch—” Drake cut my shriek off with the seal of his lips over mine. I was so lost in the haze Fletcher had spun, I hadn’t noticed him sliding closer. His kiss was hungry and passionate, taking everything from me, but giving more in return. My whole being shook from their two-pronged assault, making me jerk at the ropes over my head, completely forgetting I couldn’t sink my nails into both of them. I just had to take what I was given. Every single second of it.

“Open your eyes, Talia.”

When I did, Drake’s midnight stare greeted me. He gripped my face tighter, compelling me to gaze deeper into those nocturnal depths. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I could watch Fletcher fuck you for the rest of my life and die a happy man.”

My lips opened, but no words emerged. I honestly didn’t know how to respond. I would be disappointed—no, I’d be empty—if he only watched from this point on. Not that Fletcher—and his wickedly talented cock—wasn’t amazing, but I needed them both. Craved the different dynamic I shared with
of them.

Drake dipped his face toward me once more. He kissed me again, but this time with so much emotion and honesty and …


I didn’t want to label it. Words really were overrated sometimes. I only knew that I pictured threads from my heart reaching out to his, wrapping around it and coming back to mine. Like a spider’s silk, woven from one point to another and back again. We were bound to each other. He felt it too. One long look at his face said it so clearly…and beautifully.

Fletcher continued to plunge in and out of me from behind, taking me on a journey even greater than the climb with the vibrator. Fresh arousal hit on a consuming wave. I succumbed, letting the shivers drench me. Drake, and his keen gaze, saw it all. I wanted him to. There’d be no hiding from this man. Ever.

“You’re going to come again, aren’t you love?” When I only responded with a little mewl, he scooted even closer. “Don’t hide it, Tolly. I can see it in your eyes…in those beautiful breaths beneath your incredible tits.”

God. Yes.
Fletcher had nothing on this man in the filthy dialogue department.

“Hmmm,” Drake murmured. “Let’s see if I can help you out, little girl.”

I trembled in anticipation even before he reached in, skating a hand down my abdomen, between my legs. He found my pouting center, making slow circles over my clit, applying just the right amount of pressure to make me scream out as my orgasm burst. It careened through my belly and along my limbs, fizzing and crystalline, as if my veins now pumped with sparkling water. He strummed my clit even after the first jolt, drawing out the climax until I finally sagged back against Fletcher.

Drake kissed me again. It was different this time, soft and grateful and worshipful, covering my mouth completely. He took all my oxygen—and every coherent thought—mastering my lips and tongue with such perfect pressure, I was sensually stoned.

“I love you.”

Holy. Crap.

My eyes shot open as the words finished slipping out. At the same time, panic set in. My breath hitched. I fought to scramble away—and, of course, got nowhere.

“Hey.” He tried to calm me, and got just as far with
effort. “Ssshhhhh. Stop. Tolly,
. Look at me again. I said
look at me

After a deliberate swallow, I looked up—once more into his endless eyes. Battled to apologize with my silence. Willed him to forget it all.

“I love you, too.” His eyes literally twinkled when he said it.

“We both do.” Fletcher kissed my shoulder from behind.

An all-too-familiar sting pricked behind my eyes. “You…you do?”

Drake chuckled softly. “See? There’s no reason to panic. We’ve been in love with you for months, baby. We were just waiting for you to get on board with the program.” He gave me a teasing wink and a quick kiss on the nose. I stared back, still speechless, attempting to soak in all the words as truth.

“Sweet girl.” Fletcher rasped the gentle chide into my ear. “I’m really glad we tied you up before telling you. I have a feeling you would’ve just bolted. Am I right?”

The man knew me so well, it was unnerving. “Maybe,” I finally squeaked. And now that he mentioned the ropes again… “But can you please untie me now? My arms are starting to hurt and I’d really like to use the restroom.”

Drake canted his head. Lord, he was hot when he did that. “Promise that’s the only reason?”

“Mmmm hmmm.” I tacked on a quick nod but couldn’t look either of them in the eye.

His sideways look deepened with doubt. Still, with a couple of quick jerks, he had the ropes loosened and my wrists freed. One more efficient move and my ankle was out as well. “Thank you,” I said, circling fingers into my shoulder. Drake acknowledged the words with a brisk nod.

“Go do what you need to,” he directed. “Then I’ll rub you so you don’t get stiff.”

“That’s—uhhh—not necessary.”

The words came out in a mumble as I scrambled toward the bathroom, grabbing Fletcher’s shirt as I went. I really didn’t feel like parading around naked all of a sudden.

After locking myself in the bathroom, I marched to the mirror and glared at my reflection. The idiot in the glass wasn’t forgiving, nor did I want her to be.

What the hell had I just done? What the hell had I just
? And what had
just said, as well?

None of us was thinking clearly. None of us was thinking
at all.

Too deep. I was in
too deep. If it wasn’t clear before, it definitely was now. My only saving grace—and hope for sanity—lay in the fact that Drake and Fletcher were scheduled to return to Chicago in the upcoming week. With any luck, their businesses there would start to demand more time away from the Stone Global side projects. Now that SGC cosmetics had been launched with wild success, they wouldn’t be needed as much here.

Real, physical distance. Getting it and keeping it was my only hope to get out of this without a completely broken heart.

Stop that. Neither of them is Gavin. Neither of them is remotely like him, thank God. You know at least that much.

That didn’t stop this situation from becoming a different kind of train wreck.

I dove into the shower, hoping the steam would ease my mind a little. I emerged a few minutes later, just as anxious, though a little fresher. I quietly opened the door back to the bedroom, hoping they’d fallen asleep. That was what guys did after—well—what we’d done—right?


Two pairs of expectant eyes followed me back to the bed. Two hands raised, strong fingers extended, beckoning me between them once more.

“Lay back down, baby,” Drake directed. “I’ll work on your arms for you.”

I stiffened a little. “Really, that won’t be—”

He cut me off with a kiss, pushing me down until I was pinned to the bed beneath him. Just like that, my pulse was a wild staccato, my blood was a zooming speedway—and my hands were thankful zips of motion, as I relished the chance to grab the thick spikes of his hair, scratch the sinewy cords of his back, grip the tight globes of his perfect ass.

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