No Simple Sacrifice (Secrets of Stone Book 5) (6 page)

BOOK: No Simple Sacrifice (Secrets of Stone Book 5)
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“Then why do you make us chase you around town?” Drake countered. “If you really wanted to be with us, you’d be here, in our bed, every single night.”

I turned to Fletcher. He mirrored Drake. From base to tip, he stroked and squeezed his erection, spreading the dew of his arousal back down his length, easing the glide.

.” I blurted out. Desperate to be touched, I would tell them anything they wanted to hear. Their sexy, masculine scents grew heavier in the room, overloading every cell of my system, every thought in my head…every desire in my heart.

“You don’t what, baby?” Fletch tilted his head to the side, making his hair fall into his eyes.
So sexy
. I indulged a secret moment of gratitude about him waiting on that trim.

“Make you chase me around town.”

He let out a low bark. “Girl, be real with us—and yourself. You’ve been playing cat and mouse with us since New Year’s.” He cocked his head the other way, tumbling his hair in the opposite direction, exposing his wry smirk. “Well…looks like the little mouse is all caught up in a trap now, doesn’t it?”

“And she’s very pretty that way, too.” Drake’s deep, savoring rumble was matched by his intent steps back to the bed. Where Fletcher was built like a palm tree, long and lean and graceful, Drake was all dark, solid oak—and I was antsy to climb him. But with my hands strung up behind me, I could only lay and wait, at his mercy. The conflict was torture. How I longed to reach for him—for them both—to take them in my arms, assure them I wasn’t playing games.

You aren’t?

Dammit. I
I hadn’t been
ignoring them. I’d just been busy.
busy. I’d had…things to do. Responsibilities. Appointments to keep.

You mean with your pet turtle?

But they didn’t know that. How could they have? Even if they’d snooped, with Claire or Margaux or Taylor, I hadn’t spoken to a soul about this since we’d returned from Las Vegas…since the business trip that had become the trip of a lifetime, basking in their passion and spoiled by their desire. I hadn’t breathed a word about what was going on between the three of us. So truly, how could they have known if I’d been dodging them? Which I

“Because we know you, Tolly.” Fletcher, with his direct line into my brain, answered the question that floated around in my mind. His sapphire eyes, deep with desire, bored into my flesh as he continued touching his own. “Sometimes we know you better than you know yourself.”

I attempted a disgusted snort. They responded in a unison of action, each lifting a knee to the bed. My head now teetered back and forth, trying to keep tabs on the double assault of hotness. Pointless effort. Drake slid down, stretching next to me, while Fletcher did the same on the other side. Neither of them touched me, but laid close enough that I felt their body heat. As if knowing they were near, my inner walls swelled, pulsed, and wept, squeezing out creamy drops that teased and tickled my nearly spread folds. As my sex grabbed at thin air, a needy moan tumbled from my parted lips. Neither of them shifted closer. “Dammit! Why are you doing this to me?”

“Oh now, tell me your pussy isn’t soaked.” Drake’s matter-of-fact tone aroused me even more. Pressure mounted as soon as he mentioned it.

“Shall we test the theory?” Fletcher stroked up my thigh, ending just before the neat triangle of my pubic hair.

“No,” our group’s drill sergeant ordered.

“No?” I retorted. “Come on. Why no? I like Fletch’s plan better. You’ll see I want you as badly as you want me. That I haven’t been running away. I mean, look at me!”

Yes, it was on purpose. Yes, because I knew they
looking. If those wild hours in Vegas had taught me anything, it was their mutual passion for voyeurism. And passions were meant to be indulged, right?

“Don’t worry.” Fletcher leaned on an elbow then hitched up a knee, using the pose to pull at his dick again. His hardness grew, coming within an inch of my thigh.
“We’re looking.”

“And appreciating,” Drake concurred.

“But?” I filled it in, knowing it was coming.

“But your body is the easy part, my beautiful girl,” he explained. “We know what will get you hot and tight…what will make your lips scream and your cunt clench. We can play your
like the amazing instrument it is all night long.” He reached—
—but only tapped briefly at my forehead. “It’s what’s going on in
that’s worrying me.”

His tender kiss on my temple wasn’t any further help. Neither was Fletcher’s sweep of lips along my hairline. “What are you hiding from us, baby?” he pressed. “Did we do something wrong? Something you didn’t like?”

“What?” I lurched, forgetting all about the ropes for a second. When they jerked me entirely too short of where I wanted to go, I huffed past clenched teeth. “No.
that’s not it.”

Twinges of panic set in. Were
already tired of
? Of my naiveté in handling this “alternative” relationship? If so, then whose fault was it? I’d known this would happen from the first moments of their seduction, back in Vegas. My conscience had screamed it at me—and I hadn’t listened. No. I’d
not to listen. I’d chosen their kisses, their bodies, and their toe-curling lust, instead…

Knowing damn well that one day, I’d pay the price for it.

Had that reckoning now come?

“I have the perfect way to coax the words from her, bro.”

Drake’s declaration yanked me from the morbidity. And spurred that devastating devil’s grin across Fletcher’s lips again. “Oh? That so?”

Drake flashed his version of the look while rolling off the bed in a masterful sweep. His excursion to the dresser was over in no time flat. He brought something with him. What the hell was that? An electronic massager?
Ha! Joke’s on you two, boys
. If they thought I would crack and confess everything, especially the depth of my love for them, just because of a back massage…I mean, hadn’t they learned their lesson about that one yet? They’d tried the massage thing during our plane ride to Vegas, and only gotten me passing out into the sleep of the dead on them. If anything, they should have—

Oh. God.

The depth of my love for them

It was true, wasn’t it?

I’m…in love with them.

I didn’t—
—think about that anymore. Thankful for the buzzing noise that began as a distraction, as Drake powered up the massager… Oh yes, right. About that massage…

“Really? How are you going to rub my back while I’m tied like this?” The hen had finally outsmarted the foxes. Though the hen
just pointed that out…making her

Drake took his turn at the head tilting thing. Though no hair of his crisp cut spilled forward, the knowing grin on his face made him just as stunning as Fletch. “Ohhhh, Tolly.”

“What?” A new wave of nervousness hit. Why was he gazing at me like that…the fox preparing to eat the hen? What the hell had I missed? “Ohhhh, wait. I get it. Do you want me to do you instead?” That was it. They wanted payback for my dodgeball act with massages. Made sense. They both looked tense enough to pop.

Fletcher’s sharp laugh brought back the apprehension. Damn. I was clearly missing the punchline—one that had something to do with how their erections gained more life as soon as Drake fired up the massager. He held it up, rolling the large knob against his palm, suddenly causing the device to sound wicked. Or maybe that was the gleam in his eyes.

He handed the massager over to Fletcher, as Fletch lay back down beside me. “This can be used for other purposes too, baby.” He flipped the switch under the bulb shaped top—and the vibrations kicked higher.




“Annnnd there’s the light bulb,” Drake drawled.

“I love it when that happens,” Fletcher murmured.

“Are you
?” I shrieked.

“Very much so,” Fletcher smirked.

Drake chuckled a little. “Girl, have you really never seen one of these before?”

I shook my head. Speech had now exited the building. Thought was close behind. If this was really how they rolled, I’d stick to my naiveté, thank you. Fine conclusion to reach now. They were going to put that monstrous thing in me—and there was nothing I could do to stop them. Shit, shit, shit.

“You said you wouldn’t hurt me!” Speech made a valiant comeback. “There is no way you’re sticking that thing in me. No way!”

Fletcher now looked as shocked as I felt. “Oh, baby. It doesn’t go
you. It goes

“Wh-what do you mean?” Their silence was kind of comforting, as they let me work out the details. Lightbulb number two hit hard and fast. “Ohhhh!”

“Yeah.” Drake curled a wider smile. “

“I still say no. It looks overwhelming.”

“Well,” he made his way down the bed, to position himself between my legs, “that’s sort of the point.”

The last of it, he uttered against my inner thigh.

got a big
This I
I liked.

I told him so with an encouraging sigh, as he kissed his way higher. My skin puckered with goose bumps. The wet trail he left with his tongue caught the draft, making me shiver more. When he reached my cleft, he parted my trembling flesh with his knowing thumbs, spreading me open, viewing me with uncompromising lust. Though only one of my ankles was bound, his stare effectively locked down the other one. I felt sexy and self-conscious at the same time. The look in his fathomless eyes made me feel like a goddess. The nagging voice in my head made me feel like a fool. Diligently, I told my head to shut up. It was getting in the way of the enjoyment they wanted to deliver—pleasure I wanted now. Fulfilment I craved. Desire I needed.

A sharp bite on the inside of my thigh brought all of my attention to Drake.

“Out of your head, sugar.”

“I’m trying,” I gritted back. “I swear, I’m trying.”

“I can see it, honey.” Fletcher nuzzled into my neck. “I see the war. Now let it go.”

He added his teeth to the effort. My head fell back as my lips fell open.
Thank you, God
! Finally, the contact I needed—though the thick blade of frustration continued to taunt. I wanted so desperately to wrap my arms around Fletch. To grip him close, let him feel my lust in the scores of my nails against his skull. Instead I tried telling him with whimpers and sighs, especially as he kissed down my neck, across my collar bone, then downward to take my aching nipple into his mouth. I cried out as Drake swiped his tongue firmly over my clit at the exact same time.

“That’s the best sound I’ve heard in weeks.” Fletch continued sucking and nibbling my breast while Drake stabbed at my opening with his tongue. My body came alive, quivering and hot, as I sank deeper and deeper into a lusty haze. It was difficult to process where the pleasure was coming from, though I didn’t really care—

Until the moment they handed off the massager again—

And Drake pressed it right up against my sex.

“Ahhhh!” I dug in both heels and bucked. Yanked like crazy at the ropes binding me. I had nearly forgotten they were even there, but had never hated them more. I yearned to kick the massager away but craved even more of its contact. It was the most intense pressure my pussy had ever endured, resonating deep into my tunnel, spreading through every fiber of my womb, my ass, my thighs.
That was what Fletcher called it. Now, the term felt appropriate. My whole body was chaos, reacting to the lightning that ruthlessly pummeled my pussy.

“Shit!” I screamed. “No. Stop!”

“No way. I haven’t even touched your clit yet. And watch the leg. No kicking while my face and junk are in striking range.”

I panted, forcing my thighs and ass back down.
Was he insane?
“You are not putting that thing anywhere
my hot button, Drake Newland.”

“I am.” With that base declaration, he pressed it higher…to rest on top of my most sensitive little bud.

Stars detonated in my vision. Everything below my waist was numb, outside of the nerves now pushed to their ultimate limits…aroused beyond anything I’d ever dreamed of feeling. I was quite certain my whole body would rip through its skin. Either that, or I’d die in this extreme state. Wouldn’t be
a bad way to go…

, stop. I can’t take it!”

Fletcher stroked the side of my face. “Tolly, listen to me.”

“Not. Possible!”

Relax and feel it, instead of fighting it. You’re going to explode for us, darling—and you’ll thank us for it.”

He grated the soft, seductive promise into my ear. I gulped hard, struggling to absorb it. That
sound rather inviting. Better than that. Necessary. I was strung so tightly, spiraled to unreal limits.

“That’s our girl. Settle down. Just feel it.” He turned a little and murmured, “Give it to me, D.” After Drake let him take over the device again, he pushed the button, toggling down to the slower speed. It eased my torment—a little. I was able to whimper now, accepting the sensations as they sizzled through my clit, up my tunnel, clenching at the deepest corners of my sex. As I whimpered, approving rumbles flowed from both of them.

“Fuck, that’s nice,” Drake rasped.

Fletcher grunted in agreement. “And beautiful. Damn, Tolly. You are so breathtaking.

“Trying.” Though I no longer seethed it, the sensations were still intense. Being bound meant I couldn’t focus on what to do to them, either. I was trapped. Exposed. Forced to accept every drop of every sensation they dealt.

“Damn.” Drake’s tight growl was like another crank up on the vibrator. “Her cunt is dripping, man.”


“She needs to come.”

“Yes,” I panted. “

“Finger fuck her, bro. It’ll put her over in no time.”

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