"Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich (203 page)

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Authors: Diemut Majer

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Eastern, #Germany

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Als Jude in Breslau
(1975), entry of August 15, 1941, 50.

Cf. Hitler’s
speech of October 6, 1939, according to which “ethnic resettlement” (
völkische Umsiedlung
) would help bring about a new order in Europe, “so that at the end of this development, better borders would result than those existing at present”; Führer’s decree of October 7, 1939, which appointed Himmler to the position of
for the Strengthening of German Nationhood (RKF).

The HSSPF of Posen, Danzig, Königsberg, and Breslau (later Kattowitz) were named as delegates of the RKF (second Reich Ministry of the Interior decree of November 2, 1939, implementing the Führer’s Decree on the Organization and Administration of the Eastern Territories, sec. 2, par. 1, subpar. 2, RGBl. I 2133). There was still a lack of clarity, however, with regard to the powers of the RFSS/RFK over the government authorities. With a view to “establishing a clear order of command,” it was therefore established by way of the Reich Ministry of the Interior decree of December 8, 1939, that the RKF had authority over the Reich governor in the Eastern Territories so long as the orders were not issued by the Supreme Reich Authorities (according to the RKF directives). A very short time later, however, an instruction issued on December 19, 1939, by the
-SS/RKF (Institute for Western Studies, Pozna
, doc. I-373) established that only the HSSPF in Danzig–West Prussia and Posen were delegates
ipso jure
of the RKF, whereas the HSSPF of Königsberg, Breslau (later Kattowitz), and Kraków were delegates of the RKF on the strength of a special order of the RFSS/RFK. See also the letter (undated) from the Reich governor of Posen to the RKF, quoted in
Doc. Occ
. 5:90 n. 16 (further details in Greifelt, “Festigung deutschen Volkstums in den Ostgebieten” [1940]).

Regarding the resettlement of Poles in the General Government, coordinated by the relevant HSSPF and the HSSPF Kraków, see the letter of May 21, 1940, from the inspector of the SIPO and the SD of Posen (Danzig) to the Reich governor in the Warthegau, regarding the institution of a “resettlement center” in Posen “to implement evacuation of foreigners in the Warthegau”; also the confidential communications of May 5, 7, and 27 and June 6, 10, 14, and 24, 1940 (Institute for Western Studies, Pozna
); notification, February 24, 1940, by the
of the Security Police, Posen, setting out principles for the evacuation (Institute for Western Studies, Pozna
, doc. I-419). Letter of January 17, 1940, from the chief of police of Posen (Institute for Western Studies, Pozna
); instruction of January 22, 1940, from the HSSPF Posen to the chief of police of Posen (Institute for Western Studies, Pozna
, doc. I-419). Letter of November 30, 1942, from the R-sta, Posen, to the district president of the Warthegau (State Archive Pozna
, R-sta 1174, Bl. 106); for more information on the “resettlement,” see Datner, Gumbowski, and Leszczy
ski, “Wysiedlanie ludno
ci polskiej z
iem polskich wcielonych do Rzeszy” (1960); Stach, “Polenreservate im Warthegau” (1967); and the documents printed in the
Bulletin of the Main Commission Warsaw
, vol. 21, 11 ff.; also the sources given in Łuczak,
Diskriminierung der Polen
, 154 ff.; report on organizing the transport of Poles (ZS, Poland, film 60, Bl. 418 ff.); notice by the Resettlement Center, Łód
, on the apprehension of persons to be evacuated for actions on May 15 and 17, 1940 (Institute for Western Studies, Pozna
); see also RSHA directives IV B 4 a (Eichmann) on “the technical execution of the evacuation of Jews to the East,” dated June 4, 1942 (ZS, Polen 243, Bl. 181–87, 257–73). HSSPF decree of November 24, 1939 (ZS, Polen, film 62, Bl. 0544 f.); report of January 26, 1940, by the HSSPF Posen (first short-term plan) (Institute for Western Studies, Pozna
, doc. I-198; also in ZS, Poland, film 14, 634 ff.); closing report of December 31, 1942, by the Resettlement Center on the work of the center under the third extended short-term plan (ZS, Poland, film 57/221 ff.). Closing report of December 31, 1943, on the work of the Resettlement Center in the Wartheland and the General Government for 1943 (IfZ, MA-708/2, 712). Statement under oath of September 30, 1947, by the former head of the Resettlement Center, Łód
, Alois Krumey (Nuremberg doc. NO-5364).

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