Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1)
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: Just 2.

: That’s more like a brunch.

: You leave a statement out there like that for me? Really?

: because there was all kinds of eating going on.


: It was like you left me a gift on that one.

: To the matter at hand- who?

: I answered that already.

: who did I leave with?

: You’re serious. You had sex with Nick D.

: And a nooner.

: And we’re going to dinner.

: And we have a hotel room for tonight

: Shit, woman. When you break the dam, you flood the town.

: You have no idea.

: FUCKING TMI, bitch!

: You’re getting airplained.

: You better call me!

I switched the phone to airplane mode and slipped into my desk (Yay desk!). I hadn’t even told her I’d gotten the full time job. It was just too much fun to torture her with the other news. Of course keeping my attention on what I was supposed to be doing was hard with the sexpot sitting in the visitor’s area just behind the benches. I almost got lost twice because he winked at me.

Bastard. Utterly fuckable bastard.

The day wasn’t going fast enough. I wanted to get to lecture and get back to the hotel with Nick. He was so much fun in bed and it had been years since I’d had that much free-spirited fun in bed. I always enjoyed the sex, but this was free form fun. I wanted more.

Nick wasn’t called back up to the stand because the lawyers were filling papers to recuse themselves. They were trying to get a new lawyer in, to wash their hands of the lying client. If there was one thing I knew about Hagberg from the cases I’d seen him on, he wasn’t one to put up with a client’s bullshit, that was for sure. And this client was reeking. He sat in the chair, looking angry. It took until 4:30 to get new council in, sign all the paperwork, hand over the files, and Hagberg and associates to walk out. I was desperately trying to keep up with all the proceedings so I wasn’t there late, or had to come in early to finish the docket transfer.

I had no interest in talking work tonight.

Fangirl was squealing in delight, but there was something more going on here. I hoped the little bitch would shut up and not show her face for the evening.

The courtroom emptied and I scurried into MacPhearson’s chambers with all the paperwork she had to sign tabbed and organized for her. I put the folder down on her desk, and she glanced up at me. “Are you always this organized, Morgan?”

“I do try to be, ma’am,” I said, with a nod. “Some nights it takes me longer than others, though. Tonight I have lecture at school, and with only one case that went nowhere, I was able to keep up no problem.”

She nodded and started signing. “How do you know Doctor Dovadsky?”

I choked. “Your Honor?”

She looked up at me over her reading glasses. “You forget where I sit, Miss Kirkbride. I saw that lusty wink he gave you.”

Lusty wink? Oh, fabulous. I was going to have to warn him about that. “I... uh. We’ve just started seeing each other.”

She was trying not to smile. “Just started, eh? Is that why you came back from recess freshly showered?”

“Damn it,” I grumbled.

The judge let out an amused laugh. “You could do much worse, Morgan. Doctor Dovadsky is a fairly regular figure around here, and I have to say I’ve even caught myself admiring that tush.”

I couldn’t stop the laugh. “Your Honor!”

“I’d be dead if I didn’t notice him,” she said, and resumed signing. “It’s not against any rules, Morgan. Don’t worry. You’re an officer of the court and it doesn’t show an impropriety. He’s in my room a lot. He works with Doctor Wainwright.” I could see how this could be good and bad at this point. I would get to see him a lot, and the same time, I’d get to see him a lot. “I just wanted to let you know you’re not being nearly as sneaky as you thought you were being.”

“No, your Honor, we were.” I tried to keep a straight face. “It’s just that you’re the judge and you have keen abilities of observation. Anyone else would’ve missed that I came in smelling like bath soap with my hair looking better than when I left.”

She waved her finger at me. “Keep sucking up to me like that, Kirkbride, and I’ll be forced to give you a raise sooner rather than later.” She finished signing the papers. “And if you stay organized like this, I’ll block the Bar exam so I can keep you to myself.” MacPhearson handed me the file. “Thank you, Miss Kirkbride. That will be all for today.”

“Thank you, your Honor.”

I walked out and over to my desk. Nick was leaning against the prosecutor’s table, suit unbuttoned, hands in his pockets. He looked absolutely lickable standing there. It had been well established I was no one’s submissive, but I was ready to kneel at his feet and beg.

I realized, looking at him there, that this was a secret he was sharing with me—and I didn’t ever want to share it with anyone else. I didn’t want a single one of those insane fangirls—relatively speaking of course—coming anywhere near this sex-in-a-suit that was standing there waiting for me.

“Something you like, Miss Kirkbride?” he asked, standing up.

“Oh, hell yes,” I said, sitting at my desk. I started closing everything down. “But I also have my eyes on another prize,” I jerked my thumb over my shoulder to the bench, “and I have to get to class so I can claim that one as well one day.”

“So you’ve claimed me?”

I glanced over at him. “I think I did a whole lot more than
you, Doctor.”

“Seeing as how you had to take a shower when I was done with you, I think I was the one doing the claiming.” Nick walked over to my desk. I motioned him around the side; there were privacy issues.

“Well, I wouldn’t have had to shower if you had let me play my way.”

“Your way goes against my rules.”

“You have rules?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “I think we need to discuss.”

“I prefer to do things other than discuss rules, kitten.”

“Oh?” I locked the drawer and stood up. “Like making me shower in midday?”

“Well, I was thinking more about getting you naked, but causing the midday shower is also good.”

“I thought you would’ve headed out already?” His divine scent of male and soap was making my brain foggy and the fangirl swoon. No swooning! That’s enough of that bullshit; I’d had sex with him twice already and the little bitch needed to cut that shit out.

“I was thinking I could take you to class, then we could swing by your place and pick up something more... comfortable for you to wear.”

And the sad trombone could be heard, playing its lament. “I don’t have anything more comfortable, Nick. Unless you’re into Hello Kitty nightshirts.”

He cocked his head. “You really don’t?”

“No, I don’t.” I stepped down from the platform my desk sat on. “What I was wearing Sunday night were club clothes. As impractical as you think they were, they’re not. And they’re just what I wear to the club.”

He walked up behind me and snaked an arm around my waist. “They weren’t impractical, kitten. They were unbelievably sexy.” He kissed my neck just below my ear. “Let’s pick some out for you then.”

“Macy’s doesn’t make lingerie for fat chicks,” I bit out and started walking again.

“Hey.” He walked after me, and caught my arm a moment later. “Morgan. Stop.”

“I don’t own any lingerie,” I snapped. “I’m not going to some mall store and look for it either because they don’t carry my size. I don’t need it reinforced once again that my size misses eighteen ass isn’t the ideal body size or shape! Or that my huge breasts are too much tit for the ideal woman! Do you know how much it costs to get those pants made?!”

“Whoa, stop, stop,” he said in a quiet and mild voice. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Well, you did.” I was trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m sure your Hello Kitty is just the right kind of sexy for me.”

“I have to go to class.” I stepped away from him, and started walking again.

He ran after me. “Still want to go to dinner? Even though I’m a bit of a jerk?”

“You’re not a jerk.” I said, walking out of the courthouse. I stopped, taking a deep breath. Don’t screw this up, Morg. I turned to him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted like that. It’s very sweet of you to offer. And I would love some lingerie, but we can’t just pick it up somewhere. I’ve never found lingerie that fits me.”

“I said pick out, not pick up,” he answered. “You’ll see.”

That sexy, sly little grin melted my cold, fat heart, and I had to smile back. He’d shagged me twice, good, so I need to shut the Fat Chick up and just go with it. “All right. You can enlighten me. Meanwhile, Doctor Dovadsky, I have a lecture to attend.”

“I’ll drive you,” he said.

I put a hand on his shoulder. “No. If you think I’m a fangirl, there are two in my class that will figure you out in a heartbeat if they see you. They are absolutely batshit insane. I’m crazy, but those two will strip the meat from your bones.”

“Already looking to protect my secret identity?”

“Actually, I just want to keep you in my bed naked and not share you.” I leaned in. “And I like your meat and your bone.”

“Mm,” he smiled. “Can I at least get a kiss before I have to give you up for a whole hundred and sixty minutes?”

“That, doctor, I can do.”


t really felt like the longest two and half hours at the end of the longest day I’d ever lived. I walked into the class in my suit and I saw the two other fan girls in the class. Sometimes they would invite me over, sometimes they would ignore me. They were way more idiotic about their fandom than I ever was. I would openly admit I was bordering on unhealthy with my Silver Soul obsession, but they scared me. More than once they’d tried to get me in on plans to sneak backstage in the worst ways, but it would look really bad for a court clerk to get arrested trying to trespass.

I didn’t know what the hell they were doing in law school anyway. They were about as professional as Pennywise the Clown. Teeth and all.

Today was an ‘ignore Morgan’ day, so I sat nearby so I could hear them. If they had any idea I had a date and plans for sex with Nick D, they would murder me and try to take my place. I wanted a few laughs. That they were always good for.

I settled in and pulled out my recorder and notebook, checking what the lecture was on from the syllabus, and started eavesdropping.

“...Sunday night. He looked so good in those jeans.” That was Tina.

“I know, right? What I wouldn’t give for a squeeze of that butt.” That was Dana.

“Someone told me he came out to the bar for a beer after the show!” Tina slapped her friend’s arm with gusto.

“No! He never does that!”

“Right!?” She turned in her seat. “He talked to a girl at the bar, and asked her back!”

Ok, so far the gossip was right. I couldn’t hold back my smirk.

Tina kept going. “I heard the girl was wearing leather pants and a guy’s shirt. Can you imagine? What does she think this is, a grunge band?”

“If I had any idea, I would have waited by the side door.” Dana’s plot started with that statement. I’d been around them enough to recognize it.

“Too true.” Tina slumped in her chair. “But you know every time we try to get over to the parking lot, Ernesto is waiting and no amount of money or cleavage can get us past him.”

“We’ve got to find a way to get by him.” Dana tapped on her notebook, thoughtfully. “There has to be a way.”

“So, let me tell you the rest of the story!” Tina grabbed Dana’s arm. “The girl was wearing leather and a guy’s shirt. She was apparently pretty, but according to Gaucho, she was fat.”


Oh, yes my dear. Nick D asked back a chick in a man’s shirt and misses eighteen pants. And really big boobs, I’m sure no one bothered to tell you.

“Yes! She had junk in the trunk!”

“Why the hell would he ask a fatty back?”

Because I’m not a shallow skank?

“Felt bad for her, apparently, since she slipped in the bar area getting him a beer.”

What now? I almost reacted to that statement, but stopped myself. There was no one back there to see me do that. No one aside from Stat and Nadine, and I really doubted either of them would spread a rumor. So who was this Gaucho person? I pulled out my phone, and paged to Nick’s phone number.

Who is Gaucho?

“She was really starry-eyed when he did it too,” Tina offered. “Mooning over him and all.”

“Not even smart enough to act like a real fan.”

Wow, these two were spectacular. Really reinforcing my decision to not have Nick drop me off.

Gaucho? At Downbound?


I quickly changed his text name in my phone to something less suspicious.

“So how do you think Fat Pants got his attention?”

“She probably has a reputation for giving good head.”

“So do you,” Dana said. “And we can’t even get him to look at us.”

Wow. Just magnificent. I was now in a BJ contest with Tina the Tramp.

Gaucho is an asshole. He’s one of the stage crew.

He’s like a construction worker, with less manners.

Well, he was checking out my ass on Sunday night.

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