Notice Me (7 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley

BOOK: Notice Me
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“Patrick? You must be joking. He is my friend from Uni.”


“Oh, really,” Will’s face lit up.


“Does that make you feel better now, Will?” Charlie laughed.


“What are you two going on about?” I giggled. “You are acting really weird and secretive. Just tell me what I missed.”


“Charlie is coming to Cheshire to meet the folks next weekend,” Will smirked.


“Oh, well that’s… that’s huge,” I replied. Megan had obviously found the courage to ask him. Now I understood why she was so drunk.


“Tell me about it,” Charlie grinned at me as if to say ‘


“Are you coming next weekend?” Will looked at me.


“Please say yes,” Charlie pleaded.


“My folks already adore Shannon. She won’t make it easier on you Charlie,” Will laughed.


“I know that. I want her to give me some pointers,” Charlie was still pleading. I had no plans for next weekend. I hadn’t been to Cheshire for a while, it would be a nice way to spend the weekend.


“Sure, why not, it will be fun,” I replied. Will and Charlie almost cheered in unison. Charlie mouthed ‘thank you’. It would be easier for him to have someone on his side.


“That’s brilliant, Maisy will be so pleased.” Will nudged into my shoulder playfully.


“I bet you are pretty happy yourself,” replied Charlie in a teasing tone. I was blushing now.


“Well, yes I am looking forward to seeing my parents,” replied Will quickly. Charlie rolled his eyes. I tried not to notice their exchange. Had Megan put Charlie up to this to try and make Will and I admit we liked each other?


Charlie put Megan to bed when we got back. I presumed he would go straight to bed, so I slipped into my pyjamas before I put the kettle on.


“Can I have a coffee?” Charlie whispered coming out from Megan’s room.


“Yeah, sure does Megan…”


“She is out like a light,” Charlie laughed.


“She did drink a lot,” I laughed, stretching to get two cups out of the cupboard.


“Yeah,” Charlie replied looking as if he had something on his mind. “Do you think her parents will like me, Shan?”


Why did he seem so unsure? I mean he was probably the most beautiful man in the world. They were perfect for each other, her parents would see that.


“They will love you, Charlie. I am sure of that.” I smiled back at him. He just gave a short laugh as if he didn’t believe me. “Everyone loves you. You know that,” I teased pushing my body into his for a short second.


“I know that’s not true,” he laughed almost to himself. He really was worried about meeting Megan’s parents.


At least this time next week he would know the truth. I had faith in him. I knew how much Megan loved him. Her parents wouldn’t be able to deny that.


“You will be fine. Trust me they are sort of… pleasant.” I was trying to find the right word. I wasn’t sure pleasant was the right one; perhaps sadistic, controlling and scheming were. I couldn’t tell Charlie that.


We sat drinking our coffee on the red leather sofa watching London town slowly awake. Charlie noticed my love note on the coffee table. I wish I had hid it in my room, too late now.


“So this is the famous love note Megan was telling me about.” He was teasing me.


“She didn’t tell you? It’s nothing really,” I moaned.


“Someone admitting their love for you nothing? Shannon, really, I thought you were the hopeless romantic?” Megan really did talk about me too much. It was starting to get embarrassing.


“No, it’s just, well, I have no idea who it is that’s all,” I replied taking the letter off him. I really didn’t want him to read it.


“You must have some idea. Megan thinks it might be Will. Did she tell you?”


“Yes, she did,” I laughed.


“What’s so funny about that?” He asked confused.


“Someone like Will wouldn’t be interested in me, Charlie. Come on.”


“I think you are wrong.” Charlie suddenly sounded very serious.


“Not you too, Charlie.” I really didn’t want to hear this from him as well.


“No, I am just saying it could be anyone… Also it is the sort of thing Will would do. He is a bit soft like that,” he teased.


“He’s not that bad,” I protested as Charlie’s beautiful blue-green eyes widened in reaction to my over protectiveness. I was shocked myself.


“It seems to me you might like him too,” Charlie smirked.


“I have no idea what you mean,” I knew I was blushing.


“I won’t tell Megan or Will, I promise. I know what it is like trying to work out your feelings for someone.”


“I… I’m not sure what I think of Will, but I have been feeling different towards him lately,” I sighed. “It could be just because Megan keeps going on about him liking me?”


“Do you feel anything for him… other than just a friend?”


“I think my feelings may be changing… I’m not sure though.”


 Charlie seemed quite shocked that I had actually told him. I hoped he’d keep to his word. “God, look at the time. I have a photo shoot to do in five hours. I better get some sleep.”


“Okay, night Charlie,” I smiled sipping my last bit of coffee.


“Goodnight Shan.”


“Please don’t tell them. Do you promise?” I asked just before he walked into Megan’s bedroom.


“I promise Shan. Your secret is safe with me. You can trust me.” It looked like he was telling the truth.


“Thank you Charlie,” I called as he went into Megan’s room.



The week flew by. It was Friday again before I knew it. University had been pretty dull this week. Will had already explained the whole marketing side of business a few months ago to me. Better than my lecturer to be honest. Patrick had been off for the week with flu so it had been pretty lonely.


When I arrived home late that night my hands began to shake uncontrollably as I noticed the envelope addressed to me in familiar handwriting.





You still have no idea who I am.


Search your heart. Deep inside you I know you will find me.


I will be forever waiting, hoping. If you only knew the agony I suffer keeping you locked in my heart. I feel as if at any moment it could burst.


I love you… please,


Notice me





My hands were still shaking as I read the note over and over again in my head. I didn’t even know him, yet he was telling me he loved me again. I couldn’t get my head around it. It must be someone who knew me. Who spent a lot of time with me? How else would someone fall in love with me so passionately, the way I always dreamed of?


I knew now wasn’t the time to get carried away in some day dream, but nothing like this had ever happened to me before. The second note made it feel more real, as if I could feel him out there somewhere. Waiting for me to realise and notice him.


A small part of me thought about Will. Could it be him? Everyone else seemed to think it was him, even his own sister. I knew I would never find the courage to ask him. The fear of his rejection made my body quiver. I couldn’t afford to lose Will as a friend, I valued him too much. He was my safe haven from Megan and Charlie. I loved them to bits of course but their relationship was so intense sometimes it could be a little sickening. Will was my release from that, my distraction.


Thinking of Will in a different way from the friend I adored seemed strange to me. Deep down I knew I would never be good enough for him. I was nothing. I found it hard enough understanding why Megan had kept me around, but for someone like Will to have feelings for me that was impossible. What could I ever offer him?


I hid the letter in my room. I would show Megan next week when she wasn’t quite so frazzled. This weekend it was about Charlie and Megan.



“So how many dresses do you think I need, Shan?” Megan asked, placing her hand on her forehead, stressed. “I hope Charlie remembers his best suit… Should I call him to remind him?”


“I’m sure he will be fine. You did write him a list of the essentials.” Megan was so worked up like the night I first met Charlie. I was pretty sure any moment her breathing would accelerate into another attack.


“I am worrying too much aren’t I?” Megan asked. I nodded smiling at her. “Imagine how Charlie is feeling. I can be so selfish sometimes. Slap me next time Shan, please.”


“It’s terrifying for you too Megan. You have never brought anyone home to your folks before, but Charlie loves you. Whatever happens this weekend you will always have that. If your parents are not happy with your choice what can they do?”


“They could make him leave me by paying him off.” Moisture came to Megan’s blue gem eyes as she spoke.


“They could, but Charlie would never take it. Megan, do you not realise just how much he loves you?” I was cross now. How could she doubt Charlie? Megan was everything to him.


“I know that, Shan, but my parents can be very persuasive. Money is no object to them.”


“Megan, what is more important, money or love?” I thought she would answer within a heartbeat, but Megan didn’t. How could she not know the answer?


“Love of course, but I have always been around money. Shannon, it’s the only way I know how to live.” She could tell by my face that I was not impressed. “Please Shan, don’t. I do love him more than I ever dreamed possible. This is why I am so scared. I can’t lose him.”


“You won’t, Megan. I don’t think you realise how lucky you are. Some people never find what you two have.” Megan looked at me as tears trickled down her face. I felt for her. Megan had tried so hard to keep Charlie away from her controlling parents. Her whole life was controlled by them. Going to Cheshire with Charlie felt like a ticking time bomb to Megan. At some point she knew her whole world could be destroyed.


“I am just scared. They hate me modelling, which loosely means they hate Charlie being a photographer. My mother even told me last week the degree I was doing was a waste of time. ‘
Only silly little daydreamers who have no business sense take fashion,’


“So what, it is your life. You are an adult now Megan. They cannot control you.” I touched her arm trying to calm her. “I will be there to help you. Nothing bad is going to happen. Charlie will be here soon. Do you want him to freak out like you, because to be honest if he sees you like this I think he will?” I had to be truthful. It worked as she dried her eyes with the back of her hand.


“You are right Shan. Screw my parents. I love him that’s all that matters. If they do not like it they can go to hell!”


An angry Megan was a good thing. She would be able to take any criticism from her parents while throwing it quite forcefully back in their faces. I had a feeling this weekend in Cheshire would be somewhat more eventful than the others.





Chapter 6




You could have cut the tension with a knife on the way to Cheshire. Megan sat in silence holding Charlie’s hand tightly while he lightly traced the tiny indents in her soft skin.


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