Obsession (13 page)

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Authors: Treasure Hernandez

BOOK: Obsession
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The elevator came to a stop on the fifth floor, and Benny stepped off. Before he was fully out of the elevator, he felt the cold barrel of a gun pressed to the back of his head.
He quickly threw his hands up in surrender. “Chill out, youngblood. I was just fuckin' with you back there,” he said, fear dripping from his voice.
“Shut the fuck up!” Quick barked as he dug down in the big man's pocket and removed his keys. “Which one of these raggedy muthafuckas is yours?”
Benny nodded, and Quick shoved him in the direction he nodded in.
He handed Benny the keys. “Open it!”
Once inside the apartment, Quick made the big man lay face down on the floor. Then he pulled out his phone and made a quick phone call.
“Youngblood, what's this all about?” Benny asked nervously.
A strong kick to the face hushed the big man.
Minutes later Benny heard another man enter the apartment. He looked up and almost shit on himself.
“You don't look too happy to see me.” Major Pain smiled. He removed his hoodie from his head, squatted down in front of the big man, and shook his head. “I would hate to be you right now.”
“Come on, man. You know I didn't mean nothing by that shit the other night,” Benny said, pleading for his life. “I was just doing my job.”
“Of course, you didn't.” Major Pain flashed a wicked smile as he stood up and screwed a silencer on the barrel of his 9 mm.
“Please don't do this,” Benny begged, tears streaming down his face.
“Stop all that crying!” Major Pain barked as he sent a bullet in the back of Benny's thigh. “You wasn't crying when you tossed me down the stairs, was you?” Major Pain turned the big man over on his back.
Benny was about to say something, but a blow to the head made him lose his train of thought.
Quick leaned back on the wall and just shook his head as he watched Major Pain stomp the big man repeatedly. He didn't know what the big man had done, but by the way Major Pain was whipping his ass, he must've done something. After stomping the shit out of the big man for almost ten minutes, Major Pain emptied his whole clip in Benny's face.
“You done?” Quick asked, looking down at Benny's lifeless body. He had never seen a man get beat the way Major Pain beat the big man.
“That muthafucka lucky I got tired.”
Major Pain was breathing heavily as the two men exited the apartment. Killing Benny had made him feel good inside. Taking a life had never felt so good. Next on his list was Lucky.
“What you getting yourself into tonight?”
“Shit,” Quick said. “I'm just gon' go home and chill.”
“Fuck. I'ma probably do the same,” Major Pain said, as he dropped Quick off at his car.
Quick stepped in the crib and saw Tiffany with a towel wrapped around her upper body as she applied lotion to her legs.
“Damn!” he said to himself as he took in her beauty. “My bad. I didn't mean to bust in on you like that.”
“It's okay,” Tiffany said. “It's your house.”
When she saw Quick heading to the back room, she stopped him. “Um, do you mind rubbing some lotion on my back for me?”
“I think I can handle that.”
Quick removed his jacket and hung it up before heading over and taking a seat on the air mattress. He watched as Tiffany laid face down on the air mattress, her towel covering her ass, while up top she was completely nude. He squeezed some lotion in his hands and began rubbing it on her back.
“So how was your day?” Tiffany asked, her eyes closed. Quick had magic fingers. It had been so long since the last time she had gotten a massage.
“It was okay,” he told her. “Just had to take care of a li'l something-something.”
“Well, I'm just glad you are okay.” Tiffany just loved the way he cared for her, and treated her with nothing but respect, even though they weren't sleeping with one another.
“Why wouldn't I be okay?”
“Well, I know what you do, and sometimes I find myself worrying about you.”
“You have nothing to worry about.” Quick chuckled. “I'm going to be fine. Thanks for caring though,” he said as he applied more lotion into his hand. Tiffany's skin was soft like a baby's.
Quick had eyes for Tiffany, but he didn't let her move in just so he could sleep with her. He just genuinely wanted to help her, and that's why he had pushed up on her.
“I think I'm starting to like you more than I should,” Tiffany admitted.
She couldn't help how she felt about him and was tired of fighting it. She flipped over on her back so she could look at Quick, and she saw his eyes glance down at her breasts then back up to her eyes.
“I want to be your woman. I want to take care of you, and I want to be all that you need,” she told him. “You are the only man that has ever treated me like a woman and made me feel good about myself like I'm worth something, and I would like to repay you, by you letting me be your girl and allowing me to show you what I have to offer.”
Quick was at a loss for words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Tiffany was a beautiful woman who he knew, given the opportunity, would treat him like nothing other than a king.
“You sure you ready to jump into another relationship, especially after the one you just got out of?” he asked, looking in her eyes. He knew Blake had put her through hell and back, and just wanted to make sure she was sure she was ready for this.
Tiffany sat up on the air mattress. “Blake ain't half the man you are, and I just want to love someone who's going to appreciate everything I have to offer and all I do.”
She leaned in and kissed Quick's lips. He tried to pull away, but she pulled him into her and kissed him again. This time Quick kissed her back as his hands made their way to her breasts.
Tiffany let out a light moan as Quick's lips found their way to her neck. Immediately she could feel her pussy get moist as the two continued to kiss passionately.
Quick made his way from Tiffany's lips, down to her neck, to her breasts, to her belly button, then from her belly button down to her freshly waxed pussy that sat up looking at him. He spread her legs apart as he buried his face in her pussy.
“Oh my God!” Tiffany moaned as she grabbed the back of Quick's head as he licked and sucked all over her clitoris. She raised her hips, so Quick's face could be at a better angle while he pleased her.
After sucking and licking all over Tiffany's pussy for twenty minutes, Quick climbed on top of her. Tiffany groaned when she felt him enter her walls. She gripped his back like she would fall to her death if she let go. Quick hadn't been inside of her for seven full minutes, and she had already come.
Tiffany wrapped her thick legs around Quick as he slid in and out of her nice and slow. He made sure with each stroke, he made her feel his entire nine inches. Once he had her worked in, he raised her legs back to her shoulders and began to pound her insides. The louder Tiffany moaned, the harder he pounded away, until he couldn't take it no more.
Quick pulled out and was getting ready to come on Tiffany's stomach, but she quickly sat up and placed her mouth on his dick just as he was coming.
“Mmmmmm!” Quick moaned as Tiffany sucked all the come out of his dick. When she was done, he playfully rolled off the bed breathing heavily. “Damn!”
Tiffany ran to the garbage and spat. She came back smiling from ear to ear. “That was the best,” she said. She went and got herself something to drink from out the kitchen before returning to Quick's side, where she curled up in his arms. That night was the first night in a very long time that she went to sleep with a smile on her face.
“Change of Plans”
Lucky parked his new Camaro in front of the projects. He tucked his .40-cal. in his waistband as him and Hawk exited the vehicle. The two men strolled through the projects and saw fiends running around all over the place.
“Damn! We might have to set up shop in this muthafucka,” Hawk said out loud.
Little did Hawk know, but Lucky was thinking the exact same thing.
Hawk looked over toward the next building and saw what looked like some wannabes serving the fiends right out in the open.
Lucky and Hawk ignored the men as they disappeared in the building they were looking for. The two men took the steps until they reached the floor they were looking for.
When they reached the apartment they were looking for, Lucky looked both ways before knocking on the door.
Twenty seconds later, the door swung open, and Kat stood on the other side. “Glad you could make on such short notice,” she said, stepping to the side so the two men could enter.
“What you call me down here for?” Lucky asked once he stepped in the living room. He saw a man sitting over on the couch with a pair of leather gloves on his hand. “And who the fuck is he?” he asked, looking over at the man sitting over on the couch.
“Oh, that's just my cousin Tommy,” Kat told him as everyone sat down.
“I ain't got all day,” Lucky said. “So what's up?” Just from the look on Kat's face, he could tell she had some grimy shit up her sleeve, and was more than likely ready to double-cross somebody.
“You wanna make some money?” Kat asked him, knowing she couldn't just come straight out and tell him what she wanted to.
“What did you have in mind?” Lucky asked, keeping a close eye on Tommy. Something about the man wearing the black gloves didn't sit right with him.
“I want to rob Quick,” Kat began. “But I need your help finding him.”
Lucky chuckled. “You called me down here 'cause you want to rob Quick, and you want me to help you?”
“All I need you to do is tell me where I can find him at,” Kat said.
“And why the fuck would I do that?”
“Because whatever we got from that cocksucker, we going to kick out forty percent to you,” Tommy Gunz said, speaking for the first time. “All I need you to do is lead me in the right direction.”
“That muthafucka put his hands on me and now he got to pay,” Kat added.
Lucky didn't want to sic the wolves on Quick, because the two used to be the best of friends, but since he was with Hawk, it wouldn't look right if he protected him right now. That was still his friend, but they played for different teams in this game with no rules.
“The reason I came to you was because I heard you shot his bitch, so I figured why not split the money with you,” Kat said. “I'm pretty sure if you two ain't speaking no more, it's because he probably fucked you over like he did me.”
“When the last time you spoke to that clown?” Hawk asked.
“I haven't spoke to that nigga in about seven to eight months,” Lucky said, thinking back. But he knew the real reason why Quick refused to take his calls. Lucky had killed his woman. Of course, it had been by mistake, but by the way Quick was acting and shutting him out, he apparently didn't think it was a mistake. He must've thought that Lucky was sent there to kill her in retaliation for the shooting that went down at the mansion.
“Plus,” Kat added, “I heard Quick fuckin' with Turf now, so I know he's holding.”
“So, in or what?” Tommy Gunz asked, his patience running thin.
Lucky thought on it for a second before he replied, “I'm in, and I want my cut.”
“You know I got you, Lucky,” Kat said, a huge smile on her face.
“I don't know where he rest his head, but what I do know is, he messing with a waitress that works in IHOP named Tiffany,” Lucky said, and him and Hawk stood to their feet and headed for the door.
Tommy Gunz stopped the two men before they could leave. “Thanks. I appreciate that,” he said, and he shook the two men's hands.
“Thanks, my ass,” Lucky said, looking Tommy Gunz up and down. “Just make sure you have my forty percent,” he said as him and Hawk made their exit.
Once the two men left, Kat and Tommy Gunz gave each other a high-five. Lucky gave them all the information they needed to come up. Now all they had to do was come up with a good plan and execute it.
Lucky and Hawk stepped out the building and faced the cold chill that awaited them. As Lucky walked, he thought about Quick. He felt about the info he had just given up. He could tell that the man that called himself Tommy Gunz took what he did seriously, and the hungry look in his eyes told Lucky that he really needed the money.
As Lucky and Hawk exited the building, they saw a couple walking down the walkway, coming toward the building.
When Lucky passed the couple, he craned his neck to get a good look at the woman's ass. “Damn!” he said loudly. “She holding!”
Immediately the woman's man stopped dead in his tracks. “What?” he said, removing his coat.
The woman tried to hold her man back, but it was too late. Lucky had already swung on the man.
The blow caught the man on his temple, causing him to stumble. Before he could catch his balance, Hawk finished him off with a wild haymaker. The man's head hit the concrete and bounced twice like a basketball.
The man's girlfriend screamed as she started swinging wildly on Hawk, who swiftly ducked down, scooped her legs from up under her, and dumped her on her head.
Ralph stepped out the building and saw a few of his workers posted up in front of the building getting it in. Ever since he had put the new product in the hood, his profit had skyrocketed. Ralph went through hell to take over the projects, and now all his hard work was finally paying off.
“How it's looking out here?” he asked, giving his young soldiers dap.
“Shit been jumping like the playoffs,” Jay said. Jay was Ralph's best worker/soldier and mentally ahead of all the other workers.
“That's what I like to hear.”
Just then Ralph heard a woman's scream. He looked over toward the next building and saw two men beating up on a nice-looking couple. “Who the fuck is these clowns over there making the hood hot?” he asked, looking at his crew.
“Nah, I don't know them niggas,” Jay announced.
“Fuck wrong with these niggas?” Ralph huffed as him and his crew headed over toward the next building.
Lucky searched the unconscious man's pockets, removing anything of value. Once he had all the man's goods, he walked over and snatched Hawk off the woman. Hawk had attacked the woman like she was a man.
“That's enough!” Lucky barked.
Hawk looked up and saw a group of men making their way over to them, angry looks on their faces.
“What the fuck going on over here?” Ralph looked down to the couple then back to the two men.
“None of your fuckin' business.” Hawk spat on the ground right in front of Ralph.
“This my hood right here,” Ralph said, pointing at the ground. “Everything that goes on in here is my business. Now I'm going to ask you niggas nicely”—he paused—“get the fuck up outta here!”
Hawk sighed loudly and hog-spat in Ralph's face. “Fuck you and your hood!”
Ralph wiped his face and swiftly removed a rusty-looking .357 from his waist and pointed it at Hawk, who reached for his waist, but two shots to his chest had already put him down before he got a chance to draw his weapon.
Lucky ducked down and got low as he ran back toward his Camaro. He sent four reckless shots over his shoulder, as he quickly hid behind a parked car. Two of his four shots had hit and killed two of Ralph's men.
Ralph and his crew quickly scrambled away from the scene after the gunshots finished ringing out.
Lucky looked over and saw Hawk laid out on the concrete. “Fuck!” he cursed as he hopped in the Camaro and peeled off.
Tiffany stood in the shower and let the warm water run all over her body. For the first time in her life, she was finally happy. She had a real man in her life, not somebody with ulterior motives. Not only that, but Quick and her got along real well together, and she found herself falling more and more in love with him every day.
She dried off and stepped out the bathroom butt naked. She walked in the room and saw Quick sitting on the bed playing Madden.
“You still playing that game?” Tiffany smiled as she shook her head and began to lotion her body.
“Muthafuckas is cheating,” Quick said as he saved his season and cut the game off.
He watched as Tiffany finished lotioning up her body. Once she was done she threw on a pair of boy shorts and walked over to the closet and pulled out her work uniform and laid it across the bed.
She looked up and saw Quick staring at her. “Why you looking at me like that?”
“We need a bigger place.” Quick looked around at how packed the small closet was.
“I'm okay, baby.” Tiffany walked over and hugged and kissed Quick. “I don't mind staying here as long as I'm with you. I'm fine.”
“I know, baby. I just think it's time for a change,” Quick told her. He didn't want his girl cramped up in a one-bedroom apartment. And little did Tiffany know he didn't want her working at IHOP any more. No girlfriend of his had to work in no fast-food restaurant; that's the reason he worked so hard, so the people he loved didn't have to.
“When is your next day off?”
“Tomorrow,” Tiffany replied as she put her uniform on.
“A'ight, bet. Tomorrow I need you to go out and find a house that you like.” Quick kissed Tiffany on the lips, grabbed his jacket, and headed out the door.
Tiffany smiled in the mirror as she finished up her hair. She had never had anybody care for her as much as Quick did. If it wasn't for him, she didn't know where she would be right about now. All she knew was, she was thankful to have a good man like Quick in her life, especially when she needed him most.
Tommy Gunz and Kat sat in the IHOP parking lot waiting for Quick's new girlfriend to arrive. The two of them had been sitting there patiently for the past two hours. The one thing Tommy Gunz couldn't figure out was, if Quick was making so much money, why was his girl waiting tables at IHOP?
“You sure that nigga Lucky was telling us the truth about Quick's new girl?”
“Yeah. Lucky don't play when it comes to his money,” Kat told him. “Besides, him and Quick been fell out long before me and you came up with this plan.”
“But why the fuck would he have his girl working at IHOP?” Tommy Gunz asked.
Kat sighed loudly as she pulled out her cell phone and googled the number for the IHOP they were sitting in front of.
“We about to find out right now,” Kat said as she dialed the number and waited for an answer. “Yes, hello. Can I speak to Tiffany please?” she asked politely.
“She didn't get here yet, but she should be here within the next ten, fifteen minutes,” the woman on the other line said.
“Thank you so much,” Kat said, ending the call. “Yeah, we at the right spot,” she said to Tommy Gunz with a smile. “She should be coming through here any minute now.”
Tommy Gunz lit up another cigarette as he continued to click the hammer on his .357 back and forth. He made a mental note to inflict as much pain on Tiffany as possible for making him wait. His pockets were feeling light right now, and he was getting desperate.
Two minutes later, a chick with a short haircut and a healthy ass strolled through the parking lot.
“I think this is our girl right here,” Tommy Gunz said, motioning his head in the woman's direction.
Kat looked at the woman and smiled. “Yeah, that's her.”
“How you know?”
Kat applied some lip gloss to her already shiny lips. “Because I know what kind of women he likes, and that's definitely her.” Immediately she visualized Quick having sex with Tiffany the way he used to have sex with her, and just the thought of that made her angry.
“Shorty is looking a'ight,” Tommy Gunz said as he watched Tiffany strut inside the restaurant.
Kat sucked her teeth. “I've seen better,” she said, not liking Quick's new girlfriend one bit.
Kat and Tommy Gunz waited for another thirty minutes before they entered the restaurant, where they were escorted to a booth over in the corner. The two kept a close eye on Tiffany, Tommy Gunz's mind on the money, Kat's on inflicting pain on Quick's new girlfriend.

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