Obsession (14 page)

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Authors: Treasure Hernandez

BOOK: Obsession
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“We got this muthafucka now,” Tommy Gunz said out loud. “Now all we have to do is let her lead us to the money.”
Quick stood in a dark alley, leaned up against his car, as he watched Major Pain beat the blood out of a Spanish cat that owed Turf a few thousand dollars. He never understood why someone would play with a person's money that they know would kill them if they didn't pay up. He continued to look on as Major Pain went to work on the man.
“You better tell me something,” Major Pain huffed, breathing heavy.
Just as the man went to reply, Major Pain quickly kicked him in the face. “Don't waste my time. If you open up your mouth, something good better come out of it.”
“All I need is another week,” the man pleaded with his hands together as if he was praying.
“Another week?” Major Pain punched the man in his face repeatedly, until Quick came over and stopped him.
Quick searched the man's pockets and found $1,500 in cash. He stuffed the money down in his pocket then gave Major Pain the go-ahead nod.
Major Pain screwed the silencer on his .380 as the man continued to beg for his life and fired two quick shots to the head, silencing the man forever.
“Come on, let's get up out of here. Turf wants to see us,” Quick said as he headed for his whip.
“Nah, you go ahead without me. I'll catch up with that nigga later. I got something I need to handle real quick.” Major Pain gave Quick dap and hopped in his BMW and pulled off.
Quick walked up to the lounge and was immediately met by security. The bouncer was about to search him, but then he realized it was Turf's main man.
“Sorry about that,” the bouncer quickly apologized, not wanting to lose his job.
Quick nodded at the big man and entered the lounge. Soon as he stepped inside, the women flocked to him like he was a celebrity.
“Where you in a rush to?” a light-skin joint asked, grabbing Quick's hand.
“Yo, you gon' be right here?” Quick asked, removing his hand from hers.
The woman nodded yes.
“A'ight, bet. I'll be right back,” he said as he turned his back on the woman and continued on through the crowd. Quick snaked his way through the crowded lounge as Nicki Minaj's new song blasted through the speakers.
Quick finally made it to the back of the lounge, where Turf and Goliath posted up talking to a few honeys.
“What's good, slim?” Turf said as he gave Quick dap.
“Chilling.” Quick noticed the woman on Turf's arm giving him the “what's-good eye.” He ignored the woman's hungry look and helped himself to a drink.
“What you think about this place?” Turf said, nodding toward the crowd.
Quick looked at the packed house, full of drunk partygoers. “Shit popping in here tonight,” he said.
“I just bought the place,” Turf said with a grin. “And I want you to help me run this joint.”
Quick gave Turf a disbelieving look. He noticed the girl on Turf's arm still eyeing him. “Word? You bought this whole place?”
“Yeah, it's time to start expanding and building our brand in the streets and in the business world as well,” Turf said as he cuffed the woman's ass. “And I think you are a little more business-minded than Major Pain.”
“You are so rude,” the girl on Turf's arm said. She sucked her teeth. “How you just gon' have a conversation and not introduce me to your friend?”
“My bad. This right here is my new young thing, Tosha,” Turf said. “That's my man Quick.”
“Nice to meet you, Quick,” Tosha said, shaking his hand, looking into his soul.
Before Quick could say another word, some big, steel face-looking man approached.
“Bitch, what the fuck is you doing over here?” the man yelled. “You suppose to be in the house watching the kids, not out running the muthafuckin' streets.”
“The kids are at my mother's house!” Tosha yelled back. “What's the big deal?”
The man turned and smacked the shit out of Tosha. “Fuck you mean, what's the big deal?”
Tosha's head snapped back as blood flew from her mouth, and she stumbled back into Turf, who shoved her off him.
“You just going to sit there and let him hit me like that?” Tosha yelled at Turf, mad 'cause he wasn't protecting her.
Turf waved Tosha off as he continued to sip on his drink and bob his head to the beat that bumped through the speakers.
Embarrassed and her face throbbing, Tosha lunged toward Turf, but a right hook from Quick dropped her dead in her tracks.
When the man saw his wife hit the floor, he quickly turned and charged toward Quick, running full speed. He tackled Quick like a linebacker, and the two men went crashing to the wet, sticky floor.
Immediately Turf bust a bottle over the back of the big man's head, forcing Quick to close his eyes as shattered glass showered his face.
Goliath and Turf then went to work on the big man, tearing him up. They stomped him out then watched as security threw the big man and Tosha out like they was trash. Turf and Goliath laughed like nothing ever happened and continued to get their party on.
Quick made his way over to the bathroom, so he could stop the bleeding from his face. He busted in and pushed a nerd-looking man from in front of the mirror, and he began to check his wounds. The glass from the broken bottle had caused minor cuts on his face. He was mad that he didn't get a chance to put in any work on the big man before the bouncers tossed him out the lounge. He splashed some water on his face then dried it with a paper towel.
Just as Quick was about to exit the bathroom, he heard at least thirty gunshots go off. From how the shots sounded, he could tell that at least three different guns were being fired.
Quick removed his 9 mm from his waistband as he eased out the bathroom and saw people running for their lives, trying to get out of harm's way. He pushed people out of his way as he tried to make his way toward Turf.
He looked down and saw the big man laid out with a bullet in his head and a machine gun not too far from his hand. On the floor a few feet away from the big man was Turf laying in a pool of his own blood, his gun also a few feet away from his hand. And above him stood a crying Goliath. In his hand was an empty Desert Eagle.
Quick made his way over to the scene and saw Turf laying on the floor with a smile on his face. “You a'ight?” he asked, trying not to look at the red spot in the middle of Turf's stomach.
“I'm good,” Turf said. “I laid that big nigga the fuck out.”
Before Quick could say another word, paramedics came rushing in and rushed him out of the lounge on a stretcher.
Goliath quickly picked up Turf's gun and made a mental note to get rid of it.
“Fuck!” Quick cursed as he watched them wheel Turf out of the lounge on the stretcher.
Major Pain pulled his BMW into the driveway of the house he was looking for. He tucked his .40-cal. in his waistband before stepping out of the car and heading toward the from door. He rang the doorbell and patiently waited for an answer.
Seconds later, he heard a woman's voice yell, “Who is it?” then a series of locks being unlocked.
Nicki opened the door and sucked her teeth when she saw Major Pain standing on the other side of her door. “Fuck you doing here?” she huffed, looking him up and down.
“I just came to apologize,” Major Pain said. “And thank you for saving my life.”
“Well, you ain't welcome.”
The way Major Pain had walked out on Nicki really hurt her feelings. All she wanted to do was help him out, and all she got in return was a nasty attitude and his ass to kiss.
“How dare you show up to my door after how you treated me, when all I was trying to do was help you out.”
“I'm sorry about that,” Major Pain told her. “Give me a chance to make it up to you.”
“And how do you plan on doing that?” Nicki asked, folding her arms across her chest.
“Can I come inside so we can talk?” Major Pain took a step forward.
Even when Nicki wasn't dressed up, she was still dead sexy. All she had on was a silk robe and a head scarf and she still looked beautiful.
Nicki reluctantly stepped to the side so Major Pain could enter. Something was telling her not to let him in, but her heart told her otherwise. “You hungry?” she asked as she stepped in the kitchen.
“Yeah. Whip the god up something real quick.” Major Pain pulled an already rolled blunt from his pocket and placed fire to the tip. He wasn't used to a woman being nice to him for no reason; they usually had an ulterior motive. So when Nicki had saved him that night, he figured she was just helping him in hopes that he would look out for her with some cash.
Nicki placed two plates down on the kitchen table. “You have to eat at the kitchen table around here. I don't allow people to eat in my living room,” she told him.
Major Pain helped himself to a seat at the table and saw turkey bacon and pancakes on the plate in front of him. “Yo, good looking,” he said with a smile.
“Good looking, my ass,” Nicki said, returning his smile. “I'm still mad at you.”
Major Pain laughed as the two sat up all night talking and getting to know each other better.
Lucky stood in front of the courthouse, along with Sosa's main girl, Erica. Erica was a well-built, dark-skin chick with a nice body. Not only that, she had a good job. She was a doctor. Erica wore a long, silk-looking weave that came down to the middle of her back, and in the front, she had a neat bang. She wore all black—black jeans, black heels, and a black spandex shirt.
“Damn! What's taking this nigga so long?” Lucky looked down at his watch. Erica and him had been waiting in front of the courthouse for an hour and a half.
Twenty minutes later Sosa strolled out the courthouse with his signature bop. “My nigga, what's good?” he said as he gave Lucky dap followed by a hug. Erica hopped in his arms. “You know they can't keep a good nigga down.”
Sosa had been locked up for the past eleven months, and finally his lawyer talked the judge into giving him bail.
“Come on, let's make moves from in front of here,” Sosa said as the trio hopped in the awaiting Benz truck.
Lucky hopped in the front seat, while Sosa and Erica slid in the back. One of Lucky's young goons drove.
“So what's the plan?” Lucky asked, turning around to face Sosa.
“These crackers got me by the nuts,” Sosa said in a disgusted tone. “I only have one option. I have to run.”
“You think that would be best?” Erica asked in a concerned tone.
“It's either run or rot in a cell.”
“Fuck it! We running then,” Erica said.
Sosa looked up at Lucky. “I'ma need you to hold shit down. You the man now,” he announced. “Run shit how you see fit, as long as that money keep on flowing in.”
“I'm on it.” Lucky nodded. It was crazy how shit happened in the hood. Two years ago when he'd first started working for Sosa, he'd never imagined that Sosa would wind up handing his whole empire over to him.
“When you leaving town?”
“Tonight,” Sosa answered. He wasn't sure how shit was going to turn out, but he'd be damned if he just sat around and left his life in the hands of twelve muthafuckas that looked at him like he was an animal. Because that's just what the DA was going to try to make him look like in the jury's eyes.
“Where we heading, baby?” Erica asked.
“Somewhere quiet,” Sosa told her, not wanting to reveal where they were going with a car full of people.
The truck pulled up in front of Sosa's mansion, and Erica hopped out and went inside so she could begin packing up their things.
“I'm counting on you to hold me down while I'm gone,” Sosa said, looking Lucky in his eyes. “Don't let me down.”
“I got you,” Lucky said, as him and Sosa slapped hands.
“Do your thing, my nigga. I'll be in touch.” Sosa hopped out the truck and jogged up to the front of his mansion.
Quick and Major Pain stepped on the hospital elevator and repeatedly pressed for their floor. Both men were silent. Neither could believe that Turf had been shot and was now looking at spending the rest of his life in jail.
Quick stepped off the elevator and headed to the room that had what looked like about a hundred police standing out front.
“Excuse me, officers,” Quick said with mock politeness, and him and Major Pain entered the room.
Once inside the room, Quick saw Goliath sitting by Turf's bed. “You a'ight?” Quick asked as him and Major Pain stood over Turf.
“It's not looking too good for me,” Turf said, taking a hard swallow. “These muthafuckas trying to throw me under the jail.” He nodded to his wrist that was handcuffed to the bed.
“Damn!” Major Pain shook his head. “Why you ain't just let that shit slide and call me or Quick so we could've handled that shit later for you?”
“Shit happened too fast.” A tear strolled down Turf's cheek as he thought back on what had happened. He shed another tear when he thought about his future and the rest of his life behind bars.
Before he could say another word, Detective Davis entered the room. “Well, well, well,” he said with a smile. “I see we got the whole gang here today.”
“Now ain't the time!” Goliath barked as he shot to his feet.
Detective Davis looked at Goliath and chuckled. “Better sit your big ass down before you get yourself hurt,” he said in a serious tone. “Y'all got five minutes to say your good-byes.” He then exited the room.
“Fuck him!” Turf looked down at the shit bag attached to his stomach. “Fuck it! Just because I'm out of the game, shit don't stop,” he said, looking at Quick. “I want you to take over the operation while I'm down.”
“Me?” Quick asked, a surprised look on his face.
“Yeah, you. I know you can do it. Goliath has all the information you need.” Turf turned to face Major Pain. “Whatever Quick needs, I want you to back him up.”
Major Pain nodded his head, but deep down he wanted to be the one in control. Not only was he on the team longer than Quick, but he had also put in way more work than him as well. But since he wasn't the boss, he decided to bite his tongue.
“You cool with that?” Turf asked, looking in Major Pain's eyes.
“I'm cool with that,” Major Pain replied, especially since he didn't have much of a choice.
“Come see me every two weeks, and keep me updated,” Turf said, holding out his fist.
“I got you.” Quick tapped Turf's fist with his.
Before another word could be said, Detective Davis busted in the room with several other officers on his heels. “Okay, everybody out!” he said.
“Damn! That's fucked up,” Major Pain said, once the crew was outside. “They trying to throw my man under the jail.”
“The show must go on,” Goliath said, looking at the two men.
“We having a meeting tomorrow night. Make sure everybody is there.” Quick thought about how he was going to handle things now, since Turf was no longer in the picture.
“You need me to do anything tonight?” Major Pain asked.
“Nah, take the night off. See you at the meeting tomorrow,” Quick told him as him and Goliath walked off.
“Here.” Goliath handed Quick a set of keys, and the two hopped in the Escalade.
Quick looked at the keys in the palm of his hand. “What are these for?”
“Those are the keys to Turf's mansion,” Goliath said with a smile. “They yours now.”
Quick looked down at the keys and couldn't believe what he was hearing. Not only was he the boss now, but he would also be living like one. Never in a million years did he think this day would come—All decisions made would come from him.
It may have looked like an easy job, but the truth was, Quick didn't even know what he was getting himself into.
“Yo, I need to stop by my crib real quick so we can pick up my girl,” Quick said with a smile on his face. He knew Tiffany was going to flip out when she saw the mansion. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face when he surprised her with the good news.
Tommy Gunz and Kat sat parked across the street from Quick's apartment. The two of them had been watching the place for the past four hours.
“Fuck this shit!” Tommy Gunz huffed. “I'm tired of waiting.” He reached in the backseat, grabbed his shotgun, and cocked a round into the chamber.
“What you about to do?” Kat asked, a scared look on her face.
When the two came up with the plan, it had sounded simple, but now when it was time to put in the work, Kat began to get nervous.
“I think we should wait a little while longer,” she said.
“Fuck a wait!” Tommy Gunz slid out the car and tossed his hood over his head. “Get in the driver seat and keep this muthafucka running. I'll be right back,” he said. Then he jogged toward the front door holding the shotgun with two hands.
Tiffany sat in the crib watching
Bad Girls Club
, when she thought she heard something tap against the front door.
“What the fuck was that?” she said out loud as she eased her way over to the window and peeked out. She looked out the window for a few seconds and sucked her teeth when she didn't see anything. “Must've been some stupid kids.”
She walked back over to the air mattress and sat back down. Before her ass could hit the seat, the front door got blown off the hinges.
Someone busted in the apartment. “On the floor now!” he yelled, aiming the shotgun at her face.
Tiffany heard what the gunman said, but her body was frozen. Her brain was telling her to do what she was told, but her body just wouldn't cooperate.
Tommy Gunz roughly tossed her down to the floor. He then squatted down, so she could see his face. “Where it at?” he asked, his breath smelling of tobacco.
“All the money is in my purse.” Tiffany pointed to her purse that sat over on the counter.
Tommy Gunz walked over to the counter and snatched up the purse. He emptied everything out onto the floor. He looked down and saw what looked like about five hundred dollars. He smiled. “Oh, you think it's a game?” he said with a smirk on his face as he walked back over to her.
Tiffany knew she was about to get her ass beat, but she refused to just tell the gunman where all Quick's money was. She knew how hard Quick had worked to make that money and she'd be damned if she just gave it up without a fight.
Tommy Gunz snatched Tiffany by her shirt and brought her to her feet, but she quickly turned and punched him in his face.
Tommy Gunz's face didn't budge as a smirk danced on his lips. He threw his head forward with force and head-butted Tiffany, breaking her nose, and blood ran from her nose like a faucet.
Tommy Gunz then grabbed his shotgun with two hands and jabbed her in the stomach, causing her to grab her stomach as she doubled over in pain. “Where it at?” he asked again.
Tiffany looked up at the gunman with a blank expression on her face. The barrel of the shotgun had knocked her out cold.
“Stupid bitch!” Tommy Gunz walked in the back room and opened the closet and found two duffel bags filled with money. “Jackpot!” He tossed both bags over his shoulder.
When Tommy Gunz made his way back into living room, he saw Tiffany trying to crawl over to her cell phone that was laid over in the pile where all her other belongings were after he had dumped them on the floor.
Tommy Gunz smiled as he headed for the door. As he reached for the door, he heard a car horn beeping repeatedly. He snatched the door open and saw Quick heading toward the front door with a seven-foot giant on his heels.
Kat sat in the getaway car nervously looking over both shoulders, hoping that Tommy Gunz would hurry up before someone came and blew up their spot. As she continued to wait, she saw an all black Escalade pull up in front of the apartment Tommy Gunz had entered.
“Awww shit!” she said when she saw Quick hop out the truck along with a seven-foot monster. Immediately she began beeping the horn to give Tommy Gunz the heads-up.
Quick and Goliath hopped out the Escalade and headed for the apartment, until they heard someone beeping their horn like they was crazy.
“What the fuck!” Quick's hand automatically went to his hip as he went to go see who was beeping the horn like they was crazy.
When he got close enough to the car, he saw Kat sitting behind the wheel. He was getting ready to curse Kat out, until he heard Goliath call his name. When he turned around, he saw a hooded man coming from his apartment with what looked like the duffel bags that held all of his money inside.

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