Obsession (15 page)

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Authors: Treasure Hernandez

BOOK: Obsession
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But that didn't bother him. What bothered him was, the gunman held Tiffany in a choke hold and at the side of her head rested the man's shotgun as the two walked swiftly past them toward the getaway car.
Quick held his gun down at his side as he watched the love of his life walk by him. He made sure he got a good look at the gunman's face as he stopped Goliath from firing his weapon.
“Quick!” Tiffany yelled as the gunman tossed her in the trunk and slammed it shut.
Tommy Gunz quickly hopped in the passenger seat of the car, and Kat peeled off, leaving the nasty smell of burnt rubber behind.
“Fuck!” Quick watched the tail lights of the vehicle disappear into the night. It seemed like every time things appeared to be getting better, they were really getting worse.
“Did you recognize the gunman?” Goliath asked.
“No. But I damn sure recognized the driver,” Quick told him.
“What the fuck happened back there?” Kat yelled as she drove through the streets like a madwoman.
“Slow this muthafucka down before you get us knocked,” Tommy Gunz growled. He unzipped one of the duffel bags.
When he looked inside, a huge smile appeared across his face. He didn't think taking Quick's money would be this easy, though he knew for sure the end result would be shots fired and, most definitely, a man down. “Easy money.”
“I don't know why you smiling,” Kat huffed. “He saw both of our faces, genius.”
“Look like I give a fuck about that?” Tommy Gunz said seriously. “If you scared, then leave town. With your share of the money, you won't never have to come back.” He chuckled.
Kat sucked her teeth. “It's easy for you to say that. Quick's not going to be coming for you, he'll be coming for me. He knows everything about me.”
Tommy Gunz ignored Kat as he thought about how he would spend his share of the money. Never in his life had he ever had this much money at one time, so a million thoughts about how he would spend the money swirled around in his brain.
The sound of banging coming from the back of the car interrupted Tommy's thoughts. “Feisty-ass bitch,” he mumbled.
Kat continued to drive with a nervous look on her face. She pulled into the garage of Tommy Gunz's grandmother's house, where Tommy Gunz lived in the basement.
Tommy Gunz popped the trunk and aimed his shotgun at Tiffany's head. “Make a peep and you're dead,” he said in a calm tone.
“Where the fuck am I?” Tiffany asked, frantically looking around.
“Bitch, didn't he just tell you to shut the fuck up?” Kat barked. She smacked the shit out of Tiffany then placed a strip of duct tape over her mouth, hands, and feet.
Once she was all taped up, Tommy Gunz picked her up and carried her down to the basement while Kat grabbed the two duffel bags and followed him down the steps. Tommy Gunz dropped Tiffany's body onto the floor like a sack of potatoes, and him and Kat sat down at the table and began to count up the money they had just stolen.
The sum total came up to $150,000.
“Fuck that!” Tommy Gunz said. “Me and you both going to take sixty-five grand apiece and give that bitch-ass nigga Lucky the leftover twenty thousand.”
“But we told him forty percent,” Kat said, not wanting to cross Lucky. It was because of his info that they were able to pull off the lick.
“I don't give a fuck what we told him,” Tommy Gunz said. “How the fuck he gon' know how much was really in the house anyway? That nigga better be glad he's even getting that much.”
Kat didn't agree with what Tommy Gunz wanted to do, but her greed forced her to go along with the plan.
“I don't know about you, but I'm leaving town immediately,” she said, dumping her share of the money in a book bag, and Lucky's share in a shopping bag.
“Scaredy-ass bitch,” Tommy Gunz said to himself. He watched Kat quickly pack her money away.
“What you plan on doing with her?” Kat nodded toward Tiffany, whose body lay over in the corner like trash.
“I don't know yet, but I'm sure I'll figure something out,” Tommy Gunz replied, an evil smirk on his face.
“Hmm. You play with fire if you want to, not me,” Kat said as she walked over to Tommy. “It was nice doing business with you, but I'm out.” And the two shook hands, and Kat made her exit.
“Surprise, Surprise”
Major Pain knocked on Nicki's door and patiently waited for an answer. Seconds later, Nicki came to the door, tears streaming down her face.
“What's wrong? Why you in here crying?” Major Pain asked, stepping inside the house.
“It's my brother.” She sobbed. “He's dead. Somebody killed him.”
“Yo, hold on and slow down for a second.” Major Pain sat Nicki down on the couch. “Calm down and let me know exactly what happened.”
“This guy that my brother used to run with named Lucky just called me,” Nicki said, talking a mile per second. “And he just told me that my brother was murdered, gunned down in the street like an animal.”
Major Pain pulled Nicki in close for a hug. “It's going to be okay,” he said, rubbing her back gently. Once he heard the name Lucky, his brain automatically went back to the night at the strip club and how Lucky and the man he just found out was Nicki's brother had jumped him.
“Calm down, baby. Now what I think we should do is go see this Lucky guy and get to the bottom of this. I think he owes you some answers.”
“Okay, let me go throw something on real quick.” Nicki headed upstairs to the master bedroom.
Once Nicki disappeared upstairs, Major Pain checked the magazine on his .45. Tonight was the night he was going to kill Lucky. Just as he stuck his gun back in his waistband, he felt his cell phone vibrating. “Yo, what up?” he answered.
“Yo, it's me,” Quick said into the phone.
From the tone of Quick's voice, Major Pain knew something serious had just happened. “What up?”
“It's Tiffany. Somebody kidnapped her,” Quick told him. “I need you to do me a favor.”
“Anything you need, I got you,” Major Pain told him.
“Keep your eye out for my old girlfriend, Kat. She was the getaway driver. Spread the word. If anybody runs into Kat, grab that bitch and hold her until I get there,” Quick said before ending the call.
Major Pain placed his phone back in its case just as Nicki was coming back down the steps.
“You ready?” she asked.
“Let's do it,” Major Pain replied, and the two exited the house.
Lucky stood on the corner talking to a Spanish chick, while beside him, a dice game was going on, and big bucks were being bet. His Benz was parked at the curb, and the sound of Jay-Z was bumping through the speakers. While Lucky got his mack on, he kept looking both ways for any signs of police. Even though he wasn't dirty, he was still on point.
He looked at the Spanish woman that stood in front of him. She wore a pair of black spandex, a black shirt, and some flip-flops, and her hair was wrapped in a neat bun.
“What you doing out here this time of night?” Lucky looked at his watch.
“I'm out here tryin'a see what's up. You be frontin,” the Spanish chick said.
“Yo, you got like five kids, and you never have a baby-sitter,” he said, trying to play her.
“First of all, I only got four kids,” she said, like that made such a big difference. “And, second of all, my kids are at my mom's house for the weekend, so you know what that means, right?”
“No. What does that mean?” Lucky asked, not really paying attention to what the Spanish chick was saying. She was just somebody to talk shit with to kill time. Even if her kids was away for the weekend, Lucky hadn't planned on spending time with her.
“That means you got me all to yourself all weekend,” the chick said, posing in front of Lucky.
“So you think you ready for a shot at the title?” Lucky licked his lips as he palmed one of the woman's ass cheeks right out in the open.
“I been ready.”
Just as Lucky was about to respond, he saw a car pull up a little too close for his liking to the back of his Benz. He was about to go over there, when he saw Kat hop out the car carrying a shopping bag around her wrist.
Kat stopped directly in front of Lucky. “Yo, I need to talk to you. It's important.”
“Damn! Can't you see we was in the middle of a conversation?” The Spanish chick sucked her teeth.
Kat turned and smacked the shit out of her, but the Spanish chick smacked her back, and from there the two went at it, interrupting the dice game and attracting a crowd.
“Yo, chill,” Lucky said as he stepped in between the two women.
Other men started yelling, telling Lucky not to break up the fight. The night in the hood was already lively, and as soon as Kat popped up, it got even livelier.
“Bitch, you don't speak unless you spoken to!” Kat yelled as the Spanish girl was being escorted down the block. “And don't think this shit is over with!”
Lucky poured himself a cup of Henny in a five-cent plastic cup. He told Kat, “Yo, don't come over here starting no shit.”
“Man, fuck that bitch! I got some real shit I need to talk to you about,” Kat said.
“What's on ya mind?” Lucky took a sip from his cup.
“Here's your cut,” Kat said, handing Lucky the shopping bag.
Lucky looked down at the bag and immediately knew what time it was. “How did that thing go?” he asked. From how nervous Kat looked, he could tell that something was wrong. He just didn't know what.
“Not good,” Kat began. “That muthafucka saw me, and now I don't know what to do.”
Lucky shook his head. “Rookies.” Honestly he was surprised that they had even got away with the robbery in the first place. “So how can I help you?” he asked.
“I need you to protect me.”
Lucky laughed in her face. “Help you how?”
“I don't know. I was thinking maybe you could hide me out somewhere.”
“Fuck outta here!” Lucky downed the rest of his drink in one gulp. “I'm not hiding you nowhere. If you knew you was going to be scared, then you shouldn't've did what you did,” he said coldly. “You better go ask that clown Tommy to protect you, if he ain't already dead.”
Lucky knew how his former best friend got down. Quick probably had the whole city out looking for Kat right now, and Lucky wanted nothing to do with that. Just because the two wasn't speaking didn't mean that Lucky didn't have love for Quick. He felt bad about giving Kat and Tommy Gunz the info on where to find Tiffany in the first place.
“Damn! So you can't help your girl out?” Kat asked, her face frowned up. “You know what? You a bitch-ass nigga. Don't worry, I'ma have my man come through here and air this whole shit out,” she said, feeling embarrassed.
“I know.” Lucky poured himself another drink as Kat hopped back in her car.
For the entire ride Major Pain listened to Nicki cry her eyes out over her brother. He wondered if she even knew what Hawk did for a living. “You a'ight?” he asked, keeping his eyes on the road.
“I'm fine,” Nicki replied. “Pull over at the next corner.”
Major Pain pulled up and couldn't believe his eyes. Not only did he see Lucky on the corner, but he also saw Kat. The two looked like they seemed to be arguing with each other.
“This must be my lucky day,” Major Pain said to himself as Nicki slid out the car. Just as she got out, Kat hopped in her car and pulled off.
“Fuck!” Major Pain didn't know if he should follow Kat or kill Lucky. After thinking about it for a second, he stepped on the gas and peeled off in pursuit of Kat.
Nicki looked dumbfounded as she watched the BMW pull off in a hurry. “Where the hell is he going?” she thought out loud.
Major Pain made sure he stayed at least three cars behind Kat, so she wouldn't spot him. The whole time he drove, he cursed Kat out as if she could hear him. He was angry at the fact that she had stopped him from getting revenge on Lucky, and now she was going to pay.
Major Pain followed Kat into the parking lot of the Days Inn hotel. “Bum-ass bitch,” he mumbled as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Quick's number.
Kat hopped out the shower with a frown on her face, still upset about the way Lucky had treated her. While she was in the shower, she was trying to think of a way to make him pay for the way he had treated her. In her mind, she felt that Lucky was supposed to help protect her, since he too was in on the job. She didn't know how yet, but before it was all said and done, she was going to make him pay for embarrassing her the way he did.
Just as Kat laid across the bed, she heard a knock at the door.
Knock, knock, knock!
“Go away!” she yelled at the door as she flicked through the channels.
Seconds later, she heard it again.
Knock, knock, knock!
“I said go away!” Kat yelled again with more attitude as she continued to flick through the channels.
Kat's whole body jumped when the door came crashing open. The first person to walk through the door was Major Pain, and he was followed by Goliath.
Kat immediately recognized him as the man who was with Quick when she and Tommy had escaped from Quick's apartment. The last man to enter the room was Quick. The look on his face told her that he wasn't in the mood to play.
“Wait. I can explain,” Kat said, standing up. She knew she had fucked up, but still she tried to talk her way out of it. “He made me do it, I swear.”
Major Pain smacked the shit out of her. “Shut the fuck up!” he barked. “When I spotted her, she was with your boy Lucky too,” Major Pain announced. “I think he set the whole thing up.”
Quick stepped up. “Where's Tiffany?” he asked, his 9 mm hanging down by his side.
“She's with Tommy,” Kat said, giving Tommy Gunz up. She didn't want to snitch on Tommy, but her back was against the wall. If it was going to be her or him, she was definitely going to save herself.
“Where can I find this nigga at?” Quick asked.
Earlier that day Tommy Gunz had called Quick, talking about if he wanted to see Tiffany alive again, then he was going to have to pay another $100,000 to get her back.
“I know exactly where he's at. I'll take you straight to him. Just please don't kill me,” Kat begged.
Quick looked over in the corner and saw a book bag filled with money. No longer able to hold his anger in, he turned and smacked Kat across the face with the gun. When her body hit the floor, he immediately began to stomp her head into the floor.
“You gon' steal from me?” he yelled, continuing to stomp away.
Goliath quickly pulled Quick off the woman. “That's enough. We still need her to take us to Tiffany,” he reminded him.
“Get her up.” Quick walked over to the corner and picked up the book bag filled with his hard-earned money.
Tommy Gunz sat in his basement watching college football. He called himself “laying low until the heat died down,” so for the past three days he had been cooped up in his grandmother's basement. He didn't leave that basement for nothing, since he had everything he needed to last him for at least two weeks.
As Tommy watched the game, he heard Tiffany over in the corner moaning. “Bitch, shut the fuck up!” he yelled.
For the past three days Tiffany lay over in the corner, not able to move. During that time, Tommy didn't feed her anything, nor did he give her anything to drink. When Tiffany had to use the bathroom, she just went on herself. Around the second day, she felt like she had to take shit. She tried her best to hold it for as long as she could, until she couldn't take anymore and just shit in her pants like a baby.
Tommy Gunz sat on his sofa enjoying the game when he smelled something like shit. “What the fuck!” He hopped up off the sofa and walked over to the corner where Tiffany lay. “Bitch, you shit on yourself?” he yelled. He kneeled down and punched Tiffany in her face. “Nasty-ass bitch!” He pulled out his dick and began to urinate all over Tiffany's head, face, and the rest of her body. “Maybe that will cool you off.”
Tommy Gunz laughed as he shook his penis, making sure he got every drop on Tiffany. Before he made it back over to the sofa, he heard somebody knocking on his door. He quickly ran over to the coffee table and grabbed his shotgun before heading for the door.
“Who the fuck is it?” Tommy yelled.
“It's me. Open up.”
Immediately Tommy Gunz recognized Kat's voice. He tossed his shotgun over on the couch as he headed for the door. “Dumb-ass bitch must've changed her mind,” he said to himself. He snatched the door open and saw Kat standing on the other side of the door with her face all bruised up.

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