Odalisque (23 page)

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Authors: Annabel Joseph

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Odalisque
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A few moments later, Mason gave Constance a squeeze and extricated himself from the tangled bed sheets. “Thanks, man,” he said to Kai. “That always hits the spot. She’s so fucking respo--”

“Responsive. I know. You say that every time.”

“I’ll have to think of a new word. Refreshing. Enthusiastic. Marvelous. Superb.”

“Mason, just go. I’m tired.”

Mason gave him another look, then dressed and took himself off without another word. Kai rolled onto his back with a sigh of frustration. Constance sat up beside him.

“Is everything okay?” she signed. “May I serve you too?”

Yes, you can serve me. By refusing to sleep with Mason or any of my other friends again. By falling in love with me, the way I’ve fallen in love with you.

He didn’t say that, of course. He didn’t say anything. He really was way, way too tired.

Chapter Fifteen: Party

Constance returned home from New York with a renewed determination to adhere to the
Code d’Odalisque
. Being out and about on Kai’s arm had felt way too girlfriend-y. She even started to entertain some far out secret fantasies about becoming his wife, and that’s when she knew she was crossing a line.

She really needed to be with someone she didn’t love so much, like Mason Cooke. Mason was as sexy and rich as Kai, but he didn’t affect her the way Kai did.

But then, Mason wasn’t doing so well. He still showed up at Kai’s house a couple times a week, but he spent the rest of his time working too hard and drinking himself to sleep. Mason never talked about his wife, the statuesque, glacial-eyed woman Constance had met at the Lincoln Center fundraiser. He didn’t have to. Things clearly weren’t going well. Mason and Jessamine were featured on the covers of the tabloids, smiling and clinging to one another at red carpet events, but Constance knew those smiles for a lie.

November turned to December and Kai had to turn the heater up again in Constance’s odella. Somehow she hadn’t felt quite as cold at the end of last winter, when she’d first arrived. Now the next winter was starting.
Winter. That’s it, girl. One more season. Then you leave.

The holidays came, and Constance steeled herself against sentimentality. It was harder than ever when Kai was playing Santa at the Kids Making Music Christmas Eve concert. She couldn’t hear the underprivileged children’s orchestra play, but she could see the shining faces of their proud parents, and Kai’s own blissed-out smile under his white Santa beard. Why did he have to be so perfectly wonderful? Satya was there too, applauding and jumping up to help her brother distribute gifts.

The three of them had gone home afterward and talked long into the night, and opened gifts in the wee hours of Christmas morning. Satya stayed the next few days, hanging out with Constance and showing off all the sign language she was learning. By this point, Kai signed practically as well as Constance. Satya, quick as she was, wasn’t far behind.

It had all been too perfect and heartwarming. Constance managed, barely, to keep her emotions reined in. And then the scatter party happened.

Constance had always loved New Years Eve. The celebrations, the revelry, the way people naturally sought each other out. So she’d been totally on board with the party Kai described to her. It was part swinging, part running around naked, and part getting drunk. None of them bad ways to ring in the New Year.

Jessamine and Mason arrived first, just after dinner. Jessamine leaped on Kai and wrapped her legs around his waist while Constance looked on, somewhat taken aback. “I’m searching for you first, big boy,” the actress said. At least Constance thought that’s what she said. It was hard to tell when she was crawling all over Kai like a nympho.
Jealous, are we?

Constance looked over at Mason, who raised his shoulders and gave her a vaguely disgruntled look. Kai finally peeled Jessamine off him. “I think the guys get to search first.”

“It’s definitely the guys’ turn to search first,” Mason agreed. “Ladies second. Third round is anything goes.”

“Only three rounds?” asked Kai, with a wink at Constance.

“Three rounds,” said Jessamine. “Then the general fuckery begins. Hey, Kai, you remember the sheik I told you about? He has a new odalisque, and he’s bringing her tonight.”

Constance took in that information with interest. She wondered if it would be anyone she knew. She didn’t have much time to think about it as the other guests started to arrive. The Grays showed up next, laughing and greeting everyone. Another power couple. Jeremy Gray’s wife, Nell, wasn’t an actress, but he cast enough light for them both. He was muscular, blond, with eyes even bluer than Mason’s. Mason did the introductions while Kai admitted another pair of couples. Constance scrutinized each man, wondering who she would end up with.

The concept of a scatter party was simple. Everyone got naked. Then either the men or women got ten minutes to “scatter,” that is, hide somewhere in the house. The lights were turned low, and then the players searched until they found someone. And they fucked whoever they found. It was kind of like an x-rated version of hide-and-seek.

So far, there wasn’t anyone Constance wouldn’t mind being found by. She knew Kai and Mason well already, and Jeremy Gray was the epitome of cosmopolitan, manly cool. The next two couples were older attractive men with smiling, sexy wives. Second wives probably. Trophy wives. A little disgusting, but she had a thing for older men. Another couple arrived and Mason nudged her.

“That’s the sheik,” he mouthed for her benefit, but she already knew. She recognized the odalisque on his arm. Constance gave Jenna a furtive wave, and was rewarded with a dimpled smile.

“Hey,” said Mason, touching her arm. “No odalisque bonding tonight. Jess doesn’t know...still...”

Constance rolled her eyes and dug in her pocket for the small notebook she’d be using for the night.
Why don’t you just tell your wife what I am? I don’t think she would care.

Mason shook his head, grimacing. “She would care. She would be mad I haven’t shared you with her.”

I’m not yours to share
, Constance wrote.

“That wouldn’t matter to her.”

Jeremy beckoned Mason over to help open bottles of bubbly, and the champagne started flowing. Constance stayed on the outskirts of the chattering couples and wondered when the clothes would start coming off. She was dressed, like everyone else, although she’d argued with Kai that she didn’t see the point.

“Be civilized,” he’d signed to her with a smirk. “You’ll freak everyone out if you open the door naked. But you’ll be able to take your clothes off soon enough.” They were still waiting for two more couples. The next couple was not long in arriving. A tall, handsome black man and his strangely demure wife. Interesting, how conservative she looked. Just as Constance was picturing the shy woman ripping off her clothes and pouncing on one of the men--Kai perhaps--the doorbell rang again and the last couple came in.

They were both drop dead gorgeous. He was broad, compact, with a great smile and a laid back air. He had a stunning woman on his arm. She was petite and curvy, with large doe eyes and a full head of cascading blonde hair. It seemed that every head turned in unison to stare at her. Then they all turned to stare at Kai.


*** *** ***



Jessamine turned to Kai, her hands outstretched already to calm him.

“Now, honey--”

“Jess! You invited my wife? Seriously?”

-wife. It’s been a year already, and she happens to be one of my best friends. And her new guy is just--” Jessamine licked her lips and rolled her eyes back in her head. “Too yummy to leave out!”

Kai took her arm and scowled at her. “You are truly an epic bitch. You know that?”

Jess was nonplussed, pulling away and laughing off his anger. “I love when you get rough, Kaivalyan. Look, just be a grown up. Veronica has moved on. Why can’t you? You have your pretty little girlfriend to keep you happy.” Jess flicked a hand over at Constance, who was watching every word between them. He felt bolstered by her expression of outrage, and the narrowed eyes she turned on his ex.

Kai hated that Veronica looked better than ever. Jess moved off to welcome her and the guy she was with. Kai refused to look at either one of them, heading over to Constance instead. She touched his forearm.

“That’s her? Your ex-wife?”

Kai gritted his teeth. “Unfortunately, yes.”

“Can’t you make her leave? Get rid of her? If you want me to be the bad guy, I’ll happily boot her out on her ass.”

Kai grabbed her hands, feeling unlikely laughter bubbling in his throat. How she could have him going from furious rage to mirth in the space of a few seconds, he’d never know. But he thought about his sweet-tempered odalisque marching over and strong-arming Veronica out the door, and laughed again. He pulled Constance close, shooting a look over at his ex. Veronica was watching him, and he could see the curiosity in her eyes. Did she think she could just show up and ruin his New Years?

He looked down at Constance. “As much as I would enjoy watching you drag Veronica out to the street by her fake-blonde hair, I have a better idea. Let’s have a fun time in spite of her, and show her how little I really care.”

Constance smiled back at him conspiratorially. “I think that’s a fantastic plan. But what if you’re the one who finds her after we scatter?” she signed, raising her eyebrows.

“Fuck that,” answered Kai. “I’ll walk on by.”

Jessamine clapped her hands, calling for everyone’s attention. If Jess had wanted a big scene when Veronica arrived, she was certainly disappointed. Kai detected an edge of pique in her voice.

“Everyone! Listen!” Jessamine started taking off her top. That brought the room to a standstill. She flung it across the room to land on top of Kai’s piano, and picked up her champagne glass with a grin.

“I want to begin by thanking everyone for coming together tonight to ring in the New Year the best way I know how--with lots of horny sex!”

A chorus of cheers and ribald comments went up from the assembled company. God, they were all a bunch of pervs, thought Kai. And he was included in that group. He looked over at Constance. She smiled back at him, then returned her gaze to Jessamine’s lips.

“So, you all know how this works. You have ten minutes to hide in some secret corner--preferably a corner conducive to fucking. Whoever finds you gets to have you.” Kai reached over to squeeze Constance’s ass, eliciting a giggle from her.

“Tonight is going to be a three rounder,” Jess continued. “As our gracious host Kai reminded me, it’s the men’s turn to hunt first. The ladies hunt second, and then for the third round, it’s whoever stumbles across whoever first.” Another round of cheers went up as Jessamine batted her eyes suggestively. She really was good at this stuff.

“Around midnight, we’ll reconvene and ring in the New Year all together”--she raised her eyebrows--“if you know what I mean. Just so everyone knows, the rooms up those stairs are private and off-limits. There are plenty of rooms down here and in the back wing, which you can get to behind the kitchen. Men must wear condoms. No exceptions. You have one hour to play with your prey, and then we reassemble here. And no searching out the same partner in subsequent rounds!” She gave all of them a vixenish look. “Variety is the spice of life, no?”

Kai scanned the room, lightly rubbing Constance’s back. Who would he end up with first? Who would his odalisque end up with? He knew all the men, except for Veronica’s other half. He hoped to God she didn’t get found by him. He knew for sure Constance wouldn’t seek Veronica’s guy out in the second round, unless it was to kick him in the nuts. Kai tapped her shoulder while Jessamine fielded some last minute questions.

“You’re okay with this?” he asked. “Now that you’ve seen the candidates?”

Constance swept a look around. “Pretty impressive company,” she signed with a grin. “I like you best, but I guess they’ll do for one night.”

“Oh!” Jessamine’s voice rose again over the chatter. “I almost forgot. Kai’s partner Constance is deaf. She can read lips, but if she wants to talk to you she’ll use her notebook.” All the eyes in the room fixed on the woman beside him. Constance held up her notebook with a half smile. Kai wanted to say more, the overprotective owner.
Don’t cover up her eyes. Make sure you look at her when you talk. Don’t startle her.
But he held his peace, because he knew Constance preferred to take care of herself.

With the preliminary announcements done, everyone downed the last of their champagne. Jessamine started distributing boxes of condoms she’d grabbed from the counter, like some perverse dessert course. “I think it’s time for the first round to get underway. We don’t want to miss the ball dropping at midnight. So ladies...” She started working at the waistband of her skirt. “If you would all so kindly disrobe and prepare to scatter. Men, time for you to get naked too.”

Amid cracks about balls dropping, sixteen revelers started to undress, some coyly, some with bawdy glee. Again, it struck Kai how jaded they all were about sex. He was no exception, of course. Constance was evidence of that.

Kai piled his clothes on the sofa with everyone else’s, and didn’t even glance at Veronica, who seemed to intentionally flaunt herself to him. Was she insane? When all the women headed off in their various directions, Kai went the opposite way from where she went. He heard Jessamine’s hiss and let her pull him into the coat closet. So much for guys finding girls. It was okay though, they had a score to settle. He closed the door behind him and regarded her across the cramped space. “Down on your knees,” he said in a gruff tone.

Jess stiffened for a beat, and then her eyes went liquid and hot. She knelt in front of him, feigning some very realistic fear. “Are you angry with me?” she whispered. “Are you going to...force me to do reprehensible things?”

“Jessamine,” Kai replied, grabbing a fistful of her hair. “By the time you leave this closet, you won’t be able to face yourself in the mirror. Now open.” He jerked her hair again, using the other hand to roll on a condom. “You can start by sucking my cock.”

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