Of Love and Deception (2 page)

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Authors: Melisa Hamling

BOOK: Of Love and Deception
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Game on! Off! I mean off!

After four hours of reviewing colors, patterns, designs,
oh, and flirting and teasing,
Cruz finally had the interior ideas for his home picked out. Daniella collected all of the plans and neatly placed them in his portfolio. The digital clock read five pm.
Dang! Good
thing I didn’t have any more
Employees fled out of their offices, some rushed toward the back exit, others toward the front.

“You have exquisite ideas. I can’t wait to get started. When are you available?” Cruz leaned back in the chair, raked his fingers through the thick, dark-brown waves of his hair and locked them behind his head.

Daniella observed his features. His flawless skin was golden. Gleaming white teeth peeked from behind his slowly parting lips. When he sucked in his lower lip, Daniella’s thoughts scattered. She moved her gaze away from temptation but stopped when it met his wandering eyes. A mischievous grin crept over his rugged face.

She blushed. “Well...”

He lifted a brow.

“Um...” She felt her face grow hot.

There was a long, uncomfortable silence.

Speak, dammit!

Cruz cleared his throat. “Any idea when you’ll be available?”

“I’ll check my schedule and get back to you by Friday.”

“Friday? Why, that’s four days away.” A crease in his forehead deepened into a scowl.

“I’m afraid I have a very tight schedule. I always figure the latest possible time. That’s the only way I can keep myself from falling out of a deadline, but I’ll see if I can fit you in sooner.”

 Daniella straightened a few items on her desktop. He might be a great prospective client, but no way was she going to come off as desperate. She wasn’t going to just jump right into his job because he was deliciously handsome.
He’s damn hot.
So get over it, girl.
How many other charming men had walked into her office and they didn’t get special treatment? Of course, Cruz aced them all. But still… she had principles. First come, first served.

Daniella packed paperwork into her briefcase. “Have a nice evening, Mr. Canton.”

Cruz stopped at the doorway and tapped the frame. “Hey?”

She raised her head. “Yeah?”

“You might want to take the card out of those flowers if you want to see who they belong to.” A sly wink danced across his eye. Before Daniella could respond, he flipped his blazer over his shoulder and sauntered out the front door.

“Good idea,” Daniella muttered to herself. She stepped over to the abandoned flowers sitting at the information desk, and removed the card from the plastic fork.

It read:
Just a small token of appreciation. I’m honored to have you as my personal designer. Until next time, Cruz.

A man she didn’t even know buying her flowers? Odd. Yet, she tingled inside. She plucked a white rose from the vase and held it to her nose. The petals stretched into her nostrils as she inhaled them.
Nice. Very nice.

It’s been two years. Two years since I’ve dated! Blake’s a thing of the past. And I really, really like this Cruz character.

2 - Mr. Hasty

Daniella woke at five a.m., earlier than the usual six-thirtyish
She flipped the covers off, planted her feet on the floor, and made her way into the bathroom.

She tugged at the tangles in her long black hair. “Ouch.”

She’d need the extra time if she expected to impress. Not that she intended to dress to the hilt, or to impress anyone in particular.
Yeah, whatever
. Not like he’d make a special trip to her office anytime soon. If anything, Friday would be the soonest, assuming she had his plans in a detailed order and ready to deliver a draft copy, contract included.

Daniella was set: a black sleeveless dress clung to her thin shoulders, waves of lustrous curls tumbled down the center of her back, an aqua-blue Victorian necklace to match her eye color, and a fine spritz of ‘Cool Water’, completed her dress-not-expecting-to-impress look. She grabbed her briefcase, swung her purse over her shoulder, and headed off to work.

Visions of Cruz reeled in her thoughts. He was like an addiction of the worst kind. An addiction she wouldn’t afflict herself with. Men like Cruz were dangerous. He wasn’t the first of his kind to march in to her life. She’d sworn the others off. But Cruz, she feared, would prove more of a challenge.

Red and blue lights flashed in the rear view mirror. Daniella glanced at the speedometer. “Crap.” Eighty-five in a sixty zone, she’d surely earned herself a ticket. Unlikely she’d get another warning a fourth time around.

As the officer approached, she mumbled, “Then again, maybe so.”

The same hefty officer that warned her three times before waddled to her driver’s side mirror. He leaned into the window, chubby cheeks and all. “Good morning, Miss Kurtz. Why the rush? You seem a bit earlier than usual.”

Hmm. No tablet of citations. No pen. No nothing, but his humpty self. She threw on a seductive smile. “Gosh, Winston... it is Winston, right?”

He chuckled. His belly bounced as he continued. “Winston it is. Now, Miss Kurtz—”

“Please. Call me Daniella.” She gave him a wink.

Another snort. “If you say so... Daniella. Now you know I can’t keep issuing warnings, right?” He cocked his head to the left. “This is the last time. I won’t bother writing up a warning, but next time you’ll earn yourself a ticket.”

“Why, Winston, you are too kind. I’ll work on my speed, slow down a bit, and hopefully avoid that ticket.” She patted his hand.

“Be on your way.” Winston slipped his hand off the door and tapped the back end of the black mustang as he moved along.

“PIG. Serve and protect? If I were a dogface, little sausage fingers, Winston, wouldn’t hesitate to write that ticket. Fat-ass.” She wanted to floor the gas pedal and peel out.
Better not tempt fate.


Daniella approached her office. A large vase of white and yellow roses sat on the counter. She hadn’t thought about it yesterday, but today, it dawned on her: Cruz had delivered the flowers before he’d even met her. Why, he even wrote the words ‘Just a small token of appreciation. I’m honored to have you as my personal designer.’
Hmm. I bet he’s a friend of Parker’s.

How the heck would she get this man out of her head? His name jumped off the pages in his file. It’d be impossible. A dose of reality woke her to the simple fact she’d likely have to see his face for the next month or two. She brought up a diagram of the interior of his home on the computer. “Very nice.”
But nicer once I’m done with it.

Several hours passed as she worked in the fine details of designing Cruz Canton’s fabulous home. A few times, she looked up and admired the bouquet, a distraction she couldn’t afford. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of shadows closing in. Office gossip queens. It figured they’d use their coffee break to snoop.

The women crowded the doorway and stepped back when a delivery man approached.

“Delivery for Daniella. Daniella Kurtz?” His brows lifted as he examined the ladies hanging around her office. He nodded when he caught sight of Daniella.

“Ah. I believe this is for you.” He marched forward and planted the plastic wrapped bouquet on the counter. “I’m supposed to inform you to read the card this time.”

“I see. Thanks for informing me of my obligation and for the delivery.” Daniella stood and gave him a swift pat on the shoulder. “You have a nice day, Mr. Delivery Man.”

In an all-too-eager manner, she tore the plastic off, and realized she wasn’t alone. “What? It’s just a token of appreciation, that’s all.”

Her right shoulder raised and she grinned. She knew her comment wouldn’t satisfy them.

“Appreciation? For what, might we ask?” Jill, the queen of the group asked.

“Um. Good question. I don’t know why he’s sending me flowers. I don’t even know the guy.” Daniella snatched the card out of the bouquet before Jill could take a peek. All eyes watched with intense nosiness. “What? Stop looking at me that way. Don’t you all have work to do?”

They looked at each other, turned to face Daniella, and burst out in laughter. They crowded into her office and shut the door.

Oh boy!

“Someone has an admirer. And a hotty pants he is.” A round of giggles passed through them as if they were a clique of high school girls.

“Don’t you see it, Daniella? The guy has got it for you. He wants you, woman,” Johanna said.

“Yeah, he wants to dip his cucumber into your salad,” Lori chimed in. Another round of laughter passed through them.

“Lori, you’re too much.” Daniella mused.

“He wants to slip his anaconda into—”


“Plant a garden in your muff.”


“Pop the porpoise?”


“Wooly bully?”

“You’re... warped, Lori.” Daniella dabbed the tears of laughter away from her eyes with a tissue.

After the cheerleaders left, she opened the card. It read:

I’ve already given you a token of appreciation. Can’t use that one again. Truth is, I can’t get you out of my mind. I know, I know, sounds crazy, but I promise you I’m not a loon. Just a man bewitched by a woman he hardly knows.


“Wow.” She wasn’t sure how to take this man. The idea of him thinking about her raised a network of goose bumps over her entire body.


“Ow! What the—why you dirty little weasel!” She rubbed her forehead where the rubber band made contact.

Lori stood with both hands on her hips. “So. What’s going on with you? And I don’t want to hear another shit story about why you shouldn’t date this guy.”

“Jeez Lori, what do you want me to say? I mean, it’s not like he’s actually asked me out on a date.”

Lori tapped her nails on the counter. “But you know it’s coming. Are you going to agree to go out with him when he does ask you?”

“I’m not sure I’m ready for that, and besides—”

“Oh, bull crap! It’s been two years, D. Don’t you think it’s time to live again, or are you going to let what happened with Blake ruin the rest of your life? Because if that’s the case, then you’ve let him win by letting him control you.”

Man, did she hate it when Lori was right. “You think I don’t know that? Well, I do, and yes, if Mr. Canton wants to take me out, then I’ll go out with him. Now get your nosey butt back to work.”


The workweek passed quickly, and by golly, Lori never let up on her. She continued to harp at her about moving on… and Lori wouldn’t be Lori if she didn’t mention something about dirty deeds and tasty treats.
Sick perv!

By Friday, Daniella’s office looked like a floral shop. The little greeting cards Cruz sent with each arrangement suggested a night out, but she didn’t call him on any of his offers. A difficult task indeed.

“Is this the newest designer look?” Parker, her boss, asked, propping himself against the metal doorframe.

“Designed by the one and only Cruz Canton.” She shook her head and smirked.

“Oh, really? Well isn’t he splendid!” Parker clapped once and clasped his hands together. “I would guess you’ve sold your looks—I mean your remarkable work to him?”

A hint of jealousy rang in his tone.

“If it were only that simple, Parker. My guess is that a man like Cruz doesn’t keep to one woman. A heartbreaker. A player. I could be wrong. What’s your opinion?” She flashed a flirty smile, only to get rid of him quicker.

“A ladies man of sorts, but a player? I don’t know.” He scratched his head and examined the arrangements. “He’ll be a good client though. Did he sign the contract yet?”

“No. I’m supposed to call him. There were a few things he wanted added on, so I had to change the contract and figure in the cost. I’m sure he’ll sign if he added more work, don’t you agree?”

Parker nodded. He smiled as he strolled out and went about being his usual morning nose-poking self.

By noontime, Daniella had wrapped up Cruz’s layout and contract. Ah, but she knew he most likely awaited her call. Nah. She’d wait until the last dying minute to call and confirm a business deal.

Tic, tic, tic.

Three o’clock.

Tic, tic, tic, tic.

Three forty-five.

At three fifty-two, the secretary buzzed. “You have a call on line two.” Before Daniella could ask who was calling, the secretary had already buzzed off.
Man! What I wouldn’t give to clobber that old wench.

“Hello, this is—”

“Miss Kurtz?” The voice. His deep, sexy voice.

Daniella’s stomach danced a nervous beat. “This is she.”

“Cruz, here. Haven’t heard from you yet and it’s Friday. Your deadline, remember?” His words were a bit hasty.

“Indeed, I do. Need I remind you that there are twenty-four hours in a day? Midnight is my deadline.”

A muffled chuckle passed through the earpiece. She could tell he had his hand over the mouthpiece, maybe an attempt to hide his amusement. A brief second of silence passed before he said, “Do we have a deal?”


“A simple yes or no will do, but a yes is preferable. Let me simplify. My house, your designs and a contract in hand. Tomorrow, two p.m. sharp. You show up and it’s a done deal. You don’t show up... my heart will be an anchor to my ego.”


“You sure know what you want, don’t you, Mr. Canton?”

No reply. Nada. Nothing.

“Mr. Canton? Cruz?” The line was dead. “I’ll be damned. He’s got me up against a wall. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.” The do part was more becoming.

Mr. Sarcasm

Short skirt or blue jeans
Hmm. What to wear
. Daniella examined her wardrobe. “A short skirt might say ‘I’m interested’... or ‘do me here and now’. Nah. Jeans. Definitely jeans.” She slipped on her favorite pair of faded denims and pulled a white V-neck tee over her head. Smoothing it out, she tucked it into her pants. Add a glittery Gucci belt with matching accessories and her favorite fragrance, Daniella was almost ready to go. She twisted a few more curls to her semi-wavy hair, inhaled a deep breath and blew it out.
Still nervous.

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