Of Love and Deception (5 page)

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Authors: Melisa Hamling

BOOK: Of Love and Deception
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Easy. Whorish. Do I really want to let him have me? What will he think afterward? The excitement... the need, the want...

Just as Cruz was about to unzip her zipper, Daniella grasped his hand. “No. I can’t.” She pushed him back as she sat up. “I have to go. It’s getting late.”

She quickly clasped her bra and tucked her shirt back into her jeans.

“Can I call you tomorrow?” Cruz's voice was heated and breathy.

“You can.” She toggled the key fob clumsily, attempting to unlock her car before he got her all wrapped up in him again.
The door was unlocked. She opened it, slid into her seat, and after starting the car, she rolled down the window.

Cruz leaned in and stole one last kiss.


The following morning, Daniella remembered she still had Cruz’s jacket. It was draped over the edge of the bed. She smiled and pulled the jacket to her nose. She inhaled his scent and closed her eyes. What was it about him? Something dangerous, and wickedly attractive. He'd been forward and overly aggressive; quite the opposite of her usual taste.

The old boyfriends, namely Blake, had done it the
way. Charming, sweet, not too forward, and all feigned genuine and innocent. What good came out of any of those relationships? Jerks! All of them. They were nothing but liars and cheaters. That's what she got out of those good boy relationships. And her last boyfriend probably would have killed her had she stayed.

Blake Sheldon. Tucked below the lawyer's ruggedly handsome features was a dirty, dirty man. Catching him tangled in the sheets of her bed with another woman hadn't made him marriage material, but he hadn't seen it that way. Blake's idea of getting her to take him back was physical and then he slashed her tires. When she kicked him out of her life, he sent black roses, and when that didn't work, he set fire to the interior of her car. Oh, he'd fessed up, but not with words or anything others would see. Fire seemed to be his fuel. Literally. His last threat still haunted her.

‘You'll regret this, Daniella. Mark my fucking words!’
She shivered at the memory. 

Cruz might be different—outspoken, fearless and yes, a bit assertive, but romance filled his words and his touch, unlike anyone she'd ever known or dated. It drove her crazy with want, but there was that little niggling voice of warning.

I'm not going to jump every time he calls. Not like I did with Blake. Nope. In fact, I'm going to keep at a distance. It will be difficult…

“Pft. Yeah right. And here I am in bed with his jacket up my nose. Dang! Hang it up already!” She tossed the jacket to the opposite corner and slid out of bed.

After sipping her usual morning cup of green tea, Daniella closed her eyes and enjoyed a warm shower. The only images visible in her head were the ones of last evening. A date was a date, but last night was more than that. The men she'd dated never left good impressions in her thoughts, let alone her heart. But this overly aggressive man, this almost too forthcoming man had her in a whirlwind.

“Ugh! I can't stop thinking about you, Cruz Canton… not even in the shower.” Daniella washed her hair, scrubbed, shaved, and rinsed off before exiting. After wrapping her head in a towel, she lathered lotion on her skin and walked through the living room naked to retrieve her cell phone. She had five text messages and two of them were from Cruz.

Text from Jasper:
Howdy. Just wondering if you’d be available in three weeks on Saturday to work a single round? I know you’re busy, but I’d sure appreciate some good talent.


Will do, but might have company... cool with you?

The other texts were from a nosey friend—
— who could wait until Monday.

And the best for last.

Had a great time last night. Please say you’ll meet me for lunch?

Second text from Cruz:
If that is too soon, possibly dinner?

Daniella was just about to reply when her phone rang.
C & D Kurtz
popped up on the screen.

“Hello, Mother.”

“Hey, kiddo. Who's the new man in your life?”

Geesh! How does she know I'm dating?

There was a long pause.

“Daniella, I'm your mother. I know you well enough to know something's up. You don't call as often when there's a new man in your life.”


“Hello, Daniella, are you there?”

“Yeah, Mom. I'm here.”

“I'm just asking you to keep in touch, and to be careful this time.”

“Mom, Blake was the only one who attempted harm. None of the other jerks physically harmed me.”

“I'm aware of that.”

“Well, what do you want me to do, stay single forever?”

“No, Daniella. I just want you to be cautious. I hope this man is decent and treats you well. You deserve it. And… I'd like grandbabies sometime before I'm too old to enjoy them.”

“Oh, Mother. You're not sixty. Maybe James will get around to getting you those grandchildren. You never know.”

Her mother laughed. “If that isn't the funniest thing I've heard. Your brother with children… and a wife. Mr. Sour Pants. Would take one hell of a woman to put up with him.”

“Mother, he can be a grump, but he'll make a good and protective husband someday. Give him a break, will yah?”

“If you say so. Anyway, I've got to go to the shop and finish some wedding arrangements. Let me know how things work out for you and—”

“His name is Cruz, and I'll keep you informed. Love you and goodbye.” She blew the stray strands of hair out of her face and clicked on Cruz's last message.

She was about to reply to his text when she received another.

Hello? Are you awake... or avoiding me?

Hey there. I'm up and showered. Was just about to text you when my mother called. Sorry, no on dinner, but I’ll take you up on lunch?

The phone rang and she picked it up immediately. “Hello?”

“Hello, beautiful. How about a picnic at the state park?”

“I’m not sure if I have enough time for that. I just got out of the shower. I’d have to hurry up and get ready.” She bit her bottom lip.

“Just out of the shower? Are you naked?”

“Maybe. Maybe not.”

naked.” He coughed slightly. “I can see you through the window.”

“What?” She got up and peeked out the bedroom window.

“You’re looking out the window right now.”

“Seriously. Are you psycho? A peeping Tom?”

“Seriously. Are you blonde?” Cruz laughed. “I don’t know where you live. You just believed me. I bet you covered up, huh?”

“I sure did.” She lied and fell back on the bed.

“I could go on, but I’ll cut it short. Get ready and text me with your address.”


“No um’s, just hurry up. Nothing fancy so be casual. Text me your address,” Cruz ordered and hung up.

Sliding the drawer open, Daniella snatched a baby-blue bra and panty set. She threw them on and slipped on a pair of black shorts and a white tank with sparkling sequins lining the neck. After she dried and straightened her hair, she put on a little makeup. Then she texted Cruz her address.

Thirty minutes later, there was a
rap, tap, tap
on the door. Daniella opened it.  
Wow. Do we match or what!

“Hey, gorgeous.” Cruz grinned while he examined her. “Are you a peeping Tina? Your choice of colors—identical in black shorts and a white shirt. Maybe I should be worried. You ready?”

“Quite the comedian, aren't we? Come on in.” Daniella opened the door further. “I'll be ready in a few minutes.”

He stepped inside while she gathered her purse and slipped on her sandals.

Cruz examined the wall deco. “Hmm. Very interesting piece. I love how you’ve hung your curtains on a tree branch?”  

Is he serious or do I detect sarcasm?

“Indeed, it is. Are you teasing me?”

“Absolutely not. It’s an amazing idea. You have a combination of outdoorsy mixed with… oh, say purity? The white curtains and oversized white and tan sofa set give off a sense of both.”

He slipped his fingers around Daniella's hand, and they made their way out of the apartment complex.

After sliding into the passenger seat, Daniella asked, “What are we having for our picnic lunch?”

“I have to stop at this little café along the way. I was thinking sushi? Unless you don’t care for it.”

“As long as it’s California rolls, I’ll eat it. Anything else, um... not so much.”

“California rolls... my favorite,” Cruz smacked his lips.

The sushi shop was a few minutes away from the state park. Cruz pulled into a parking spot up front.

“I’ll wait in the car,” Daniella said. “California rolls. That’s all I'll eat.”

“Got it. Don’t be taking off in my car now. Keep a good eye on it.” He winked.

Daniella watched him as he walked toward the shop. She inhaled a deep breath, catching the scent of his strong cologne.

The need to share her excitement was overwhelming. She whipped out her cell phone and sent Lori a text.

O-M freaking-G! Lori, slap me now. I'm with Mr. Perfect and holy mother! I'm a flipping sucker! He smells so delectable and his bod… I'm done. He's got me all tied up in this emotional crap I swore off after… well, you know. Blake.

Blake Shmake! 4get about the big L! I want the dirt! What, are you tasting him? His delectableness? Details, please!

So sorry. Can't talk now. He's coming out of the Sushi Hutt. Going to the park for lunch. Yes, details later. Chow!

Lucky bitch! Love you and I expect a full report tonight ;)

She tossed her phone into her purse and put on her I-so-wasn't-texting-about-you-while-you-got-our-food face.


“What time do you have to meet your friend?” Cruz asked.

Daniella pulled out her cell phone and observed the time. “Shoot! We’ve got to go. I have to be at Lori's house by five and she lives about forty-five minutes away from me.”

Cruz picked up the blanket and shook it off. “Well, darn. Guess we can’t take a walk around the park.” He grabbed Daniella’s hand and intertwined their fingers, eliciting a warm tingling sensation throughout her body.

Cruz didn’t say much. He just looked on as he drove ahead. Daniella wondered if she’d said or did something wrong, but she wasn’t about to ask. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander.
Oh, lord.
Why do I feel that little ache in my heart? I’m getting too attached to him. And much too soon. That’s it. That’s my problem.

The car came to a halt. Daniella’s eyes fluttered open and she lifted her head. They were at her apartment already.

“That was a quick ride.” She attempted to break the silence between them.

Cruz nodded.

Wow. What to do. Get out of the car, head up to my apartment and what? Forget you ever met him? Impossible. Gotta work with him.

Leaning forward, Daniella snatched her sandals and purse. She slipped out of the car. “Have a good night.” She didn’t look back.

“Wait,” Cruz hollered as she neared the entrance. Daniella swiveled around. He was already out of the BMW jogging toward her.

“Yeah?” she asked, her voice barely audible.

Cruz reached for her hand and lifted it to his lips. He kissed softly and said, “Sorry.”

“Did I do something to upset you?”

“Yes.” He dropped her hand.

Her heart sank, and she looked at her feet. “What did I do?”

Cruz reached from behind and drew her against him. He leaned into her slightly and nuzzled his nose into her neck.

“That tickles... stop... it’s giving me the chills.” Daniella giggled and tried to push his head away.

“You didn’t do anything wrong... but I don’t like what you’re doing to me.” He bit the sensitive skin between her neck and collarbone.

“What am I do—”

“Shush.” He ran a thumb over her lips. Before Daniella could react, he leaned in and captured her mouth with fierce urgency.

Oh, how she wanted him! With every stroke of his hands, she melted into him and suddenly froze, breathless, realizing they were outside where others could see. She panted a few times, never turning away from his stare, his deep penetrating stare.

“I... I can’t get enough of you.” He twirled sections of her hair around his fingers. “I know you have to go, so I’ll be on my way, but when can I see you again?”

Struggling to find her voice, Daniella cleared her throat. “Uh... well... I have to go over the contracts at work tomorrow. You will have to come in and sign the final drafts before we can officially get started.”

“I’ll stop by around three or three-thirty? You think that will be enough time?”


Cruz stroked her cheeks with his thumbs before dropping his hands. He shook his head. “I’ve got to get out of here. Now.”

Daniella stepped behind the glass door and peeked over her shoulder. With a jaunty wave, Cruz hopped into his car and drove away. 


Monday afternoon, Daniella was on the phone with a client when she heard a
tap, tap, tap,
on the door. Glancing up, she caught sight of Cruz—one hand resting on the door, the other at his side. She gave him her best happy-to-see-you smile. Without permission, he waltzed around the high counter and pulled up a seat at her left.

“Yes, Mrs.—huh,” she gasped and then whispered, “stop that... oh, no, not you Mrs. Jensen... why, just a fly buzzing around.”

Daniella gripped the phone and wheeled herself away from Cruz. She cast her legs straight out to prevent him from scooting next to her. “Yes, Mrs. Jensen. We can accommodate your request... and you too, have a wonderful evening.”

“What. Are. You—” Daniella attempted to scold Cruz, but he grabbed her ankles and pulled her toward him. “—Doing!”

“I’m here to sign the contract... and to give you the bad news.” His lips turned down.

“Bad news? Are you backing out of the contract?” She shot a look at him, hoping he was joking.

He chuckled. “No. I have to go out of town for a week. An unexpected business affair.” He slid an envelope her way.

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