Of Love and Deception (6 page)

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Authors: Melisa Hamling

BOOK: Of Love and Deception
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“What’s this?”

“Keys to my house and the alarm code. I want you to go ahead and get started... if that’d be alright with you?” His forehead raised, brows arched.

Daniella turned in her chair, grabbed Cruz’s file, and removed the contract. “You need to read through it and sign here,” she pointed to each spot, “and here... and here... then this last page.”

She handed him the pen and pushed the file to him.

“And here.” Cruz reached over and scribbled, with the butt of the pen, over Daniella’s heart. Her cheeks heated.

“Hu-hem.” Daniella cleared her throat. “I do put my heart into the job so it’s sign-able.”
What else could I say?

“No. I want it... your heart. I can’t stand the thought of leaving, even for a week.” He rested his hand over hers.

If cheeks could catch on fire, Daniella was sure hers were smoldering. “I’m... I’m flattered.” She tried not to look at him and crooked her head in the opposite direction.

Lori walked by her office and noticed Daniella watching her. She straightened up and quickly turned her head to face the hallway in front of her. A grin tipped the corner of her mouth.
Why, the nosey little spy!

Cruz raised an eyebrow and suppressed a guffaw. “Is it possible for a woman to not meddle in another woman’s affairs? Never mind. Don’t answer that.”

“It is possible. I don’t meddle in others affairs. But yeah, most women have a hard time keeping to themselves.”

He glanced at his watch. “Crap! I have to bolt.” He scribbled his signature on the designated areas of the contract, stood, and then rolled the chair back into its former spot. “I’ve got to get to the airport. My flight is in an hour and a half.”

“You’ll call me, text me?” Daniella asked but wished she hadn’t. Too late. She knew she sounded desperate.

“Without a doubt.” Cruz’s smile grew bigger and wider... as if he was just offered a chocolate cake with a heaping scoop of ice cream. “I’d steal a kiss if we didn’t have an audience.”

A twitter of giggles gathered around the receptionist’s desk.   

“My little dwarfs. Aren’t they cute?” Daniella mused.

Cruz wrapped his arms around her from the back, kissed her ear and whispered, “Now they really have something to gossip about. I have to fly! Damn, I’m already missing you.”

He gripped her shoulders and squeezed lightly, and then rushed out of her office.

“Me too.” Daniella frowned. Was it crazy that she wanted to run after him? Run right out of those doors and fly away to far off lands and beautiful places with him?


Daniella spent most of the week working at Cruz’s house. Supervising the work crew in minute detail helped her pass the time without thinking about Cruz too much.
Yeah, right.

As promised, Cruz sent many texts. Each morning he’d text the same question.

Are you naked?

Daniella was beginning to feel too comfortable with him. Her answers went from ‘no’ to ‘maybe’. This morning she threw in a twist. She flipped him an answer before he could text his usual morning question.

Hope you don’t mind that I stayed the night at your place. I was just too darn tired to drive home last night! Your bed was nice and comfy, but it was too hot. I woke this morning without a stitch of clothing. I must have stripped in the middle of the night. Dang. Too bad you’re not here to witness it. Can you tell me where the towels are? I’ve got to take a shower before the working crews arrive.

OH baby! Hang tight. I’m on the next flight home! Wait... scratch that. I’ll take a private jet. Be there in forty minutes. Mmm-mm!

Why, that’s much too long. What's a woman to do for forty minutes?

Use your imagination! Or turn the stereo on. Speakers are built into the wall with a set behind the headboard. Lay on the bed. Fan your hair over the pillows. Make sure your legs are slightly parted and your hands are stretched above your head.

And what might the purpose of me doing this be?

Do it. Close your eyes and use your imagination... until I get home.

And then what?

Ha! Is this Daniella? Daniella Kurtz, the seemingly shy girl I’ve fallen for?



Your answer.

I’d come thru the front door. Strip my clothing off and quietly enter the bedroom. If you’re posed the way I described, I’d crawl up from the foot of the bed, run my hands along the length of your sexy legs. With one hand, I’d continue upward, stroking your breasts along the way. After I nibble on your neck, I’d wake your lips with my own. Slowly but firmly, I’d slip my hand down the length of your abdomen and slide my hand between your thighs....

Why’d you end it there?

Dang! You don’t wanna know the rest. Don’t ask. Lets just say I’m sitting in a room at a corporate meeting. My leg is aching as it continues to swell. If I continue, I’ll be moaning from the painful pleasure of imagining, feeling, tasting and prodding your naked flesh. You shouldn’t tease me like that.

I can visualize you blowing a load at that meeting. Ha-ha! Okay, gotta go. I have to get dressed and head out to your place before the crew arrives. When will you be returning?

Why? Am I exciting you? You plan on lounging naked in my bed, waiting for my arrival?

In your imagination, I suspect I am.

I leave after the meeting. About three o’clock. Flight is at five. But only if you promise to stay the weekend.

Why... I hardly know you!

Almost two weeks. I think you do know me. You’re just afraid. Don’t worry, you won’t be... for long. Dying to see you! Gotta go.

“Wow. You are so correct, Cruz Canton. I am afraid of you. But only afraid of getting my heart smashed to smithereens.” Daniella tossed her phone in her purse and finished her usual morning grooming.

Her cell phone vibrated again.
. She opened the message.

Almost forgot. Plans tonight. We're (you and I) meeting my friends at a bar. Really gotta go now! See you soon.


“Shiz!” Daniella let up on the gas and tapped the brake. The black and white cruiser was just ahead of her when she slowed. The lights went on just before she passed the cruiser. “Dang it. Not this morning!” Daniella merged onto the shoulder when the lights flew past her and pulled over another car.


The crews hadn’t arrived. Daniella got out of her car and punched the code into the keypad of the garage. She entered the front room and busied herself with inspecting the new wall creations. She had replaced the original white interior with rich tan and earth tones. Several large paintings with black, copper, gold and silver splattered into odd patterns stood out against the earthen taupe. Two brown leather sofas and an oversized cylindrical loveseat replaced the drab white couches. A large white rug cut in the shape of a bearskin added spice to the darker colors and warmed the hardwood floors.

After closing the dark-wooden blinds in the front room, dining room and kitchen, Daniella tested the lighting. All looked great. She was especially proud of the ceiling lights placed in an identical rippled pattern as the wall. She flicked on the switch and each light formed a cylindrical pattern that dipped down to greet the airy spaces between the high ceiling and the wall.

“Holy cow. Wrap it up guys! Cruz is expected to return home around six-thirty. It’s almost four o’clock now,” Daniella said and waved her arms. “Chop, chop!”

Unbelievable how quickly time ticks away! Do I stay and wait for him, or go? Stay or go, stay or go... ugh!

6 - No More Mr. Nice Guy

The anticipation gnawed at Daniella. Had Cruz made it home? It was seven-thirty—he should’ve been home by now. Why hadn’t he called or sent a text? She clenched her cell phone. “Where are you, Cruz Canton?”

Another hour passed. She wondered if she should call him. New worries settled in. Maybe he was disgusted with the way his new living room turned out. Maybe he never wanted to see or talk to her again.

“Forget it,” she said and tucked the phone in her purse.

She headed toward her room but stopped halfway. ‘I’M TOO SEXY’ sounded through the pocket of her purse—she flipped around and dashed back into the living room.

Deep breath in.
“Hey stranger.”

“Stranger? Ha. Why aren’t you here in my newly remodeled living room? I was disappointed when I walked in. Think you could come back... now?” Cruz asked.

Oh, yeah!
Daniella jumped and patted the left side of her chest, willing her heart to slow down a few beats.

“Hello? Daniella?”

It took a lot of effort to hold back the excitement rushing through her. “Yes, yes. I’ll be there shortly. Glad you’re back.”

“Hurry,” he said, and hung up.

Daniella touched up her already freshly done makeup and viewed her profile in the mirror. She wore a tan pair of short shorts, but not so short as to reveal her butt-cheeks, a black belt covered with rhinestones, and a black sleeveless button-down tank outlining her firm, slender abdomen and C-cup breasts. She debated wearing a necklace—the rhinestones on the buttons of her tank gave off a lot of sparkle, but she decided to wear a black clover necklace woven around a heavy silver chain. A hint of lip-gloss to enhance her lips, and she was ready to go.


Adrenaline kicked in as Daniella strolled up to the door of Cruz’s home. The excitement of seeing him was like driving for the first time—speeding over a hill, the thrill and nervousness mixing in your tummy—it was all those sensations magnified tenfold. She inhaled a deep breath, released it, and knocked on the door.

Cruz didn’t greet her. Instead, he wrapped her in a bear hug.

“You... are incredible.” He pivoted with her at his side. “This—” he nodded at the living room, “—is amazing. The wall is a piece of work. The furniture, the colors, the whole damn thing is a real transformation. Has anyone ever told you how brilliant you are? And beautiful?”

She met his gaze. He had a spark in his eyes, and her stomach quivered at the touch of his hand against her cheek. His lips almost touching hers, he spoke softly, “I've missed you.”

 Her heart sprinted as he closed in, testing her lips with his, watching her carefully, but not fully engaging.

He’s teasing me!
She reached up and met him head on, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. His response was immediate, and he slipped his hands down the length of her abdomen.

“Wow,” he said.

“Yeah, double wow.”

“We could visit my bedroom.”

Daniella was certain her eyes bugged out when her jaw dropped.

“I'm kidding! There is a hot spot down the coast. The view of the beach is gorgeous and there's a bar with indoor-outdoor entertainment. Falcon and his wife, Meg, will be there. They want to meet you and I want to show you off.”

She was uncertain if she was up to meeting his friends, but she didn’t have the heart to say no.

“No?” he asked.

“Oh, no, no. We can go.” She forced herself to smile.


Cruz had the canvas top down on the BMW. Daniella laid her head back and relaxed. The wind blew her hair, tousling the curls she spent over an hour perfecting. His fingers, entwined with hers, made her feel warm and accepted.

Meeting Cruz’s friends, best friends to boot, swallowed up her previous excitement. So many questions ran through her head. Would she like them? Would they like her? What do they look like and would she face the same problems she seemed to have with wives or girlfriends? Though she didn’t feel she was above or better than any woman, some acted as if she did or were plain jealous. She dreaded the idea of scornful eyes watching her every move, and the one sided conversations that were sure to be awkward.

Tonight she’d be different. She swore she wouldn’t start small talk with his friends. She wouldn’t be the one to ask the questions unless spoken to first.

“Here we are,” Cruz announced. He pointed out a black Mercedes. “Falcon and Meg are already here.”

If she hated anything more than meeting new people, it would have to be walking into a bar she’d never been to, only to have every head pop up at the sound of the door opening.

Cruz squeezed her hand, presumably sensing her anxiety.

They weaved through the crowd, Cruz leading the way. She didn’t look around, knowing all-too-well that the men were staring at her, scanning her front to back. She was blessed with long slender legs and a 'perfect little booty' as her mother put it, but at other times, it was a curse. Prior experiences with previous boyfriends didn’t help her insecurities. Fistfights broke out when others made comments or tried coming on to her.

Men, they're so territorial!

“Over here, over here!” A woman with brown, silky hair waved.

“That’s Meg,” Cruz said. “You’ll like her, she’s pretty cool. Both she and Falcon own their own clinic. They're physicians.”

“Is she married… to your friend?”

“Yes, she's married to that ugly guy who has his arm around her,” Cruz teased. “That's my buddy, Falcon.”

Pretty. Yes, she's pretty. And the man standing next to her, he's attractive. Pretty women, they’re the worst ones. Always competing for attention, always jealous, and without fail, always treating me like crap. Great. I can see it now.

“Well look at you.” Meg gave Daniella a quick overhaul, and smiled. “Cruz, you weren’t lying when you said she was a goddess.”

Accepting the woman's outstretched hand, Daniella said, “Hello, Meg. I’m Daniella.”

“Falcon.” The man next to Meg greeted and shook her hand.

Daniella glanced at the handsome man with black hair and blue eyes.
Wow. He looks like Blake.
She didn’t focus on him too long, fearing she might send Meg the wrong idea. “Nice to meet you, Falcon.”

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