Official Girl 4 (13 page)

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Authors: Charmanie Saquea

BOOK: Official Girl 4
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“A nigga been stressed lately.” He shrugged. “But all bullshit aside, I know that shit I did was wrong and I know sorry not gon cut it. I never thought about how my decision would affect you and I was being selfish.  I owe you an apology because I can just imagine the shit you had to go through because of me,” he said looking me in the eyes.

I hated when he did that shit only because I could see how sincere he was. I didn’t want to forgive him, not like I always did.

“You know, I had intentions of putting a bullet in yo ass when I saw you after I read your letter. I’m sorry if you felt like I was stringing you along or using you, but that was never the fact. I do love you and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You were there for me when I needed you the most. I know you don’t understand it and probably never will but I’m in love with Mykell. We’ve had a crazy ass relationship and everything we have been through made our relationship stronger.”

He nodded his head in understanding. “I hear what you saying and once again I apologize.”

I smiled and kissed him softly on his lips. “Naw, I need for you to get far away from here and go somewhere his crazy ass won’t find you because they’ve already put two and two together and know it was you,” I warned.

“It’s already in motion. I just wanted to talk to you before I left for good.”

I opened my car door and got in. “Bye Mil Mil.” I smiled.

“Bye baby girl.”

I let out a big breath. That went better than I expected. I pulled out the park and went to my original destination, to do some grocery shopping.
If I wasn’t so crazy in love with Mykell, he could have been the one. Maybe….



Things between me and Chyanne have not been going too good lately. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy hormones or what, but she’s been very moody. I’ve been around my mom every time she was pregnant and it was enough to know the signs and my dad just let her have her way so that’s what I did with Chyanne.

We haven’t spoken in a few days, so I called and told her that I wanted to take her to the movies and spend some time with her. I love being around her, she’s cool, laid back, goofy and I can just chill and be myself around her. I know I’m only a teenager but the multiple female thing ain’t for me. I had seen my dad go through that shit and I didn’t ever want to go through what he did. That takes too much of my energy.

I pulled up to our old condo and saw Chyanne standing there looking beautiful. I mean, it wasn’t just what she had on, but her glow made her even more beautiful. I noticed some dude was all up in her face and she was grinning from ear to damn ear.

I sat there and played it cool for a minute. When she finally noticed me, she smiled real big and said her goodbyes to the dude. She walked over to the car and I noticed just how short her shorts really were.

“Hey baby,” she kissed my cheek.

I just cut my eyes at her without responding and pulled out of the parking lot. I turned my music all the way so she would catch the hint that I didn’t want to talk. She reached for the knob and turned the music down and I looked at her like she was crazy before returning my attention back to the road.

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked.

I ignored her for a few before finally answering her. “You know what? I don’t even feel like watching a movie no more,” I said hitting a U-turn and heading back to my house.

She smacked her lips and turned the music back up. The rest of the ride to the house was silent besides the radio. When I pulled in the driveway, I hopped out of the car and headed straight to the front door, not even waiting on Chyanne.

My mom and dad were sitting on the couch chilling when I walked in and I plopped down on the couch across from them. They both looked at me like I was crazy. “What?” I asked.

“The hell you mean what nigga? You supposed to be at the movies, so what the hell are you doing here?” my dad asked.

Before I could even ask, Chyanne waddled her pregnant ass in the house and rolled her eyes at me. “Hey ma and dad,” she spoke before going upstairs.

My mom looked at her then looked back at me and shook her head. “I don’t even want to hear it MJ, I swear I don’t,” she said shaking her head.

“I didn’t do nothing, Ma. She the one who had a nigga smiling all in her face and shit,” I said.

“Watch yo mouth.” She cut her eyes at me.

“Sorry, but that’s disrespectful,” I said.

My dad chuckled like somebody said a joke or something and I wanted to know what was funny. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

“You lil nigga, how the hell you gon get mad because she was talking to another dude and you talk to other girls?” he laughed.

“Because that’s different. How would you feel if you saw some dude all up in mom’s face, then she gets in the car all happy like ain’t shit happen?”

“Oh God. Mykell please talk to your son.” My mom rolled her eyes.

“My pleasure,” he sat up. “I would be flattered that another nigga was all up in her face because she’s a bad bitch.” He smiled but it didn’t last long because mom slapped him in the back of the head.

He looked at her like he didn’t know what he did and I just laughed at the two of them. “What he’s trying to say, MJ, is that Chyanne is beautiful so of course other boys are going to want her. You should be happy that she chose to be with
because that means you have something that they want but can’t get. Have you forgotten that she is pregnant? I doubt that she’s thinking about another nigga,” my mom said.

Everything she just said made a lot of sense. I overreacted for nothing, knowing Chyanne not that type of girl. I sighed before getting up to apologize. I went upstairs to find Amyricale and Ranyla in my room with Chyanne. I smiled at the three of them, MyMy is such a charmer and adorable. I can already tell Imma have to be hard on her when she gets older.

“What’s up princess?” I said after diving on my king size bed.

“MJ, I tell Chy Chy about my American girl doll. NyNy got one too!” she said excitedly.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yes.” She nodded.

Ranyla was rubbing Chyanne’s belly and smiling. “I hope it’s a girl so me and MyMy can play with her,” she told Chyanne.

“Nyla, why you touching all on my baby? Huh?” I asked while grabbing and tickling her. She started cracking up laughing and Amyricale jumped on my back telling me to leave her cousin alone.

“What are you two doing?” my auntie Lani asked smiling.

“Mommy help!” Ranyla yelled.

“Alright Mykell Jr., you better leave my baby alone,” she threatened jokingly.

I laughed and let Ranyla go. She jumped of the bed and ran to her mom. “C’mon Amyricale, I need you and Nyla to help me pick Zyla out something to wear,” she said. The two of them ran out of the room happily and when I turned to Chyanne, I could tell she was mad at me.

I decided to do what my dad does when mom is mad at him. I scooted over to her and rubbed on her belly and kissed her neck. “Chy Chy,” I said.

“Leave me alone Mykell Jr.,” she said.

I knew she was mad then because that’s the only time she calls me by my government name. I started sucking on her neck and her breathing started to speed up. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“You not slick,” she laughed and pushed me away.

“For real, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted like that, you forgive me?” I fake pouted.

“I’ll think about it,” she joked.

I grabbed her and pulled her down on the bed with me. I kissed her cheek before lifting up her shirt and kissing her on the stomach. “I love y’all.”

“I love you too,” she said, then tears started falling.

I wiped them away, “What’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

“I’m scared, what if this baby comes out not to be yours? I’ll feel so bad because I’m stringing you along and I never wanted to be one of those females who didn’t know who the father of her child is,” she cried. “I’m just another damn statistic.”

“Chyanne, go ahead with all that shit. I already told you regardless of the results, that’s still my baby. I don’t give a damn how young we are, I’m still taking care of that baby regardless. And fuck being a damn statistic! You are not no damn statistic so don’t let me hear you say that,” I said.

She just nodded her head.

“Knock, Knock.” I turned around to see my dad standing there. “Chyanne, somebody’s here to see you
,” he said.

She looked confused then got up to see who it was. My dad smiled at me. “I raised a damn solider,” he smiled.

We heard some yelling and rushed down stairs to see what was going on.



When I got downstairs, I was shocked to see my mom at the door. I knew this couldn’t be a good thing because Mama Neicey looked like she was ready to kill. I haven’t spoken to my mom in weeks, so I was wondering what she was doing here and how she knew where I was.

“Mom, what are you doing here and what do you want?” I asked.

“I want you to come get the rest of your shit out my house or it will be in the garbage. Let these people take care of you since this is where you want to be!” she yelled while walking up on me.

Mama Neicey jumped in front of me and pushed me back, “Hold the fuck up, you better watch yo damn tone in my house and watch who you talking to. I don’t play that,” she said.

“I don’t give a damn, this is my daughter,” she said.

“I can’t tell bitch,” Mama Neicey said.

Then all of a sudden I noticed my dad walk in and instantly I started to shake in fear. I backed up and bumped into MJ on accident. I turned around to see fire in his eyes.

“Go upstairs Chyanne,” he said without looking at me. “Ma, what the hell is he doing here?”

“Little nigga, I owe you a good ass whooping. That’s what the fuck I’m doing here,” my dad said. I just knew some shit was about to pop off.

“I wish like hell you would,” Daddy Kell said.

I ran upstairs to go get Auntie Lani, but by the time I reached the top of the stairs, she was coming out of her room. “What’s going on?” she asked.

“My mom and dad are here trying to start something,” I said.

“Go in the room with the girls and take Tyriq and Fat Fat in there with you,” she said.

I went to Tyriq’s room and grabbed him before telling Romell to come on. We all stayed in there, I watched the girls as they played with their dolls, Romell and Tyriq played on their iPads and Zyla was sleep. I was a nervous wreck. I didn’t want to go back to my mom and dad. I would rather stay where I am and be happy than to be miserable with them.

After what seemed like forever, Daddy Kell came and got me. “C’mon Chy Chy, you don’t have to worry about shit, you’re not going back with them and I told them that they can keep that shit and I’ll buy you whatever you need.” He hugged me.

I didn’t want to cry but I did anyway. I don’t know what I would do if it wasn’t for MJ and his family.



I was chilling on the couch smoking a blunt waiting for Daniella to get home. I didn’t know why her ass insisted on working when I already told her she didn’t have to, but she was one of them females that refused to let a nigga take care of her and I had no choice to respect it.

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