Official Girl 4 (8 page)

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Authors: Charmanie Saquea

BOOK: Official Girl 4
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“Turn the fuck around,” Micah said. Janae was scared because she had never heard him talk like that in all the years we have been together. She slowly turned around and saw the fire in his eyes.

“Now, you got two minutes to tell me what the fuck is going on in
house. Start talking,” he said sternly.

“Um...well...Bishop is Rodney’s brother and he came to see Ranee,” I said, leaving the most important part out.

I watched as his eyes shifted from me to Bishop. “What you got to say playboy?”

“I’m here for a DNA test, Nae Nae knows that,” said Bishop as I slowly felt my world caving in.

Micah looked shocked at what Bishop had just revealed and the only thing I could do was close my eyes and say a silent prayer.

“Word, on who?” Micah asked.

“On Ranee. We should have had one done years ago but she was too busy running, trying to avoid the shit. I got tired of chasing her ass.”

“Alright,” Micah shook his head. “Imma let y’all handle y’all business. I’m out,” he said walking towards the door.

“Micah wait!” I said chasing after him.

“You know, I actually thought you were different from all the rest of these dirty bitches out here, maybe I need to reevaluate my decision,” he said with venom dripping from his voice.

“Just hear me out, please?” I was damn near begging.

He just hopped in his car and rolled the window down. “Go in the house and take care of that, I’ll be back.” With that, he pulled out of the driveway.

Feeling defeated, I walked back into the house. “We can go get the test done tomorrow. After we get these results back, I want nothing to do with you. Now get out,” I said on the verge of tears.

He just nodded his head and left. I sat on the couch and cried my eyes out; wondering if this would be the end of me and Micah.



I drove around for a few with this shit weighing heavy on my mind. Like did she seriously just tell me that her deceased ex-boyfriend’s brother wanted a DNA test on her daughter? What the hell did I miss?

I called Mykell to tell him about this bullshit.

“Hello?” Neicey answered.

“Mannn, tell me why yo girl ain’t shit!” I said, shaking my head.

“What’s wrong Mack Daddy?”

“So I walk in the house with the kids to find Janae ass in there with another nigga. Come to find out that’s Ranee’s uncle.”


“Here’s the kicker though. He’s talking about all he wanted was a damn DNA test on Ranee but Janae kept giving his ass the runaround.

“Wait, so that means…OH SHIT! Kell come here,” she yelled.

“Yo!” Mykell said into the phone.

I told him everything I had just told Neicey, then the phone went quiet for a few seconds.

“Damn! She was fucking brothers, dog!” he finally said.

“Looks that way huh?”

“You know Neicey had to call her ass up, she on the phone with her now.”

“Right now, I really don’t give a fuck. This shit is real crazy because it’s like I was really thinking about putting a ring on her finger and shit. Now I’m thinking about how well do I really know her? What else is she hiding from me? Hell, is Baby Mack mine or yours?”

“Nigga, what? I ain’t fucked her, man,” he said.

I chuckled when I heard Neicey in the background yelling he had better not have. “Man, let me call y’all crazy asses back.”

I drove a little bit more before I decided to go back home because there was some shit that Janae and I needed to talk about. When I pulled up, all the lights were out but I knew that she wasn’t asleep. I went upstairs to check on the kids. They were sleeping peacefully, so I headed to my room.

I took a deep breath before I went in. I heard the shower running so I just sat on the bed and waited for her to come out. While I waited I rolled myself a blunt, knowing I would need it.

“You scared the shit out of me!” Janae said while grabbing her chest.

“My bad,” I said as I exhaled the weed. “Did you take care of that?”

“Yea, we have an appointment next week.”

I just nodded my head.

“Look Micah, I know what you think and it wasn’t like that. Me and Bishop were drunk when it happened and it only happened one time.”

“So if you knew it happened, why did you not get the test done as soon as she was born? You let his brother go to the grave thinking Ranee was his daughter. That is some scandalous shit.”

She sighed. “I know for a fact that Ranee is not his, she is Rodney’s daughter.”

“Yea, well, we will know for sure when the test results come back. So tell me what else are you hiding?”

“I’m not hiding nothing,” she said like I offended her.

“You sure? Because I don’t want shit else popping up later on down the line. I’m already questioning how well I know you.”

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. “I swear I’m not hiding anything.”

I looked around and noticed she took her suitcase out the closet. She probably thought I would tell her to get out or something but that’s not the case. No matter what she did in the past, she’s still the mother of my child; my first born

“Going somewhere?” I asked.

“Umm yea, Neicey told me to come see her.”

Aw shit,
I thought. I know exactly what’s about to go down. “When you leaving?”

“Two days.”

“You taking the kids?”

“I was because I didn’t know if…”

“Kill that shit. I’m not the type of nigga to run away from shit. I’ll keep the kids,” I cut her off.

“Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me, those are my kids,” I reminded her.



I drove to my old condo that I used to live in when I first moved down here. Since Lakey owned it, he agreed to let Chyanne stay here until she figured out what she wanted to do. We tried to call her mother and father multiple times, but not one time did they answer.

I knocked on the door waiting for an answer. “Hey boo,” I said, hugging Chyanne when she answered.

“Hey Mama Neicey. How are you?”

“I’m good, but I came to take you to the doctors. MJ told me you haven’t been to the doctor to see how far along you are so I made you an appointment as well as one for myself.”

“What you need an appointment for?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Because,” I sighed, “I’m pregnant my damn self but I need for you not to tell anybody, especially MJ.”

“Oh my God!” she squealed.

“Child, come on before we be late,” I laughed.

On the way to the doctor, I noticed Chyanne was crying.

“Whoa, what’s with the tears, lil mama?” I asked while handing her some tissue.

“I just feel like I messed up a lot of people’s lives, including MJ’s.”

“What, how you figure that?” I asked, confused.

“Because it’s like my family has some type of curse on it. All of the women in my family since my great grandma had their first child before their seventeenth birthday. My mom blames me for never being able to follow her dreams. She said if I was never born, she could have been a well-paid doctor. Then the fact that my father likes to have sex with his only child is beyond me. Now I’ve brought MJ into my messed up life and his life is messed up too. This could either be his child or my damn dad’s and I hate that I have to string him along not knowing,” she sobbed.

“Chyanne, listen to me. It’s not your fault; none of the shit that is happening to you is your fault. Your mother is just hurting but she’s mad at the wrong person, it was her decision to lay down and make you, you didn't ask to be made nor born. Your father is just sick, he needs his ass beat seriously and I wanna do it myself. As far as MJ goes, his life is not ruined. You both knew what could possibly happen when you have sex, so it goes both ways. MJ has already made it clear to us that he will step up and be a man but of course, he’s not in it by himself because I’m here for both of y’all, as well as his father.”

“So, you’re not mad at me?” she asked.

I took my eyes from the road to look at her, “No baby, I’m not mad. You know, I see a lot of myself in you.”


“I sure do, I see how determined you are to do something with your life. I know how it feels to be violated but you can’t let that get you down, you have to beat the odds.”

“I’ve been out looking for a job. I’m still in school and no matter what I’ll try to stick it out for as long as I can,” she said.

“Well, Daniella, Lakey’s girlfriend, she owns this boutique. She already told me she wants me to come work for her because as you know, I have style,” I laughed.

“That you do,” she laughed with me.

“So how about we see about her hooking you up with a job also.”

“Really Mama Neicey? You would do that for me? I would love that then I could actually pay some rent because I feel bad about living there rent free.”

“Lil mama, I already told you, I got you.” I smiled.

“MJ is so lucky to have you as a mom, he really is. You are so loving and caring.”

“Thanks boo,” I said as we pulled up to the doctor’s office. “Now let’s go check on these babies.”

Chyanne went first so she wanted me to come back with her. She was so nervous that her hands were trembling. I grabbed her hand as the doctor checked her out.

“Well Ms. Williams, it seems that you are seventeen weeks.”

“How many months is that?” Chyanne asked.

“That would put you at four months.”

She gasped. “Oh my God, I’ve been pregnant for three months and didn’t know? Is that bad?”

“No, it’s not. Some women don’t show symptoms right away. I’m just happy you came to us when you did,” the doctor said. “I’ll write you a prescription for some prenatal vitamins and I have a pamphlet with lots of information for you.”

“Thank you,” Chyanne smiled.

“Well Mrs. Jones, since you’re already in here, I can go right ahead with you next,” she said to me.

“That’s fine,” I said.

“You want me to leave?” Chyanne asked.

“You can stay.”

I was shocked when I found out that I was already five months. Now I knew for sure that I got pregnant before the wedding. What’s even more shocking is the fact that I’m not even showing yet. Sooner, rather than later, I will have to tell Mykell. She said I could even find out the sex if I wanted to, but I would wait until Mykell came with me to do all that.

After our appointments, I filled our prescriptions and took Chyanne out to lunch. There was something about this girl that I took a liking too. She felt like she didn’t have anybody in the world that she can trust or that loved her and I remember feeling like that once upon a time.

“So, I think we need to go on a shopping spree, on Mykell of course,” I said as we ate.

“He has you so spoiled. How long have you guys been together?”

“Nine years, almost ten,” I answered.

“I know we’re still young, but I hope me and MJ make it that long.”

“It wasn’t easy boo, trust me on that. I’ve had my fair share of fighting and heartbreak,” I said truthfully.

“I understand. I’ve been in a few scuffles myself over MJ.”

“It something about them damn Jones boys,” I chuckled.

“I guess so huh?”

“But you never should be out there fighting over no boy, because at the end of the day, niggas will always be niggas. They will do what they wanna do until they get tired of playing around, and sometimes it takes for them to lose you before they open their eyes.”

“I know. It's like MJ wanted to keep us a secret in the beginning. He claimed he didn’t like everybody in our business, but the moment he seen me talking to a boy on the basketball team, he threw a fit. After that, he let it be known we were together.”

“So how long have you too been kicking it?” I asked.

“About four months now,” she smiled.

“Wow,” I shook my head.

“Yea, MJ is the first boy I’ve ever been with…besides my dad,” she said with her head down.

I reached across the table and lifted her head up. “You don’t have to be ashamed. I’m not judging you.”

“Thank you, at least I have someone I can talk to.”

“Of course, you can talk to me about anything.” I smiled.

My phone starting ringing and, of course, it would be MJ.

“Yea boy?”

“Ma, have you see Chyanne? I went by the house, but she’s not answering and her phone keep going to voicemail,” he said with concern in his voice.

“She’s with me, don’t worry. She’s in good hands. I took her out for a little girl time, if that’s alright with you.”

He laughed. “Yea that’s cool. Tell her to hit me up when y’all are done.”

“I will sweetie.”

After we hung up, I delivered the message to Chyanne and she smiled extra hard. I just shook my head at the young couple.

“Alright lil mama, let’s go.”

“Umm…I was wondering if I could come spend time at your house today.”

“Well, c’mon girl, you don’t have to ask.”



I was looking for something in my pops’ closet for him when I noticed a piece of paper sticking out of a shoe box. Being the lil nosey nigga that I am, I took it out and read it. Apparently Kamil wrote my mom when she was locked up, talking a whole bunch of bullshit about how he’s heartbroken because she didn’t marry him; so he snitched on my pops.

By time I got done reading the letter, I was boiling. I understand that women become crazy as hell when they’re scorned, but did this nigga have to turn into a complete bitch? Especially when he knew what the fuck it was from jump, he knew my pops wasn’t going nowhere. Even when I was little and they broke up, my pops was still around, claiming his place. If Kamil was feeling some type of way about my mom getting married, he should have talked to her like a man.

I put the letter in my back pocket and left the room. I texted my Uncle Lakey to let him know I would be stopping by to talk to him about something serious. My dad was throwing a damn fit because Auntie Lani went back to Detroit. I don’t know why he’s so mad. I mean, she does live there.

He was yelling into the phone when the doorbell rang. I went and opened it.

“Hi Auntie Janae,” I said.

“MJ, how are you?”

“I’m good,” I said.

I walked over to my pops and let him know I would be back later. The ride to my Uncle Lakey’s was a quick one. On the ride there I thought about how I wanted to approach the situation. When I got there, Daniella opened the door.
If only she was a couple of years younger,
I thought as she greeted me.

“He’s in his office waiting on you,” she said.

“Thank you.”

I knocked on the door before going in. “Wassup Unc?”

“You tell me nephew; what’s so important?” he asked.

“This,” I said handing him the letter. He took his time reading it then looked up at me.

“Yo dad know about this?” he asked.

“Nope, I just so happened to come across it when I was looking for something in their closet. I’m pretty sure she hasn’t told anyone about it.”

“Thanks for letting me know, I’ll handle it.”

“Actually Unc, I was planning on handling it myself.”

“What you mean?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I think you know what I mean.”

He sighed. “Look MJ, I understand, but you know like I know, Neicey will kill both of our asses if I let this go down.”

“She don’t have to know I did it.”

“First of all, what you know about shooting a gun?” he asked.

“Do you know who raised me? Better yet, do you remember who my parents are?”

He just nodded his head. “You mom is gon kill me, but it’s your call. I just need you to run yo plan by me before you make any moves. You possibly have a little one on the way, so don’t let this shit become a habit.”

“Thanks Unc, I just have to find the nigga first,” I smiled.

“Yea, you do that. Now get out my house nigga,” he laughed.

Chapter 6

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