Official Girl 4 (12 page)

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Authors: Charmanie Saquea

BOOK: Official Girl 4
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I didn’t give a fuck about what that nigga may do to me but he fucked up when he touched my daughter.

Chapter 8

“All that shit you was talking and you can’t handle it,” Neicey said as she rode me like a professional cowgirl.

didn’t know what has gotten into her, but ever since she got home from the hospital, she had been on some freak shit. Shit, I would never complain at all. I actually love the shit. We’d been going at it for about two hours and her ass didn’t seem like she wanna stop anytime soon.

I smacked her ass. “
Shut the fuck up.”

She giggled and sped up. I felt her muscles getting tighter and knew she was about to explode. I grabbed her hips and pounded into her. “
Uhhhh, wa..waaaaait!” she moaned.

“Naw, what’s all that shit you was talking huh?” I smiled when I felt her juices dripping down my dick. I kept pumping and finally bust inside her. She fell forward on my chest trying to catch her breath. She rolled over and lay on her back, breathing hard. My phone had started ringing and since she was closer she picked it up. Her face screwed up and her mouth flew open.

Next thing I know, I felt a slap across my face. I grabbed my face and looked at her like she was crazy. She tried to swing again but I grabbed her wrist and pinned her down on the bed. “What the fuck is yo problem?” I yelled.

If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead on the spot. Her chest was heaving up and down and was looking like she was ready to kill my ass. “You fucking that bitch?” she questioned through gritted teeth.

I tilted my head to the side. “Who the fuck is you talking about Reneice?” I asked, pissed off. I had just busted me a good ass nut, now she wanna come at me on some bullshit.

“Don’t play dumb, you know who the fuck I’m talking about,” she said with tears in her eyes. “After everything we’ve been through, that’s how you do me?” she cried.

I put both her wrists together and held them with my right hand while I grabbed my phone with my left hand.
What the fuck?
Toni’s nutty ass had the nerve to send me a damn nude picture.

I threw the phone on the bed and looked at Reneice but she wouldn’t look at me. “Let me up Mykell,” she said.

“Fuck that, look I am not fucking that bitch.” I grabbed her face and made her look at me before I kept talking. “I put that on my mama and our first child that I am not fucking that bitch. Her crazy ass been stalking me since I hired her ass to be your lawyer. She even threatened that if I didn’t fuck her she would have made sure you went to prison for life. But I didn’t do it. I already told you before I made you my wife that I was going to do right by you and I meant that shit.”

I grabbed my phone and went to Toni’s messages in my phone. “Look, not once did I reply to her crazy ass,” I said, handing her my phone. I let her up to look at the messages.

After reading them all, she looked at me with fire in her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me? That shit looks real suspect since you kept it from me,” she said.

“Because I knew if I told you, yo crazy ass would have went after her. You just got off for a damn double murder charge and I was not about to let you go back. The only reason I’m telling you now is because I don’t want you stressing and thinking I’m fucking her when I’m not,” I said.

She didn’t respond, instead she pressed a button on the phone. I knew that she called Toni because she had the phone on speaker. I wanted to stop her but that could be deadly on my behalf.

“I knew you would like my message. Wifey must not be around, I’m tired of you playing and fighting it Mykell. I know you want me. I won’t tell if you don’t.”

This bitch is beyond crazy.

“Look bitch, I’m only going to tell you this one time and one time only. You better leave my husband alone. It’s a lot of things in this world that I play around with but he’s not one of them. Now, I’m going the nice route and telling you nicely, next time I’ll be putting a bullet in you,” Neicey said before hanging up.

It wasn’t what she said but how she said it that gave me a chill. She got up and walked to the bathroom but stopped at the door. “Come on,” she said before going in.

We bathed each other then got out. Before I stepped out, she kissed me. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I shouldn’t have hit you or jumped to conclusions.”

“It’s cool. I’m not tripping about it because I know how it looked. But I need for you to learn how to trust me. I know I did some fucked up shit in the past but we’re over that. Or at least I thought we were. I’ve been thinking, maybe we need to go see a marriage counselor.”

She looked at me funny. “People only need them if their thinking about getting a divorce,” she said.

“Hit my ass like that again, and I will divorce yo ass,” I joked.

“Whatever boy, you ain’t going nowhere.” She smiled while getting dressed.

“Yea whatever,” I laughed.

The doorbell rang and we gave each other a look, wondering who it could be.

“You finish getting dressed and I’ll see who that is,” Neicey said.

Right when I finished buckling my pants, I heard Neicey scream my name.
Ah shit.
I thought as I ran down the stairs.



I damn near lost my mind when I opened the door and saw Lani standing there with her face swollen. My mind was going 100 mph trying to figure out what the hell happened.

“Mykell!” I yelled.

“I’m sorry Neicey, he was going to kill me. He tried to hit Nyla and I lost it, I fucking lost it,” she said.

“Shhhh, baby it’s okay,” I said, taking Zyla out her arms.

Mykell came running down the stairs like a damn maniac. “What the fuck!” he yelled.

I took Ranyla by the hand and led her up the stairs. I laid Zyla down in Amyricale’s bed and turned on some cartoons for Nyla.

“You hungry baby?” I asked her.

“Yes TT,” she said.

“Alright lil mama, I’m going to go make us lunch,” I said, kissing her forehead.

Before I could walk out the room, she stopped me. “TT.”

“Yea baby?”

“Is Z going to follow us here and get us? He whooped mommy and I’m scared. I want my daddy,” she said.

“Don’t worry baby, he’s not going to come here. I promise you that.” I smiled.

When I went back downstairs, Mykell was pacing back on forth while talking on the phone. Lani was sitting on the couch with ice in her face. I walked over to her and her mouth hit the floor. “Oh my God, Neicey, your stomach! When did this happen?” she asked.

“Surprise,” I laughed. “I was going to tell everyone on Thanksgiving.” I smiled.

“I’m happy for y’all.” She smiled.

“Thanks boo, but enough about me. When were you going to tell me? Why didn’t you say anything?” I asked as I examined her face.

Before she could answer, Mykell had a damn outburst. “I’m telling you Mack, that nigga better off himself if he knows what’s good for him because Imma make sure he die a slow painful death!” he yelled.

We knew better than to say anything when he’s pissed off, so we just let him rant. Lani sighed. “I told Kell before you came home. I made him promise that he wasn’t going to say anything and in return I wouldn’t go back to him.”

“So this is not the first time? So it has happened more than once?” I asked getting mad.

She nodded. I bolted up the stairs and went to the back of the closet and grabbed my newly bought gun. I made sure my nickel plated .45 was loaded. I turned around to walk out the closet but bumped into Mykell.

“What the hell you think you
doing and where the hell you think you going? No, fuck all that. How the hell do you keep getting these damn guns?” he asked, taking my gun from me.

“Really? Why the hell didn’t you tell me that nigga was beating on Le’Lani? What the fuck part of the game is that?” I asked.

“Calm yo ass down! She said she wasn’t going back to his ass but trust me when I say I was already planning his death the moment she walked through my door with a busted lip the first time. What I don’t need is for my pregnant wife going and setting shit off,” he said, pulling me out the closet.

“Mykell, our niece is in the other room scared as hell thinking Zamier is going to follow them here and get her. She said he whooped her mommy. Now that shit is bothering me like hell. Ramone is going to have a damn fit when he finds this shit out.”

“Baby look at me, I got this. You know good and damn well I am not about to let that nigga hurt her no more.”

I sighed knowing her meant what he said. The only thing I could do now is just sit back and let my husband be the man. “Alright, I have to go run to the store and get the food and stuff for Thanksgiving. The kids should be back in a minute.”

He leaned down and kissed me. “Be careful and be safe.”

I smiled. “I will.”

*  *  *

              As soon as I got in the car, my phone rang. Thinking it was Mykell calling to tell me to grab him something, I answered without looking. “Yes, Love?” I answered pulling out of the driveway.


It can’t be
. I thought as I looked at the number on my phone. “Why are you calling me Kamil?” I asked.

“Neicey, please, I just want to talk to you.”

“I think you said everything you needed to say in that letter. I can’t believe you would do some crazy shit like that Kamil,” I fumed.

“Can you please just meet up with me? I want to apologize in person.”

I hesitated for a minute. Knowing that it wasn’t a good idea and that Mykell would lose his damn mind if he found out, I took in a deep breath. “Where are you?”

“I’m at the Tropical Park.”

“Alright, I’m on my way.”

When I pulled up to the park, I pulled my phone out of my purse to call Kamil back and tell him I was there.

Tap Tap Tap

I damn near jumped out of my skin when I heard somebody tapping on my window. Kamil was standing there, smiling like the shit was funny.

I got out of the car with a scowl on my face. “Boy, you almost got shot. What the hell is wrong with you?” I asked.

He snickered. “I’m happy to see you too.”

I looked him up and down and I'd be lying if said he didn’t look good; he looked damn good. He was standing there in a wife beater, some dark blue jeans, and some Timberlands even though it was damn near eighty degrees out. He had let his hair grow out and it was curly, his beard was trimmed. his thug appeal was turning me on.
Damn, Neicey snap out of it.

“I see you checking me out,” he smiled.

“Why the hell did you have to show up looking so damn good?” I said, faking an attitude.

“Only for you,” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“Get to talking,” I said, folding my arms.

He sighed and took a cigarette out his back pocket and lit it. He inhaled the smoke then exhaled it.

“So we smoking squares now?” I asked.

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