Old Lady (Iron Disciples Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Old Lady (Iron Disciples Book 2)
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“Yes Auntie, I am having a baby.”

She squeezes my hand almost painfully tight. “Who’s the
father? This young man?”

I nod. “Her name is Alexa.”

“Geeze Morgan, you know the sex of the baby too?” Cade

“Well it hasn’t been confirmed, but it came to me in a
dream and in that dream I had a ten year old girl named Alexa.”

“How do you know that dream was about this baby and not
one you had in the future?”

Shit… I didn’t think of that. I was so sure in the dream
and just as sure when I woke up that I didn’t even question it.

“I’m a mother,” I finally say. “Mothers just know.” I
turn to my aunt. “This young man, I’m not sure he should have anything to do
with my baby. He-”

“Is the father.” My aunt concludes. “A child should grow
up with his daddy unless his father is some kind of child molester or serial killer
or something.”

He’s not far from a serial killer I say to myself. “Did
you not see any of what we went through the other day? The mad dash from my
home being chased by gunmen?

“Of course I did, and what I saw was a man doing anything
to protect his pregnant girlfriend even though he didn’t know at the time that
she was carrying his baby. Who wouldn’t want a man willing to go to any lengths
to protect his family? That’s not a bad thing Morgan.”

“But he’s a…” I was going to say killer but for some
reason I don’t say it. Better her looking at Cade through rose fucking colored
stain glass windows if I am going to let him be in my child’s life. Instead I
end up saying he’s a member of a biker club.

“You know Morgan, I’m not blind. I saw the guards at the
gate out there and I saw the guards at our front door. Who lives behind a ten
foot fence protected by machine gun toting men? I can only think of two types
of men. You’re man here is either a member of a drug cartel or some kind of
outlaw biker gang. Anyone else facing the threat he faces and now you, would
have already gone to the police and there would be police and FBI agents around
here instead of tattooed bikers. Your son needs a father Morgan. Enjoy this
moment of clarity right now because I’m told I don’t have many of them.”



Chapter Sixteen
Charity Ride



I hadn’t seen Cade for several days when he comes
knocking on my door and I find I have actually missed him.

“To what do I owe the…paltry pleasure of this visit?” I
ask him.

“How’s your aunt?” He asks.

“She’s back to her usual delusions.” I reply. “It was
nice while it lasted though.”

“Sorry to hear that. It occurred to me that you have
probably been a little stir crazy so I thought I’d look in on you and make an

“I’m more than a little bored. I’d be nice to have some
adult conversation for a change. Most of the time I feel like I’m talking to a

“We are doing a charity ride this Saturday and it
occurred to me that you might like to come along.”

“Oh wow! Then the war is over and we can leave?”

“Unfortunately it’s not over but this is one event we
can’t afford to miss. The positive PR we get from this will last the rest of
the year and the goodwill we’ll earn pays off in spades. In short, we can’t
afford to not do this one. We ride from San Francisco to Monterey and back
again. It’s a short ride but well publicized. A lot of rich benefactors live in
Monterey and Carmel and we need the support of the wealthy there.”

“Are you sure it’s safe?”

“Absolutely! There’s no way anyone’s going to attack us
with the press following in hot pursuit. You’ll be safe and it’ll be fun. So
what do you think? You up for seven hours on the back of my Harley?”

“Your Harley?”

“What? You didn’t think you’d be riding in a truck did

“A limo actually.”

“Good one.”

“What about my aunt?”

“A couple of our old ladies are nurses. I’ll have one of
them stay with your aunt until we return.”

“How many days will I be gone?”

“We leave at eight Saturday morning and return Monday
night, so just the one night. You think she can manage without you for that
period of time?”

“Yeah…the way she’s been the last two days I doubt she’ll
even realize a nurse has taken my place. It’ll be fine. Besides, if I don’t get
out of here I’m going to end up sounding less sane than my aunt.”

“That’s the spirit. I’ll pick you up in two days.”

“Hey… do you have to go now? Can’t business wait for a
few minutes at least? I mean it’s nearly eleven, what kind of business would
you be conducting at this hour?”

“The defense of our compound… but yeah…they’ll hold down
the fort. I doubt we’ll be attacked in the next hour so sure, we can chat.”

“You want a beer or some wine?”

“Beer’s good, unless you’ve got something stronger.”

He takes a seat in the living room while I poke around in
an unfamiliar kitchen looking for something other than beer and wine. Finally I
come up with a bottle of some type of scotch or something. The label is Russian
I believe so maybe it’s Vodka.

“Hey I got something in Russian here. You want ice?”


When I return to the living room I find he has placed
himself strategically in the middle of the couch so I have to at least sit
within arm’s reach of him unless I take the floor or the chair on the other
side of the room. I take the couch. After all, he doesn’t bite and his bark is
quite nice.

I hand him his drink and set the bottle on the coffee
table. If he wants more he’ll have to serve himself. Watching him sip the clear
beverage makes me want to have a drink myself but I can’t do it. Not while
pregnant. I promised myself I would not fuck this up!

“This is good stuff.” He says after he downs the first

“Made it myself thanks.”

“So what did you want to talk about?” Cade asks me.

“I don’t know… I guess I just figured that if we’re going
to have a child together that we should talk about it.”

“Oh…so you’re giving me some say now is that it?”

“Of course.” I refuse to be baited into another argument,
not tonight.

“Sorry, I just thought since you shut me out of the
decision to have the child or not that you would shut me out of the rest of the
decisions as well.”

“Like I could really shut you out when I’m at your mercy
in your compound.”

“You have a point there but I would never force myself
into your life or our child’s life without your blessing. I’ll not have my
child raised in chaos like my own childhood.”

“At least in that we agree.”

“Just that? Oh come on Morgan, I’m sure we can come
together on other issues other than child rearing, don’t you?”

I nod my head. I’m not entirely sure where this is going
but I have an idea. Lately I have found myself craving Cade’s touch. I miss the
feel of his skin against mine; his breath intermingled with my own. It wasn’t
long ago that I couldn’t stand to be even this close to him without getting
stirred up and it’s happening again right now. I look into his eyes as he
finishes off his seventh drink. Still the glaze of inebriation hasn’t begun to
tinge his bright orbs. That last glass he downed was three quarters full. The
man can handle his liquor.

Right in the middle of my thoughts I get a jolt of
electricity from the knee all the way up and right into my lady parts. I look
up startled to see his hand is resting on my bare flesh. I can see goose bumps
as they appear like magic and run the length of my thigh only to disappear
beneath my skirt. I look at his face and I can tell by his expression that he
knows exactly what kind of effect his touch is having on me right now and for a
second that almost pisses me off. How could I have let a man get so far under
my skin that he has this control over my body and mind? When I think about it
though…it’s not such a bad thing at all. Instead of pulling back, I decide to
facilitate his advances. I open my legs a bit more and sigh just loud enough
for him to hear. The effect is instantaneous.

Suddenly its limbs and clothes intertwined in heated
passion. Every inch of my flesh ignites at his touch. I couldn’t stop myself
now even if I wanted to. Tonight I’m a slave to my desires and I am happy for
it. We’re familiar enough with each other’s bodies that we can dispense with
the sometimes distracting words; lower, deeper, not like that, like this.
Faster, or touch me there, and can’t you see the one way sign back there? He
knows what I like and when and it what order I like it and the same goes for
him. I know when he wants claw marks across his back and when he prefers tender
soft and passionate lovemaking. I understand the pleasure that can be derived
from a little pain and he knows when to pinch my nipples or bite my clit.

Tonight is not about soft tenderness. It’s not about
taking our time and letting passion build like the tide of the ocean. He knows
I need to be handled, grabbed, slapped, nibbled, and shoved to the ground
underneath his weight. And I know he doesn’t want a subservient female right
now either. He’ll get his bites, and grabs, slaps, and pinches in, but he’ll
have to force it. I’ll resist and he’ll put his muscles into it. He’ll make me
his tonight and when he’s finished I won’t be the only one panting with
exhaustion. After tonight I’ll be sore from head to toe and it’ll be a
delicious reminder of what happened tonight; a reminder I’ll carry with me for
the next couple days and no doubt it’ll make me wet at the most inopportune

When sleep takes me I’m still wrapped up in the
post-coital delicious fog of great sex. I have no idea what time it is when I
finally wake up. We’re lie tangled in each other’s arms and legs. We were just
too spent to unwrap ourselves or to move to my bedroom to preserve our
collective modesty in case my aunt should pay us a surprise visit. I’m about to
drift off again when I notice the beginnings of daylight creeping in between
the drawn curtains. Oh crap!

“Hey…wake up!”


“We gotta like, get into bed before my aunt wakes up.
Come on, grab your shit and follow me.”

I race around the living room stark naked and looking for
my shit and praying I don’t forget my panties or something like that. Cade does
the same only with much less vigor and enthusiasm. By the time we crawl into my
borrowed bed we’re both wide awake again.

As usual, Cade immediately says what’s on his mind.
“So…I’m going to be a father. Who would have thought I’d become a family man.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” I reply.

“Not at all baby. I guess I just thought I would never
meet the right person, that’s all.”

“You really think I’m the right one?”

“You’re probably the exact wrong one Morgan but when it
comes to you I can’t help myself.”

“Yeah I seem to be having that problem as well. Now keep
moving. I don’t want to spend my days answering insane questions from my aunt
after she sees you naked.”

We make small talk until our heads hit the pillows in my
room and we’re asleep before we know it. I had really needed to connect with
Cade again.

I don’t see Cade until Saturday morning when he comes to
get me at 7am on the day of the ride. So far it’s been quiet. I haven’t heard
any gunfire and no one’s come in the middle of the night to rescue me or my
aunt. I follow Cade out the door hand in hand, grateful to be outside and on my
way to Monterey. I haven’t been there in years and its great place to eat and
just hang out by the sea.

As we walk down the long line of bikes waiting for the
ride to begin I am awed at the sheer size of Cade’s club. I mean, I thought
there were a lot of guys before but I guess his and his brother’s recruiting
efforts have really paid off in spades. Behind all the Disciples member bikes
are the prospects and behind them are the lines of the lesser clubs in and out
of the area. Clearly the Iron Disciples are the Alpha males in the California
biker world. What is also very clear is the pecking order. Behind the lowliest
club begins the rows of motorcycle enthusiasts who are either here to support
the cause or for the chance to ride with some real outlaw bikers. Lining the streets
are hundreds of fans and supporters along with the local news media. I can see
why Cade said this was a totally safe event. Anyone would have to be completely
insane to try anything during the ride or the party in between that is taking
place in Monterey I believe.

BOOK: Old Lady (Iron Disciples Book 2)
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